WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL, 30, 1921 TEACHERS' SESSION SUCCESSFUL EVENT Delegates To Lake Shore Division of Illinois State Teachers' Associa- tion Meet at Evanston With what was said to be the big- gest atendance in years, the Lake "Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' association, which conven- ed in Evanston last Friday, closed its last session late in the atfernoon at a general business meeting held in the First Methodist 'church. The quality of the speakers, the respons- iveness of the delegates and the gratifying numbers who came to Ev- anston, making this one of the great- est conventions ever held by the asso- ciation, were all a part of the day's successful program which lasted from early morning until late afternoon. At the general morning session, several splendid addresses were made, one of the most important of which was that of Prof. O. Rugg of the Columbia university teachers' college. Generation of Thinkers He told of the responsibility which lay with the public schools in train- ing a generation of men and women who could think intelligently, and dis- cussed the more efficient methods by which the routine things (spelling, reading, writing, etc.) are now being taught. "Our big job is to train citi- zens who will think about their af- fairs and render critical judgement in politics, religion and industry," said Professor Rugg. He showed where the validity of some of the assumptions upon which a represent- ative democracy have been based is now being questioned by thoughtful educators, one of which is that peo- ple have sufficient intelligence to or- ganize their affairs efficiently with- out training. "We have learned in the past 50 years to question this as-/ sumption," he explained in bringing' out the point that the every day man and woman do not carefully think about what they are going to do, but respond on influence and not after proper deliberation. He endeavored to show that the American public system is, in part responsible for this and, by discourse and illustration demonstrated where- in lay certain means of correcting the discrepancies. Upon great teachers depends the future of American thought, is his belief. Other Excellent Speakers BIN Other speakers of the morning were Supt. W. W. Lewton, chairman of the legislative committee, who discussed school appropriations, state and local, and explained different bills which have been placed before the legis- lature in an effort to secure a greater state distributable fund. President Livingston C. Lord of the Eastern Illinois state normal school, took up educational subjects which should be included on the public school curri- culums and dwelt on the raising of our educational standards. Between the addresses musical numbers were presented by north shore talent; and the choice work of the A Capella choir was well received. OPEN TENNIS SEASON Tennis was formally ushered into the whirl' of spring 'sports Trier High school this week when the annual handicap tournament was to be launched, provided the weather man eased up on the moisture suffi- ciently to permit the newly groomed | courts to get into shape. LAST KIPPY DANCE Kippy orchestra, sponsors of the dance, sedate or '"steppy," announce the closing dance of the season at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday evening, April 30. The final enter- tainment will be in the nature of a May Dance and Confetti party. First Church of Christ, Scien- tist, of Glencoe, holds regular services Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Sunday school con- venes at 10:00 a. m. The ser- vices are held in Masonic Hall, corner Vernon and Hazel Ave- nues. The public is cordially invited to be present. SERVICE quick delivery and the right lumber EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, Ill. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors at New| War Vets Announce Great Reunion Fete Fifty Posts of American Legion and Spanish War Veterans Join Hands To Aid Disabled Soldiers Fifty posts of the American Le- gion, veterans of Foreign Wars, and Spanish War Veterans, have joined forces for the first big reunion and carnival of former service men and women to be held in the Chicago Coliseum May 3 and 4. The show will be a combination circus, country fair, Mardi-Gras and dance, on both nights. Each post is taking concessions, the proceeds to be divided between the post and the Legionnaires' club, which is run- ning the show for the benefit of em- ployment, hospitalization, and other work among soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses of the city. Americanization Feature There will be a big Americaniza- tion angle, Arnold Joerns, president of the Legionnaires club, has an- nounced. Judge K. M. Landis and Frank Comerford will speak on pa- triotic topics, in a ten-minute inter- mission each night. Forty thousand tickets already have been sold. The First Field Artillery will have two For Automobile Starting Batteries Now is the time to let the Doctor--that's us--give your bat- 6 tery the '"'once over." Whether or not you have been using your car this past winter, your battery undoubtedly needs attention. + Drive around to our *'XEXide" Service Station and we will inspect your battery carefully. We make no charge for this service. We are "XEX{de" Distributors in this territory. Remember that the "JEx{de" is the original " Unit-seal' battery--the enormously powerful battery and the one that's easy to care for. ' '4JEXIDE" service is prompt and re- liable. Take advantage of our free inspection offer. Winnetka Exide Battery Station 2 and 3 Prouty Court Tel. Win. 1387 Winnetka, Ill. CO-OPERATION WINS ON THE NORTH SHORE 160 Co-Operative Stores now open; 43 more under lease in- cluding Winnetka, Wilmette and Highwood. Stores Open in Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Libertyville, Waukegan and Evanston. These stores are owned and op- erated by the people and for the people, each member shar- ing in the profits of this gigant- ic business besides receiving a discount of 5% on purchases. Our stores are open to all and we solicit your patronage and invite you to become a Co-Op- erator with us. Following are the names of all local authorized organizers. See one of them now. J. L. HOLBROOK, Highland Park. GEORGE F. MALM, Glencoe. RALPH PATE, Glencoe. L. C. CONRAD. Glencoe. MRS. A. N. THREADGILL.,. Wilmette, 322 Greenleaf Ave. PAUL LOBANOFF, Wilmette, 1118 Greenleaf Ave. MRS. THERESA KUBACK, Winnetka, 930 Elm St. MRS. LUCY ROBINSON, Winnetka, 930 Elm St. F. P. WHEELER District Supt. Co-Operative Society of America French 75's on exhibit, with the same crews which manned them in France. Special free attractions, dancing acts, music, wrestling, and other at- tractions are billed. REJECTS INDUSTRIAL COURT An industrial court bill, modeled after the Kansas industrial court law, was killed by the house of the Iowa legislature, which voted against re- consideration of the measure. The bill did not reach the senate. Rug Cleaning 1145 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 1200 | KENILWORTH HAND LAUNDRY KIDS SUPERIOR LAUNDRY cqcC OUR WORK 1S OF THE HIGHEST GRADE -- - So WERE SOU CITING YouR. TRADE -- Here in the business of turn- ing out high- grade laundry. KENILWORTH 222 GLENCOE 55 7 q With bedding plants, geran- iums and daisies. for flower boxes are a specialty. We also handle Annuals, Tomato and Cabbage plants, pot plants. It has been 18 months since our green- house froze; our opening now is mak- ing it possible for you to BUY YOUR FLOWERS FROM YOUR HOME FLORIST PHONE GLENCOE 730 a small stock of Vines with a few other 205 ZZ ZZ 2 Za Ta ZL a Eee dled le ddd 77777 077, & Baits clearance sale,as adver- tised last week, is still go- ing on. Ins InE This sale will last only as long as the Oxfords, Pumps and High Shoes last. Broken lines, not in every style, but in every length and width. Still Selling at $7.85 PACKER & OSTILLERS North Shore In the North Shore Hotel 529 DAVIS ST. TELEPHONE EVANSTON 6757 Tn Bootery OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL TEN 0YBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday April 30 ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN "The Miracle of Manhattan" Pathe News Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday to Friday May 2nd to 6th inclusive You've got the laugh of your life in store for you when you see Douglas Fairbanks' Newest, Funniest Picture "THE NUT" Thrills and laughs chase each other through six of the fastest reels of comedy- drama you've ever seen on the screen. IT'S A RIOT OF FUN EE EEE TT TEER HEEL FACTS ABOUT THE FRANKLIN DO YOU KNOW-- That the FRANKLIN car was the first 6-cylinder automobile built? That itis a recognized fact that 80% of FRANKLIN owners do not carry a spare tire? GAGE MOTOR 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston SALES! CO, Phone Evanston 5700 0 gy For 26 Years TheSmartest and Best Dressed Women in STANLEY CARS a Have been entirely controlled by one - Sport and Week throttle lever, without any starter, an s clutch, or any overs to shift. Yhat is any End Skirts city. Get your NEW STANLEY steam car nformation from a dealer only. MADE AT i The Easiest Car to Driv 7 : nd Understand, = THE WILSON PRICES RANGE FROM $1500 UP SKIRT SHOP WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER ys a HUBBARD WOODS Bones ding el. Winnetka, 8 J|] 17 North State CHICAGO 16 North Wabash \ North Shore Baths [IIB Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONE EVANSTON 6424 NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING 1921 MODELS HARLEY - DAVIDSON. Calland see them or send for catalog | on new or used ma- £~, chines. . LANG, 1704 lichigan Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. {| E E] 2 wow