WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 : 13 _ gl R. Willoughby G. Walling of Winnetka will speak at the II Winnetka Woman's club on Thursday afternoon, Dec- ember 16, on "European Relief Work". Mr. Walling is Ad] vice chairman of the American Red Cross and has been engaged in this relief work for almost four years. The club is most fortunate in being able to hear from Mr. Walling something of the tremendous work that he is helping so ably to direct. A large at- tendance is desired. Wilmette Woman's club members will be interested in learning that Miss Mary Welch, contralto, who has appeared on several oc- casion before the club is to present the program on next Wed- nesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames James Wray, Edward Eaton, Clark L. Hayes and John Kieft. The Skokie Country club house is still open, and on Saturday evening, December 11, there will be a club party, including a dinner, with music and dancing, or bridge whist for those who enjoy it. The idea of the evening is to make it attractive to the entire membership. The direc- tors have been asked by a good many members that the clubhouse be kept open and that entertainment be pro- vided. The Board of Directors has also decided that any member of the club who may wish to entertain during the month of December at Skokie may engage the clubhouse for a din- ner, dance or cards. The Drama Study class of the Wil- mette Woman's club will meet Mon- day, December 13, at 2:30 o'clock, 'at the clubhouse. Mr. O. P. Hegfie, now playing the star role in the com- edy, "Happy Go Lucky" at the Play- house, will be the speaker. As this will e the last class program no tickets will be necessary and a cor- dial invitation is extended to any- one in the village who would be in- terested in hearing Mr. Heggie. At the annual meeting of the Ra- vinia club, an organization formed for the bettering of conditions at Ravinia Park, held last week in the Blackstone Hotel, the names of offi- cials for the coming year were pre- sented by the nominating committee. Mrs. Mark W. Cresap of Kertilworth, is slated for president. This Christmas Trade at THE HOUSE OF IRCHBER DIAMONDS FOUNDED 1867 Watches, Jewelry, Silverw re 104 N. State Street, Chicago 1 Door North of Washington St., Opp. Field's 53 years honest merchandising is your guarantee Purchases Can be Made by Mai Catalog on Request The chairman of Civics in the Tenth District, Mrs. Charles F. Pearce of Glencoe, called a meeting of all club chairmen for 10:30 o'clock, Friday morning, December 10, at the headquarters of the Illinois Federa- tion of Woman's clubs, 127 North Dearborn street, Chicago. The pres- ident of this district, Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenilworth, and the state chairman of civics, Mrs. F. J. Mcnish of Oak Park, assisted. The Art and Literature department of the Neighbors of Kenilworth, met yesterday morning at the home of Mrs. Herman Brossert. Mrs. Walter D. Launder, chairman, outlined a series of talks on Scandinavian art. Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone spoke on the | art and literature of Norway. Miss Olive Bulley presented a group of folk songs. GOLDFISH AND DOLPHINS NOW THE VOGUE AT N.T. H. S, New Trier High school's natator- ium presents the scene each day of some boy or girl struggling to earn a membership in the Goldfish or Dol- phin club. The members must pass certain tests before admittance, the goal of each aspirant being 60 points, which admits privileges of the club. The winning girls are know as the Gold- fish while the boys are termed Dol- phins. Records kept by gate attendants at Yellowstone National Park as to the number of motor vehicles visiting the park this season show Montana fur- nished more auto tourists than any other state. The total number of cars which entered from all states for 1920 was 13,502. The North Shore Baths, North Shore Hotel; for appointment phone Evans- ton 6424. --Adv. LTG49-tfc + MOTORCYCLES 1921 MODELS HARLEY- DAVIDSON. Calland see "| Be) them or send for catalog on new or used ma- chines. . LANG, 1704 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. I Household Brushes of Every Description. Demonstration by Appointment Day or Evening THE FULLER BRUSH CO, Inc. Represented by F L. SENDERHAUF 630 Greenleaf Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2170 GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT--Our Brushes and Toilet Articles in White Bristle and Ivory make Useful and Beautiful Gifts for Christmas, Weddings and Birthdays. nim mu LTT UHI EEE EEE iin Si GARSON PIE Scott a Co. A nnouncing-- The New Depot Motor Bus Service in Chicago (JLLLLLSSSLSILL LS LSI SLILS SLL LSS SILL SSL SL LSLL LISS LASS IS SSS "A dozen portraits will solve a dozen of your 'What to give at Christmas?' problems. Sittings made now relieve you of shopping worries later on, and we will have time to give the work special at- tention." H. G. BORGFELDT Z Photographer 1159 Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE Tel. Wilm. 1764 VL irriririiiiiiirrriiiziiirriziiiiiid 777777 7z7zrizrririizrziziziuii Pirie iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizz. IY QLLiiiiliiiiirriniinriiiriiziizriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddz of woe and despair. Twelve Stores LLL 2 70007220 2d dd i 2 Ld 2 22d 2d 7d ddd ddd ddl dddiiiriiriirizirriniiriizzziziziziiiiiiiidss ORIENTAL RUGS WHAT COULD BE A GREATER GIFT These patient toilers of the East delight in subdued colorings and artistic designs; and without a doubt many a-story is woven in with the threads that go to form the fabric, many a song of joy, many a dirge You can buy a good Oriental Rug at Leath's for less money than any place in the downtown district. Buy Your Rug on Time. THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF SELECT PIECES EVER SHOWN IN A. LEATH & COMPANY 302 N. Michigan Avenue, 2 Blocks North of Randolph BJS S ALIS SISLSLLSLSSLLSLLLLS LSS LILL SLA L SLL LLL SELL LLL S ILS SILLSLSL LL LIL LILLSLLS ISLS LSS SLL SLL LLL SS SSIS SSL LSS SS LSS SSS SS AAS SY 7 Your Credit Is Good THIS CITY. Phone State 7593 7d Lidl ddd ddd dd dT ZZ 77777777, port 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings ( an19 Saturday December 11 BEBE DANIELS "You Never Can Tell" Pathe Weekly News Reclin Comedy 'NEXT WEEK Maurice Tourneur presents The Last of the Mohicans An American drama eternal-- by James Fenimore Cooper - COMING--Dec. 20th EARTH-BOUND Richness... The richness which comes with- out ostentation 1s as apparent In jewelry as in other things. Those who desire the correct thing-- the fine thing-- will find our assortment greatly to their liking. Early shopping is suggested. Charles E. Graves & Co. Madison and Wabash UBURBAN patrons of this store will be interested to know that a new depot motor bus service has been installed, routed between the Northwestern and Union Stations and the middle State Street entrance of Carson Pirie Scott and Company, Chicago. : A five-minute schedule will be maintained to and from these points with 10c fare or six tickets for 50c. These busses are provided with entrance at the front from the curb and exit at the rear. They are well heated and lighted by electricity. They are large and commodious, new, clean, comfortable and fast. This motor bus line is being operated under a certifi- cate granted by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Illinois to the Depot Motor Bus Lines, Inc., and we believe it will be pronounced by all patrons a distinct improvement in transportation service in Chicago. CARSON PIRIE Scott AND COMPANY 7777777777777 zrzsziirrziiiiiiziiziziiiailiiiidii Buy the Tone You Like Hear the tone of all the leading Talking Machines---in the same room with the same record Here you can choose from the largest and most complete stock of standard make talking machines in Evanston. Play them side by side, make your own comparisons. We have outfits ranging from $28 and up. Buy on our easy payment plan. $ 1 23 This Columbia outfit The Columbia Outfit Consists of cabinet style Columbia Model E2 Graphanola in any finish, equipped with non-set automatic stop, . six selections--=three double-faced 10- inch records--and 300 needles. All for $123.00 Easy Payments ALL PHONOGRAPHS IN ONE This outfit consists of a cabinet style Brunswick Talking Machine, model 110; plays all records, complete with 8 selec- SLEMAYA ser --~ tions--4 double-faced 85c records--and 300 needles. All for $153.40 Easy Payments REPAIRING DONE ON ALL TALKING MACHINES THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY Consist of cabinet style Sonora Talking Machine, including 6 elections and 300 needles. $128.00 On Easy Payments ZZ rr ra Tid 72d ad 7d dd 7d ddd 7 2d Za 27777 7 7 7777 7777 777d ar 777 77 Za Zl de dd ddd Led Led badd ddd 828 Davis St., Evanston P atterson Br 0S. Telephone Evanston 654 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS LLL dl TZ 7 ZZ ZF i iiiiiiiiriiiiiriiiziiidd didi dddadddddddddddddddddd ddd ddd BUT Zo Tail izi L iid iddridiiiiiiiririiriiiririririliiiliiiiiiiz LLL 77777777 777777. 2 7 Zr 7777 77777 azirriizriiiiiiiiiddd ddl ddd d ld llilillildbdddddd dd Lid did Z7 777, 8 Caan ini