| 8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1921 THEATER GUILD PLAY PRONOUNCED SUCCESS "Twelve Hundred a Year" Given at Winnetka Woman's Club Receiv- ed With Encouraging Enthusiasm "Twelve Hundred a Year", the play written by Edna Ferber on "Newman Levy" presented by North Shore Theater Guild under direction of Mr. Stuart Dailey, met with unqualified success judging by superlative re- marks heard on every side. It was given Thursday and Friday, Novem- ber 10 and 11, at the Winnetka Wom- an's club and November 12 at the Kenilworth club, in both cases before large and appreciative audiences. Even the most earnest members of the Theater Guild are surprised at the way in which the movement has been received. Memberships continue to pour in from all north shore towns from Evanston to Lake Forest. A capacity house is already assured for Lake Forest November 18 at the Winter club. Tickets were going fast for the performances at the Country club at Evanston, November 19. Ap- parently the Guild will fill a long felt want. Set Lofty Standard A standard has been set by the; success of the first play which the Guild has every intention of keeping up throughout this season and the seasons to follow. Those who wit- nessed the performance will not soon forget the wholesome argument pre- sented by the various parts of the play and the good laughs afforded by the comedy part. Each member of the cast seemed to be melted into his part. There was understanding, ease and that illusive quality termed "fin- ished" to the whole production. The orchestra under Mr. Arthur Grandquist is contributing no small part to the Guild's success. It is made up of well-known amateur musicians along the north shore, who, like the! actors of the Guild, give liberally of their time and talent for the good of the cause. The next performance will be given about January 20. Further announce- ment of this will be made at an early date. Lights Will Blink To Tell The Time Woolhiser Assures H. C. Winchell, 552 Elm street, who, in last week's issue of the Winnetka Talk suggested a general "blinking" of all lights in the village each night at 9 o'clock as a village time setter by which the residents might regulate their clocks and watches, has receiv- ed quick response from the village authorities. Winnetka will adopt the system as soon as the details can be arranged, according to Village Man- ager Woolhiser, who has the follow- ing to say concerning Mr. Winchell's suggestion : "Mr. E. W. Weber, Editor, Winnetka Weekly Talk. Dear Mr. Weber :-- "Referring to the letter from Mr. Winchell ,published in last week's issue of the Winnetka Talk, I wish to state that the suggestion made .is en- tirely reasonable and is being carried out by a number of electric utilities both in this country and elsewhere. "The village has been planning to inaugurate this time service, but can- not do so until certain improvements are made in the switchboard equip- ment to make possible the momentary interruption of current on the several circuits which supply the village. "It will also be necesary to arrange for a dependable source of daily time information for the switchboard operator upon which to base the sig- nals. "It is hoped this service can be ar- ranged for in the near future, and the suggestion of Mr. Winchell is most acceptable at this time. Yours very truly, H. L. Woolhiser, Village Manager Winnetka, I11." LEASES WINNETKA HOME Dr. George H. Musselman and fam- illy have leased the home at 799 Foxdale avenue. The residence was formerly occupied by O. J. Netter- strom. ON THE BLOCK Announcement is made this week that *the . Progressive Grocery, 801 TAKEN BY DEATH I Mrs. John H. Arnold, mother of Mrs. Heyliger de Windt and Mrs. | Arthur S. Coffin of Winnetka, died' suddenly in Boston on November 9,! in her 86th year. Funeral services were held November 12 at 12 Glou- cester street, the home of her son, Ed- mund K. Arnold Mrs. Arnold is sur- vived by her husband, John H. Arnold. LEARN EXPERT REPAIRING Promoting the utmost in efficiency is the purpose of the Winnetka Mo- tor company, William T. Wehrstedt, proprietor, in sending mechanics from the local garage to the Dodge repair school in Chicago. Every day a differ- ent repair man attends the Chicago school to learn in detail the up-to- the-minute methods of repairing Dodge cars. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bunnell of Highland Park announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Mar- garet Bunnell, to Mr. Dougall A. Kit- termaster, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster of Glencoe. Mrs. Paul Fischer of Winnetka is spending the winter with her son, Mr. R. A. Fischer in South Pasadena, Cal. We Specialize in the Best of Electrical Appliances Such as | The Eden, Thor and Easy Washing Machines Simplex and Thor Ironing Machines Eureka, Royal and Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Free[[Trial North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Center Street Winnetka Phone Winnetka 44 Easy Payments If Electrical and Good We Sell It wu Elm street, Arthur Lips, proprietor, will be sold at auction, Tuesday, Nov- ember 22. Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson's dance and card party held Saturday evening, November 5, brought into the Vassar's Salary Endowment fund, $72.00, the check for which was sent to Mrs. | Henry Burke, district treasurer, 64 E. Van Buren street, Chicago, this week. .be made. [| Realty Board Names Valuation Committee Select Member From Each Village to Report Property Values; To Hear Zoning Lecture The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board was held at the office of C. T. Northrup, 556 Center street, Winnetka, Monday even- ing of this week, President Northrup presiding. Mrs. E. R Stone of Wilmette and President Northrup, representatives of the North Shore board at the recent state convention of Realtors at Peoria, gave interesting reports on the conven- tion. The need ot a valuation committee in the North Shore board has been felt for some time as there are numerous in- stances arising in connection with es- tates and other properties where a re- liable valuation is wanted. Such a committee was appointed consisting of three members oi' the board from each of the north shore villages represented. A nominal charge for the service will It iq felt that this committee will be in a unique position to make valuations as members of the committee are covering their respective territories each day and are in close touch with values. At the next meeting of the board, to be held the second Monday in Decem- ber, an address on zoning will be given by HW Butler, the building commis- sioner of Glencoe. Gilbert D. Johnson of the firm of Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother will talk on "The Licensing of Brokers," an act which will become a aw in the state of Illinois, January 1, 922. INSTALL 15-TON SCALE The Village council Tuesday even- ing authorized the installation of a 15-ton auto truck scale at the Village Water and Light plant, which is to be used for weighing coal at the plant, checking up violations of the law re- stricting the weight of motor trucks operating in the village street, and for public weighing purposes. 7777777777777 7rzrrrrrrrrrrrzzzrzzzzzzzzzdddddddd Efficient and correct bobbing and cutting of children's hair CHILDREN'S BOB HAIR CUT WITH CURL 50c Hubbard Woods Children's BARBER SHOP 906 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods Winnetka 577 7777777777772 d ddd ddd SLL LSS SIAL SSIS LSS SSS LSS SIAL SLL L SSSI AS SSISLS AAAS SS YY 7 INVITE PLAYWRIGHTS TO ENTER SPECIAL CONTEST Winnetka playwrights are now af- forded an opportunity to enter into competition in a play writing contest conducted by the Drama Study class of the Winnetka Woman's club. Manuscripts submitted are to be reviewed by out-of-town judges. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, 1228 Scott ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, will receive the manuscripts. The contest closes Feb- ruary 1, 1922. Rules of the comtest may be obtained from Mrs. Dickinson. The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet Tuesday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. W. Poff, 562 Haw- thorne lane. Mrs. Charles Van Deur- sen will be the assisting hostess. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ACQUIRES MORE LAND (continued from page one) of the opportunities offered by our high schools has been greatly ac- centuated. In no other community in the country are the people more ap- preciative of educational advantages than they are in our own township. With an enrollment that is taxing to the utmost our facilities, the mem- bers of the board felt that they would be recreant to their trust if steps were not taken to make proper provision for the future needs of the school. "In the near future it will be necess- ary to do some additional building in order to take care of the students coming to New Trier. The township is filling up rapidly, and we must exercise as much foresight as pos- sible in taking care of these increased demands. It seems very probable that within the next few years we shall have as many as 2,000 or 2,500: students. "It will be the policy of the board to reserve the original campus, which comprises seventeen acres, for future buildings and use the recently ac- quired land for athletic activities and intra-mural sports. A portion of our added campus facilities will soon be graded and leveled, but the ten-acre tract to the east of Essex road will be reserved for athletic purposes to be used when the school shall have reached that point in its growth which shall make added facilities impera- tive." Landscape of oF ob of of of oo clock oo obo ode fe ood Be fo ol oBodode Let us submit a plan and estimate on your landscape work Free of Charge before planing your home grounds PLANT NOW TREES AND SHRUBS Grading and General Landscaping Our Specialty J. P.NEL1L1S & CO. 20 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago EXT TLL LEE EEE EE EEE LR LE RE LE REE EEE ES of fe oe ode cdo of ode oof cle oo oF ode oo oe oof ode of oe ode oe oe oe ob oe oe ode fo ofc oe od ok ood be ooo od ok dod oR do Bok Bb B Gardeners Phone Wabash 5212 Fogo dodo liddob dob hbiobbbd Pe () -- (2). IO OF 1010 OLIOL: o body designs 20 I0OL= the master craftsthan's own individual design. or next day, and make closing your car. I0IOI 1223 8. JEIO OEI0 For Those who appreciate and want absolute exclusive- ness in their motor cars, we make up special in accordance with the very highest standards of workmanship known to Specifically, right now we are building many winter enclosures (California Tops). We make them in several different models or from your You are invited to come in today, tomorrow, Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO. ! ° 1 0 CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE COMPANY, | omo------10rmor-------10r30% | prop art. arrangements for en- Adclph Zukor presents Fosic Footlights « CParamount CPiclure The story of a girl who won fame on the stage by adopting a Russian name and a "past." And when, for love, she wanted again to be her real self-- You'll say it's FElsie Ferguson's greatest picture. COMMUNITY HOUSE Friday, Nov. 25th 7:15 and 8:45 222 777777 NOTIC Iizzzzzz 7 0 0 TO CORRECT A WRONG IMPRESSION Winnetka Garage & Auto Livery is At Your Service As Heretofore AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO STORAGE AUTO REPAIRING Specializing in FORD Work AUTO WASHING AUTO EXPRESSING UNITED STATES TIRES TAXI SERVICE - - - Winoetka's Best at the old location -- here for over six years 552-554 LINCOLN AVE. Phones 74 and 1507 An Authorized FORD Sales and Service Station has been Established at this Address. mmm zzz 7777777777277