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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Apr 1921, p. 8

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921 | Social Happenings Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell will speak in the interest of his work in Lab- rador and Newfoundland at the First Methodist church of Evanston, on Monday evening, April 4, at 8 o'clock. The program will include re- cently taken motion pictures showing the extensive work of Dr. Grenfell among the deep sea fishermen and fur-trappers of the Labrador. Miss Harriot Houghteling is a member of the committee in charge of this evening. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the public. Winnetka Social... «. .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Woolley have returned from New York, where they attended the wedding of their son, Francis Low Woolley, to Miss Ethel Maybelle Myers of Brooklyn on Wednesday, March 9. Mr. Wool- ley and his bride are making their home in Highland Park. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Bernice Flanagan, daughter of Mr. Edward W. Flanagan of Sheridan road, Wilmette, to At- torney Frank A. McDonnell of Chi- cago, which took place on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. McDonnell will live at the Drake hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Al- bright, who have been in southern California since last November, have returned to their home in Hubbard Woods. Their two youngest sons, Ivan and Malvin, students at the Art institute, are with their parents at the log house. . Miss Margaret Hadley, Einar Nel- son, Bonner Brown and George Ca- denhead returned to their work at the University of Illinois on Tues- day afternoon, after spending the Easter vacation at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carpenter of 411 Linden street, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Victoria, to Mr. Paul Randall Kreger of Win- netka, son of Charles Kreger of Chi- cago. The wedding will take place early in April. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrey of 1610 Washington avenue attended the wedding of their son, Mr. Donald F. Brigham, in Chilicothe, O., on Satur- day last. Mr. Forrey returned to the village on Wednesday, but Mrs. Forrey stopped en route in Detroit, Mich., for a visit with friends. Among the prenuptial affairs given for Miss Virginia Olwin recently was a matinee followed by a tea at the Dralze given by Mrs. George W. Kibby, and a buffet supper given by Miss Margaret Dingee. Mr. and Mrs. Olwin will give the bridal din- ner this evening at the Edgewater Beach hotel. An announcement of interest on the north shore is the engagement of Miss Nannine Esther Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Fowler Watt of Evanston, to Frank Edward Mur- dock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Murdock of Cordell, Okla. On April 13, the Woman's Society of the Congregational church will give a musicale and tea in the Neigh- borhood room at Community House, between the hours of three and five o'clock. Mrs. James Porter, of Hubbard Woods, president of the Winnetka Woman's club, had as her luncheon guest on Thursday, Mrs. James W. Morrison of Chicago, who later ad- dressed a meeting at the Woman's club on, "Why a League of Woman Voters?" There will be a meeting of the In- dian Hill Circle at the home of Mrs. E. V. Tubbs, 126 Bertling lane, on Wednesday, April 6, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Coram T. Davis will be the assist- ing hostess. Mrs. H. Wallace Beals, 590 Willow street, will spend the month of April in Springfield, Mass., with her daugh- ter, Miss Helen Beals, who holds the position of Nutrition Advisor in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keil and daughter, Regina, and son, Joseph, of 108 Church road, have returned from Lakeland, Fla., where they have been spending the winter months. Miss Mary L. von Hofsten, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo O. von Hofsten, 773 Prospect avenue, who was home for the Easter holidays, has returned to school. The Lincoln Avenue Circle is giv- ing' an informal card party and dance at the Community House, Tuesday evening, April 5. All members and their families and friends are cor- dially invited. Mrs. Charles S. Buell, 324 Fairview avenue, has returned from White Sulphur Springs, where she has been spending several week with her par-| ents. Mr. and Mrs. Willis- H. Hutson and son, Bradford, of 1112 Elmwood ave- nue, have returned from a ten days' stay at French Lick Springs, Ind. Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Fillis of 1138 North avenue announce the birth of a daughter, Marilynn, on Thursday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fleming of Evanston announce the birth of a son, Robert Dillon, on Saturday, March 19. Mrs. Fleming was former- Miss Caroline de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt, is taking a nurse's training course at the Evanston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Keil, who have been honeymooning in Lakeland, Fla., will return next week to make their home in Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Cable of Sheridan road, entertained with a din- ner dance last evening at the Sover- eign hotel, Chicago. The Wilmette Council of Knights of Columbus will hold a dinner dance at the Winnetka Woman's club on Thursday evening, May 12. COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR WEEK OF APRIL 4, 1921 Events of unusual interest are ar- ranged for Community House dur- ing the coming week. On Saturday evening, April 9, the Haydn Choral society of Chicago, is scheduled to give a concert in the gymnasium This promises to be a musical event of real worth, and one which is destined to give much pleasure to those who hear it. No one in Winnetka should miss this treat. In the gymnasium on Thursday evening, the business men of Win- netka will play the Lake Forest bus- iness men at volley ball. Community House will serve as one of the polling places in the vil- lage election on Tuesday next. The town meeting will be held in Room 4, the same day at 2 o'clock. The Lincoln Avenue Circle will give a dinner Tuesday evening. The all-day meeting of the Wom- an's society of the Congregational church will be held Wednesday. . The Winnetka firemen are to give a party in the Assembly room Satur- day evening. Monday, April 4, 1921 All-day meeting of the North Shore Sewing guild. Afternoon gym. The usual afternoon gym classes for girls, beginning at 3:45. S. F. B. P. club meeting in Assem- bly room at 3:45 o'clock. P. S. club meeting in the Neigh- borhood room at 4 o'clock. The mothers of this group are invited to witness the play which will be given by the club. Camp Fire Girls of Mrs. Robert- son's group--meeting at 4 o'clock in room 6. Evening--Gym Men's classes, vol- ley ball. Rehearsal of Minstrel club in As- sembly room at 8 o'clock. Tuesday, April 5 All-day polling place--Assembly room. Afternoon--gym classes for boys as usual, beginning at 2:45 o'clock. Town meeting, room 4, at 2 o'clock. Evening--Lincoln avenue Circle-- Assembly room and Neighborhood room. Gym at 7:30 o'clock, Young Woman's Gym class. Friendship Circle--Gym and Neighborhood room 8 to 10. Classes in English for For- eigners 8 o'clock. Rooms 9, 10, 11 and room 1. Wednesday, April 6 : All-day meeting of the Woman's society of the Congregational church. Afternoon--Camp Fire Guardian's course, conducted by Mrs. John Moody, at 2:15, room 5 : Camp Fire--Mrs. Robertson's group, room 4 at 4 o'clock. Miss Emily Matz's group, room 6 at 4 o'clock. Winnetka Circle, room 1, at 3:30 o'clock. ; Thursday, April 7 Evening--Boy Scouts, room, at 7:15. Assembly Residence Phon' fice Ph Oéhce Pons Winnetka 1468 Winnetka 344 Charles R. Bakkemo Painter and Decorator Holder of Diploma for Painting ESTIMATES FURNISHED 952 Spruce St., WINNETKA, ILL. 2727777 zrrrriiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiididd N77 7727777777777 7 777777 7777777777777 777770 ellldllbdddlddidddddddddd?, William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfullyfurnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 SS LLLLLLLSLLSILLLLLLSS LLL S LESS SSL S SSL SLL SSS SSSA SS SSL & SSS LLLLLLSLLLL LLL LS LLLISS LLL SSS LLL LSS SSS SSS SSS SA > JIT 77 Lizzi aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Gym. Volley ball, Winnetka busi-| ness men vs. Lake Forest, 7:30 o'clock. North Shore Horticultural society, | men's party. room 6, 8 o'clock. Friday, April 8 Afternoon--Camp Fire, Miss Ruth Matz' group, room 5, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Kennicott's group, room 9, at 4 o'clock. Assembly room, 4 o'clock, North Shore Players. Evening--Gym. Motion pictures-- 7:15, and 8:35. George Beban in "On Man in a Million." J Very Latest Styles Suits, Dolmans, Saturday, April 9 n.VS.: Evening--Gym. Haydn Choral so- Scandinavian Pleasure club, rooms | ciety, concert, 8:15. 19, 10. 11. at 8 o'clock. A A 1 8 o'dlock, Fire- ly Miss Bernice Dillon of Wilmette. | S3eribly roots CARD OF THANKS ment. THREE-LINE AD WE SPECIALIZE IN THE BEST OF Electrical Appliances North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Railroad Ave., Winnetka Tel. Winnetka 44 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lips and chil- dren wish to express their appreciation of the many kindnesses shown them by friends during their recent bereave- --Adv. T3-1tc YOU CANT GO FAR WRONG | GET HOUSEHOLD HELP WITH A WITH AN AD Dresses, Skirts UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2403 _---- PAINT LARGE AND SMALL CANS PAINTING Ask for our Free Service on all your Paint Problems. Telephone Winnetka 344 RASMESEN'S store Starting & Lighting Battery is fully equipped to di al L Kh » va Service Station attery service PhoneiWinnetka 1387 to every Ford Owner EMEMBER that! LX No matter what battery your starting and lighting system is equipped with, we can meet its every need. Get in the good habit of bringing your batterv to us at regular periods and letting us inspec. and rewater it. For this service we make no charge, and it goes a long way toward keeping your battery in sound working condition. We can also supply you with the "EXide" Bat- tery especially made for Ford cars. ¢ Winnetka Exide Battery Station 2 and 3 Prouty Court Winnetka, Illinois Q ERE IRE) APRIL RECORDS JUST our faves First Car PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. Phone Evanston 654 Phonest EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Evanston 4250-6020 Motor Cars of abundant power, so sound mechanicall and of such refinement as S 28rd Year give the owner the constant, satisfying service to which his investment entitles him. 1013-1017 Jans-Lamke Motor Co. OLDSMOBILE DAVIS STREET New Stock Extra Fine Salted Herring: 25¢ for Monsoon Sweet Wrinkled Peas, can 17c; dOZOR oi a al da Leni $1.80 La Belle French Sprat Sardines, in pure olive Ol, 2icans .. i. Lis. cue dei vannisivan's 35¢ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fresh Rhubarb, 21bs. .................... 25¢ Fancy Green Beans, quart .............. 25¢ Extra Fancy Asparagus, 2 bunches ...... 25¢ Beets,2bunches .................cc0vimen 15¢ Carrots, 2 bunches ...................... 15¢ Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. ............ 25¢ Tomatoes and Spinach, low price Fancy Green Peas, quart ................ 17c Radishes, Cucumbers and a variety of other fresh vegetables received every morning. Fresh Strawberries received daily. Bananas, Z Ib8. .. 0 civ aisin Jamon shinies 25¢ Florida Oranges, dozen 35¢c, 40c, 50c and 55c¢ California Oranges, dozen . . ..28c, 50c and 60c Fancy Greening Apples, 41bs. ............ 25¢ Delicious Eating Apples, 1b. .............. 10c MISCELLANEOUS Santa Clara Prunes, fancy, 21lbs. .......... 25¢ Richelieu Prunes, 30-40 size, lb. .......... 28c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 4 lbs. ............ 25¢ Gold Dust, large pkg. ..... AR ER 29¢ Fancy Imported Fard Dates, special at ..32c Safe Home Matches, large pkg. .......... 29¢ Log Cabin Syrup, table size, can ........ 38c medium large can .................. 12¢ Large Ivory Soap, 3 bars for ............ 40c American Family Soap, 10 bars .......... 73c Kitchen Klenzer, 4 cans ................25¢c Lux, 10 phkgs. .... oo a $1.15 CANNED GOODS Campbell's Assorted Soups, 2 cans ........ 25¢ Justright Tomatoes, largecan ............ 15¢ Plymouth Rock Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 2 for 25¢ Plymouth Rock Corn, No. 2 can, 2 for ....25c Four Deliveries Daily No Charges for Deliveries Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery Telephone Winnetka 400 901 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods --)

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