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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Nov 1921, p. 15

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a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921 23 Classified Advertisements J) per line. Bore in per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. the same advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c Black face type charged double price. Rates for JJ J FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE NEW 6 R. STUCCO BUNGALOW; FIRE place; 2 slp. rooms; $10,500. New 6 R. brick and stucco; colonial; 2 car garage; $18,000. New 6 R. brick bungalow; hot water ht.; modern in every particular; a handsome home; $23,000. 100 ft. wooded lot on Sheridan Rd., at a bargain price for quick sale. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Proprietor 513 Fourth St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG1-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENT FOR RENT--HUBBARD WOODS; IM- mediate possession; 5 room heated apartment brick building; $50. Tel. 'Win. 1300. LTG1-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NEWLY DECORATED room;% block from transportation; $5 for 1 or $7 for 2, per week. Phone Wil. 2074. 1222 Wilmette Ave. LTG1-1te FOR RENT--A NICE LARGE FURN- ished room, 1 block west of C. & N. W. depot, and near lunch room; very reasonable. Apply at 629 Park Ave. Phone Wilmette 2345. LTG1-1tc FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED ROOMS, newly decorated; with private bath; Winnetka east, near trans. Phone Win. 769. LTG1-1te FOR RENT -- 2 LOVELY FRONT rooms; fine location; breakfast if de- sired; close to trans. Phone Wil 1940. LTG1-1tc WANTED -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE couple to share home in dleacce. Ad- d Winnetka Ta -817. Foss : TG35-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water. 629 W. Railroad ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LT47-tfe SIT. WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR; AGE 35; white; single; 15 years without accident; safety first; drive any car; mechanic; permanent; private fam- ily; take care home, furnace; gilt edge ref. Phone Wilmette 908-R. Call Mr. H. LTG1-1tp WANTED -- POSITION AS CHAUF- feur in private family, by young man with 6 years' experience. Referen- ces. Phone Wil. 724-W. LTG1-1tp 'XWANTED -- JUNIOR ANTOMOBILE salesman willing to work and learn; experience not necessary; 20 to 25 years of age. Phone Win. 165. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--COLONIAL MAHOGANY dresser, %-sawed oak, 62 in.; pedes- tal table; large oak living room table; 9 x 12 French Wilton Rug, $90.; large leather oak chair; fumed oak bed- room set. 862 Greenwood Ave. Glen- coe. T35-1tp FOR SALE--BRASS BED, HAIR MAT- tress and box springs, $40.; fumed oak dresser, $35.; oak chiffonier, $20.; weathered oak library table, $15.; all good condition. Call Winnetka 1347. T35-1tc RUGS lumber, sold and FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, piano, fixtures, plumbing, stoves, (anything bought, exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone Win. 1212, TG35-1te FOR SALE -- LIVING ROOM DROP light, alabaster bowl, $4.00; Early English oak library table 48 x 30 in., $15; Girl's brown beaver hat, $2.00. Phone Win. 1564. TG35-1te FOR SALE -- CHILD'S ENAMELED bed; reed go-cart; infant's scale. Tel. Wil. 2061. 336 Gregory Ave. Wil. T35-1tc FOR SALE -- McCRAY REFRIGERA- tor; tile lined; cork insulation; me- dium large size. Phone Win. 1375. T35-1tc FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED ROOMS, $20 a month. 930 Elm St. Phone Win. 674-W. T35-1tc FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT FURN- ished room. 1622 Forest Ave. Phone Wil. 1760. T35-2tc FOR RENT -- A FURNISHED ROOM with hot water heat; suitable for 1 or 2. Phone Win. 1055. LT1-1ct FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT room, for 2 adults, with board. 731 Tenth Street, Wilmette. LT1-2tc _---------------------- WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS RESPONSIBLE COUPLE AND SON 18, want 2 rooms for light housekeep- ing, or would care for home during absence of Zener TCS a. ed. Phone Rogers Par ; Enang E LT1-1tp DESIRABLE MIDDLE AGED COUPLE want two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address Lake Shore News D-84, Wilmette. LTG1-1tp YOUNG GIRL EMPLOYED WANTS room and board in private family. Phone Win. 1199. LT1-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--PAIR OF LADIES NEW Cuban heeled tan Hanna shoes, size 4%-C. Phone Win. 265. T35-1tc _--_ WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004 6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc WANTED--FRESH EGGS REGULAR- ly. Phone Winnetka 1597. T35-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES TWO BARGAINS 1920 OAKLAND SEDAN, 5 PASSEN- ger, in perfect mechanical condition; just out of our paint shop; looks and runs like new; price $950. Overland, model 83; block motor in very good condition; Bosch magneto and excellent set of tires; this car will give very good service; $200. WINNETKA MOTOR CO., 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Win. 165 LTG1-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR CAR OR storage of furniture; $10.00. Phone Win. 1511. T35-tfc FOR RENT -- SINGLE GARAGE, 787 Foxdale. Phone Win. 918. T35-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework in Kenil- worth; good wages for right party. Phone Kenilworth 1007. TG35-1tc WANTED--YOUNG LADY FOR KEN- ilworth Real Estate office. D. B. Webster, McGuire Phone Ken. 227, afternoons. WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; PREFER Monday; washing machine and man- gle. Phone Win. 1442. T35-1tc WANTED -- GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Phone Wil. 574. T35-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- BY DRESS- maker and designer of artistic gowns in ladies' home; $6 per day. High refs. Address Lake Shore News D-86. LTG1-1tp WILL DO DAY WORK AND COOK- ing of dinners on Sunday. Address P. O. Box 234, Evanston, or phone Evanston 104. T34-1tc MRS. HELENE BARBER IS NOW IN a position to prepare your luncheons and dinners. Phone your orders to Lincoln 4780. LT1-1tp WANTED--WORK CLEANING HOUSE two days a week by reliable woman. Address P. O. Box 11, Winnetka. FOR SALE--T7 PASSENGER 1918 STU- debaker touring car in good condi- tion; new tires this summer; motor just gone over. Phone Win. 725. C. B. Hill, 220 Myrtle St., Winnetka. TG35-1tp FOR SALE -- FORD SPEEDSTER, cheap;' must sell. Phone Winnetka 72. LT1-1tp MISCHELANEOUS TRADE IN YOUE LIBERTY BONDS, on pianos, players, talking machines, washing machines, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners. Our prices are al- ways low or lower than those in the loop. NOTICE Before buying, see the new Hamilton Beach Vacuum cleaner. It is different. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTGH1-4tc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Fos- ter. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfc WANTED--TO RENT PONY 2 MORN- ings a week. Phone Win. 1442. T35-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--STRAYED OR STOLEN--BRIN- dle bull, male; answers to name "Dawn". Return to 1423 Asbury Av. Hubbard Woods. Reward. LTG1-1te LOST -- SOILED WHITE LEATHER purse; Hubbard Woods railroad tick- et and season football ticket in purse. Phone Winnetka 979. T35-1tc LOST -- A FEMALE CAT; SILVER T35-1tp Persian Angora. Finder please re- RINT TARE HONE, vouch] Lith, to 1763 Scots Ave, Hubbard dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. - = 2 - re White m33-tfc | WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR DOWN- - stairs and waitress work; high HELP WANTED--MALE wages. Phone Win. 683. T35-1te WANTED--AT ONCE, METER READ- er; married man preferred; good wa- ges and permanent position. North Fhone TG35-1te Shore Gas Co. Winnetka. Win. 80. YOUNG MAN BY NORTH SHORE real estate firm. One with some real estate experience preferred Aires Shore News D-85, Wilmette. bokes : LTG1-1te WANTED--BY RELIABLE EXPERI- enced man; colored; house or general work, by hour, day or week. Refer- enc. Phone Glencoe 279. T35-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY EXPERI- enced gardener several days in week; spading, pruning and planting. Phone 'Wil. 708-M. T33-tfe WANTED -- FORD SALESMAN TO sell Fords on north shore. Call J. A. Leonard, Winnetka 420. LTG1-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE TIABLE LANDSCAPE GARDNER, RE vears experience grading, pruning, trimming; also furnish trees, shrubs, "perennials; houseman, by day or hour; best references. Michael Sul- livan, 882 Pine St, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LT48-tfe WHITE MAN, BXPERIENCED, DE- sires position as chauffeur and house- man. Phone Wil. 743-R. LTG50-4tp LOST -- BETWEEN PROVIDENT AND depot a French book, "Causeries on _ France". Phone Win, 630. T35-1tc K. of C. FEATURE DANCE Ouilmette Council, Knights of Co- lumbus are preparing for the banner event of the season Friday evening, November 18, in the council dance to be held at the Deerfield-Shields High school, Highland Park. Arns' orches- tra, well known tao every dance lover of the north shore, will provide the music for the event. Those purposing to attend the affair may reach the dance auditorium by taking a Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric train to Vine street, Highland Park, and walking one block east. Remove Grease Before Lacquering. It is possible to protect polished metal surfaces by applying several coats of cold lacquer or celluloid var- nish. The lacquer should be applied with a brass camel's hair brush, after the metal has heer, highly polished. There must be no trace of grease on the brass or other metal when it is lacquered. MICKIE SAYS EXTRA NOV. 1012 \ \S SLHBICRIBE TO NOUR HOME TOWN PAPER" VIEEK! NOU'RE INVIYED \ all | pa SMILE FOR $25,000 IN GOLD CHRISTMAS AWARD All Chicago and its neighboring communities are smiling--for $25,000 in gold! Smile and be happy! Smile and receive a small fortune, just for smil- ing! Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, not only in Chi- cago, but in this village also, are smil- ing daily to share in the great award of $25,000. There is no contest or work at- tached to the award. There's no red tape. The Herald and Examiner, be- ginning this Sunday, will print com- plete details of how you may share in this great Christmas award free. With this edition there will be given away free an eight-page book of magic pictures, drawings and paintings, printed in black and white, but which, when a touch of water is applied to them, spring with lifelike reality into wonderful paintings of all colors. And then there will be full details on how the boys and girls can obtain absolutely free the wonderful Alfred Johnson ice skates and shoes--racing or hockey--for gathering a few sub- scriptions to The Herald and Exam- iner, Make a Writing Pad. A writing pad, to be successful, must be solid and of good size. A board half an inch thick, nine by twelve inches, makes the best pad. Buy half a yard of black elastic, half an inch wide, the strongest you can get, overlap the ends and sew firmly together into the form of a belt. Slip this over the end of the board. It wll keep in piace both blotting and writing paper and can he moved up and down the hoard as you need it. On a windy day it is invaluable, setting both hands free, NEW TRIER LEADERS SEEK VOICE IN COUNTY AFFAIRS Representatives of the various north shore villages in Cook county met Thursday of this week at the Wil- mette Village Hall to effect prelimi- nary plans preparatory to the launch- ing of an organization in New Trier township which will have the purpose of securing better representation of the township in the Cook county gov- ernment. New Trier township, these leaders declare, is not now adequately repre- sented in either the county or state, and it is essential that men who ac- tually reside in the township and whose first concern is its welfare be placed in offices where the rights of New Trier will be accorded proper attention. Red Ink for Empercrs Alone. The Roman emperor used a very expensive .red ink in writing signa- tures, and its use was prohibited to all others except that their sons, if of adult age, could use it; otherwise they must kave recourse to green ink. W. G. Stacey & Co. REAL ESTATE Members of the North Shore Real Estate Board Choice Homes and Vacant in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth Glencoe List your property with us now, if you have not already done so. Phone Wilmette 308 336 Linden Ave. Wilmette Facing "L" Terminal BURGLARS FLEE WITH LOOT AS OWNER ENTERS DWELLING Burglars entered the home of Wil- liam R. Castenholz, 145 Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, Saturday evening. Jewelry and silverware valued at $500 was stolen. Mrs. Castenholz had been in Chi- cago all day and when she returned in the evening noticed a flickering light in the house. When she entered the thieves fled. Kenilworth police were immediately notified but found no trace of the looters. FOR SALE NORTH SIDE CHICAGO AND NORTH SHORE Properties, vacant and im- proved--Small Farms, close in. Loans, Rentals and Insurance, Fire, Theft, Tornado and Auto. Agent for McIntoish's New Subdivision, Ormond, Fla. Our prices and terms you will find satisfactory. JOHN A. SHANE 1122 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 1079 WILMETTE Glencoe. ! REAL | WINNETKA 514 Linden St. West of Depot Tel. Win. 1544 H. D. HILL WANTED--Every Home and piece of Vacant listed with us that is for sale from Winnetka to Established Reputation for Fair Charter Members of the North Shore Real Estate Board. LIARS! WILMETTE Dealing 404 Linden Avenue Opp. N. W. "L" Terminal Tel. Wil. 1544 E. R. STONE part required. friends. A -- Present Ford owners and their intimate friends, who actually know the car and would buy nothing else. B -- The next door neighbor or acquaintance of a Ford owner, "peo- ple of means" or those who now own several cars, are easily con- vinced and appreciate the value of the Ford Car. C -- The man who has never had a car and invariably is misled by the talks of the imitation car salesman. When he learns from Ford owners and hears of Ford Service he forgets the other car unless the information comes too late. D -- "D" stands for many things, but to us it means the class of people who know they should drive a Ford and yet do not. They are try- ing to support an "imitation" or an "in between" or with false pride and meagre income they deceive themselves, trying to deceive their When they see through that folly it means the delivery of another Ford Car. IN WHICH CLASS DO YOU BELONG? The grades follow: No effort on our =m i i es CLASSIFY YOURSELF. We have found it convenient to classify prospective Ford owners, accord- ing to their knowledge of the car, its usefulness, adaptability, riding com- fort, etc., and again according to the amount of energy we must expend before they buy a New Ford Car. Sales Mgr. M. P. LOUEN Phone Evanston 4884 The Universal Car R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church St. Ford EVANSTON

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