=of 924 Euclid "Woods, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1921 5 J LL LL LL LLL LT LE LL TO CLO ETE ELT TY 32 "R « rs SAT, SIS - y gl \ . by STI ans rn i, ld I> RB liger "A. De Windt of ; er's school at Simsbur coming one. Miss Margaret Boyden, daugh also is having a house party of girls from the same school. gel Jocial Happenings ; oe 1 . in w jth Winnetka s Hubbard Woods. il I | gry rt Ruth Risley x, nf] CO TI) TRE q %, a cs rr TTTTLLLL aaaraanaes anes Speen 15S ALICE DE WINDT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hey- Sheridan road, is entertaining at a house party for a number of friends from Miss Walk- y, Conn., during this week and the ter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden was hostess at a buffet luncheon for the girls on the Fourth of July, and she will also be a hostess at a'dance for young people this evening. Mr. and Mrs. De Windt will honor the out-of-town guests with | a dance at Love Cottage, on the grounds of their estate, the fol- lowing Saturday evening. Miss both pupils at Miss Walker's. De Windt and Miss Boyden are $4 Miss Greeley, Miss Elizabeth Greeley and Miss Betty Copeland will give a small dinner-dance at Ravinia next Monday evening in honor of their house guests, Miss Wardner and Miss Pratt of Bos- ton, Mass. Ld Mrs. Robert G. Marriner of Men- ominee, Mich., announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Margaret, to Dr. Donald M. Gallie, Jr. son. of Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie of Wilmette. The engagement was an- nounced last week at a party given by Miss Marriner's sister, Mrs. Har- old Tideman of Chicago. Miss Marriner is a graduate of North- western Universtiy and is a member of the Alpha Phi jorority. Mrs. Mary McCormick of Green Bay, Wis. ,announces the marriage of her daughter, Sarah Agnes, to Mr. Edwin A. Hurlbut, son of Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut of Wilmette. on Saturday, June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbut are spending their honey- moon in the northern woods, near Eagle River, Wis., and upon their re- turn, late this month, will make their home on the north shore. cts 8 ens 4 To and card party will be given by the board members of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league at the residence of Miss Susan Alten, 763 Hill road, Winnetka, on Bastile Day, Thursday, July 14, at two thirty o'clock. Mrs. Robert Mehren of 785 Walden road, is the chiarman. A prize will be given at every table. ee Be The pavilion at Ravinia Park was filled with children and their mothers, as well as other adults, Thursday afternoon, the occasion being the first children's afternoon of the season. Many were unable to obtain seats and enjoyed the . music while seated in the refresh- ment pavilion. Fra Sek Mrs. William Sutherland of Glen- coe, who is chairman of children's Jane, Elizabeth, Caroline and James Sutherland; Jean MacLeish, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, and Mrs. John Bullen and daughter | Edith of Glencoe were in the audi ence. femme Among those present from Win- netka were Mrs. Chester Sargeant and daughter, Peggy; Mrs. James W. Prindiville and daughter, Mary Ellen, and Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt and her young daughter; Mrs. George Stanley Parker and daughter, Betty, and Mrs. John Vennema and daughter Marcelle. i. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dieterich of Ottawa, Ill, formerly of Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daghter, Ruth Ione, to Hal Parsons Crane of Cleveland, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Crane of Ottawa, Ill. Ae Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Perkins, of Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Stella Francis, to Mr. Leslie E. Ball, on Sunday, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ball will make their home in Bruce, Wis. SE a Mr. and Mrs. Warner H. Robinson avenue, Hubbard announce the birth of a daughter of July 6, at St. Luke's hos- pital. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Strotz will leave July 12 and will motor east. "Their sister, Miss Kay Strotz, who is living at the Webster this summer with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harold N. Strotz, will go with them. The party expects to be gone one month. fp Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Cleveland, who have just recently returned from their honeymoon, visited with friends in Winnetka on Thursday of this week. They are making their 'home at 3641 E. 99th street, Chicago. 'The Instrumenis of the Orches- tra" will be explained by Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer, illustrated by members ot the Chicago Symphony, at the third Children's Concert at Ravinia Park, July 14, at 3:15 o'clock. To those unfamilar with the Orch- estra, nothing is more difficult to un- derstand than the variety of tones from the different instruments. To a child it is exceedingly fascinating, not only to watch the different meth- ods used in playing on the various instruments, but also to try and tell which instrument is playing, when individual voices are heard. In order that the less familiar in- struments may be better understood by the youthful listeners at the Ravinia Park Concerts, this program has been arranged. Mrs. Oberndorfer will describe in a simple manner the different fain! tes of instruments to be found in the orchestra, and how their tones are produced. Each individual voice will be heard, playing some well known selection taken from orchestral com- position, which are familiar to the children. The concert program following this talk on the instruments has been especially planned and will give each instrument in the orchestra an op- portunity for an obligato passage. The following instruments will illus- trate Mrs. Oberndorfer's talk. Flute, Oboe, English horn, Clarinet, Bas- soon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trom- bone, Tuba, Drums. PEAS, Mrs. Ida Gordon of Minneapolis, announces the marriage of her daughter, Josephine Williamson, to Lawrence Alden Horswell, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Horswell, formerly of Kenilworth. The wed: ding will take place today at. the summer residence of the bride- lgroom's parents at Saugatuck, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Horswell will reside in Chicago. -- Mrs. Edgar Owens and her daugh- ter Mrs. George Given of Hollywood, California are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest MacGibbon, 738 Lincoln avenue, Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Given will spend the summer with Mrs. Owens' sister in Hancock, New York, and will tour through Canada before their return to Holly- wood. Mrs. MacGibbon will join them in the east a little later. wef means Mrs. Frank H. Buck, Jr. of Cali- fornia, is a guest with her husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Compton in Glencoe.: Mr. and Mrs. Buck came to Chicago last week to be present for the seventy- fourth annual convention of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity of which Mr. Buck was re-elected president for the coming year. -- Mrs. B. Bernhardt of 4853 North Winchester avenue, Chicago, an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Marie to Eben W. Erik- son of St. Louis, Mo., formerly *of Winnetka. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clegg Mc Kinney and son, Charles, and daugh- ter, Jane, of 1215 North avenue, left Saturday. July 2 for Weauetonsing, Mich., where they have taken a cot- | tage. lf in A tea was given Mrs. Buck by Mrs. Compton at the Skokie Countrv club last Friday afternoon, which preceded a dinner party and the opera at Ravinia Park. Mrs. Buck was also the guest at a luncheon at 'the Drake last Saturday. --forem: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Case of 29 E. Schiller street. Chicago, have taken the Harvey Brewer home in Hub- bard Woods for the summer. : Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bentley and children, formerly of Winnetka, who spent some months in California, are at the Sovereign hotel. REL Mrs. E. W. Conable of Hinsdale, Ill, formerly of Winnetka, was the guest yesterday of Mrs. Alfred G. Freeman, 651 Lincolin avenue. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scrimgeour have gone to Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley J. Huddle and | Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hirsch of family, 794 Rosewood avenue, 83 Provident avenue, are spending motored to the Huddle farm, nearia fortnight in the east, stopping in LaFayette, Ind., over last weekend. |New York and Atlantic City. I ii, -- tp -- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Iverson, 714) Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal and Center street, announce the birth of | family have gone to their summer a daughter, on Wednesday, July 6. (home at Charlevoix, Mich. ee 3 en. ---- Mrs. Andrew T. Murphy and two Mr. Sidney F. H. Greeley, 655 boys, 332 Elder lane, are visitingjMaple avenue, has gone east to at- friends in Antioch, Ill. tend the wedding of a clasemate. ZT 561 Lincoln Ave. South Water Fruit Market "BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY" WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Phone Win. 392 Many items are priced at cost or a fraction over cost. week. Restricted space permits us to list but a few of our bargains Come this Blue Goose Melons, 3 for 25¢ Crate of 15 Select Melons $2.25 Alberta Peaches Calif. Sweet Plums 65c basket LEMONS 25c basket 40c dozen Jj ==) Fresh Asparagus Home Grown Cucumbers ... Parsley, Raddishes and Tomatoes .Low Price Cherries :....5.. Jk anes, ....Low Price Honey Dew Melons .............. Low Price Sweet Cherries, largest finest grade, TL HS CR Low Price SPECIAL -- Sweet Corn .......... 39¢ doz. Home Grown Beans .............. 2 qts. 15¢ Wax Beans ... x... cen svn inen 2 qts. 15¢ Beets and Carrots ................ 5¢ bunch Fresh Letiuce ......%5....... 5c, 10c, 15¢c head Home Grown Celery .......... 10c, 25¢ bunch Eggplant ......... 00000. SNE nC 15¢ up eae 10c bunch No. 1 New Potatoes ...............45c peck eat 5c, 0c New Apples .............c.0 che... 1008, New Cabbage .......... nv. c0elin ....8¢c Ib. Blue Goose Oranges. . . .35c, 40c, 50c, 60c doz. Bananas: .... ... 3 faders areas 30c doz. up Watermelons on Ice .............. All Prices Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Black- berries, Blueberries, Red Currants, Sour BUY HERE and SAVE MONEY ORDERS OVER $2.00 DELIVERED FREE WINNETKA COAL - LUMBER Phone73d COMPAINY Phone 735 EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager FRY LLILIVVYIVIVRIVIY Coal 1s plentiful now. Orders are filled promptly. Our Advice is to take advantage of these conditions. COBH 000000000DD0000000000800 1) Redd dtdthleL oONGAGS Se ue ee Et tM ig oy i 4 | 4