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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 16 Apr 1921, p. 7

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rs WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921 Bors per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Im Ln = y/ REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT--ROOM Winnetka Home Bargains VAIL HOUSE "OR BOOMS FOR A MODERN 5 ROOM STUCCO, DUTCH re sen ehing LOT two ladies Colonial style, hot water heat, 50 Li ALR RE LEERY foot lot, garden, trees, reasonable FOR SALE--VACANT terms at $7,250.00 6 room stucco with hot water heat, $7,600. 6 room stucco and shingle, half cash, $8,500. Reduction for quick sale to $10.500 on a mod. 6 room stucco, glazed front and sleeping porches, hot water heat, fireplace. oak floors. hardwood trim and white enamel; east; terms; $10.500. Hubbard Woods, white frame semi- bungalow, 6 rooms, furnace heat, fine locality, $10,500. Good value in Hubbard stucco for fall possession, 7 2 baths, glazed porches, $12,500. LARGE LIST OF AVAILABLE HOMES HILL & STONE Winnetka Office West of Depot.. Phone Winnetka 1544. LTG23-1te Hubbard Woods, Foxdale avenue, at- tractive up to date home, 7 large sunshiny rooms and porch, 100 foot lot, near transportaion, $16,000. Hubbard Woods; Colonial large, light rooms; nice $15,000. Winnetka, 7 room frame house, large ivi room, nice high lot, garage, Woods rooms, terms 'at home, 7 location; Hubbard Woods, 8-room frame house; modern and up-to-date; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; garage; $17,500. Winnetka. Indian Hill section; south west; English brick* and stucco; 5 bedrooms; 3 bath rooms; 2 sleep ing porches; large sun porch; at- tached garage; bargain; $25,000. Fine piece of vacant, overlooking In- dian Hill Golf ground, 6214x231 feet, with some fine old apple trees, price $60 per foot. Some nice locations on Chestnut, Lin- den and Ridge avenues, north west Winnetka. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winnetka 1300 GOOD BUYS CHOICE 50- PT. LOT IN section, deep and duced te $26 ft. Deep wooded lot in finest N. E. tion, $85 ft. 6 r. stucco home, modern and in good WESTERN well wooded, re- Sec- condition, fine wooded Iot, $8,250. 8 r. brick and stucco in choice east location, enamel and ivory finish; huge... living. room; fireplace; fine wooded lot; cut to $12,500, - Owner gone east; must sell fine 8 r. stucco in finest location; in. splen- did condition; glass sun and sleeping porches: double .garage; . beautiful wooded lot, $17,500. Beautiful colonial stucco home on huge wooded corner; 4 master bed- rooms; 2 sleeping porches: 2 tile baths; maid's room and bath: 3 ex- tra lavatories: vacuum vapor heat; double garage; owner leaving: will accent offer of $28,500. M. E. BARKER & CO. 'End of "L" 405 Linden. Tel. Wil. 484 FOR SALE--BARGAIN FOR HOME and investment; 2 family house in fine location near transportation and bath and very large enclosed porch on first floor; 4 rooms, enclosed porch school in Winnetka: 5 rooms and and bath on second floor; well built and in splendid condition. Owner leaving Winnetka will sacrifice for $9,300. Inquire 877 Elm street., Win- netka or phone Win. 1689. FOR SALE--MODERN EXTRA WELL built 7-room and recpt. hall, stone basement, frame dwelling. 777 Fox- dale Ave., Winnetka. Poss, May 1: What am I offered? Edward Vail, owner, 175 Jackson Blvd. Phone Wabash 3620. LTG23-1tp FOR SALE CHARMING SMALL home in Hubbard Woods; stucco ex- terior; 7 r. and path; extra toilet; four porches; location ideal; $14,500; also a few rentals furnished and un- furnished. Mrs. Macintyre, Winn. 198. T5-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOME WILL PAY CASH FOR SMALL HOUSE near lake in best location; give low- est price. P. O. Box 23, Wilmette, RE LT22-4tp FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT -- HOUSE 9 ROOMS AND sleeping porch; modern; poss. May 1. Ask for B. J. Smith, 1012 Green- leaf Ave. Wilmette. Call after 6:30 pom: TG5-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE, 9 ROOMS AND sleeping porch; modern; poss. May 1. ask for B J. Smith, 1012 Grenleaf avenue, Wilmette, Call after 6:30 P. M. LTG23-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; seven rooms; two baths; sun parlor. 1410 Hill St. Phone 883. LTG23-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT -- SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, unfurnished, near de-| pot, Winnetka or Hubbard Woods: will take long lease or buy if satis- factory. Davey, 665 Roscoe street, Chicago. G5-3te WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE; three or four bed rooms; four weeks hetween May 1st and June 15th; Evanston to Glencoe, inclusive. W. D. Beymer, North Shore Hotel. Ev- anston. LTG23-1tp WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE with six or seven rooms, near North Western trans, for three or four months; 2 adults, between Wilmette and Highland Park. E. R. Hart, 4640 Ellis avenue, Chicago. TGH-1te FURNISHED HOUSE, MODERN. FOR July and August; rent $150: 3 in fam- ily. Phone Hyde Park 3060 or write Robert J. Hart, 1151 B. 51st St.. Chi- cago. T5-1tc WANTED -- TO RENT SMALL FUR- nished house for two months, July and August. Call Win. 46. T3-3te IN WINNETKA, UNFURNISHED OR furnished house. Call Win. 303. T5-1te A 4 GRAVE LOT IN MEMORIAL PARK cemetery near Chapel; reasonable; Section 14, lot 3 (B 47). T5-1tp FOR RENT--OFFICE OFFICE FOR RENT--BANK BLDG. 545 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Apply Avres Boal, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago. T5-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE By GENE THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN | *RNES VERY, WEL THEN! '{ 2 FOR THIS DIRTY WORK FOR RENT CEMENT GARAGE; heated; electric light, running water, work bench; $9.50 per month. Also J Carriage house, electric lighted: use- able as garage; room for two or more cars, $6.50 each per month. Chestnut near Oak. Phone Win. 1245. T2-4tc FOR RENT--GARAGE AT $7.00 PER month. 872 Fine street. Phone Win. 1657. T2-3te HELP WANTED--FEMALE STENOGRAPHER--CATHOLIC, CAP- able of taking charge of office dur- ing manager's absence; excellent op- portunity for girl living in Wil- mette. Earl Kolb, 526 East Railroad, Wilmette, II1. LTG23-1tc WHITE COUPLE OR WIDOW WITH adult employed child to occupy mod- ern cottage; woman to do housework in adjoining home. Address 333 Greenwood Ave. Glencoe. LTG23-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework; good wages, no washing.. 730 Ashland Ave, Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 1506. G23. | WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL | office work in public school: book- keeping exp. necessary. netka 850. WANTED--SALESGIRL knowledge of retail nent position; good Store, Evanston. Phone Win- LTG23-1tc WITH SOME shoes; perma- pay. Lord's LTG23-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family. Phone Kenilworth 249. LTG23-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- HIGH GRADE AUTO ME- chanie. Winnetka Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, TG5H-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALR SITUATION WANTED -- BY LAUN- dress for Wednesdays, Thursdays and P---------- or THEATRICAL MANAGER FORCING @ HAM FAT ACTOR TO SIGN & FORTY EIGHT WEEK CONTRACT AT FIVE HUNDRED A WEEK 2 pair green velour portieress leather with mahogany stroller. Tel. arm chair child's park Wilmette 1507. LTG23-1tp ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING WILL SELL New Englander bungalow bed: sev. pairs of net curtains; Stewart gas range; mahogany day bed. Phone Kenilworth 507. LTG24-1tc FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM FURNI- ture, rugs, gas stove and other ar- ticles. Call morning or evenings 380 Washington Ave. Glencoe, III. TGH-1tp BED, SPRING ; golden oak dining set; baby buggy fireless cooker. Tel 'Winn. 1205. 5 LTG23-1te FOR SALE--SOME GOOD BOOKS; OLD English rug; child's bed and mat-! tre all in excellent condition. Tel. | Wilmette 1847. LTG223-1te | LIBRARY TABLE, 2 ROCKERS, VER-, trim; | FOR SALE--BRASS and mattre Fridays; can furnish excellent ref- nis Martin bed, refrigerator, > erences. Phone Oakland 6591 aftér range. Call 696." Ash St. Ou 6 o'clock. LT23-1tp morning. : T -lte | YOUNG LADY WISHES ENGAGE-| FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE TWO | ments; plain sewing and mending. ovens, broiler and plate warmer Address Tuake Shore News, B-45. Address Winnetka Talk B-50. LT23-1tc T5-1tp YOUNG COLORED WOMAN TO DO|HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PRACTIC- family mending and plain sewing by ally new; first class condition. Phone the day. Phone Glencoe 419. Kenilworth 183. LT23-1te TG5-1tc | FOR SALE--RUG 66x05, OAK DINING WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH table. FPhone Wilmette 2019. dried or ironed. Phone Glencoe 171. LTG23-1te White. TG50-12te EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. CALL J. l. Leonard, 861 Bryant Ave. Win- netks T5-1te DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONE Highland Park 822-W after 6 p. m. LTG23-1tp FOR SALE--AUTO FOR SALE---1917 7 PASSENGER STU- debaker touring car; splendid condi- tion at Kenilworth Motor Co. or phone owner, Winnetka 725. LTG23-1tp SITUATION WANTED MALE WANTED -- WORK, BY RELIABLE man; experienced in gardening and housework; also handv with car- penter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T48-tfc WANTED--BY HOUR OR DAY. WORK as gardener or houseman; also can do painting and calsomining; refer- ences. Phone Evanston 3293-7. , TG5-1tp FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for housework and building wire fences. Phone Winnetka 329. TG5-1tp A. McKAY, FORMER WINNETKA news agent, wants work as jobber, house cleaning, ete. Phone Winn. 770. T5-1tp COMPETENT HOUSEMAN DESIRES steady employment on north shore; best of references. Call Wil. 1080. TG5-1tp LOUIS PANTLE, LANDSCAPE GAR- dener; work by contract or hour Phone Win. 549-0 LT20-tfc WANTED BY YOUNG MAN--GARDEN or housework. Phone Win. 736. T51-tfe FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ELEGANT DINING ROOM set, Elizabethian style; in perfect condition; disposing of this set be- cause of moving away; this set was purchased from Scholle's Furniture house in Chicago and is complete throughout; also other household goods. Phone Wil. 708-W. LLTG23-1tc FOR SALE -- TWO ANTIQUE BLACK walnut bedroom sets, mahogany bed, brass costumer, andirons and fire set, oak rockers and chairs, small table, lady's writing desk, umbrella stand. 397 Palos road, Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 397. TG5-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano and bench, dining table, 6 chairs and buffet, special finish, 3 parlor chairs, folding spring cot, good mattress, refrigerator, gas range, large oak dresser, typewriter. Phone Wilmette 312. TGH-1tp FOR SALE -- G. OAK 10 FOOT DIN- ing table and four leather seat chairs, round parlor table, Jacobean china cabinet, birch mahog. small writing desk with chair, Kitchen drop leaf table; very reasonable. Phone Win- netka 674-W. L5-1tc FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, DIN- ner chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants' em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, Jil, : T33-tf FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy, sell FOR SALE--A FRANKLIN TOURING car; 1920 model; bargain. Phone Win. 1671. T5-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- USED. TYPEWRITERS; Underwood $50. L. C. Smith $55. Remington $62. Also other makes. We do repairing. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. LTG17-tfe | CHICKEN HOUSE WITH WINTER enclosure for $8.50; first class condi- tion. Phone Glen. 876 or write 444 Drexel Ave. Glencoe. T5-1tp FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICTLY fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T50-tfc FOR SALE--FOUR WINDOW FRAMES with sash; 800 feet wallboard; at very low price. Phone Win. 466. T5-2tc BEAUTIFUL PERENNIALS AND AN- nuals; flowers from 50c to $1.50 a dozen. Call Win. 871. T5-3tp FOR SALE -- REED BABY CAR- riage, French gray. Phone Win netka 287. LTG23-1tp ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING A phonograph? See Mr. Lee. Phone Wilmette 494. LTG23-3te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY SHCUND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND clothing of all descriptions . Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue LTG17-tfc WANTED -- TO RENT OR BUY painter's extension ladders. Tel Winnetka 1127. LTG22-2tc TO BUY IRON BODY WHEELBAR- row, coal burner. hot water heater. Call Win. 828 evenings. T5-1tp OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. SIMON, 1719 Oakton street, Evanston. LTG20-4tp MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE CEMETERY -- ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For information call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office, Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M I.TG13-tfc PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED--WE RE- pair all makes of talking machines and exchange. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl4-tfe Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St.. Evans- rrecently, > 7s | J ! \ 1 , . en Pn INTERNA :CivAL CAKTOON CO N.Y. é Bre | BABY'S WHITI ENAMEL BED COM-| VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED. WE plete; hair inattress: nursery chair; repair all makes of vacuum cleaners | Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St. Ev-' anston. LTG-18-tfc | GET YOUR WOOD CUT BY POWER | and save money. Phone Win. 549-M. '52-tfc LOST AND FOUND CHANGEABLE SILK PURSE CON- taining money; Monday in Winnetka. Call Win. 772; reward. T5-1te WOMEN HOLD INTEREST IN KENILWORTH SCHOOL VOTE Three women are candidates in the annual election in School District No. 38, comprising Kenilworth, to be held at the Kenilworth school on Satur- day. Mrs. Ruth Snydacker, member of the Board of Education, who resigned candidate for president of that body. Other women candi- dates for board memberships, on the unopposed ballot, are Etta P. Har- rison and Bessie M. Taylor. J. Herbert Newport is a candidate on the ballot to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Snydacker. Mrs. Frederick Copeland of 665 Prospect avenue sails for France on April 20, to be gone about three months. She is leaving the village on Sunday for New York city. bs CO-OPERATION WINS ON THE NORTH SHORE 160 Co-Operative Stores now open; 40 more under lease in- cluding Winnetka, Wilmette and Highwood. Stores Open in Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Libertyville, Waukegan and Evanston. These stores are owned and op- erated by the people and for the people, each member shar- ing in the profits of this gigant- ic business besides receiving a discount of 5% on purchases. Our stores are open to all and we solicit your patronage and invite you to become a Co-Op- erator with us. Following are the names of all local authorized organizers. See one of them now. J. L. HOLBROOK, Highland Park. GEORGE F. MALM, Glencoe. RALPH PATE, Glencoe. L. C. CONRAD, Gleneoe. MRS. A. N. THREADGILL, Wilmette, 322 Greenleaf Ave. MRS. P. F. LOBANOFF, Wilmette, 1118 Greenleaf Ave. F. P. WHEELER District Supt. Co-Operative Society of America GARAGES $100 up Why pay Gar- age rent? Investigate? g Send for Catalogue. Delivered and erected in few hours. DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSE CO. 4307-19 W. 24th Place Phone Lawndale 1877 CHICAGO 1) ! Portable Garagesand Summer Homes | No Order 198 Small for us to appreciate, nor too large to execute EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. . Evanston, Ill. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors care. extras. A. HOSTNICK that you would expect in a car that has run 4000 miles. be the best bargain we have had to offer in this popular car. WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY L777 7 727 Fd 7777 7 270 77 77 7 2 eZ 2d Td ZT Edd ddd dd ddd 2 dd ddd ZT 27 7 777 7777 Dodge Sedan--17920 Model A car that has had very little mileage and has had wonderful Equipped with a practically new set of tires and lot of Beautiful gray velour upholstery; in good mechanical condition, all We believe this to Telephone Winnetka 165 LLL LLL LLL Ll Ld Ld Ld ddl ddd ddd dd Ld did ddd dd ddd dd da ddd dd 2 2d dd dd ddd ddd Zell lz N N \ N N N A FACTS ABOUT THE FRANKLIN DO YOU KNOW-- That it takes less power or a lighter push to move a FRANKLIN car than any other car on the road? That FRANKLIN cars have made the highest record of miles per day, both in the hands of men and women drivers? GAGE MOTOR SALES 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston CO. Phone Evanston 5700 WILMETTE PHONE WILMETTE 280 ton. LTG-18-tfc' Acting along our usual progressive lines and in order to more efficiently extend the SERVICE to which our patrons are justly entitled, we have secured the ser- vices of Mr. H. F. Unser as manager of our Wilmette and Evanston establishments. EVANSTON, 1022 Davis Street PHONE EVANSTON 98 BES ERE WESTERN UNDERTAKING COMPANY D. S. SATTLER, Pres. ! | a r----

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