WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 192] fl noon card parties. bel Jocial Happenings i Winnetka s Hubbard Woods. all = by Ruth Risley iil] wna «© 1 eer Tanne N| CTIVITIES at the North Shore golf club this summer have included many interesting dinner, Evening Bridge affairs and dinner dances, as well as numerous luncheon and after- On Saturday evening of this week, a Dinner-Bridge will be given at the clubhouse, in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton. Other events, which make August a most attractive month, include, Cards, on Wednesday afternoon, August 3, a dinner on the following evening, and a dinner dance on the evening of Saturday, August 13. Mr. D. W. Lester is chairman of the Entertainment committee at the club this year and is assisted by Mrs. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton, Mr. and Msr. Philip V. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman, and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cawkwell. & ° Miss Mary Dennehy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dennehy of Hubbard Woods, has set September for her marriage to Hemp- stead Washburne, though the exact date is not to be announced for a few days. It is to be a pretty affair, not alone as to appointments, but as to personnel, for the wedding party is to include Isabel Watkins, Kath- erine Rehm, Annette Washburne Dorothy Palms of Detroit. . VS , sister of the groom-elect, and ei The Vocational Society for Shut- work | Ins which is continuing its throughout the summer is planning a summer sale to be held at the | Moraine Hotel in Highland Park, August 19. The directors and in- structors, under the leadership of their president, Mrs. Frank Pebbles of Chicago, are spending all their time in helping the home workers complete articles which will be" off- ered at the sale. Mrs. Hubbard Carpenter has given over the ground floor of her town house on North Michigan avenue which has been turned into a veritable paint shop; and assembling room. The object of the society is to obtain suitable and remunerative employment for disabled persons who cannot go out- side their homes. For that purpose a staff of trained workers is main- tained, to discover and utilize any latent talent the shut-ins may have, thus assisting them to become use- ful and contented members of so- ciety. Handsome Italian linens, lamp shades in parchment and silk, bags of all kinds, serviceable wood- en toys, dainty underwear and knit wear will be found at this sale at moderate prices. Mr. Carlton W. Washburne, superintendent of schools in the vil- lage, is returning early next week from Columbus, Ohio, for the ex- press purpose of delivering an ad- dress on Tuesday at the afternoon program to be held in the Audi- torium on Municipal Pier in connec- tion with the Pageant of Progress. On every other afternoon during the pageant, the programs are given un- der the direction of the State Feder- ation of Woman's club, and on this particular occasion, the program is in charge of the Educational depart-| ment of which Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber is chairman. Other speakers during the afternoon will be Prof. A. J. Benson, assistant superindendent of schools in Minneapolis; and Mrs. Theron Colton, state chairman of Conservation who will give a Nature Study talk. Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer, who is making the Ravinia programs such a success, has arranged some special music, to include a group of songs on Birds, Butterflies and Trees, bv Miss Frieda Winegart, and an ex- hibition of the duel art piano by an experienced artist. Mr. Wash- burne's subject will be "Progress in Education." At present he is giv- ing a course of lectures at the sum- mer school at the state university at Columbus. a The wedding of Mrs. Alice Neeld Tavlor, daughter of I. N. Neeld of Fvanston and Roland T. Schwall of 'this village took place Thursday evening of last week, at 6:30 o'clock at the Evanston Hotel in the pre- sence of a few intimate friends of the couple. Rev. Herman Meyer performed the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of grey canton crepe trimmed with navy blue ruffles tnd a hat of navy blue taffeta. She car- ried a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Schwall will be at home after the first of September at 411 Grove street, Evan- ston. ---- Mr. and Mrs. James W. Prindiville of Willow street were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham Chandler at the Lake Geneva resi- dence of Mr. Harry Gordon Selfridge. Mr. and Mrs. Prindiville and their daughters, the Misses Elizabeth and Mary Ellen, left Wednesday for Es- tes Park, Colo. Miss Prindiville will arrive home about September 1. Her parents and sister will not return un- til mid-September. A letter received from Miss Daisy Hall, formerly of this village, who is visiting her family in Birmingham, England, state that she is having a most wonderful time after a five vears' absence in the United States. Miss Hall is spending a fortnight in London, sightseeing with her father, before returning home about Sep- tember 10. En route from Canada, Miss Hall will stop over in Niagara Falls, to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Matchel, who have re- cently built a new home there. tp Last Saturday evening members of the North Shore British-American club gave a most delightful surprise party at Community House in honor of Miss Doris: Turvey and Mr. William Roberts, whose marriage oc- curred on Wednesday of this week, and Mr. and Mrs. William Thurs- land whose marriage took place a few short weeks ago. Both couples were presented with a chest of flat silver handsomely engraved in Old English. . i ff mies The marriage of Miss Doris Turvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Turvey of 1114 Merrill street, Hubbard Woods, to Mr. William G. Roberts, was solemnized on Wednes- day evening, at 6:30 o'clock, in the Glencoe Methodist church. Follow- ing the service, a reception and sup- per was served at Community House, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have gone north on a wedding trip. -- a -- Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff and small daughter, Ruth, 562 Hawthorne lane, are leaving Monday for a fort- night's stay with Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Bull at their log cabin in Lake Charlton, Ontario. They will go by boat' to Sault' St." Marie. and from there will proceed by train. Return- ing they will go to Toronto, taking the boat trip from Toronto on back to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bull and their family of 500 Maple avenue, have been in the northland since early summer. a ine Miss Madeleine McIlvaine, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Browne McIlvaine of Hubbard Woods, whose marriage to Mr. David E. McDougal of Riverside, is to take place this fall, is accompanying her father and brother, William, on a several weeks' sojourn in Furope. Other members of the family are summering on the old family estate near Baltimore, and will not return home until September. ---- Miss Clara Hollis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hollis, entertained at dinner last evening in honor of Miss Sarah Given, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Given of New York, formerly of Chicago, who ar- rived yesterday for a visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Uri B. Grannis of Lake Forest. Miss Given's engacement to Wallace Arthur Cook of New York was re- cently announced. | Critics Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson have rented their residence to the Mitchell Hoyts for three months and have been staying at the Webster, but leave today for a motor trip through the East, joining ' their daughter, Ashton, in a camp at Har- rison, Maine, in August. nen A erm Mrs. Theodore E. Brown who has been residing at the Moraine hotel, recently, is leaving this week-end to spend several weeks at Center Har- bor, New Hampshire. a ri? Mr. and Mrs. Justus Chancellor, Jr., of 549 Oak street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Patricia, on July 22. Miss Caroline de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger de Windt, of Sheridan road, gave a beach lunch- eon on Tuesday for Miss Minerva Beebe whose engagement to Mr. John H. Hamline, Jr., announced. Miss Beebe returned home on Fri- day. ---- Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber and son, Perry, are leaving today to spend the month of August with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biery, at their home in Tu- lare, Cal. En route they will visit friends in Los Angeles. Rr Miss Forestine Leach and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parbs, 979 Elm street, several days last week. ---- Mrs. Robert Smith and daughter, Helen, 310 Fairview avenue, left Tuesday for a three weeks' outing at Fish Creek, Wis. Cae vi Mr. and Mrs. O. Th. Carpentier of 362 Hawthorne lane, announce the birth of a baby boy, Saturday, July 23. ---- Mrs. Samuel C. Hancock, 153 Bert- ling lane, and a party of friends, leave Sunday for a trip through Yel- lowstone Park. -- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rehm, who have taken the William B. Hale house at 900 Willow street, for the rest of the summer, will entertain at dinner this evening. ---- Miss Mary Dennehy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dennehy of | Hubbard Woods, entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. ee Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Gowing, 739 Lincoln avenue, returned on the Olympic from a two months' trip in- cluding England, Scotland, Holland and Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Woods Shoe- maker have returned from Wianno, Cape Cod, Mass., and will spend the remainder of the summer in northern Michigan. A ---- Dr. and Mrs. C.T. Schildberg and baby left Friday on a three weeks' motor trip to Winchester, Wis. ee Mrs. Edgar F. Alden entertained at a porch party on Thursday afternoon at her home, 352 Linden avenue, in honor of Mrs. William Blair of Hub- bard Woods. ee Wf Miss Lillian Norton and Miss Milli- cent Gilder have returned from the Fast. Miss Norton attended the oraduation of Miss Gilder from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. last month. a a Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Lucas and Miss Nelle West, who have been the guests of Mrs. L. A. West, 860 Pine street, for several days, have return- ed to their home at Olney, IIL A TO Motion Pictures for Private Entertainment Outdoor or Interior Showings A wide variety of the best of films suitable for every occasion. For Appoizcment * Phone Winn. tka 295 Sidney M. Spiegel, Jr. cL DELLE ELE EEE EE EEE ET EE Ed Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., of three months, and are expected are enroute from their European trip home early in August. Capacity Business We are enjoying the patronage of some of the finest North Shore ladies, in our new shop. Everything in beautifying processes may be had here, done well. Please phone for your appoint- ment. Miss Alice Fjellman 903 Linden Ave. Winnetka 800 A 7 TLLLZ777777770rrrrzrrrrrrizzaziiiiiiz 7 LLLLLLLLL LLL 70770777 ZT FT Td dd ddd 77d ddd dl dd ddd 2d dl dd dzzzidzziazzzzazze? Our Opening As A Popular Price Lunch Room Has Been A Complete Success Since the announcement last week of the open- ing of our counter and the reduction in prices, we have had a crowded house. Service has not, nor will not suffer, nor will the increased num- ber of people being served lessen the quality of the food served. Breakfast Sharp at 6 A. M., good coffee, fresh eggs, and cold fruits. Luncheon 50c Consisting of meat, vegetables, potatoes, bread and butter, tea coffee or milk and some of our delicious pie. Dinner 60c A full delicious meal, served as you like it serv- ed. This includes meat course, vegetables, soup of course, bread and butter, tea coffee or milk, and desert. All sandwiches are 10c, all pies 10c¢, and noth- ing is served that is not wholesome and clean. Cameo Lunch Room ALEXANDER KELLER, Prop. 551 Lincoln St. Winnetka 838 Winnetka, Illinois LL 272 277 7 2 ZZ 7 dA Zgzrzzzzizzzzzzzil ZZ Tr Tarra rzzrzrrrrrirrrrizzizizizazaiaaaiaiiiaiiid N N \ N NALS 777 777777 70000 7700 7mm0h000000 77, Spend Less Than You Earn and You'll Find It Easy to Save. Foreign drafts issued direct on every country except Russia, Austria and Turkey. People fall into the habit of spending money thoughtlessly and im- agin that they cannot save. ness and you're bound to save. Open an account today. WINNETKA STATE BANK ELM STREET AT LINCOLN AVE. Steamship Tickets - - Insurance. Cultivate thoughtfulness and careful- The Bank Building NN ho ANC: Ct ----..