EES ------------------SSSSSS i £1 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 MEN'S SUNDAY CLASS ORGANIZED THIS WEEK About forty men gathered at the Winnetka Congregational church last Sunday morning for the purpose of organizing a Mens' Sunday Morning class. A large number of Winnetka men are known to be interested in apply- ing Christian standards to business conditions and problems, and it is for the study of this subject and for other activities still to be developed that this organization was formed. A frank interchange of ideas will be encouraged in the meetings and general discussion urged. Special speakers and music will be ob- tained by a program committee to be 'formed for the purpose of making the sessions as interesting and enjoyable as possible. The activities of the or- ganization will be directed by the fol- lowing: President, Leslie J. Dodds; vice- president, Merrit B. Lum; secretary- treasurer, to be filled later; leader, William Ayer McKinney. Membership committee, Lawrence A. Janney, chairman; James A. White, vice-chairman. It is expected many new residents, by this and other collateral means, will welcome this opportunity of be- coming better acquainted with other residents of the village, both old and new. To further this idea a large membership committee is planning to get in touch with every man in the village who might be interested, with an invention to attend, participate in the discussion, and become better ac- quainted with his neighbor. Kenilworth Happenings The Kenilworth ladies are invited to attend the Lenten lectures con- ducted by Mrs. Anthony French Mer- rill at the home of Mrs. George B. Dryden of Evanston, commencing on March 8, for the beenfit of Wells college. A p= Mrs. John C., Everett entertained at luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Houston and Miss Alice Houston of Evanston, who are leaving within the next few weeks for California. --_---- Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Foresman and daughter, Patty, left Monday for Phil- adelphia to enter their daughter in St. Mary's school, at Burlington, N. I --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwinell Slater enter- tained their Bridge club Thursday evening. --_-- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap left Sat- urday for New York. ---- Mrs. Frederick Willis entertained at tea Friday afternoon in honor of the Misses Harney. IE Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone has as her guests her sisters, the Misses Harney of Milwaukee. --_---- Mr. and Mrs, George Benson and children left Sunday for California, to be gone until May. --_-- Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rathbone had as their guests, over the week-end, -- Mr. and Mrs. Burnell of Seattle, 'Wash. ee Mr. Geoiie Dryden, formerly of Kenliworth, has been made president of the Chicago Athletic Association. =o Miss Miriam Shattuck was a hostess at tea Sunday last. --_0-- Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hulbert were diner hosts Friday last. Germs walk on the other side of the street when passing a house cleaned with Bule Devil. --Adv. LTG10-1tc OO000000000000000000000ae VIVIVIPIPITIVIVIIITIITIIIVIIIVIIIVIIOOO Desserts, From Our Own Freezing Room We have installed a zero room, just to keep the special orders you give us the way they should be kept. Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 00600060 0600660000000 IVP IIIVIIIIVIIII IIE O00 00000lttltds VIVTIPIPIIIIVIIVIIIIIIII IOS O00 00000000ell VOPIPIPIPIPIIIIIIIIIIVIIOO L 4 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE A Reduction on Entire Stock UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Proprietor 1126 Central Avenue Wilmette Phone Wil. 2403 Those from Kenilworth who at- tended the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Van Pope of Glencoe were Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Hypes, Mr. and Mrs. Dwinell Slater and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Landis, --_---- guest, Mrs. Conine of Cleveland, O. The Wednesday Afternogn Reading Class met at the home of Mrs. E. F. Snydacker. --_--0-- Mrs. P. D. Rathbone sailed Wednes- day on the S. S. Paris, and expects to be abroad a year. --_---- Mrs. Bently McCloud entertained at luncheon Friday in honor of her moth- er, Mrs. Olmstead of Omaha, Neb. --Q-- Mrs. Frank Nellis, formerly of Kenil- worth, now of Evanston, left Wed- nesday for California to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Post. --_---- The Currents Class met Wednesday morninig at the Kenilworth club, the subject under discussion being, "The Irish Question." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketchum left Saturday for a two weeks' sojurn in New York.* RE, Mrs. Albert Schmus was a luncheon hostess Saturday. New Trier Athlete Now Stars At Knox College Joe Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard, 1055 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, has recently won a numeral jersey for his services as tackle on the "All-American" team, the second string football men of Knox college at Galesburg, Illinois. These white sweaters, bearing the class year 1925 in purple, were award- ed at Beecher chapel exercises last week. These awards in recognition of their faithful work in backing up the first team. Howard, who is a Freshman at Knox, was chosen all-Cook County tackle last year and starred for the past four years on the New Trier High School team. I ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 | | 1 1 1 1 i | I [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 | | 1 | I | | 1 | 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 | ] 1 1 1 1 | | 1 ll | 1 1 1 1 I | | 1 I 1 1 | 1 | 1 1 } ll Ll ll ll | 1 | 1 | 1 |} 1 1 | 1 ll ! i Dresented by Jesse L Lasky a Cpiclure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ] | 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 | ] 1 ] 1 1 | ] 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] | | | | | 1 ll ] | ] 1 [14 Mildred Harris in the Cast Friday, January 27th 7:15 and 8:45 P. M. Admission 25c. COMMUNITY HOUSE A pleasure-loving rich man, who had never known a struggle in his life. A wonderful girl and a child, who had never known anything else. New York, seething, surg- ing, pulling them together into its swirl. And the beautiful story that comes from it all will make your heart glad. oo ---------------------- Rapid and Reliable transfer service Winnetka folks. that is left out of scription is that Phone HESE two words de- scribe fully the kind of that we maintain for the benefit of The only possible thing service is economical, too! this de- Scully's 232 SCULLY TRACEGED Cal EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX STATES THAT PAY States which pay adjusted compen- sation to their ex-service men now in- clude: Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Missouri, New" Jersey, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin and Washington, according to John Thomas Taylor, vice-chairman of the American Le- gion's legislative committee. LADIES' NIGHT Tuesday evening, January 24, will be "Ladies' Night" for the Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus. A spe- cial program of interest to the women guests of the council will feature the evening's events. all are here. 890 Linden Ave. Table Service-- The supplying of every need for the table--imported canned goods--fine package fresh fruits--fresh vegetables - - A phone call 1s as safe as a personal shopping trip. | Hubbard Woods Grocery Phone Winnetka 1435-36 things - - Hubbard Woods WINNETKA , ILL. | ® A good name Done BROTHERS Sedan 4%. 2) FX) A A Block Northef Depot | on | Es AS TE WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA, ILL.