4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921 Conduct Fund Drive For Women's Schools Women of the North Shore Plan to Assist in Raising Funds For Schools in Orient By Carrie B. Prouty "The World was made for Women, Too." A Woman's club in India! Yes, and their motto is "The world was made for Women, too." But they are turning to the women of the west to help make their motto more true. ; A great opportunity is presented in Modern Diana the chance to build up seven inter- national colleges: Union colleges for | women with the backing of all the' great denominations. Here in these colleges, already crowded with. stu- dents, are being trained the leaders for the future. The World Wants Leaders More even than men, the people of the orient need trained women; women physicians minister to their needs. Two of these colleges are medical colleges for women. One in Peking, one in Vel- Tore, India. We are developing the "internation- al mind". Will not these seven Union Christian colleges, backed by the. colleges and women of the Occident, | develop such a mind in the Orient as well as the Occident? Wellesley college has taken as its sister Teuching college, Peking. Smith college has Ginling in Nauking. Creat Britain is joining with us in the Woman's college in Madras, In- dia. Their women and ours are working to train the women of In- dia. In the Madras Presidency the two first honors in science were given to women in the Woman's college. A girl from the Vellore Medical college outranked all the men in the govern- ment examinations in anatomy and the government of India struck a gold medal for her. ' This is an international, interde- nominational work, that is command- ing the attention of educated women everywhere. Therefore the women of the north shore are taking up the matter. CALL INDOOR BASEBALL PLAYER TO NEW LEAGUE Indoor baseball players in Winnet- ka are looking forward to a record season this winter with the formation at this time of the Community House Indoor Baseball league. : > Every Indoor player in Winnetka is eligible to enter the league ranks, ac- cording to Fred J. Eckart who is supervising the organization. "Come to Community House gym- nasium, Wednesday, December 7, and get signed up", Eckart suggests. Burt Blow's All Stars are challeng- ing the Winnetka American Legion Post team to a game to be played either next Wednesday or on Wed- nesday, December 14. J. FRANK BAKER A BENEDICT Friends of J. Frank Baker, son of Mrs. Magdalin Baker, 549 Provident avenue, were interested this week to learn that he has entered the ranks of the benedicts. The girl was Miss Ella Rahtjen of Brooklyn, N. Y. The wedding took place at Brooklyn, on November 23. ELECT R. A. OFFICERS William A. Hadley will speak be- fore the Winnetka Council, Royal Arcanum, Monday evening, December 5. on the subject "A Blind Beggar as an Educator". The council will hold its annual election of officers at this meeting. Beaux may come and beaux may go, Bul girls must keep well dressed you konw, VERY woman's problem is that of keeping her ward- robe complete and stylish. The sensible American girl = who wants to conserve her cash alters that suit and dress to suit he style occasion after having it cleaned. ' CLEANERS AND DYERS! | [2] [=f or AN od 1d eo] iii 792 ELM STREET PHONE 204° ; [ed who, alone can]|| Yes, thank you, life in and near Cadagen, Alberta, is everything the story books and tourist guides claim. If you don't believe it ask Mrs. Fred T. Richardson when she returns to Winnetka. _ You guessed it. The fair huntress is none other than Mrs. Richardson, and the attractive bag of game was the work of a brief tramp over the prairies. Looks like wild turkey and some prairie chickens. Mr. Richardson will leave Winnet- ka shortly to join Mrs. Richardson in Canada. Later they will proceed to California for the winter. VILLAGE TIME RECORDER IS NOT YET INSTALLED Contrary to recent reports appear- ing in Chicago newspapers, the pro- posed blinking of lights in the vil- lage to record the time, does not go into effect this week, according to Village Manager Woolhiser. While Village authorities expect to introduce the new time recording sys- tem, says Mr. Woolhiser, it is necess- ary first to conclude arrangements with the Western Union company for a time adjustment device, and to in- stall special switch apparatus. It is planned to "blink" the lights in the village at 9 o'clock every even- ing, thus recording the correct time for residents. The Forty Club entertained at the Winnetka Woman's club last even- ing. NT N ' . N Efficient and correct bobbing Ny . . 9 . and cutting of children's hair CHILDREN'S BOB HAIR CUT WITH CURL 50c Hubbard Woods Children's BARBER SHOP 906 Linden Avenue \ N N Hubbard Woods N N Ny Winnetka 577 ASSL SIS SSIS SSIS SSIS SLES IIIA SS SSIS ASS SSSI SSS ASSL SH 4 BATTERIES you start another season it will pay you to le Us examine your battery. Eesponsi | - ble advice and skilful work on every make of . battezy: 5 Winnetka Exide Battery Service Co. Carlton Bldg. Winnetka 1387 Woman's Club | The regular meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club took place on December 1. The president, Mrs. Gor- don, being absent, Mrs. Willoughby Walling presided and made the fol- lowing announcements: On Wednes- day, December 14, the Woman's Guild of Christ church will give a tea at which Dr. Soper of Northwestern university will speak on ":Women of the Orient". The women of the club are invited to be present. On December 14, the Music commit- tee will give a program of American music. Red Cross seals were sold during the afternoon and may also be obtain- ed at the drug stores. The Red Cross roll for Winnetka fell about one hun- dred short of last year and if there are any persons who have overlooked making their donations, they may send their money to Mrs. Willoughby Walling. It is desired that we may increase the amount to equal last year's sum. Mrs. Ernest Ballard spoke of the Correspondence School for the Blind, which Mr. William A. Hadley has had so near his heart and which has already been started. It will be necessary for all to get back of it and raise funds to insure its success. The immediate need is for a Braille printing press, and to provide for this a benefit performance of "Daddy Long Legs", which was given so successfully recently, will be given at New Trier High school a week from next Saturday, December 10. Mrs. Porter made a plea for the Emergency Drive which the United Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 .and secretary of the Charities are to inauguate next Mon ! day. It is necessary to raise one | million dollars to cover thirteen mon- || th's need as the treasury is now empty. Mrs. Theodore Brown gave a report on two days of the Convention of the State League of Women Voters. Mrs. Chickering, chairman of the Ed- ucation committee introduced Miss Alice Henry, editor of Life and Labor, Educational Department of the Woman's Trade Union League. Her subject was "Col- lege and the .Working Girl-Bryn Mawr Experiment". She told of the success of an eight week's term, which was held at Bryn Mawr last summer. It was felt a splendid beginning had been made, when 82 girls from nine- teen states employed in twenty-two industrial trades could take a course in Social and Cultural Studies, which would give them a broader outlook and teach them how to go on and learn more for themselves. The following women were hostess- es for the tea which followed: Mrs. H. Hervey Anning, Miss Ruth Matz, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, and Mrs. Char- les Van Deursen. Mrs. Henry Zeiss, who moved to Pasadena two years ago, has returned and taken a house in the village for a couple of months. Her son, Henry Zeiss, who has been residing at the University club, will be with her. POULTRY-- Is the popular course at dinner, Our squabs and chickens are freshly dressed to your order. Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 5 ee hear broadcasted Lectures, terest to everyone. by appointment. Telephone 576 Wireless Telephone Buy a wireless telephone receiving set for Xmas. Easy to operate. Hear Grand Opera from the Auditorium every evening--right in your own home. You will also reports, weather reports, etc., and general news of in- Demonstrations made in the home Wireless sets and apparatus may be seen, heard and purchased at my Electrical Supply Showroom. ALEX J. H. SMITH Ligare Building, 765 Vernon Avenue Sport news, Stock market GLENCOE. ILL. | wwvor ; through the Linden and Elm - - LO EO I O EI OY O EXO CHRISTMAS GIFTS Can be bought here with- out the inconvenience of pushing your way around Toilet preparations, perfumes, raz- ors, Corona typewriters, cigars, and many other useful and practical | I | 0 1 o things may be found here. Cc I | | 0 I o | ADAMS PHARMACY The Rexall Store - Phone Winnetka 2 WINNETKA 2 OLI0L --10r=X r-- YOUR loop crowds. HOEIOk IOI OE EXOX I0EI0K Christmas Suggestions We are equipped to serve the gifts buyers of the North Shore with one of the most complete stocks of men's wear north of the Loop. 2 Here you will find a . real variety to choose from -- and plenty of efficient and pleasant people to suggest to you the things that men like to wear. 2 Shop early and shop here. No Loop crowds will jostle you -- no crowded trains to and from the more crowd- ed stores. EC Here are a few sug- gestions for you to think over: Ties Shirts Mufflers Handkerchiefs Gloves Sweaters Pajamas Hose Belts and Buckles Cuff Links and many other useful, practical things Make your selections as early as possible -- stocks of desirable goods go quickly and are unreplaceable. = While they last we will give with the gifts pur- chased, Xmas packag- es free of charge. This is another reason for early buying. &«