12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill 656 Center Street, Winnetka, Ill. Telephone .........cc00. Wilmette 1920 Telephone .............. Winnetka 388 SUBSCRIPTION ........ $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Thursday afternoon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class.' under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 : School Week This week is nationally observed as "school week." During the seven days so set apart information con- cerning the work and the conditions of the schools is disseminated, the value of an education is urged upon those who do not now appreciate the opportunity of the public school sys- tem, interest in the schools stimu- lated in the general public. It is a good week's work, and if well done, the effect upon the United States in || the future should be beneficial. The value of the education pro- vided in the public schools should certainly be impressed upon the for- eign-born parents of these children who are constituting a first genera- tion of Americans of today. Noth- ing will more advance the American- ization efforts of the United States than the education of the foreign- born children in the public school system. The increase in the earning capacity of the youth, the develop- ment of a more intelligent citizen- ship, the creation of self-respecting Americans out of the not always hopeful material that every day seeks admission at our ports, all these benefits will be brought nearer to the United States through the stimulation of interest and increas- ing the information of the foreign- born parents in the facilities of the public schools that are open to their children. Acquaintance with the new standards of American customs and American institutions which the chil- dren will bring home with them from the public schools will contribute to the improvement of the home condi- tions, second the attempts that are everywhere being made to bring to the adult foreign-born resident in the American cities realization of Amer- ican ways and American ideals. A week devoted to the forwarding of such a program is not too long, even if it should be intensively em- ployed. Every municipality that has any number of foreign born in its population should make the fullest use of the occasion to foster inter- est in the school in which its children are being trained, not only in the three "R's" but in Americanism. Red Cross Seals Red Cross The season of the Christmas seal is upon us. The call of the Anti-Tuberculosis society comes to the public spirited to buy these seals for the decoration of their Christmas mail and their Chris- mas packages. In the village it is _ particularly urged that seal purchas- ers buy their supply at home, in or- der that the money received may be credited to our village and not to Chicago. Nothing more eloquently speaks of the Christmas spirit than the Red Cross Christmas Seal. It tells a de- sire to help the unfortunate, those who have added to their physical af- fliction the burden of poverty, lack of money for proper treatment which would restore them in health and usefulness to the community, ab- sence of which means long illness and certain death at the end. It is a cause that should appeal to the good citizenship and the charity of all. During the war the absence of the button that bespoke subscription to the patriotic cause being urged was considered evidence of lack of con- cern for the country's welfare and safety. More often than we like to think the subscription was more in payment for the emblem of patriotic support of the government than the manifestation of a desire to be of service. The appearance of the Red Cross Christmas Seal on the Christ- mas mail should be considered in just that light. Its presence should be looked upon as a matter of course, its absence as betokening a lack of the least public spirit and disposition to help in the campaign against that disease that yearly demands its high toll of every community just because of insufficient effort to eliminate it from the ills of humanity. Early Mailing Advice concerning the early mail- ing of Christmas packages is not un- timely, even a few weeks before the holiday comes. The preliminaries to early mailing must be attended to, shopping done now if the packages are to be put into the mail a week or more before Christmas. Last minute mailing brings only disappointment and heavy work. The postal carrier force is insuffi cient to take care of the heavy bur- The Smartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts ° THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 North State CHICAGO 16 North Wabash ARE you going to build? Do you contemplaterepairs? For materials--see EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 CLL LL LL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL STANLEY MOTOR Carriages It is pretty generally accepted that the most efficient way to fight cold is with heat. The Stanley's Pilot Light provides this heat. It obviates the necessity of anti- freezing solutions, causes the en- gine to start readily and pull smoothly. Zero weather does not effect Stanley Performance. The simplest car to drive and understand. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS Tel. Winn. 956 IF ALL TEETH ARE LOST WEAR A Sanitary Metal Plate EXPERT MECHANICAL. DENTISTS We are thoroughly experienced in supplying teeth on metal plates. Gold, Silver, Aluminum, '"Watts" Metal Cast Gold Plates, Gold Lined Plates Our X-Ray will locate your hidden tooth troubles PATENTED ROOFLESS St Set of Teeth--Save Half ........ $5 to $25 $10Gold Crown......... cc connie $4to $ 7 Bridgework, per Tooth... ...... $6 to $10 Carfare allowed to parties living within 40 miles of city. -- Boston Dental Parlors 135 S. State St., Chicago den of mail that piles up just before Christmas; the gift package is de- layed, perhaps lost, and doner and recipient alike disappointed. Early mailing will give your gifts a chance of being received on or before Chris- mas, will cause you less discomfort and loss of time, will insure against disappointment, and demonstrate a spirit of co-operation with the post office employes that will tend to cheer them through the merry sea- son which to them is the hardest of the whole year. Make your plans to mail your Christmas packages early. Dr. Miller, Osteopath, specialist in stomach and nervous disorders, North Shore Hotel. Phone Evanston 6424, LTG40-tfc 90 yi H.C.S. AUTOMOBILE Designed and manufactured by HARRY C. STUTZ Sales and Service ALSO Auburn, Scripps-Booth & Maxwells C. H. BRIGGS 1549 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 140 FORE LLLLLLLLLLLVLLLLLLLLL LLL LLVLLLLGITLLLRLLLLLLLE = Ww SEYLER RELLRLLELLLLReLBILRLY Christmas Cards and Calendars The presents on Christmas morning, so festive in their snowy wrappings, tied with ribbon, or decorated with sprigs of holly and gay seals, present a picture that cheers the eye and warms the heart. How charming it is! We read the cards so eagerly, and it is like playing a delightful game, for the table is freighted with gifts for all the family and we have to find the things put there for us. So, the Christmas card, though not playing the stellar role in this great scene, is never unim- portant. : Discriminating persons select their cards at this store because they are distinctive and "different". And here, calendars, which make such acceptable gifts, are as varied as they are beautiful. Come in and look at them today. McClurg's ON WABASH Between Adams and Jackson SOLO 600HBO600060006000000006008 Special! Saturday ON Christmas Tree Bulbs AND OUTFITS GR HURRAH! For the word FUN. Can you imagine anything with more fun in it, for a boy, than to operate an Electric Train on a steel track with the third rail system just like the New York Central or Pennsylvania Lines? Lionel Electric Toy Trains Are the Best Clean and the Whole Family Happy It Beats It Sweeps It Cleans 1104-1106 DAVIS ST., GET HER A HOOVER This Christmas makes the Home ~FA DARBY ELECTRIC.SHOI EVANSTON PHONE_EVANSTON 2230 13 &Mulrivole er TRAINS See the Lionel Boy in Our Toy Window. See the Pullman Trains; Freight Trains; Depot, - With Lights; Telegraph Posts; Semaphor s and Lamp Posts lighted up. Oh B 0 | Wouldn't you be glad if y. your Dad or Mother bot you one of these LIONEL TRAINS! Think of it, you could operate a railroad all your own WE HAVE Extra Cars Switches Semaphores Warning Cross. Lamp Posts ing Signals Bulbs for Crossings Headlights Extra Track Come Early for Yours. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED vy FOUNTAIN SQUAR,E EVANSTON G AB0660606600000650000000000000000000000608