WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15,1921 3 Activitios oF orth Shore Clubs ~~. =. by Ruth Risley = = fore the Winnetka Woman's club on Thursday, ih 20, at 3 o'clock. She will be assisted by Mrs. Robert 4 Butz, reader, and Mrs. C. E. Karstrom, soprano. The pro- gram is one of the series arranged by the music department of the club, and is in charge of Mrs. I. K. Friedman. Members of the club are urged to invite friends. Mrs. Taylor (Mrs. "B. L. T."), is a well-known artist, and her Iks on Brahms are very much in demand. This is a rare oppor- tunity for the women of Winnetka. PS Henry Walter Graham will speak on, "How Our Federal Consti- tution was Made," at the meeting of the Woman's Library club to be held next Thursday afternoon, at the clubhouse, and every mem- ber ought to avail herself of this splendid opportunity. Mr. Graham is an excellent speaker, and has given this same lecture before many clubwomen in and about Chicago. Augmenting this delightful pro- gram, will be a group of selections by Mrs. Clara Bartholomay- o. Jelke, a pianist of wonderful ability. vv "A two weeks' training course in civics is offered to the women of the state by the Illinois League of Wom- en Voters. Under its auspices a School of Citizenship will be held at the Young Women's Christian asso- ctation at Central Branch head- quarters, 59 East Monroe street, Chi- cago, from January 24 to > February 5 inclusive. {Lectures will be given by nation- ally 'known leaders in civic and political life and at the close of the cqurse 'an examination will be held for those who desire to review the : subjects under discussion. Women Es receiving diplomas will be qualified to direct in their. own: communities the movement for better citizenship-- which is the objective of the League of Women Voters. Later the organ- ization plans to conduct similar schools. in every county in Illinois. Those taking this course will thus be able to carry on this undertaking, ~ : Mrs. Henry W. Cheney, president of the league sends this message to ing plans for the school: "The large vote: cast by Illinois women in the i Bletion of last Nove per proved = Avs LEYS voters. This course has been planned the opportunities confronting us as 'citizens. We have secured such well 'nue, Chicago. the women of the state, in' announc~| Sia -aS0 heir privilept 25 SCARIER SO Lie reat to familiarize the general public with | known leaders as Victor Yarros, of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, who will conduct a regular course in civics throughout the two weeks' term, Jane Adams, Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, ex-Congress- woman Jeanette Rankin of Montana, Robert E. Hieronymus, Community Advisor for Illinois, ex-Governor Ed- ward F. Dunne and many other not- ables. We believe that persons who have not. hitherto taken an active part in either club or civic life will find this course of great value." Enrollment for the course, which embraces many opportunities for in- teresting sight seeing in personally conducted tours of the city, are be- ing made'at the league headquarters, Room 207, 410 South Michigan ave- made to attend part of the two weeks' term if desired. Programs of the en- tire course will be sent those inter- ested, North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING Reducing ments a Specialty PHONE EVANSTON 6424 L200 A mobile pain and better prices. The quality of our . where. SYDTTATRA You Will IF YOU WAIT weak are always rushed with auto- AVR spring months and we anticipate ; a big business this year. NOW you will not miss your car so much. We can give you better attention if not better than you can obtain else- Painting, overhauling, upholstering, in fact everything for the automobile. re WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. Phone Win. 165 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Be Sorry 70007000 ting during the early painting 1s on a par Arrangements may be | FO A A goodly number of members and many guests were in evidence at the meeting of the Wilmette Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon, when Mr. Edward T. Devine, editor of the magazine, "Survey," spoke in a me pleasing, manner, on "American Ideals, True and False." Then there]; were two delightful groups of songs rendered by Mr. Joel Lay, baritone, a young artist, who is in great de- mand this winter on programs of various of the clubs. The next meeting of the club, on '| January 26, will take the form of a from the Luncheon reservations should be sent to Mrs. Gordon C. Jeffrey, 1527 Walnut avenue. luncheon, with reports chairmen of committees. Chicago and its suburbs qualified six golfers in the third division of ForSale mn OAKLAND ROADSTER In Excellent Condition at BARGAIN PRICE Qn TELEPHONE Winnetka 452 the championship of the Winter Gold League of Advertising Interests, be- ing played this week at Pinehurst, N. -C., among them F. C. Little, of Ex- moor; H. B. Williams, of Skokie, and T. H. McInerney, of Indian Hill. Cl a Mrs. T. H. Mclnerney will repre- i sent Chicago in the womens' second eight. Mrs. Guy C. Pierce, Fvanston/ he qualified for the third eight. Wea RA GR GE QUORNVVERLVIReR To the WEST INDIES Visiting NEW YORK -- HAVANA -- KINGSTON -- PANAMA CANAL--LA GUAIRA--TRINIDAD--BAR- BADOS--MARTINIQUE--ST. THOMAS & SAN JUAN First Cruise (25 days) leaves New York on the palatial steamer MEGANTIC (20,400 tons) JANUARY 22nd. ra TEL S---- 'Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Sater dey. Jaouary 15 EMILY STEVENS in 'THE SACRED FLAME' NEXT WEEK Mack Sennett RIP-ROARING COMEDY "MARRIED LIFE" AND Owen Moore IN "THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE" COMING JANUARY 24th Douglas Fairbanks in "THE MARK OF ZORRO" His Greatest and Latest Picture Te Others FEBRUARY 21st and MARCH 23rd.' Winter Tours to California and Florida JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH For Further Information Write or Phone THE T. & S. TOURS COMPANY 103 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago Phones Harrison 3559-3566 FARRAR NE ey ro LE ee Cor ee a. Fe ----- -- fo a = _- -- -- a = = == a En Cn --_-- sE ii hn-- _ = a -- -- ss Iie i= Wilmette Werchiuse 3 In another part of this paper there is an article about the Fireproof Storage Warehouse to be built in Wil- mette by Warble Storage & Furniture Co. ! This Company is incorporated under the laws of Illinois with capitalization of $50,000.00. Of this amount $30,000.00 is cumulative Preferred Stock, bearing 107 per annum. $20,000.00 is Common Stock. Ee al CE General contract has been let to Wescott Eaglnoer: ing Co., who will build the warehouse for us with under- standing that we pay for same out of profits of the busi- ness. However it will be necessary for us to sell a small amount of stock in order to meet a few of our first pay- . ments. Inasmuch as this is a local enterprise, we are hereby giving the residents of the community an opportunity to benefit by an investment. We will offer four shares of 107 Preferred Stock and one share of Common Stock for $400.00, par value of same being $500.00. This will net the investor at least 15% on his investment. Statistics show that there never has been a failure of a warehouse in United States. Please fill out this coupon and mail to Warble Stor- age & Furniture Co., 1217 Wilmette Avenue, or phone Wilmette 32. Without any obligation on my part, please give me further information regarding the warehouse. LATEST BRUNSWICK Records Margie Whispering Japanese Sandman Avalon Sweet Woman Jinga-Bula- Jing-Jing Open Tuesday, Tt Thursday and Sat. Evenings Phone Ev.654 PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. EVANSTON