5 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921 (Continued from Page 1) Themes... 2b... 0 ivi. Andrews 11 A. M. Prelude: Abendle ......... Schumann Old Easter Melody "..-0. Li. ..: West Processional Hymn: Come Ye Baithful inicio s Sullivan Introit: Christ Our Passover..Crotch Pe Deuth .........i0 Tretius Noble Jubilate Doe... vue ven ens Smith Hymn: The Strife Is O'er.Palestrina RKyrietFleison: ....c.vuhe ins Winter Gloria "Tibi ues Svs cid BE Eyre Hymn: Angels Roll the Rock AWAY il a Snails a da Roper Offertory Anthem: Light's Glitter- ing Morn Bedecks the Skies.... LA RN SHS Sh Parker Sanctus adh entailed Gounod Banus. Del vais nis neni deisel Moir Gloria in Excelsis ......... Old Chant Nince Dimittis '.......... Beethoven Recessional Hymn: Alleluia! Sing 0 Jesus .... hao Powell Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus.Handel PARK RIDGE GIRLS' SCHOOL CHARITY BRIDGE APRIL 5 Women of the north shore are dis- playing interest in the Charity Bridge to be given at the Winnetka Woman's club on Tuesday afternoon, April 5, for the benefit of the Park Ridge School for Girls. The school, formerly located in Ev- anston and since removed to Park Ridge, several years ago, takes care of dependent girls, not delin- quents, and is the only Protestant home for girls going through the Juvenile court. The state at first pro- vided $10 a month for the support of each girl, now it provides $15. The actual expense is $38, and the deficit must be made up by contributions. Women's clubs in the vicinity of Chi- cago are particularly interested in the school. For those women who do not play ca¥ds Mrs. Frederick Dickinson of Winnetka will give several readings. Women who will assist in the af- fair include Mrs. Stanley A. Clague, of Winnetka; Mrs. James Keith, of Kenilworth; Mrs. John Vennema, of Winnetka; Mrs. Frank R. Greene, of Winnetka, and Mrs. George Pope, of Glencoe, Refreshments will be served. CHANGE MEETING PLACE Announcement is made that in the future the Winnetka Camp No. 6442, of Modern Woodmen of America, will hold their meetings in Community House. The camp meets on the sec- ond and last Tuesday of each month. "THE KID" IS COMING TO TOWN 3 3 v Charlie Chaplin /m & scene from "THE KID" Charles Chaplin, tainer at Community House Films on Friday, April 1. sidered, generally, Chaplin's supreme effort. ably assisted by little Jackie Coogan, will be the enter- "The Kid" is con- It gets away from the pie- slinging episodes and may be said to contain at least a semblence of a plot bringing out the many-sided capabilities of the great screen comedian. BRUSH FIRES Two brush fires occasioned some work for the Fire Department this week, the first on Sunday at Willow and Chestnut streets; the second on Wednesday, at Sunset road and Woodland avenue. There was no damage. $100 FOR DR. BROWN Children of the Winnetka Public school this week dispatched the sum of $100 to Dr. Alice-Barlow Brown for Serbian relief work. The fund was subscribed by the children and se- cured in part by means of a nickle and dime campaign. | Mass Meeting Discussion of the bill to establish the Department of State Constabulary. Speaker for the Bill: HON. FRANK P. SADLER State Senator from Chicago Speaker against the Bill: MR. VICTOR OLANDER Secretary-Treasurer of the Illinois State Federation of Labor UNDER THE AUSPICES OF WINNETKA MEN'S CLUB AND Winnetka Woman's Club AT THE Winnetka Woman's Club Friday Evening, April 1st, at 8:15 EVERYBODY INVITED |A CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL YOUR HOME id a tree for this service. Preserve Your Trees by Scientific Spraying We are spraying trees now to protect them from scale and insects. You should take advantage of this up-to-date method of insuring the life of your trees. We make a nominal charge of $1.00 OFFICE: WINNETKA 2 PROUTY ANNEX, Phone Winnetka 1294 Thomas J. Lynch TREE SURGEON NURSERY: 1131 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE Phone Glencoe 514 TS a --