WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1921 8 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Splendid brick 7 r. home on beautiful deep wooded lot. H. W. Heat; fine finish. Owner cuts to $12,000; easy terms. Near new 7 R. Stucco, wooded lot 55x 200. H. W. Heat: slpg. and sun porches; tile bath; dble gar. Cut from $18,500 to $15,500. Luxurious 9 R. Colonial home; 3 baths; sun and sleep. pches; Nokol Ht. Wtr. Htr. Dble. gar. with chauf. qtrs. Huge wooded lot. Going to Cal, make offer. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L", Wilmette 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 484 LTG35-1te BUY YOUR VACANT NOW 'We have several choice lots on which you can make a handsome profit or a saving worth while if you want it for a home, but you must act now. See us at once for particulars. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 - 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG35-1te REAL ESTATE HILL & STONE BARGAINS IN WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS & GLEN- COE PROPERTIES WINNETKA 524 Linden St. Phone Win. 1544 TG17-1te FOR SALE--BUILDING For SALE -- OLD BUILDING SITU- ated at North end of Municipal Golf Links in Boal Park. This building has much good lumber in it and the Park Board would like to dispose of it. If interested, send word to No. A : 3 ; 2 innetka Weekly MTalk.| liams, 1210 Central Ave. Ph. Wilm.|ing from a slight operation. Ly mee TG17-1tc | _ 887-M. LTG32-4tr Cut to $30,000. | SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE PRACTICAL NURSE WILL TRAVEL with party for summer as compan- ion. Reference. Phone Wilmette 369. LTG34-1tc SHAMPOOING, SCALP TREATMENT facial massage and manicuring. Will g0 to homes Ph. Win. 1657. LT31-tfe HOSPITAL TRAINED NURSE; CA- nadian; college bred; traveled; adaptable; references. Tel. Glencoe 430. LTG35-1te SITUATION WANTED -- BY EXPER- ienced ladies' maid and dressmaker, in private home; references. Phone North Shore U pholstery Cleaners, Diversey 4071. TG17-1tp 1026 Emerson St. Evanston. Phone Shlain ShEDIH MASSAGE Evanston 5721. LTG31-tfc reatment at your ome. Mrs. An- derson, 939 Ash St. Phone Win. 352. | PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- T15-4tp Dajrea 35 years experience. Call - your home tuner and avoid delays A wo aay, ai SE and high prices. Phone Win. 509-J. 171. White. TG15-tfc yratugirie WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND| Mr. and Mrs. James Keddie en-|and Caroline Wills, and Mr. and furniture and other household goods . A 2 fighewt prices paid for same. Crost|tertained whith a house-party over | Mrs. Harold Bellows and small urniture Store, 1004-6 E on St., : : Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTGio-tro | the Fourth, at their home, 1004 Pine | daughter, Helen of Rogers Park. T BUY HOUSBHOLD GOODS AND| Street. Their guests included: Mr.| Sunday evening was spent at Ra- Clothing of all descriptions. | Phone pnd ti S. B. Wills of Oak Park,|vinia Park, and Monday evening at vanston an will call. N.| an i i 3 ' i EYanston Joe and 1 Bll ie t eir daughters, the Misses Effieithe Firework's display at Cubs Park. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- ed in your own home. We can eith- er do this or call for and deliver. We have years of experience and can do satisfactory efficient work. The HELP WANTED--MALE A LIVE REAL EfTATE ORGANIZA- tion with officss in the loop and branches on Noth Shore has open- ing for a manajer with an auto. for one of its brarch offices. Prefer a man with an acquaintance and one living on the north shore. Address Lake Shore News B-85. Ltg27-tfc SALESMAN WANTED--Must be high grade man of integrity; none other need apply. Unusual opportunity Address Lake Shore News, C-30. LTG32-tfc WANTED--EXPERIENCED GARDEN- er and greenhouse man; small amount of house work required; married man only. References. Phone Win. 42. LT35-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE WANTED--TUTORING IN ARITHME- tic, 7th grade. Reasonable. Phone Win. 1696. T17-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flagg. LTG35-tfc EXTERIOR PAINTING, PAPER hanging and all kinds of interior decorating neatly done by C. H. Wil- FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- OVERLAND TOURING car, Model 69-T, good condition, $150. Phone Win. 1010 between 10 and 12 A. M. LTG35-1tc WANTED TO BUY--AUTOMOBILE WANTED -- CHEVROLET, OVER- land, Maxwell or Ford with starter; Bargain for cash. Phone Win. 393. LTG35-1te WANTED--THE BEST LIGHT 4 OR 6 cylinder late model car. Will pay up to $1,000.00 cash. Address Win- netka Weekly Talk C-58. T17-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--ONE YEAR OLD AIREDALE dog; answers to name of Dick; wears Alhambra, California, License tag. Liberal reward for return to 429 Hawthorne Lane Phone Win. 1310. Ti7-1te LOST--ON THE VILLAGE COMMON, July 4th, pink embroidered from young lady's dress. 'Win. 571. T17-1tp. Mr. Isidor Lang of 800 Lloyd place is in Milwaukee, this week, recover- FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM COMPLETE- ly furnished bungalow, in Glencoe, near Hubbard Woods. Immediate possession. Call after 6 p. m, 510 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe $60. Phone 557 Highland Park or write H. 8. M., Box 218. LTG34-tfc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE, July 15th to October 1st. Large screened porches; one block from lake. Good transportation. Winnetka 1079. -1t FOR RENT--HOUSE, WILMETTE; 6 rooms, sleeping, and living; porch. $125 mo. July and August. Keith, 222 Ninth St, Phone Wil. 1505. LTG34-3tc FOR RENT--STUDIO FOR RENT--STUDIO IN WILMETTE, on Fridays and Saturdays. Address EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfe FYRNACES AND CHIMNEYS CLEAN- ed; responsible for all work. Morse and Sanato. Phone Glencoe 493. T17-1tp WANTED -- WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening, grad- ing, pruning and trimming; also housework. M. J. Sullivan, 882 Pine St. Phone Win. 1549. T16-tfc AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue We Showed You Last week what real prices were. Some of them were our regular Low prices. There is money to be saved trading at this Store. Hubbards Woods Grocery 890 Linden Avenue Winnetka 400 Charge accounts extended to responsible people CHIMNEYS CLEANED BY RELIABLE party; satisfaction guaranteed; rea- sonable price. Phone Win. 524-R and 535-J. T15-10tc STTUATION WANTED--BY RELIABLE Lake Shore News C-51. LT35-1tp experienced gardener, several days E in week, or for the entire season. WANTED 10 RENT--HOUSE Phone Wil. 708-M 15 tfo WANTED TO RENT--SIX OR SEVEN room house; Winnetka, Kenilworth or Wilmette. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk C-52. LT35-1te WANTED TO RENT--8 ROOM HOUSE terms paid in advance. Responsible party. Address Weekly Talk C-55. T17-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE IN Hubbard Woods or Glencoe from Au- gust to October 15th. 6 bedrooms or more; 3 baths and sleeping porch. Phone Win. 443. TG17-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOM WANTED TO RENT--FOR BALANCE of summer, large furnished room with two beds; near lake, conven- jent to cafe. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, 810 W Nevada Street, Urbana, Ill. LTG35-2tn YOUNG WORKING MAN DESIRES room and privilege of bath, near transportation Address Weekly Talk C-517. T17-1te WANTED ROOM WITH BREAK- fast, five days a week. Phone Win. 850 Sat A. M. or Monday. TG17-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- MATURE SCHOOL GIRL to come late afternoons to get dinner five or six nights a week. Referen- ces. 274 Greenwood Ave. near Hub- bard Woods station. T17-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- eral house work and care of 2 child- ren. Good home. Mrs. Gillfillan, 241 Fairview Rd. Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 391. LTG35-1tc WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework; white; no laundry; 3 in family; good home. Phone Win. 1026. LTG35-1tc LAWNS TAKEN CARE OF. GARDEN and house work. Phone Win. FA, T9-tfe WANTED -- GARDEN, HOUSEWORK or automobiles washed. Phone Win. 614-W. T17-2tc SITUATION WANTED 1st CLASS white cook for Wilmette or Winnet- ka. Refs. furn Phone Rogers Park 7132. T17-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--GRAY ENAMELED UNI- versal Combination Coal and Gas range. Phone Wilmette 2202. LTG35-1tp FOR SALE FURNITURE, RUGS fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchang- ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone Win. 1212 T11-tfc FOR SALE--CHILD'S HIGH CHAIR, white go-cart, and white sleigh. Phone Win. 129. T17-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPEEDY RELIABLE long distance, pedigreed and regis- tered homing pigeons. Trained and untrained. Edw. W. Sperber, 1520 Highland Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Tel. Wilmette 966-W. LT35-1tp FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--INDIAN motorcycle; nearly new tires; $40 or exchange for canoe. Phone Glencoe 155. LT34-2tn FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICT- ly fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T9-tfc FOR SALE--TWO BICYCLES. MAN'S and woman's; both for $25. Good condition. Phone Win. 393. TG17-1tp WANTED TO PUY--MISCELLANREOUS WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; WHITE; 2 days; permanent position; referen- ces. Phone Win. 744. LT35-1tc WANTED TO BUY--KIDDIE KOOP IN good condition. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk C-56. T17-1te SINGER Special Sale This Month on We Carry All Makes. Sewing Machines Used Machines $8.00 Up Phone Evanston 654 PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. EVANSTON, ILL. Beulah, Sheboygan, gan points. less and cinderless. Shore Terminal Station, and transporation lines. MILWAUKE The gateway to , to Northern Lakes and Woods NORTH SHORE TRAINS way to Milwaukee ONNECTIONS AT MILWAUKEE for Waukesha, Water- # town, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Plymouth, Crystal Lake. DAILY BOAT LINE CONNECTIONS for Northern Michi- Pere Marquette Line Steamers from Milwau- kee to Ludington, Manistee, Frankfort and Onekena. The clean, swift electrics of the Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad are ideal for summer travel. step aboard the North Shore Frain. You travel in comfort, and arrive on time. Limited trains leaving Winnetka regularly, take you direct: to the North in Milwaukee's business center, convenient to hotels CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Winnetka Ticket Office Phone: Winnetka 963 RTH SHORE 0) / \ The great Sheboygan Falls, Port Washington, The joy of your outing begins the moment you Your Milwaukee trip is smookless, dust- Y Elm Street