Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Nov 1921, p. 15

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-- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1921 15 Classified Advertisements N MADAM GERTRUDE, MO- diste, is ready to make "up to the minute" frocks. Phone Glencoe 934 for appointment. TG36-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfc the same advertisement in WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK per line. Black face type ch R. TES--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. Rates for THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c arged double price. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE | BUSINESS PROPERTY HUBBARD WOODS BUY NOW BEFORE NEW ZONING ordinance and Park Condemnation proceedings boost prices sky high. Business property is limited and a bargain at present prices. Brick store building, 2 modern stores; 2 apartments, cottage in rear; all rented; lot 50 by 200 feet. $18,500. $50 by 150 feet, vacant; center of busi- ness district; opposite property con- demned for park. $5,000. 50 by 150, with good frame house which could be remodelled for store rented $53 per month; will show good return until property is converted to business use. $7,750. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods Telephone Win. 1300. LTG2-1tc GIRLS MAKE $25.00 a week for a few hours work selling beautiful Je'clair ribbon novelties, lingerie trim and ribbon garters t{ your friends and neighbors for Christmas gifts at wholesale prices. Phone Evanston 3324-R or call at 2707 Broadway, Evanston. LTG2-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; good wages to right person. Phone Ken. 50. T36-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L. housework; family of 3; every con- venience. Phone Win. 649-M. T36-1tc (WHITE) WANTED SECOND MAID 200 wages; references required. Call Win. 1425. TG36-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work. 730 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 67. LTG2-1te SITUATION WANTED--UNDERGRAD- uate nurse for infant or invalid. Tel. Glencoe 121. TG36-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS COME IN FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Players, Edison Tuiking Machines, Sonoras, Brunswicks, Grafonolas, Singer Sewing machines, Washing machines, Ironing machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Easy Payments on all of them. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis street. Phone Evanston 654. LTG2-4tc WANTED--DRESSMAKING BY THE day; $4.00 per day. Phone Win. 1639, after 6 evenings or Sunday. T36-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE RELIABLE LANDSCAPE GARDENER, 25 years experience grading, pruning, trimming; also furnish trees, shrubs, perennials; houseman, by day or hour; best references. Michael Sul- livan, 882 Pine St., Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LT48-tfc EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT WILL take care of small set of books even- ings; also make up income tax re- turns and other government reports. Address D-89, Lake Shore News, Wil- mette. LTG2-3tp EXPERIENCED = MAN; WHITE; wants house cleaning and working around houses; 65c¢c per hour. Oliver Hertzberger. Phone Wil. 2345. LT2-2tp SITUATION WANTED--SCHOOL BOY, 13 years old; willing; capable; wants home in exchange for light work. Address Winnetka Talk. D-91. T36-1tc FURNACE WORK, GUTTERS, SPOUT- ing, clean leaves out of gutters and painting gutters. Ed. F. Price. 17th street and Wilmette Ave. TG36-1tp % room stucco, sun parlor, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch, $8,500. '9 room frame, combination heat; east side, heated sun porch, $9,500. 7 room frame, garage, lot 100x140, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, $12,500. "We have just listed a number of at- tractive new bungalows; prices from $10,000 to $12,000. FOR .RENT--5 room apartment, 'stove heat, new hardwood floors, per month $50.00. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG2-1te FOR. SALE--SEVERAL CHOICE ACRE tracts and farms immediately ad- joining Winnetka and Glencoe. Ripe for subdivision; $1,000 to $3,500 per acre. Inquire 877 Elm street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1689. LTG2 1te LABOR AND MATERIAL ARE COM- ing down; list your house with Robert Anthony, 11 Zn La alle St. tral 2119. Res. encoe e Cen LTG2-3tp FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT--IN GROSS Point, seven room house and lot 293x109, with barn and variety orch- ard; price $6,000; terms $2,000 cash balance to suit buyer. Address Lake Shore News, D-T4. LT2-2tp WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED--5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE OR bungalow in any town from Wil- mette to Glencoe; good location. east or west of railroad. wi Poy cash. ake Shore News, -90. Address Li iD te FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--IN HUBBARD WOODS; new attractive home, has four bed- rooms, two bathrooms, three very large enclosed porches; all rooms are large, double garage with three rooms above for servants quarters. Owner will give lease for two to five years at $225 per month; wants one or two years rent in advance. Possession at once. Frank A. Reid, 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, in. 1300. telephone Win Lraseite FOR RENT--WELL FURNISHED SIX room kome, from December 1st to April 1st, in choice Hubbard Woods section; hot water heat; coal in; right price to desirable small fam- ily. Phone Win. 154. TG36-1tc FOR RENT--_NEW 6 ROOM STUCCO house; Hubbard Woods. I oh Northrop, 556 Center street. Phone Win. 1467. T36-1te TOR RENT--NEW 6 ROOM STUCCO house: hot water heat. C. T. Northrop 556 Center street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1467. TG36-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED ROOMS: newly decorated; with private bath: Winnetka east, near trans. Phone Win. 769. LTG2-1te FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. FRONT room in private family; employed lady preferred; NR 9 Linden avenue. Phone il. 919-M 31 nden Fr2-1tp FOR RNET--2 BEAUTIFULLY FURN. rooms; one-half block from Cafeteria 1 block from C. & N. W.; also heated garage. Phone Wil. 935-W. 1021 Central avenue. LTG2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water. 629 W. Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LT47-tfc FoR RENT--ONE OR TWO ROOMS for light housecl ening gs 7 to tation. Phone in. 681. transpor A a FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two. 806 Elm street, Winnetka. Lat _T36-1tc FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT FURN- iched room, 1622 Forest avenue. WANTED -- CAPABLE LAUNDRESS; electric machine. Phone Wil. 334. LTG2-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE M. LEWIS, DRESSMAKER, CHIL- dren's and ladies' clothes a specialty; also remodeling; reasonable prices; quick service. 336 Washington ave- nue. Phone Glencoe 616. TG36-1tc HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WILL CARE for children evenings in exchange for a good home. Address Lake Shore News, D-88. LT2-1tc The Graceful Wo man "I am fully convinced that there is no necessity of the fallen arches and the weak feet that so deform many women of the present time," says Louis Chalif, exponent of the classic- al dance. "In the last few years since young women have taken to classical danc- ing, their feet have improved greatly; and also since women have taken to walking, golfing, tennis and other sports the improvement has been marked. The result is that a wo- man may wear her sport shoe, her walking shoe and her evening shoe all with equal comfort and that is because she has developed a strong foot. "The woman who sits the greater part of the day does not develop the muscles of the feet and so she has, not the fallen arch, but the weak feet. The woman who is almost con- stantly on her feet has not developed sufficient strength to support the weight of her body, so she has a 'fallen arch. Immediately she re- sorts to artificial supports. Ill-fitt- ing shoes contribute to the muscular mal-conditions of the feet, for the nerves of the foot are cramped and the free circulation of blood interfer- ed with. "We need, and we need badly, pleasing methods of exercising the feet. The best exercise that can be had for the feet is the classic dancing, because I have seen hundreds of poor, weak feet rejuvenated through this Phone Wil. 1760. T35-2tc FOR RENT--A PLEASANT FRONT room for 2 adults; with board. 731 Tenth street, Wilmette. LT1-2te FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURT. ROOM also a commode for sale. 1622 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1760. LT2-1te WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED rooms with house-keeping privileges. Address P. O. Box 52, Kenilworth. T36-2tp FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE; 2 CAR; WILL rent single or double. 486 Wood- lawn near Vernon. Phone Glencoe 937. TG36-1te FQR RENT--GARAGE FOR CAR OR storage of furniture; $10.00. Phone Win. 1511. T35-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALE "WANTED -- A RELIABLE WHITE woman, over 20, to take care of 3 vear old child as many afternoons a week as possible. Phone Win. 723. TG36-1te " WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE Jaundress,2 days a week; Monday and Tuesday preferred. Phone wis. -1te exercise. The foot strength and com- fort which are essential to the grace- ful woman--and to every woman's happiness!--are obtained by wearing Cantilever Shoes, whose flexible ar- ches (not stiff as in ordinary shoes) permit the muscles to exercise freely while walking. Shaped like the foot, there is no pressure on the nerves, no restriction of the circulation. The flexible arch supports a weak foot while natural exercise is strenghen- ing it. You walk gracefully in Cantilever Shoes. You feel well and you look well. The style is correct for sem- dress and daytime wear. Sold on the North Shore only by the. NORTH SHORE BOOTERY In the North Shore Hotel 529 Davis St. C r. Chicago Ave Phone Evanston 6757 Open Saturday Evenings SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER. man; colored; house or general work; by hour, day or week. References. Phone Glencoe 279. T36-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--FORD SKID CHAINS BETW. Hill road, Fir and Poplar; Saturday or Sunday. Phone Win. 462. T36-1tc FOR SALE--4 PAIRS TAN AND BLUE fine corded silk curtains; made by professional; 1 pair black calf ox- fords, very little worn; size 2-C; 1 brown marvella tailor-made coat, pussy willow lining; no fur; small size. Phone Win. 105. LTG2-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. LTG1-tfc FOR SALE--HOT WATER HEATING plant; buffet; china cabinet; sewing machine, $5.00. 808 Oak street. Tel. Win. 1212, LTG2-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET, table and six chairs, upright piano, gas stove; very cheap. Phone Win. 698-W. T36-1tc FOR SALE--ONE EVERET UPRIGHT piano; in good condition; reasonable price. Phone 957-W Wilmette. LT2-1tp FOR SALE--AIREDALE PUPPIES; also 2nd hand lumber. 411 Jefferson avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 816. LTG2-1tc FOR SALE--WHITE ENAMELED GAS range; first class condition. 921 Pine street. Phone Win. 366. T36-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--ONE GAS-STEAM RA- diator, 3 ft. size; just the thing for garage or extra room. M. S. Whit- ney, 888 Oak street. Phone Win. 978. T36-1tc COAT; T36-1tc FOR SALE--LADY'S FUR like new. Phone Win. 1492. FOR SALE--YEN HOUSE AND VACU- ette suction sweeper; in good condi- tion; cheap. Phone Win. 1135. T36-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOMILES TWO BARGAINS DODGE BROTHERS CONVERTIBLE sedan; late 1918; 2 door type; in A-1 condition, with four excellent tires; 2 bumpers; tilting steering wheel; tonneau heater. This car is priced very low for a quick sale, $725. Dodge Brothers touring car; in rebuilt condition, with winter bevel glass side enclosure; a splendid bargain for $400. : WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win, 165 LTG2-1te FOR SALE--PACKARD TWIN SIX sedan, $1,500.00; also Packard Twin Six touring car, $1,000.00; can be seen at 226 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, or call Glencoe 793. LTG2-1tp FOR SALE--CHEVROLET TOURING, 1919; fine tires, extras; any trial. $400. Phone Win. 393. LTG2-1tp MISCELLANEOUS TRADE IN YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, on pianos, players, talking machines, washing machines, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners. Our prices are al- ways low or lower than those in the loop. NOTICE Before buying, see the new Hamilton Beach Vacuum cleaner. It is different. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTGb51-4tc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Fos- ter. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfe WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004 6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc The first cost | is practically the last GENEL INES OLTRLNELLING >] | Zell [TY WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. Donce BROTHERS SEDAN «lVAd $13 ADM JM Bet sili ams] Ati ek grid iin ne. od

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