Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Feb 1921, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921 --_. -- Classified Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by ' Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. DO YOUR TREES NEED ATTEN- tion? Have them treated by experts. Now is the time to have them prop- erly sprayel. Phones Winnetka 1294 and 313. LTG-14-4tc LOST AND FOUND TAKEN BY MISTAKE FROM THE Winnetka Woman's club Thursday, February 24, black velvet hand-bag, small checked. Return to Winnetka Woman's club or phone Wil. 729-W. T50-1te BROOCH Return St. T-50-1tp LOST--WEST OF TRACKS. with large scarlet setting. to Home Restaurant, Elm FEMALE HELP WANTED = FOR SALE--AUTOS ~~ WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BOOK- keeper and typist for permanent po- sition in Winnetka, on current sal- ary basis; full time required. Reply in own handwriting with full de- tails to Lloyd R. Steere, 861 Prospect Ave., Winnetka. 4 T-49-2tc WANTED--SOME YOUNG GIRL OR young woman for Practice Teacher. Apply to Columbia School of Music, Room 10. Bank Bldg., Winnetka. T-49-2tc WANTED--WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH housework, nine to twelve Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone Winnetka 638-J. Xa T-50-1ct WANTED -- GIRL AS MOTHER'S helper; own room. Mrs. Rohol, 1007 Forest Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil- mette 1484. TG-50-1tc WANTED--TUTOR FOR GIRL OF 8 yrs. Experience desirable. Address Winnetka Talk A-22. T-50-1tc WANTED -- PROTESTANT NURSE maid. Best references required. Tel. Winnetka 312. T-50-1tc WANTED -- A GOOD LAUNDRESS; white. Phone Winnetka 1594. ' LTG-16-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK AND cleaning by the day. Phone Win- netka 689. T-50-1tc FINE LAUNDRY WORK DONE AT home. Linens a specialty. Phone Winnetka 1240. T-50-1tc , WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH | dried or ironed. Phone Glencoe 171. | White. vi TG-50-12tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--BY EXPERI- enced houseman. Butler. Very com- petent and reliable. Best of refer- ences. Address Winnetka Talk A-21. T-50-1tp WANTED -- WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening and housework; also handy with car- penter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T-48-tfc WANTED--STEADY JOB AS HOUSE man. Can furnish references. Phone _ Sunnyside 9422. TG50-4tp J FOR SALE--KING 8; CHEAP; A-1 shape mechanically; looks goods; 5 passenger touring; 2 new cords, 2 new fabrics. J. M. Brown, { 1019 Davis street, Evanston, Ili. Phone Evanston 579. LTG16-1te FOR SALE--OVERLAND ROADSTER; excellent mechanical condition; new battery; new generator; motor re- cently overhauled. $350. Hollister, Wilmette 1920. LTG14-tf FOR SALE DETROIT ELECTRIC double drive. 555 Sheridan Rd., Win- netka. Phone Win. 1308. TG-50-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--PRIVATE GARAGE 1144 North Ave. Phone Winnetka 519-W. T-50-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MAHOGANY SHERATON dining room set, table, buffet, serv- ing table, eight chairs; Mahogany bedroom set--4 poster twin beds, dresser writing desk, night table and chairs, also rug and other house- hold furnishings all to be sold very reasonably. 5445 Kenmore Ave. 3rd Apt. Phone Edgewater 498. LTG-16-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK LIBRARY table, Morris chair, rocker, straight chair; magazine stand, victrola with records, walnut roll-top desk miscellaneous articles. Phone Win- netka 1190. TGH50-1te FOR SALE--FOUR POST DOUBLE mahogany bed. Extra size; box spring and hair mattress. In excel- lent condition. Will include six ex- tra size sheets and two spreads. Tel. Winnetka 383. T-50-1tc FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook and exchange. netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF all kinds. Mahogany oak and maple Also rugs and baby-furniture. 830 Sheridan Road. Phone Winnetka 133. ' T-50-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--MODERN EIGHT-ROOM country home and five acres, situated on Lake Ave. 2 miles from Wil- " mette station and 2.7 miles from Win- netka station, near Indian Hill and Westmoreland club. Four bedrooms 'and bath, hot water heat. All con- veniences and deliveries. Fully land- ~ scaped, good bearing orchard, small ~ fruits, perenniel garden, large trees, etc. Price $17,000. L. C. Ayres, Wil- mette 891-Y-1. LTG16-1tp FOR SALE--COUNTRY HOME; CITY conveniences. 7 rooms; hot water heat; gas, electric light, city water, oak trimmed hard wood floors, cement cellar, barn, garage, chicken runs, "one and one-half acres; 35 bearing fruit trees, fifty berry bushes, flow- ers, shrubs and shade trees; good school, churches, suburban trains, etc. Phone Deerfield 217-7. : LTG16-2tc FOR SALE--BARGAIN; 6-ROOM MOD- "ern house, newly decorated, glassed living and sleeping porches, large garage, convenient to transportation. Owner leaving town; must sell quick. Phone Winnetka 1492. LTG-16-1tc FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA; DANDY nine room bungalow; two baths, three porches, beautiful high lot; im- mediate possession . For quick sale $10,000. Phone Win. 1689. LTG16-1tc FOR SALE--IN HUBBARD WOODS; must be sold before March 1st. Com- plete well built brick house, hot water heat, 3 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch; lot large and high; two blocks from depot. Lots of ~ hardy flowers and shrubs. For quick sale $18,500. Can be shown only af- ter 2:30 in the afternoon. Call Win- netka 1300. LTG16-3te FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BUNGALOW; hot water heat, large light rooms; modern garage; large lot; $2,500 cash, balance terms. XK. Rouley, 1530 Central avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 343. ' LTG16-1tp FOR SALE--T7-ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS sleeping porch, hot water heat; all modern improvements. 684 Center St., Winnetka. LTG-16-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--FOR SUMMER OR LONG- er, furnished 7-room stucco house; sun porch; 2 baths; garage; near lake and transportation; beautiful grounds and shrubs. Address Win- netka Weekly Talk A-23. TG-50-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED--TO RENT OR BUY HOUSE not less than seven rooms in Win- netka or Hubbard Woods. Give lo- cation. Prices. Post Office Box 67, Evanston, Illinois. T50-2tp WANTED TO RENT--GOOD SMALL unfurnished house between Evans- ton and Glencoe. Phone Win. 664-J. LTG16-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED ROOM for single person employed. Phone Wil, 1417. T16-1tc FOR RENT--_FURNISHED ROOM, 806 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 32 Tt ' -50-1tc he FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, DIN- ner chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, I. ~ T-33-tf "FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICTLY fresh eggs and fresh dressed poultry. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T50-3te Foe WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS ~~ WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR THREE ~~ furnished or unfurnished rooms with private family--young couple. Board FOR SALE--GOLDEN OAK CHINA cabinet, oak library table, mahogany finish divan, chair and rocker to match: Phone Wilmette 862. LTG-16-1tc BROWN OAK DINING ROOM SET, TA- ble, 4 chairs with leather seats and serving table. 1st class condition, $45.00. Phone Winnetka 267. - T-50-1tc FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL RALDWIN player piano. In perfect condition. Costs $1,200, sacrifices for $575. Tel. Wilmette 1998. LTG-16-1tc FOR SALE--OAK DINING ROOM SET, table and six chairs. Ice box white enameled lining, 75 pounds. Winnetka 1324. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAIN SALE--MEN"S AND YOUNG Men's clothing. We are going to sell out our big stock. We are overstocked and we need the room. To make more room in our store we are go- ine to cut the prices much below cost. 50 young Men's suits, regular $25 value for $8.75. Sizes 30 to 38 only. 50 suits at $40 for $19. Sizes 35 to 40. Latest style and high grade quality. It will pay you to come and look over the bargains and we also have ladies and men's second hand cloth- ing slightly worn which will be sold very low. Ladies' Coats and Suits $5.00. Men's Suits and Overcoats $7.00. Men's Pants $2.50 and.up sizes 32 to CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE 1944 Maple Ave. Nr. Foster St. Evanston, IIL LTG-15-4tc NORTH SHORE CEMETERY--ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam Electric and Auto roads. For informa- tion call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M. LTG13-tfc TREES REMOVED--WOOD CUT. LET me take out your surplus trees and cut them into firewood. I use im- proved machinery; quick job; Don't wait till spring; your lawns will be damaged. A. P. Graham, 215 Nanzig Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2196. : LTG-14-4tp optional. * Address Lake Shore News, 11, ato 2 L16- tp HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. : LTG39-tfe MAGAZINE AGENCY NEW SUB- scriptions and renewals solicited. Wm: A. Hadley, 913 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 323. T-47-tfc They said-- Capt. St. Clair Street couldn't fly to Alaska --but he did--with help. They say-- We can't find a six or seven room house to rent in Winnetka --but we can--with help. SAM SMART 110 So. Dearborn St. ' Chicago NOTICE To the stockholders of the Hubbard Woods Motor Car Co. You are hereby notified that a meeting of the stock- holders of the Hubbard Woods Motor Car Co., will be held at 905 Burr Ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, Ill, on the 9th day of March, A. D. 1921, at 8 P. M,, for the purpose of voting on the propo- sition to dissolve the Corporation and for the transaction of such other bus. ness as may be deemed necessary. (Signed): William N. Schneider, August, C. Pearson, F. J. Haarth, Directors. --Adv. T49-3tc NOTICE On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself. Michael Morris 1117 Gage St., Hubbard Woods, Ill T-50-1tp The American Legion reached the ten thousand post mark January 10, when Foss Post of Foss, Okla. was chartered in a membership campaign. A total of 10,044 posts was achieved the week ending January 21, which registered a gain of twenty posts. The Departments of Illinois and In- diana led the lists the last two weeks. Extensive activity in establishing new posts is indicated from Southern Departments of the Legion. Georgia is in the midst of a strenuous cam- paign; Louisiana seeks 10,000 mem- bers before the next state conven- tion and Florida will start a drive for members soon. Nearly one-half of the original forests of the United States remain uncut. no severe storms. JANUARY MERELY AN ORDINARY MONTH, IS U. S. WEATHER WORD \ Let those optimists who write their Los Angeles friends of the "simply wonderful" weather we have been en- joying these January days, be ad- vised that the United States weather bureau is not of the opinion that the month last past was anything to brag about. Sen The mean temperature, according to the department of agriculture, for the month was 32.4 degrees, which in. figures looks pretty mean at that. Let the meteorological bureau tell it in its own words: "The month as a whole was mild and dry," their bulletin states, "with The temperature record of January, 1880, was a mean temperature of 39.8 and that for this month was 32.4. '"T'he total precipitation for the month was less than one-half of the usdal amount and the snowfall was less than one-third. There has been American Legion members in La rence, Mass. stood behind eleven veterans, employes of the depart merit of public property and parks, who were dismissed by newly- elected commissioner. i raised probably will test the valid- ity of the Massachusetts Act givin civil service preference to veteran: in the courts. The commissioner was forced to apologize for disparaging remarks about ex-service men. SMALL ADS--BIG RESULTS an unusual amount of sunshine dur- ing the month, the sun having shone | all day for seven days." For Sale Most beautiful Marmon 34 car in Wilmette; Cali- fornia top, newly painted, new cord tires, thoroughly overhauled and guaran- teed by the Marmon Co. For demonstration call 938-J Wilmette room stucco, Winnetka room frame, Winnetka FRANK room brick, Hubbard Woods . . room stucco, Hubbard Woods .. room frame, Hubbard Woods ....... room frame, 2 acres, Glencoe .......... room new stucco, Glencoe . .. REAL ESTATE 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300 "sees en A. REID Use North Shore Trains To Save Time taxi. the station North Shore around the loop "L." stations. venient for the loop, you can also get elevated trains to other parts of the city without leaving You lose no time on street car, bus or North Shore trains operate directly into and Besides being con- RTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963 rains leave Winnetka at frequent intervals and go directly to the heart of Chicago--to the heart of every loop activity.

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