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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Jan 1922, p. 10

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10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill Telephone .........v vu... Winnetka 388 Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- ond class, under the act of March 3, 79. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 OUR ONLY HOPE Christianity is the hope of world, the only hope. Without it every- thing, that, to us, makes life sweet and beautiful and noble would pass away. All that is desirable, in what we call our civilization, would be swept from the face of the earth. The Church is organized Christian- ity. Surely, there are reasons enough for the most active and faithful support of the church. Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, ranks among the greatest men who have given luster to our national history. In a great speech in New York City, April 2, 1900, he said: "Upon what con- servative element is it that the se- curity and peace of our community depends? Out of what do those maxims of life come that make it decent, that curb passion, that limit selfishness, and that bind men to- gether in common purposes, for the security and happiness of communi- ties? It is, indeed, in and out of this sacred Word of God that a system of morality has come that makes life sweet and gives it pos- the traditions which they have so jealously cherished. It would, indeed, be a sad anti-climax were failure to follow the long struggle for the recognition of their na- tionality that has finally been achieved. It remained to be seen whether the enthusiasm of the Irish for their independence was the result of a real longing for self-government, in the name as well as in fact, or resentment in- cident to the opposition which has been maintained against them. Something: worth while must come out of Ireland to justify all the sorrow and suffering that have been endured to afford the opportunity for its growth. -- mms THE HOSPITAL ANNEX The opening of the doors of the new addition to the Evanston hos- pital marks the beginning of ser- vice to the community for which there has long been need and glad expectation. More and more people are realizing the advantage of hos- pital care for patients who have fallen victim to serious ailment and are utilizing the institution with its better facilities for care of the sick, with the nurse who has the train- ing which the average home woman does not possess and cannot secure except in the hard school of ex- perience in which the patient pays the always high tuition. Everything is as it should be in the new hospital annex. There is science and comfort combined, skillful nursing and adequate medi- cal advice and service. The people have to thank the generous citizen who made the hospital possible and themselves that they have added to the fund in sufficient measure to AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue sibilities that would otherwise be out of thought." Farther along in the same ad- dress, speaking of the great social and economic difficulties that threat- en our civilization, he said: "Agen- cies of man's devising may allevi- ate, but they cannot cure, this tendency to division and strife, and substitute for it a drift to peace and unity. Christ in the heart and His gospel of love and ministry in all the activities of life are the only cure .... Ah! my friends, not scholar- ship, not invention, not any of these noble and creditable developments of our era--not to these, but to the Word of God and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must we turn for hope that men may be delivered from this consuming greed and selfishness." ---------- IRELAND. The birth of the Irish Free State is an event of significance for outside the bounds of that little island. No country in the world can escape being affected in one way or another by the settlement of the century-old feud between the government of Great Britain and the little part of the great realm which has been so unhappy: under the rela- tions imposed upon it. Ireland is a romantic land. Its people ap- peal to the imagination and en- list the sympathy of a very great proportion of the people of the civilized world. Even those who have thought that the state of mind which has been general in the south of the island has been the result of a sedulous cultiva- tion of a grievance many genera- tions old, have not failed to feel a glow of satisfaction that a way has been found to reconcile the differences between the govern- ment of the empire and the revo- lutionary party of Ireland. The burden has now been trans- ferred to the head of the Irish patriots to make successful the new organization which they have gained. Ireland must work with a zeal and assiduity not general- ly characteristic of the race to make their new state a credit to Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "Made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash Majestic Underground Garbage Receiver Sanitary garbage disposal -- underground -- is accom- plished with the Majestic Un- derground Garbage Receiver. Dogs can't upset it as they do the ordinary unsightly garbage can. Flies and ver- min cannot get to it. - It is sanitary and odor proof. This under- ground re- ceiver is more con- venient, too. Stepping on a handy trip opens the} can. + It is economic a | J because it will outlast § the ordina- ENE : ry can. EAE A MAJESTIC UNDER- GROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER Is Sanitary Convenient Odor Proof Fly Proof Dog Proof and Saves Money. LET US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO meet the requirements of the high standard for service that has been set and is being maintained. President Harding is {fulfilling through an enlightened budget system and discriminating eco- nomics, the promise of a substan- tial reduction of Government ex- penses. WATCH FOR VAN'S MOVES ' Shipment of Household Goods A great many people contemplate moving to an- other city and are under- cided what to do with their furniture. Best is to consult us. We will give prices on crating, packing and shipping. Then we will keep it in storage until you find a home in your future city, or we will sell your goods for you. ro URNITURE CE Wilmette 32 * Evanston 731% HONOR STUDENTS for last year. To have one's name on Dorothy Scharf, New Trier High | this list the student must have main- school '20, of Winnetka, is om the|tained a very high standard of Freshman honor list at Northwestern | scholarship for the first year, Why "Station to Station" Long- Distance Calls Cost You Less You can save about twenty per cent on your toll bills by using our "Station to Station" long-distance service. To complete a call for a telephone number or for a listed telephone rather than for a particular per- son requires less time and avoids holding the line at the distant point while search is made for the person wanted. Here are some samp.e rorms for putting in "Station to Station' calls. Signal the operator in the usual way and ask her for long distance. When the long-distance oper- ator answers say : "Give me St. Louis; Main 1234. Will talk to anyone." "Give me Milwaukee, Wis.; Smith, Brown & Company. Will talk to anyone." "Give me Louisville, Ky.;James Robinson's res- idence, 648 Mulberry St. Will talk to anyone." In a very great majority of cases it is found that a call made in this way either reaches the particular person wanted or the person who answers can take the message or handle the business. Specimen rates for "Station to Station" and other classes of long-distance service may be found in the telephone directory. The manager will be glad to give additional information. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY A hurried Frequent Service on the North Shore Line Consider what this important factor of Fre- quent Service means to you in terms of = comfort---of time saved! trip or an extended stop-over entails no frantic struggle with a timetable. A train 1s always due within the hour. Day in and day out, in all sorts of weather, the'steady stream of trains continue to give you the utmost in reliable transportation. Are you acquainted with this convenient route? Limited Trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every hour, from 6:41 a. m. to 1:41 a. m. Express Trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every half-hour from 6:34 a. m. to 12:04 a. m. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. ' Winnetka Ticket Office, Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963

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