2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1921 RRR RRDRRRR Intuition born of experience, whis-| Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Carlson of pered in her ears--help that man,| hard Woods cel : 2 It was repeated with greater stress. ty-fifth ti Dor Years 2g0 ---- She k th 11, but how? He is : er ; 4 C Knew the a Ht now. ¢ ¥| cember 19. Thirty-two relatives and u Maver Rub will hold sopatry Sas : a ristimas 9 not a beggar, his clothes, though| ™ rday, December 24, for the youn i h Fup 8 His hands | friends were present, most of whom people home from the oly a worn, are not ragged! A Story were as thin and delicate as his face, 5 but the contrast as she glanced a ! "| around the car was striking: he was AL) = { BO BC CL BL CLT the only one poverty seemed to touch, AL AL AL AL ALAA AL NAL AL AL AL AL ALAC ALA ALY H 2 | She watched him for about one mile heir j : hi 1 tured X By Bertha Harwood-Arrowood Ou heir oars oa ox Wii PHONE 844 : 4 En "AT ECKARTS" (North Shore MacDowell Society) | street was called; she arose with] A Merry Christmas--first--then others. This was fortunate, for it Ped i The windows. displayed trees be | oeny Te feed Me SNA She decked with glistening ornaments |: iow that he had turned to watch the expression of a sincere appre- ciation of the fine patronage we haveenjoyed the past year--then the hope of more and more pleasant reltiaons with more and more new Customers for 1922-- those are our Holiday Wishes. and toy S. Old a y her--bewildered but the car was in ing a crowd of children--and grown-| ,,5¢ion and he could not alight until ups who had not forgotten they were the next corner was reached. He HARDWARE 736 Elm St. Phone 844 once young--happy with expectation. signaled the car to stop, rushed back v Ld . . Winnetka, Illinois colleges, and another one on Thurs- day, December 29, at which time a Cinderalla pantomine will be given by the children of Miss Mildred Pierce's dancing class. attended the wedding twenty-five Talking and walking dolls and other in search of his benefactor only to mechanical toys were displaying! gq her gone. their charms. Every merchant seemed Thwarted in his search, he stood to vie with his neighbor in attracting | 5+ some moments in thought, then the Santa Claus buyers, but the dark-| 4.5 ing from his inner pocket a little ness grew more dense, the pocket- crumpled letter he read: books lighter and, as the various cars "Dear Santa Claus, please bring me passed, each stopped to draws from) 5 drum an' my little sister a dol an' this busy thoroughfare its load of hu- {pofe of us sum candy." i manity and freight, for this is one night that to be without bundles is The Answered Letter to miss some of the enjoyment of the A tremor of joy swept over his occasion, and to stumble over boxes | weakened body; he returned to the or be bruised by an occasional poke | city this time to mingle with the from a cart handle or something quite | happy throng. He purchased a drum, as sharp, becomes a real delight, for |a doll, some candy, a calico dress for it means the happiness of some child, | his wife and some food, having still and everything is greeted with a|left seven dollars for what----we shall laugh. see, The Peachtree car was filled even That night as he walked to the to its standing capacity, but the [door of his little home his wife, with ladies, unaccustomed to this mode of | tears in her eyes, met him with out- travel, made light of their situation |stretched arms. "Dear," he said, "has and the very atmosphere was merry. | the landlord been here? Well, wife, Gradually the crowd in the car|dry your eyes, for another Lord diminished, all were now seated and |that watches over all has sent His a- better oppoortunity given to view |angel to us and I have the money to one's fellow-passengers. In one group | pay our rent: we need not leave our wy RRR RRR RRR RR SI Ae Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te TT TT Te Te et te 9 the shoppers were laughing over the|home." state of their purses--several having] "And these bundles, John, what are » x found barely enough money to pay they ?" dy i be Hp OF tn: ho hong sete nth Gay ins amin by i RRR RRR RRR RRR RRR RRR over dolls was taking place. Amidst| Her sweet face was flushed with et ono oben of han Oh, Jot bow tagpy 1 ami 1 RR RR RR RRR %R ng Ny litte girl i Dhar ones hung uw heir stockings, hoping a a Non oposier and the sentence was a disappointment on Christmas day. ae oi finished mechanically; she had lost) But who is this angel? a : 9 i ] 2 the sickly smile of this man, who, | ones, radiant with her nobleness, and i &% ; with his heavy heart was endeavor- two homes instead of one knew the go 5 ing to enjoy their conversation. full meaning of Christmas joy. ke) £9 #3 ALAA ALA AL AL AL AL LAA ALA AT 2% ie on oN 2 ie 8 5 ab ie Ch ad i a 48 ocolate Creams = A To our friends, those 2 : -" : (49 '9 g customers whose pa- 2 2 The Candy of Taste LS) tronage we have en- 29 5 s " i" joyed -- and to 'our po " Mak a . % ake he Ke) friends whose patron- 9 i an 59 gd ¥ o ° I we hope to enjoy Are 3 go = | 2 ca [1SUmMas oi 2 --we extend our wish- 2 I " | es for a very Merry 2 2 | Packde in a i : ke) CHRISTMAS 28 4 One, Two and Five-Pound Boxes A ne TE # § Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery & i 5a a 890 Linden A Winnetka 1435 #0 Sold in Winnetka by a | : gg 3% lanaen Ave Cdk WINNETKA PHARMACY i WooDsS, Iii ie] fh re. HUBBARD WOODS, Iii | ADAMS PHARMACY £3 ed 2% a HUBBARD WOODS PHARMACY 5 #Y : 8 oi i . AND IN ALL NORTH SHORE TOWNS 8 5 #¥ SCHUMACHER SANDY 60, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS 3 a 2 ¢ = oA SE ALAS eens RRRRRLRRRRRRRRRR