A rt EY THR, ei iy BO TN LAA AL SAL LAL A LALA AL SL ALATA ALS AL LAL SL SL SL ALARA AL SAL ALATA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920 w Ce a a a a HS A Box of Stationery Is Always Appreciated 3 WE HAVE A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR WOMEN. FOUNTAIN PENS EVERSHARP -| PENCILS PERFUME TOILET SETS CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN CIGARS CIGARETTES PIPES TOBACCO COME IN EARLY SO YOU WILL GET FIRST CHOICE Candies, Perfumes and Toilet Articles Make Excellent Gifts for Christmas We knew that the army of last-minute shoppers was inevitable and we have prepared accordingly so that your choosing is made easy here by our daily replenished stocks of goods just right for Christmas. i 'The Chocolates with the Wonderful Centers OU'LL have to bite into one of these chocolates to learn just what that means. Flavor doesn't show on the sur- face. In the meantime, stop at our candy counter and get some to take home. Packed in a strikingly handsome orange-and-gold box. CORONA TYPEWRITERS won great fame during the World War be- cause they were easily carried and always ready for use. They are just as handy now for the home or for use when traveling. CHRISTMAS BOXES OF CIGARS HELL SMOKE, NOT GIVE AWAY We have a way of keeping our various cigars, tobaccos and cigarettes that makes them d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t from the others. 0 "Adams Pharmacy Phones Winnetka 2 and 3 The Rexall Store A Christmas Gift of Refined Taste eC . 8 Loriv Badd 2 1 JONTEEL-- Soap Odor Vanity Box Extract Face Powder Talcum Cold Cream Combination Cream Lip Stick Compacts Rouge Manicure The sets range in price from $1.50 to $10.00 We have a large stock of Cameras which make an excellent Christmas Gift Here you will find a large line of Foun- tain Pens and Ever- sharp Pencils. Pens and Pencils al- ways make beauti- ful & practical gifts RRLRRRDVRLERDD RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRVRRLRRRRRRRRRRR % 3) 3) #9 3) 3) 3) #7 # 3) #) # 3) 3) #) a 3) 3) #3 # # #3 wy 3) 3) #3 i ay 3) 3) 3) #) J EE # wo 3) # #3 13) #3 # #3 3) 3) 3) #9 # 3) 3) #3 3) 3) #3 3) 3) # #Y #3 3) 3) 3) # 3) # 13) 3)