WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1920 EA LLL ee LL COLE ( Tm JL IER rs re TT om rer rrr rer %n| NE of the loveliest of October weddings is to be solemnized this evening at St. Augustine's church, Wilmette, when Miss Katherine Cody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cody, will become the bride of George Boldt McCormick of Evanston. Rev. Hubert Carleton will read the service at 8:30 o'clock. The bridal party will include the following young people: matron®of honor, Mrs. William J. Lavery of Evanston, sister of the bride ; maid of honor, Miss Laura Browne of Evanston ; bridesmaids, Mrs. Lawrence McCormick of Memphis, Tenn., the Misses Hen- rietta Bush, Dorothy Robbins, and Emily McCormick of Evanston, + Virginia Buchanan of Winnetka, and Harriet Ridgway of Kenil- worth ; ribbon stretchers, Barbara and Jane Crowe and Carol Knapp. Mr. Lawrence McCormick will attend his brother as best man, and the -ushers will be Messrs. William J. Lavery, Ames Ross, Charles Dawes, and John Kimbark of Evanston, Arthur Syme of Winnetka, Percy Parker of Chicago and Ernest Rubsamen of New York. Following the service at the church there will be a reception at the Cody home, 908 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Harvest dinner-dances are a sort of grand finale to the summer season at the country clubs. Indian Hill had theirs last Saturday evening, and there were a number of parties. Among the hosts and hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lynde, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Ripley, Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatch- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby G. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Massey, Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strong, Mrs. Frank Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. Hamill, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. William Fitch. & The Weekly Klever Klub dances - which have been so successfully held for the past four years at the Ev- anston Woman's club, have moved to the North Shore hotel and will become a monthly dance, beginning this Saturday evening, October O. Tickets are in the hands of the fol- lowing committee who have charge of arrangements: Miss Laura Slos- son of Glencoe; Ford Borncamp, Harold Stevens and Miss Marjorie Burchard of Kenilworth; Philip Paden, Miss' Dorothy Martin, John Elliott, Robert Birkin, Chester Col- tra, "Gummie" Johnston, Miss Marion Blessing, Henry Hassel, Wililam El- liott, Miss Eleanor Emig, Curtis Deak, Miss Evelyn Eastman, "Zodie" Phalen, "Ted" A Thorsen, Norman Norse, John Evans and Arthur Wigglesworth. Klever Kiub sponsors are con- gratulating themselves on the en- gagement of Herbert Mintz, pianist, for the opening dance of the season, to be held this Saturday night at the Woman's club. Young Mintz, who is a student at Northwestern liberal arts college, is being accorded much popularity as the composer of the latest danze craze, "Fair One", and it is expected his appearance Saturday night . will be hailed by the Klever -Klubites. Miss Mildred Peirce will be the chaperon of the evening. RT The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with Mrs. Isabel G. Moody, 921 Greenwood ave- nue, Wilmette, on Monday, October 11, at' 2 o'clock, sojourning after the business session, to the Wilmette Woman's club to hear the political program to be given there. Six me bers of the local union attended the County convention held in Willard Hall, Woman's Temple, on Wednes- day and Thursday of last weeks A large audience which packed the hall witnessed the playlet, on Thursday, "The Hall of Fame", where Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch imper- sonated Susan B. Anthony. RE The wedding of Miss Gladys Dora- is of Winnetka, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Dorais of Chicago, to George Mau of Wilmette will be solemnized on Tuesday morning, October 19, at 9:30 o'clock at Sacred Heart church in Hubbard Woods. Rev. Father Haarth will read the service. Miss Dorais will have as her attendant, Miss Katherine Walsh, of Winnetka, and Ray Steiner of Wilmette, will serve Mr. Mau as best man. RE - The annual meeting and election of cers of the Winnetka Relief and Aid society will be held at the Pub- lic library on Monday, October 11, at 11 o'clock. The public is invited to this meeting and especially those who contribute to the work of the society. The reports will tell of the work done during the past year and of the plans made for the coming year. The board will welcome all who may be present. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, 759 Burr avenue, have returned from their summer home at Palisades Park, Mich. " -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, of Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine, Mr. J. Summer Crossley of Hamesdale, Pa. v The Woman's Society of the Con- gregational church held its first meeting of the year, Wednesday, Oc- tober 6. Fifty-three women listen- ed to two delightful plays read by Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, and nearly one hundred and fifty enjoyed the appetizing luncheon served by Mrs. Arthur Sterrett, and her efficient committee. Miss Casey, Mrs. M. H. Lieber, and Mrs. C. C. Wortley gave some en- joyable "Vacation Experiences" at the lunch table, and many made new acquaintances, and their first contact with church work. On Wednesday, October 20, Mrs. Dick- inson will read again in the morning. On Wednesday, October 27, the meeting will be an afternoon one, held at the home of Mrs. L. H. Mettler, on Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. Here too, an interesting program will .be given. All women are cor- dially invited to any and all of these gatherings. fine "Get-Together-Day" for all the Circles in Winnetka has been plan- ned for Friday, October 29, the last Friday of the month. The meeting is to be held at Community House promptly at 2 o'clock. Fach Circle is to give some "stunt" as a part of the afternoon's entertainment, and each stunt must not last over ten minutes, as the gymnasium must be cleared and ready for regular class work at 4 o'clock. Much fun, and an excellent chance to know other circles is thus afforded the Circle members. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan have issued invitations for the mar- riage of their daughter, Madeleine Restieaux, to Donald Simmons, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Simmons of Girard, Ill, to take place at their home, 700 Central avenue, Wilmette, on Saturday evening, October 16. Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Augustine's church, Wilmette, will read the service at 8 o'clock. --_--e-- Mr. and Mrs. J. Borino were hosts at a reception and dance last Sunday afternoon at their home, 859 Elm street, in honor of Mrs. Borino's brother, Mr. Dominic Pagliarul, and his bride, who have just recently re- turned from Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Pagliarul are making their home with the Borino's temporarily. DANCING + DEPORTMENT : PRIVATE CLASSES JUVENILES personally conducted by ALVAR L. BOURNIQUE CHICAGO-EVANSTON-WINNETKA-HIGH- LAND PARK-LAKE FOREST Winnetka Classes open October 19th Ball Room: Woman's Club v So rapid is the growth of Chicago and environs it is impossible to know all the new and desirable families eligible to membership in the classes, therefore the necessity for requesting references when making application. Office and Studio: The Parkway 2100 LINCOLN PARK, WEST CHICAGO [SE NN SN RN NE people- The East Willow Street Circle will meet with Mrs. T. Guy Windes, Jr., 244 Forest avénue, on Tuesday -of next week, at 2 o'clock. The enter- tainment will consist of Vacation Ex- periences as related by the members of the circle. Juan" WR, Mrs. D. Horsman entertained at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday at her home, 978 Elm street, her guests all being residents of Chicago. On Thursday evening Mrs. Horsman en- tertained informally in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Balyeat of Vanwert, O. ---- Music lovers on the north shore will be interested in the announce- ment that Mary Garden is to appear in concert for the first time in Chi- cago, at the Auditorium, on Sunday afternoon, October 31, at 3:30 o'clock. --fp-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sincere, 921 Pine street, will entertain at a din- ner dance at the Northmoor Golf club next Monday evening. There will be covers for one hundred guests. A Eo Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Reach, 844 Prospect avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Miles IL. Friedman, of 615 Lincoln avenue, left last evening for French Lick Springs, Ind. RY Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith of Hubbard Woods, are spending a week or ten days visiting in Rockford, Ill Your Trees are priceless Do not experiment with them They deserve the atten- tion of a man whose knowl- edge of trees is the result of years of experience andstudy R. W. Loudon, Tree Expert Inspection and Advice by Appointment Phone Evanston 260 STOTT nnn nnn Mr. Frederick K. C3 Prospect a venue, is in and will sail for Euroj day, October 12, on an ex ness trip of three or fou GO TO CHURCH EVERY puuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiziiiiiiize LILLIAN PAR: Acting Assiste. o> ; Theodore Sturkow-Ryder Will accept a few more pupi: In piano. In Wilmette: Saturdays Phone Sunnyside 4959 TI T7777 i7rrrriiiriizididieiiziiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidd HS SLLLSSLLS LSS II LS LLL IS ILLS SS LSLS LS SSSA SLES SSS SSS SSIS SSID, DECOR OOOOY PHOTOGRAPHS OF QUALITY NEED NOT BE HIGH-PRICED EUGENE L. RAY Hhotograpler Phone Ev. 2238 EVANSTON - - Hoyburn Bldg. % 72% Unusual Opportunity 0% % % 770077 blished firm of Sale Unconditional Sale ORIENTAL RUGS IN Co-operation and under Supervision of the well-esta- UE to the urgent request for aid from some members of our family who were tyrannically deported by the Turks--and recently found--we are called up- on and humanely compelled to convert part of our stock into immediate cash. Consequently every rug is reduced from 15 to 25% during this sale. 22% 0% kuin izg0mii 720% Kashian Bros. begins FRIDAY, October 8th Open Evenings Iz700000% 0000000 7 7 Z DISPLAY and SALE at MISS RAMBO'S Nn I 1168 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE ILLINOS 72% MY, \ 72 RN