22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921 Some 'Do You Knows" Worth Consideration Secretary of Grosse Point Health Center Tells Just What Those Christmas Seals Are Buying "Do you know that for three years Christmas seals have made possible in our own community a great piece of general health work?" The question, propounded by Mrs. D. H. Maxwell, secretary of the Gross Point Health Center, is one worthy of the consideration of every resident of New Trier township. "Do you know," Mrs. Maxwell con- tinues in a communication directed to the editor, "that the Chicago Tuber- culosis institute depends entirely upon the sale of these penny stamps for a whole year's work in fourteen districts similar to the Gross Point Health Center? Do you know how far-reach- ing this work is and how much more so it could be if given more hearty support? "More nurses are needed. Each should have her efficiency more than doubled by having her own Ford. "Buy more seals this year with real appreciation of what they mean." Portable Grinder, A portable electric grinder for the machine shop, designed to be moved over the work, has the power of one- eighth to one-half horsepower placed above the work out of the operator's way. The spindle is bored with a five- gixteenth-inch hole to receive an ad- justable shaft for interior grinding and the use of interchangeable grind- Ing wheels adapts the little machine to a wide range of work. WILMETTE VIOLINIST WINS PRAISE FROM MUSIC CRITICS The audience that attended the re- cital given by Milan Lusk at Kim- ball Hall last Thursday, enjoyed a rare artistic treat. Mr. Lusk who is well-known from his former concerts, was warmly greeted by his numerous admirers, and when he finished the first movemient of the d'Ambrosio concerto, the young artist was ac- corded tremendous applause. As the program continued the enthusi- asm increased. Some of the criti- cisms of the Chicago dailies are as follows: Edward Moore in the "Chicago Tri- bune": "Milan Lusk appeared last night before an audience that was enthusiastic. with justification. He plays firmly, understandingly, with all the technique necessary, and with warm feeling." Herman Devries in the "American": The young vio- linist combines pronounced ability with a most engaging and unassum- ing personality, and plays very artis- tically. He has a tone that is suave and pleasing, decided understanding of the violin and its possibilities as a medium for expression," Maurice Rosenfeld in the "Daily News": "Mr. Lusk showed a technic which is of a commendable degree of advance- ment." A FULL PROGRAM F. L. Streed, village manager - of Kenilworth, leaves Saturday to attend the annual home-coming at the Uni- versity of Illinois over this week-end. Next week Manager Streed will at- tend the sessions of th National City Managers' association, which meets in convention at the Great Northern hotel, Chicago, early in the week. desires. Our Service is there for you to com- mand, night or day. We will rush with depend- able speed to fulfill your When you think of ser- vice think of 232! SEULNT DRAGS (0) EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL. ment, Just As Home Is the Best Place for a man to go to, so is this garage the best place for your motor car to come to, when it can't go any place else. A GARAGE IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED and your ailing car will be given a friendly reception at this garage, and be accorded friendly and efficatious treat- == GASOLINE -- 557 CHESTNUT RELIABLE SUPPLIES-DEPENDABLE ACCESSORIES FOR AUBURN BEAUTY SIX "TRIANGLE GARAGEMOTOR --OILS -- % AN PHONE 1446 WINTER TOPS FOR AUTOS "CHARLEY" READY WITH These chilly--soon quite frigid-- days would make riding in open cars most uncomfortable, if not quite im- possible, were it not for such sympa- thetic souls as Charles R. "Charlie" Petersen, who holds forth in the au- tomobile top manufactory and repair business at 1203-1205 Washington ave- nue, just back of the Wilmette State Bank. Winter tops are Petersen's specialty. They are the kind that insure warmth and coziness in the open car and are ideal weather inclosures. He is on the job himself, which means expert work on every "job." Want to Buy a Home? Use a Classified Ad William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfullyfurnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 LLL ZT diy dz iar? ciel RT riiiiiidiss diiieiiiiidi 23 I Star Taxi Service PHONE WINNETKA 12 WINNETKA ILLINOIS HI Tn ER SET TT UIT mi -- OI 0 Em 0 =I 0 EI O EI 0 1 O EI © EI O I O ee O EI O I 0 FX 0 | | | | Economize - - 840 Central Street | Install a Temperature Regulator--and insure even heat in your house and a steady fire in your heater and cut down the coal bill. We can install a Temperature Regulator for a minimum cost. Come and see us, or phone Winnetka 265. Fred A. Ellis & Sons WINNETKA, ILL. Phone 265 | OE 0 I O EI O EI 0 EI O el O I O 1 0X0 O10 E--------10IO=0LI0 IOI 0 --------0I0E= 10E30 I0EI0== Palace Cash Meat Market 1556 Sherman Avenue Phone Evanston 2720 Evanston EES ER SMASH GO PRICES! in This Great November Sale of Fancy Fresh and Smoked Meats Fresh Every Day -- Pork Tenderloin, Beef Tenderloin, Calf's Liver, and Sweetbreads Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens 33Vsc 1b. Best Money Can Buy Mayer's Hams 24Y5c 1b l Best in the Land \ Peacock Hams 26%%c 1b. Qindduarier | Salted Beef Tongues, Ib. ........... 321%¢c | FANCY SPRING | Fresh Pork Shoulder, Ib. .......... 1614c LEG LAMB | Pork Roast, lean, 1b. ...............19%¢ VEAL vais, | Very Best Rib Roast, Ib. ......32c and 35c | 357 9% 1 Shoulder Veal Roast, I .oecuvs ives 20 | 26% | FRESH PORK LOINS whole, per lb. 22, Finest Sirloin Steak, 1b. . .35¢c | Finest Native Porterhouse, 1b. .45¢ FRESH HAMS Fresh Cut Fine For Roasting SIRLOIN ROAST only No Bone -- No Waste 20V5c 1b. | 26c 1b