WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 ; Jocial Hop) n Finneflo Dubbed Risley x_ wmf as COT ay, o re =|HE wedding of Miss Mary Delafield Carpenter, daughter of §| Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Carpenter of Chicago and Lake Geneva, to William Cowper Boyden, Jr. son of Mr. and w¥| Mrs. William Cowper Boyden, took place Saturday afternoon at Lake Geneva. It was notable not only because the bride and bridegroom are members of prominent Chicago families and are among the most popular young people in society, but also because it was one of the most picturesque wedding Chicago society has witnessed. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hoyt and | £ Miss Landon, are leaving for their home in Green Cove Springs, Fla., on | October 9. Mr. and Mrs. M. Landon , college. | Fh | | given in honor of Mrs. | Vollmann, at the home of Mrs. Lew- of the Country Gentleman spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. G. Kranich, 828 Foxdale avenue. wd fn Miss Margaret Casey of Winnetka, and Miss Alice. Burchard of Wil- | mette, have returned from an extend- | ed trip in Europe, where they spent | the summer touring Scotland, Eng- land, France and Switzerland. Miss Casey will relate a few of her ex- A bunco party and shower were Lawrence is Vollmann last Tuesday evening. Philip S. Rose of the editorial staff The service was read at 4 o'clock by the Right Rev .Hammond Page, missionary bishop of Spokane, Wash., formerly rector of St.|afternoon. Paul's church, Chicago, in the garden of the Carpenter summer residence 'on the lake, and was terrace, after which supper was served on the lawn. The bride, who! is a petite and vivacious brunette, in her wedding gown of oyster white Salome velvet, which was made | Pearse, 968 Elm street. very simply with a short train. several lillies. Miss Cordelia Carpenter, cousin of the bride, who was maid of honor, wore a frock or purple chiffon with a hat of old gold velvet and carried goldenrod. The bridesmaids, Miss Elizabeth Carpenter, the Misses Frances and Ethel Dummer, cousins of the bride; the Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Boyden, and Mrs. Preston Boyden, sisters and sister- in-law of the bridegroom; Miss Marion Farnsworth, Miss Betty Quick, Miss Virginia Fitzhugh, Miss Beatrix Thorne, all of Chicago; Miss Marian Du Bois of New York, and Miss Marie Goodrich of Milwaukee, wore Chinese green chiffon gowns with hats of deep purple velvet. They carried bouquets of wild asters, thistles, aud autumn wild grasses. Acting as best man for his brother was Preston Boyden and ushering were George Sturges Carpenter, brother of the bride; Hunt Went- worth, Lawrence Callahan, John V. Farwell III, William H. Mitchell IL, Revilo Fuller, Arthur A. Dixon, Leonard IL. Marshall, Frederick W. Copeland, and Sidney G. Greeley, all of Chicago; Leon Chichester of Grand Rapids, and Francis P. Magoun, Jr, of Cambridge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden have gone to Huron Mountain, Mich, for a several weeks' stay, after which they will live at 1151 Oakley avenue, Hub- bard Woods. NE Prof. William E. Dodd of the Uni- versity of Chicago will give a course of six lectures from "Lincoln to Wil- son" at the Winnetka Woman's club, Monday evenings at 8 o'clock be- ginning October 11. This is a very popular course, Prof. Dodd having had large audiences where ever he has given it. The outline follows: October 11--Abraham Lincoln. October 18--Robert E. Lee. October 25--Andrew Johnson. November 1--A Revival of Democ- racy. November 8--The Great War. November 15-- A Possible New World. Course tickets are $3 and may be obtained from Mesdames Morris Greeley, Leon Winne ,William D. Mc- Kenzie, Wiley J. Huddle, A. W. Cush- man, Allan Tra Wolff and Miss Eliza- beth Gemmell. . An enthusiastic and attentive audience of two hundred women gathered at the home of Mrs. Harry Vissering in Kenilworth last Tuesday afternoon, to listen to a most ex- cellent discussion of the League of Nations, from the Republican stand- point. Mrs. Harry H. New, wife of the United States senator from Indiana, gave a most delightful ad- dress, emphasizing her points re- garding the league in an excellent manner. Her address, which Mr. Vissering has had printed in pamph- let form, and which is too long to be printed herewith, may be obtained upon request from Mrs. Vissering. Augmenting the program was a group of delightful solos by Mrs. J. A. Smale, soloist at the Union church of Kenilworth, accompanied by Mrs. J- S. Cline. A The Annual Thank Offering meet- ing of the Foreign department of the Woman's Society of the Congrega- tional church was held at Community House on Wednesday, under the leadership of Mrs. William Ayer Mc: Kinney, who is general chairman of missions this year. The speaker of the afternoon was Miss Charlotte Willard of Marsavan, Turkey, who served in Marsavan all through the war period, and had many thrilling experiences to relate. The hostesses were Mesdames Leslie Dodds and George M. Pearse. Einar Nelson of 917 Oak street, has entered the State University ° at Champaign, IIL | periences at the meeting of the Wom- |an's society on next Wednesday a {op AT i followed by a reception on the]. The West Elm Street Circle held E | its first meeting of the season on : 10 | Tuesday, September 14, at the home never looked lovelier than she did | of its chairman, Mrs. George M. Q Ray res pind | 1S to be held at the home of Mrs. She wore a lace veil and carried | Charles S. Ostrom, 982 Elm street, on | Tuesday, October 12. The opening meeting of the Wom- | =f an's society of the Congregational | On the roster at Bryn Mawr, which church will be held next Wednesday | opens this week for the fall term, at Community House, at 10 o'clock. | appeared the name of Miss Betty Mrs. Frederick Dickinson will read | Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John two short plays. Luncheon will be | W. Scott of Hubbard Woods, a sub- served at 12:15 and the program fol-| deb, who is to be presented to so- lowing the luncheon will consist of | ciety during the Thanksgiving holi- "Vacation Experiences", given "by | days. various members, of the society. Mrs. | pen Ayres Boal is general chairman of| Mr. IL. M. Murphy of Puyallup, the luncheon committee for the year,| Wash., who is returning from the G. and Mrs. Arthur Sterrett is chair-| A. R. encampment at Indianapolis, man of the luncheon to be served! is visiting his sister, Mrs. O. F. next week. | Murphy and family of 905 Elm street, RET land his nephew, Carroll B. Murphy of Mrs. Florence Bennett Peterson of | 989 Cherry street. 687 Lincoln avenue, was last week | ---- appointed chairman of the newly or-| The Ridge avenue Circle will meet ganized Political Service committee | Tuesday, October 5 at 2 o'clock at of the Woman's Alliance of All|the home of Mrs. Albert Wales, 385 Soul's Unitarian Church of Evanston. | Ridge avenue. The function of this committee is to! ay EO inform the members, as voters, of | Myr. and Mrs. Harry M. Mess of 982 developments in political affairs. This | pipe street, are at home after spend- is the first instance known of where a | ing the summer with relatives in Political Service committee has been Benton Harbor, Mich. established in a church women's so- ciety. : INQUIRE rer nn Four political parties will be rep- resented at the meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club, Thursday after- about my work in permanent Waving. I must say that I am a pupil of Mr. Felix Coune of Chicago, best expert in that _ line. I have the most up-to-date apparat- noon, October 7. Mrs. Fletcher) yg Ta my 'work is guaranteed and Dobyns, Republican; Mrs. Samuel | very reasonable prices. Call for in- Slade, Democrat; Mrs. S. Vera L.| formation, H. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 822. . --Adv. Rodriquez, Socialist; and Miss Lilli- an Herstein, Farmer-Labor, will be the speakers. This in an open meet- The meeting | SIE, TT Renewals and new Sub- M AGA Z IN E AG EN C scriptions to all magazines solicited. Our specials: Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman and Ladies' Home Hoyt sud Landen Hoyt, Jr., wil oc- Journal. WILLIAM A. HADLEY cupy their home, 435 Elm street, 1 October 1. Miss Josephine Hoyt has |= 913 OAK STREET - WINNETKA - PHONE WINNETKA 323 returned to school at Wellesley EAR PE BS Te LL I Tn od J H 1 1 1 [] 1 1 1 | 1 [J ] 1 L} 1 | ] | [| ] ] 1 1 | |] 1 1 ] 1 | | 1 | 1 1 1 ] | [| | | | ] 1 | ] 1 ] | | i af THE NORTH SHOE MONTESSORI SCHOOL for Children from 3 to 6 Years of Age will begin its Fifth Year on MONDAY, the Fourth of October In the Winnetka Woman's Club Address: Miss DOROTHY SEARS Warwick Road KENILWORTH Phone Ken. 163 [YE Fi om om MINS | | ERHAPS YOU don't care about | having your picture taken, but how about those Near and Dear. EUGENE '.. RAY STUDIO Phone Evanston 2238 Hoyburn Bldg., EVANSTON LLL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LLL LLL Ld ddd Ld 2 ddd Edad dd ld ddd ddd Ed dd Frid Zr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A FREE LECTURE by DR. WALTON HUBBARD, C. S. B. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Saturday Evening, Oct. 2, 1920 at 8 p. m. IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE Central Ave., and Tenth St. Wilmette, Illinois THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED LLL LLL Ld LLL Ld ddl ddd dd ddl Edd LLL Ll Edd TT id Dl ddd dd dd ddd dT Zar is, 7777777777777 did Ze ad Lites, iii N72 rzzrirziziiiiiiziiiiiiizi ing. Members of the club are re-'/= quested to invite one guest. iin Rev. and Mrs. Lewis B. Plumar, formerly of Branchville, N. J., have spent the summer at the home of : their daughter, Mrs. James Keddie, EDGEWATER, CHICAGO 1004 Pine street Mr. Plumar left | Tel.: Ravensword 587, b-fore 7a.m.and after 6 p.m, s x , | this week for Oktaha, Okla. where -- he wil occupy the pulpit of the Con- : gregational church for several 0 nr 0 months. Mrs. Plumar will remain in DANCING 5 DEPORTMENT Winnetka. PRIVATE CLASSES JUVENILES personally conducted by ALVAR L. BOURNIQUE CHICAGO-EVANSTON-WINNETKA-HIGH- LAND PARK-LAKE FOREST Winnetka Classes open October 19th Ball Room: Woman's Club Mrs. Mina Qttonius Graduated Medical Gymnast and Masseuse SWEDISH MOVEMENTS Res.: 1207 Catalpa Ave., S. W. Cor. Broadway -- The Study class on "Our Govern- | ment" led by Mrs. Kenneth Rich of Chicago, is a New Trier township af- fair, every woman in the township being invited. The first class meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon, October 12, at 1:30 o'clock, at the Winnetka Woman's club. There is no charge for this course. | - ' 5 | ] i | [1 |] I | i | [1 n |] |] [1 | i | [] L} : i So rapid is the growth of Chicago and .n I environs it is impossible to know all the : : new and desirable families eligible to g membership in the classes, therefore the 1 necessity for requesting references when 1 Vy making application. H i L} | L} [1 | n I |} ] |] 8 & Miss Sadie Green entertained with a farewell party at Community House on Thursday evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Office and Studio: The Parkway Mitchell who are leaving shortly for 2100 LINCOLN PARK, WEST Canada. Ca CHICAGO Miss Dorthy Sears of Kenilworth announces the opening of the Mont- essori kidnergarten at the Winnetka woman's club on Monday, October 4. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway Watson expect to keep open their residence in Winnetka until about October 20.(}° | | | | Different from the usual are the many attractive gift articles which we have assembled here at this season. Wedding gifts both practical and distinctive. Silverware, Pottery, Lustre JOHN RANKEL Baritone . CHOIRMASTER of Christ Episcopal Church WINNETKA Announces his Studio for Voice Culture At Room 616 Fine Arts Bldg. { Wabash 8324 Telephones | 1 vside 6229 Mildred Brandham Peirce CLASSES IN DANCING WINNETKA WOMAN'S CLUB Beginning 3 p. m., Wed., Oct. 6th Glass, Prints, Etchings and many exclusive offerings in bronze and wood. + THE CELLINI SHOP: H28=-DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phone Evanston 1828 | : o 3 Q I 3