WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921 1:30 and 2:30 o'clock; advanced HE Art and Literature department of the Winnetka Woman's club announce the opening of the last term of the French classes under Mr. George Cauuet on Monday, March 21. Beginner's and intermediate classes meet on Thursdays at classes on Monday at 3 o'clock. Also a class in French literature on Mondays at 4 p. m. Any resident of Winnetka is welcome to any members. of these classes as well as club Any further information may be obtained from Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, 948 Hubbard street, Hubbard Woods. A 4 The Northmoor Golf club course is now rapidly nearing completion. For two years members of the club have plalyed over an 'improvised course which took in a number of holes of the old Evanston course. The new site is located south of the Bob O'Link club, Highland Park, but nearer Green Bay road, a small sec- tion of which skirts the northeast corner of the property. Farther south the course is divided by the Clavey road, seven of the holes being located south of that. To the west the land is well wooded with oaks affid elms, and through some: of the fairways have been cut. With 150 acres at his disposal Architect Donald Ross has been able to exercise his skill without any fear of crowding. A casual glance gives the idea of plenty of room for the fine variety of holes, which range greatly in length. The outgoing nine is 3221 yards, with a par of 36; the incoming nine, 3,328 yards, also with a par of 36. Proceeds from the benefit party given on the afternoon of St. Pat- rick's Day at the home of Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, in Wilmette, amounting to $355 will be forwarded this week to the European Relief headquarters in Chicago. Among those who subscribed for one In- visible Guest were Mesdames Louis Crush, George Schildbach, A. G. Keck, Charles Bunte, A. Bechtel, H. Burnham, J. Budinger, S. Budinger, George Ludwig, John Cooney, Henry Weihe, J. H. Winston, M. J. O'Brien the Tranquilla club and the Terminal Grocery and Market. Aside from the fact that the affair was such a splendid financial success, let us add that there were one hun- dred and eighty-seven women in at- tendance, one of the largest social gatherings of its kind ever held in a private home. Da The Woman's Library club of Glencoe will hold a business meeting on. Thursday, March 31, at 2:30 o'clock. A group of musical selec- tions by Miss Kathryn Greene and Mrs. John J. Hansel, Jr., will be pre- sented. -- The members of the Alpha Phi sorority will hold their regular monthly luncheon in Marshall Field's south east tea room Saturday, March 26, at 12:30 o'clock. Cook County Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a Spring Institute in the Garfield Boulevard M. E. church, corner of Emerald ave- nue, Chicago, on Thursday, March 31. 17 N. STATE-------- WHOLESALE DRESS MATERIAL SHOP 1420 Stevens Bldg. Extend to every woman in this community an invitation to parti- ticipate in buying material for Suits, Wraps, Dresses or Skirts at exactly wholesale price. Silk or wool fabrics of highest quality only. Mrs. John W. Moody, head of the Camp Fire Guardians' asshciation of Chicago, is giving a course of lessons for north shore Camp Fire Guard- ians in Community House, Winnetka, each Tuesday afternoon at 2:15. Any woman interested in the possibility of becoming a Camp Fire Guardian, is urged to take this course, in pre- paration for Camp Fire work. The Music Study class of the Wil- mette Woman's club will give a con- cert on the evening of Thursday, March 31, at 8 o'clock, to which all members of the Woman's club and their friends are invited. The pro- gram will consist of piano numbers by Miss Ethel Flentye and Miss Pauline Pettibone, advanced pupils of Madame Eda Goedecke. They will play solos and two-piano pieces. Vocal numbers will be given by Mrs. W. A. Dazey and Mrs. Charles Evans, and artistic solo dancing by Miss Faith Hoffman. The concert will be given at the Woman's club and all music lovers will be welcome. 74 STO RE IT! WATCH FOR VAR 'S MOVES ! Our New-- Absolutely Fireproof Warehouse Is now open for receiving furniture. Let us give you prices, which are right on STORAGE, MOVING or SHIPPING tion and the néw alumni secretary. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Young Ladies' auxil- iary of the Wilmette Woman's club will be held on Monday evening, April 18, at 8 o'clock. INCLUDING Encrano, Horeano, Beran F\OWTZERLAND, ITALY 20d FRANCE 8 ar AMERICA.- YELLOWSTONE - COLORADO - YOSEMITE -GLASIER-RANIER.. | "FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR PHONE TSS TO Co N.L. TOWLE, President 103 W. JACKSON BLVD. Phone. HARRI - 3566 BeaudryFrench Shop Charming Frocks and Suits, Distinct- ive and Different Specially priced for this display. For Spring and Summer At. $45.00 Florence Beaudry is in charge to give every personal attention 11 = : Suacinte alumnae of Northwest- a ern University will hold a luncheon EN A ir ih oF 3 tie, College club Saturday, March CHANDLER DORT STEPHENS a fe) , at 1:30 o'clock. The general topic Famous for Its Marvel, The QUALITY 3 po C 1V1 1e5 for the afternoon will be "The Done Motor Ay Toe Quam SAT of a New Day." President Walter Dill 1d i + Scott will give a talk on "New Stand- Sold and Serviced Exclusively by ards and Ideals" and Dean Ralph E. M | Heilman will speak on the School of E A R L C O A L O T O R C Oo : Commerce. - "Miss Genevieve Forbes 1019 Davis Street, Evanston will talk on the Medill School of CASH - TERMS - TRADE Journalism and Journalism for Wom- USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT Phones 578 and 579 en. Dr. George Craig Stewart will tell of the New General Alumni associa-| -- a CONSULT SLSLLLSSLS LL LILI Ld LILLIA . R. W. BARTELMANN CO. Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish (ALLL LLL LLL LLLLLL LL SILLS ILLS SLL SLL S LS LIAS SILLS ILLS LG LSS ISLS LISS S SSS SSIS SSIS SSIS ISLS SSIS ISS SSIS SASSI A SSIS AISA SIS 7 77S, 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO . Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 LLLLLLLLLL LLL LLLLL ISLS TITS LLL ALLL SILLS LLL LSIL LLL LTS LLL LLL LLA SSIS SIIS ISLS SSL SLL LISS L SAIL LIAL S SSIES ISIS SS S177 TLL LSLL SILLS LISS LLIL LL ASSL ISIS IL IIL LATS SSS 4 > "Easy" Vacuum Washer P) FA DARBY = . TERMS IF DESIRED LECTRIC SHOP 1104-1106 Davis Street Phone Evanston 2230 EVANSTON e---- North Shore agency for Easy Washers Horton and Sim- plex Ironers Hoover and Ohio Tuec Cleaners TheSmartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT ' THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 CHICAGO 16 North Wabas 17North State 16 N. WABASH over types. Organdie order. THE COUNTRY CLUB Ne AEGIS FROCKS "Smart frocks without smart shops' F YOU would like to have charming one-piece sum- mer frocks all made and delivered to you at the very minimum of cost, write to us now. One of the clever- est designers in this country creates our models. are made to order in standard sizes. shops. These are nicely shown in the simple folder we will send you. Tissue Ginghams Aegis workmanship is very finished. Detachable collar and cuffs. French hand-made flowerettes. Ample hems. No two frocks ever alike. Write at once for our unique style folder and samples which make it easy for you to Address Room 515, 225 North Michigan Blvd., Chicago The proper individual may find it advantageous to informally represent us in her territory. We will be glad to hear from those interested. =) They Fashionable slip- Neither fabrics nor models are found in Linens Dotted Swiss AEGIS FROCKS J) and factories are a demonstrator. Phone Winnetka 165 History Repeats Itself April, May, June--each year--people rush to buy cars. This year there are no surplus stocks to draw from; dealers, distributors "cleaning house." If you intend to buy this Spring insure yourself against disappointing delays. Let us show you the Willys Knight or Overland. A phone call will bring Nojobligation to buy. Wm. T. Wehrstedt, Proprietor. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka