ON Classified Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- * sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by HELP WANTED--MALE AND FE- MALE WANTED--SALES LADIES; ALSO young man 20 years or over. Apply National Tea Co. 623 W. R. R. Ave, Wilmette, Ill LTG46-1tp WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN for work in drug store during the day. Wilmette Pharmacy. LTG46-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GOOD, RELIABLE NURSE for small children; also a second maid; at home September 24 and after. Mrs. W. M. Rutter, 644 Spruce street. Phone Win. 913. T28-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- worl small family; $16 without lav.ary or girl to help part time. { 672 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. work, half days; no washing; two 1571. TG28-1te WANTED--NEAT GIRL; COLORED OR white; for general housework; small family; good wages. Phone Win. 1224. 756 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. TG28-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR COOKING, serving and downstairs work; own room and bath; no laundry work or heavy cleaning. Call Mrs. W. S. El- liott, Winnetka 747. TG28-1te WANTED GIRL FOR DELICATESSEN store; wages $18 a week and lunch; hours 8 to 6. John Smith, 819 Oak street, Winnetka. LTG46-1tc WANTED--A NEAT GIRL; COLORED | or white; for general housework; small family; good wages. Phone Win. 1224. LT46-1te WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST CHIL- ren and light housework; white or colored; own room and bath. Phone Win. 1199. T28-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- in family; good wages. Phone Wil. 2044. TG28-1tc WANTED--A MAID; PROTESTANT; white; for general housework; fam- ily two adults. Phone Win. 359. TG28-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR Gen'. HOUSE- work. Call Wil. 909-R. 823 Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette. LTG46-3tc WANTED--WOMAN FOR HOUSE- work; few hours each day. Phone Wil. 912-R. LTG46-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO CARE for baby, afternoons and evenings. Phone Win. 1302. T28-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT SECOND girl; two in family; $15.00. Phone Win. 343. T28-1tc COOK AND Phone Win. 15. : T28-1tc WANTED--EXPER. DRESSMAKER AT once; good wages. Call Win. 1325. LTG44-3tc WANTED--COMPETENT COOK AND second maid. Phone Win. 15. WANTED--COMPETENT second maid. T28-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. FOR appointment phone Wilmette 2332. LTG38-tfc CARE OF CHILDREN BY HOUR, DAY or evening. Phone Win. 838. T28-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging, floor re- finishing; all work . guaranteed. Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988, 2000 Maple avenue. Evanston. LT21-tfc WANTED--WORK BY RELIABLE nan; experienced in gardening anc housework; special care given to furnace fires for winter. Phone Win. 1549. T26-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--GAS STOVE AND ICE box, $40; dining room set, six chairs; one table; one side-table; china cabinet, $85; two piece mahog- any living room set, $40; porch furniture, five wicker chairs, two wicker tables; two rugs; one couch hammock, $60; three mission chairs. $35; one mission table, $15. Call mornings. 607 7th street, Wilmette, I11. Phone Wil. 2231. LTG46-tfc FOR SALE--USED*PIANOS, LYON & Healy, $70.00; Bauer, $135.00; Fisch- 5.00; Weber, $100.00; Cheney, Steinway 88 note player, Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--WASHING MACHINE, Eden, used, $100.00; Blue Bird, shop worn, $120.00; Maytag, shop worn, $120.00; Thor, $65.00. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG46-1te FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, COM- munity House, Winnetka. Weathered oak dining table and chairs; an old painting; rare necklaces in coral, amethyst and turquois-matrix: bar- gains in hats. T23-tf FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bed-Davenport; solid mahogany par- lor set; dining table and chairs; heavy rocker, etc. 1127 Laurel ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, next to Skokie school. Phone Win. 1219. T28-1tp FOR SALE--BOHN ICE BOX: NINE months old; porcelain lined; medinm size; best grade; cost new $156.00; half price. Phone Glencoe 244. LTG46-1tp HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT, SOLD and exchanged. Store, 808 Oak St. Winnetka. Phone 1212. For sale motorcycle; pony and cart. T28-1te FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR, AS range, gas laundry stove, Kkitcher table, enameled bed and a child's bed. Phone Glencoe 325-W. TG28-1te FOR SALE--A CHERRY OFFICE roll top desk; may be seen at 1527 Washington avenue or phone 1096 Wilmette. LTG46-1te HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. TLTG39-tfc FOR SALE--A LAUNDRY STOVE; Kitchen Maid kitchen cabinet. Tel. Win. 1549. T26-3tc FOR SALE--NEW SET GOLD AND black andirons. 1141 Chatfield road. Phone Win. 178. T28-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; side and bottom; good bargain. Phone Win. 1245. OVENS condition; TG28-1te FOR SALE--KITCHEN RANGE; VERY cheap if taken at once. Phone Wil 1417. 914 Central avenue, Wilmette. : TG28-1te WINNETKA WEEKLY FOR SALE--TW0 USED GAS STOVES; in good condition. Phone Win. 303. 28-1tp | FOR SALE--ESTATE GAS RANGE; | good condition. Phone Wil. 1318. LTG46-1te | WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD | WANTED--1 OR 2 board, in private with middle-aged west side. Call ROOMS WITH | family, preferably | couple, located on Win. 1454. T28-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; gentleman only; convenient to trans- portation and cafeteria. Phone Wil. 1417 or call at 914 Central avenue, | Wilmette. TG28-1te FOR RENT--LIGHT FURNISHED | front room; gentleman only. Address | Winnetka Weekly Talk, A-44. T28-1tc | FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. 806 , Elm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 132. T28-1te WANTED WANTED TO TO RENT--HOUSE RENT--SMALL HOUSE | or bungalow, furnished or unfur- nished; occupancy September or Oc- | tober. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc | FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--A 6-ROOM COMPLETELY furnished bungalow in Glencoe at] 510 Woodlawn avenue; possession | October 1st; hot water heat: west, of tracks; no garage; $50.00. Call at 6 P. M. Address H. S. Matz, Box 218, Highland Park, Ill. Phone Highland Park, 557. LTG45-2tc | FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry. Blossoms delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp, 178 Prairie; avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2463. LTGe2-1he FOR SALE--BOSTON TERRIER FUP-| pies; also one Persian angora kitten. silver; reasonable. 1147 Sheridan road. T28-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE 3 YEAR OLD | Airedale; fine watch dog and good breeding." Phone Wil. 1979. = LTG46-1%C | FOR SALE--1, SIZB LYON & HEALY | violin bow and case; $15.00. Phone Win. 445. T28-1tp | FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY, CREAM color reed, hand running gear; $15 __Phone Win. 505-W. T28-1te | FOR SALE--TYPEWRITER; YH $10.00; also cornet; French make; | $20.00. Phone Win. 445. T28-1tp WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUSN | NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SAVE YOUR papers and junk. We are paying the | highest prices. $1.25 for papers; $1.50 for books and magazines, Call | Evanston 6371, 7 to 8 a. i. or after | 6 p. m. We pay toll charges. Evans-| ton Paper Co. LT46-4tp | HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, and all kinds of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734 LT35-tfc JUNK DEALER -- NOTICE -- OLD clothes and shoes; don't throw away vour waste before you see M. Smith. Phone Wil. 1351. LTG44-4tp WANTED--COAL GRATE FOR OPEN hearth; front width 26 inches, back 22 inches, depth 19 inches. Phone Kenilworth 507. T28-1tc WANTED--BABY BUGGY; GOOD condition; reasonable. Call Win. 75. T28-1te WANTED--SMALL TRICYCLE; IN good condition. Phone Win. 1033. T28-1tc WANTED--A BABYS HIGH CHAIR. Phone Wil. 2292. LTG46-1tc WANTED TO RTTY--16 GAUGE SHOT- gun. Phone Win. 445. T28-1tp MISCELLANEOUS PIANO LESSONS GIVEN TO BE- ginners; reasonable terms and good reference. Phone Win. 1670. TG28-1te FOR FOR SALE SALE--AUTOS A HUPMOBILE COUPE; newly painted; cord tires; excellent mechanical condition. Stenman's Garage, 724 Elm street. Phone Win. S41. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--BARGAIN. 1920 VELIE, model 34, perfect mechanical condi- tion; five Hood cord tires, front and rear bumper and other accessories. Call Win. 566. TG28-1te FOR SALE--BUICK AND FRANKLIN Touring cars; first class condition; willing to demonstrate. W. & °S. Garage, Wilmette. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--1918 BUICK SEDAN: five passenger; only driven 12.000 miles; fine mechanical condition. Phone Win. 1290. T28-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP; WILLYS 6; RUN 11,000 miles; A-1 condition;continent- al motor; private party. Fhone Wil. 2386 TG28-1te FOR SALE--ONE FORD TOURING car. ;Inquire of H. H. Trego. Paint Shop, Winnetka Motor Co. T28-1tc FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR; Dodge Sedan and Franklin Touring. Phone Win. 617. LTG46-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE; HEATED; central; 1% blocks from depot; room for two cars; $12.50 each: also unheated garage; same location; $10.00. Phone Win. 1245. T28-1te FOR RENT-- UNHEATED GARAGE; $10.00 month: near Skokie school. Phone Win. 178. T28-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE 'SPACE FOR 2 small cars. Phone Win. 1302. T28-1te ! Village VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE" Winnetka, Tllinnis, Sept. 25, 1920. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of the follow- ing improvement: For the construction of a storm water sewer and outlet ditch from and con- necting with the present storm water sewer in North Avenue approximately one hundred forty-six (146) feet west of the west line extended of Vernon Street, west in North Avenue, to and connecting with the present open ditch at the intersection of North Avenue with Valley Street, including the con- struction of a Portland cement con- crete end wall, a concrete com- bined manhole and inlet, two cast iron storm water sewer inlets, and engineering and supervision dur- ing the construction of said improve- ment, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assessment Number 351,468, in accord- ance with the ordinance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the fifth. day of October, A. D. 1920, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improve- | ment are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of five ner cent per annum for all estimates ap- proved by the Board of Local Im- provements in the sum of One Hundred | Dollars ($100.00) and over, from second and subsequent installments said Special Assessment, and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is more than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and no further bonds may be issued against the second and subsequent installments of said Special Assessment, and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), the same will be paid by time warrants. In addition to the usual bond for construction and maintainance in the sum equal to the amount of the bid accepted by the Board of Local Im- provements, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the per- formance of the work performed by the said contractor, the liability imposed under the employers' TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920. required to be | by, 'any person or persons, including such law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments thereof, f, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). JOHN S. MILLER, JR. President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. ' FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T28-1tc When people invest in these 25 per cent a month propositions, what they C. H. BRIGGS AUBURN SCRIPPS-BOOTH MAXWELL LOOK THEM OVER Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Ave., Evanston ALWAYS-SOME GOOD USED CARS liability and "workmen! s compensation commonly get is a dividend of 28 per cent on their principal from the bankruptcy court. Junk Dealer Notice LLL LLLLLL SALLI SSL ISSLL sSLISS LLL S SSS E SSS IS SSS SSS $1.00 per 100 Ibs. on Paper $1.50 per 100 Ibs. on Magazines All Kinds of Juuk Bought Phone Wilmette 1351 permanent We have a few POSITIONS to offer young women ambitious is a profession where WITH an attractive salary to start and A which to work. The FUTURE promises rapid advancement FOR YOUNG WOMEN Call and talk with our Chief Operalor. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY pleasant environment in all women, since this play a big part. FORE! Auto Buyers Forel This 1s your opportunity to select a bargamn. These cars are in first class condition and can be purchased on Easy Time Payments | Velie, like new, guaranteed by owner, with Hood (12,000 mile) cord tires, a bargain ask about it. Chevrolet Touring, sold same as new car $600 Oakland Touring, in perfect condition . 800 Moline-Knight, 7-pass., repainted and overh. 850 Oakland 4-door Sedan, guar. same asnew car 1850 A small down payment places a car at your home. New Cars Immediate Delivery OAKLAND ano HAYNES Sensible Six COME I'NNTODAY OR TELEPHONE OAKLAND-PHILLIPS MOTOR CO. 1013-1017 Davis St. PETER N. JANS, Manager EVANSTON Phones Evanston 6020-4250 Character Cars