5 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1921 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Il 6566 Center Street, Winnetka, Ill Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 Telephone .............. Winnetka 388 SUBSCRIPTION ........ $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Thursday afternoon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obkituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class. under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1921 Restitution ¢ Ernest Lyons, the Evanston "ex- pert" who is mixed up in the Thomp- three dollar Chicago scandal, is very busy these days. Together with the other defendants in the same case he ap- peared recently before Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, seeking immunity from producing his books, accounts and bank statements before internal revenue collector, John C. Cannon. Mr. Cannon is a Brundage Anti-Thompson-Anti-Small man who recently was appointed internal rev- enue collector by President Harding. Evidently he has been impressed by the large incomes which these men are supposed to have been receiving for the past few years and is busy now checking up to see if they have made the proper return to the federal government in their income tax re- ports. It is going to be hard on the "experts" if they are forced to pay additional income tax and pen- alties and then on top of that have TO MAKE RESTITUTION to the City of Chicago. Espceially will this be hard if there 1s truth in the cur- rent belief that the major portion of the tremendous fees received have al- ready been paid into the Thompson- Lundin campaign fund,--and most of it spent in the ill-fated and disas- trous,, from their point of view, June judicial election. son-Lundin-Faherty million Fastest Star Can't Be Seen. The fastest star travels through space at a speed of about 300 miles a second. This celestial racer is invis- fble to the naked eyes, but has a number of other means of identifica- tion for the convenience of astrono- mers. Could Fill a Chair All Right. Dull looking and extremely fat boy approaches office manager--"Excuse me, mister, did you advertise for a quick, bright boy to run errands for you?" J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. Phone Wilmette 37 Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, Ill. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors STANLEY The dealer in any line of merchandise is the logical source of information ahout t «goods he is handling. Do you want to know somthing about the Safest car in the world? The easiest to drive? Has only 37 moving Parts. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER STANLEY sales & service HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 WORLD PRESS MEETING. IN HAWAII NEXT FALL Special Press Rates to be Arranged for in Connection With Con- gress of Newspaper Editors Honolulu, Hawaii. -- Arrange- ments which are expected to result in the establishment of special press rates from Hawaii to some forty countries during the sessions of the Press Congress of the World at Honolulu next October are being made by W. S. P. Hawk, local man- ager of the Radio Corporation of America, it is announced. It is expected that between 450 and 500 editors, publishers and newspapermen will come to the Islands this fall, and as a -large! number of them will undoubtedly desire to keep their respective pub- the Congress proceedings, Manager Hawk, up the matter with the Eastern office. Later on the vice-presidents of the Congress, scattered over the globe, will be consulted. Plans are going ahead rapidly for the chartering of a special steamer in which the delegates will be taken on visits to all of the larger islands of the Hawaiian group. Special en- tertainment programs are being islands, and there will be a number of interesting features aside from the general sight-seeing tours that will be arranged on all of the islands. Delegates, while they are at Hono- lulu, will have time to enjoy the surf riding and swimming at Wai- kiki beach. Visits will be made to the big sugar mills and pineapple canneries, and there will be several old-fashioned "luaus", or native music and hula-hula dancing. Real- izing the importance of the Press Congress, the people of Hawaii, in- cluding some twenty-six races and mixtures of races, are working hand lications informed by radio as to!is possible. in hand in an effort to provide for the wisiting newspapermen as fine a program of entertainment as of special press rates occurred to, the cost of entertaining the visitors, and. he is taking | and the people of Hawaii are to raise a similar sum for the same pur- pose. COUNE. Aided by the highest skilled labor, and our personal attention, OUR ARTISTRY in HU- MAN HAIR GOODS is unequalled. Write for free booklet, or phone Dearborn 6470 i tt li tdi dl ot Jo dl. i NC ia let Sea Ed 2 Ea We are the only French House in CHICAGO doing PERMANENT WAVING, as a profession under the personal management of Mr. FELIX of oF oo ode ob ode oe ode oo oe fo cde oo oo fo ch foo oo fo do od of of Fe Bobo dep PERMANENT WAVING SYSTEM COMPANY 219 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Telephone Dearborn 6470 CHICAGO, ILL. Virtue is not to be considered in the lig Butler. Virtue. West Virginia Exports Gas. West Virginia 'ht of mere innocence, or ab- states natural gas to the amount of staining from he arm, but as the exer- eri 125.000,000,000 cubic feet tion of our faculties in doing good.-- | pear. prepared by the residents of these]! Stop Scratching Your mosquito bite! Scratching only makes them itch all the harder. Use NICHOLS VELVET SKIN. It soothes irritating bites and chases away the mos- quitos. Ask Your Druggist The recent Legislature the idea | appropriated $25,000 to help cover- 8 odo fe odo oo oe ode obo ode obo ode obs ode dood ode oe ode ode ode ode ode ooo oe ob obo oe Open for Business Wiring for Light and Power a Specialty Remodeling Repairing ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Your Patronage Solicited E. R. Electric Construction Co. 840 Center St., near North Ave. Winnetka, - Illinois 2% TWO Imm: i, mm . I'o increase To increase of motor with of fuel. test--on your GREAT AUTOMATIC Steam Carburetor Absolutely guaranteed to increase gasoline mileage 20 to 40%, T'o eliminate carbon-- To keep spark plugs clean-- motor efficiency both speed and power a smaller consumption Do not confuse this devise with other makes as it is only by proper application of this principle that these results are obtained. Let us explain fully our free trial own car. Repairs that are Efficient pra or Izzziii 7050 0% Bris Pall ui . & 7777777777777 7 7 7000007707 777770777 000 SPECIALTIES HYDRO---TORON Tires Guaranteed for 10,000 mlies against stone bruise, blow-out, or rim cut. Prices 330x374 17.50 32x31; 21.30 31x4 24.50 32x4 28.25 33x4 29.75 34x4 30.40 32x42 37.85 33x44 39.10 34x42 40.30 35x45 42.15 33x5 45.85 35x5 48.60 Their principle features are: Non rot fabric, chemically treated. Super size. ; More rubber between layers of fab- ric, increasing holding power. Accessories that are Standard | | | a WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Proprietor 562 Lincoln Ave. 7 ummm Telephone Winnetka 165 exports to other Iii Vij izid % Dvzmmmmmpii NNN 2