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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Jan 1922, p. 7

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S 1 { i { | ; WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 2 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Frozen Skokie Marsh Affords Opportunity For New Winter Sport in the more = HE latest fad in t Sled advanced sporting circles C2 O NG of the North Shore is )) leg skate sailing. 'Tis said that a good skipper may make more than 30 miles an hour by the clever handling of the unique little hand sail he carries. It is a light leg 'o mutton canvass about ten by six feet in size, braced up the middle. The skater extends his arms sidewise, holding the leeches and bracing his back against it as he glides over the ice. The light boom is back of his knees, the peak extends several feet above his head. The favorite gathering place for skaters is the Skokie marsh, particu- larly the broad expanse of ice at the Winnetka Municipal golf links, where metors from every town on the North Shore are parked for blocks along Willow road while their occu- pants enjoy the greatest of winter sports for hours at a time. Several of the new sails may be seen there almost any afternoon, while many impromptu imitations produce some- what the same results as the expen- sive originals from the Chicago sport- ing goods houses. It is claimed that there is an ice route from the west end of Central street to Glencoe which is rough only in spots and for the most part excellent skating. Among the well known young peo- ple who frequent the Winnetka ice field are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Gary Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackert Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walcott, Miss Lois Wilder, Miss Josephine Dole, Miss Gladys Spry, Miss Sarah Louise Buffington, Gerald Butler, George Buffington, Robert Landreth and Donald Miller. ---- A pretty wedding of last Saturday was that of Miss Margaret Barnes, daughter of Mrs. Jessie C. Barnes, of Chicago, formerly of Winnetka, and Morris R. Glaser, son of Mr. Edward L. Glaser, of Glencoe, which took place in the home of an aunt of the bride, Mrs. Thomas G. Milsted. The Rev. Douglas Cornell read the service. The train of roses point lace, of the white sattin wedding gown had been worn by the bridegroom's late mother, at her own wedding, likewise the lace that trimmed the tulle veil. The maid of honor, Miss Virginia Graves, wore a light shaded flame chiffon frock, trimmed with crystals. The bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Mac- Caughey, Miss Jean Milsted, Miss Carol de Windt, and Miss Esther Prentice wore frocks of flame chiffon and crystal. All wore black satin hats draped with lace. Edward L. Glaser served his son as "best man, and the ushers were Mr. Albert S. Gardner, Mr. Peter Van Brunt, Mr. John J. Finlay, and Mr. Ed- ward Street. Mr. and Mrs. Glaser, who are now on their way to Honoluul, will be at home at Rosemoor Lodge, Glencoe, after May 1. --Q-- Friends of the old Winnetka Skating Rink, formerly located on Sheridan road, will be interested in knowing that the rink has been moved to the Winnetka tennis courts, between Glenwood and Scott avenue, and is now in perfect condition and open to the public. Memberships may be obtained through Mrs. Ralph Ham-y mill, 666 Spruce street. The patrons and patronesses of the rink include Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wal- cott, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dunlap Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Blatch- ford, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham- mill, Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr., Miss Polly King, Miss Louisa May Greeley, Mr. S. Bowles King, and Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Hinton. --0-- A meeting of special interest to the women of the community will be held at the residence of Mrs. Albert H. Veeder, 635 Maple avenue, on Wednes- day afternoon, January 25, at two- thirty o'clock. The program has been arranged by the committee on World Reconstruction of the Congregational 'Woman's Society, and will consider Members of the Drama Study class of the Winnetka Woman's club who are to present the well-known play, "Overtones," next Monday afternoon at the club are working diligently over their parts in order to make as ex- cellent an appearance as possible be- fore the authoress, Miss Alice Gersten- erg, who is to be present at this time, to give a short address before the pre- sentation of her own play. The cast includes, Mrs. Harry Bar- num as "Harriet," Mrs. Lloyd Faxon as "Hetty," Mrs. J. Williams Macy as "Margaret," and Mrs. William Ogden Coleman as "Maggie." This attractive program will be open to all club members, and guests are welcome upon payment of the usual guest fee. ---- The Winnetka School Teachers are co-operating with Mrs. O. A. Rochlitz, of Glencoe, in giving a military dance at Community Hosue, Winnetka, Sat- urday evening, January 21. An invita- tion has been extended to bachelors and their friends as well as to officers and their wives. Tomaso's orchestra will furnish the music, with Signor Tomaso playing the banjo, himself. ---- A large dinner party at Indian Hill club, and several smaller affairs given in private homes will precede the Winnetka Assembly Dance at the 'Woman's club this evening. The club- house* has been transformed into a scene from one of Palm Beach's summery evenings, and all of the guests will wear costumes appropriate for a mid-summer, mid-winter party. Oat Miss Grace Margerum and her brother Percy have taken their in- valid mother, Mrs. William Margerum, to the home of their oldest brother, Keiler Margerum, in a suburb of El Paso, Texas. --Q-- The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles M. Joy, 300 Poplar street, Tuesday at two o'clock. Mrs. N. C. Joy was the assist- ing hostess. ---- Mrs. Harold L. Ickes of Hubbard 'Woods, has gone to Arizona to remain until early spring. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klotz and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Klotz, have taken a cottage at Palm Beach, Fla. ---- Mr. and Mrs. George S. Parker entertained at bridge for sixteen friends last Friday evening at their home on Cedar street. ---- The Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Tib- bals, recently of Swarthmore, Pa., are making their home with Prof. and Mrs. Charles A. Tibbals, Jr. at 511 Haw- thorn lane. --Q-- The dram, "Isaiah," and a beautiful story of the Bible, which was pre- sented so excellently at the Commun- ity House on Sunday evening last, by the Winnetka Community Players, was repeated on Monday evening before the Congregational club in Chicago at the Sherman House. --(---- On Monday afternoon, Mrs. George BE. Frazer gave a small tea at her home, 639 Lincoln avenue, in honor of Mrs. James A. James of Evanston, wife of Professor James of North- western university who gave a brief address on her travels in Czecho- Slovakia, of a year ago. pa Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leonard left last Friday, January 13, for Honolulu and a trip through Hawaii. ---- The Elm Street Circle met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. O. Ely, 592 Cherry street. Are you interested in your chil- dren's physical education? The new Junglegym number three which combines one dozen pieces of play apparatus in one, is well worth your investigation. Local Representative-- ) Mrs. J. C. West, Winnetka Dentists who are attending the three day Dental convention which opened at the Drake hotel on Thurs- day, include Dr. Delbert W. Poff, Dr. Ralph Childs, Mrs. J. E. Fonda, and Dr. Arthur H. Murdow. ee (prt Last evening, the Gamma Phi Beta sorority of Northwestern university, held its annual mid-winetr formal at the Winnetka Woman's club. --Q-- Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, will deliver an address on "Parliamentary Procedure and Effec- tive Speaking for Club Women," be- fore the Woman's club of Princeton, Ill,, on next Monday afternoon. --r-- Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 545 Lincoln avenue, will deliver an address on "Conservation and Thrift" before the Parent Teacher's Association of the Norwood Park Public High School, next Tuesday afternoon. : Mrs. W. H. Cook and her daughter, Mrs. Grace Aiken, will leave next Tuesday to spend the remainder of the winter in Florida. : ---- Mrs. R. W. Varney, 535 Cherry street, entertained last Wednesday for Mrs. Henry Weber of Los Angeles, California, who was formerly Miss Eva Frye of Winnetka. ---- There will be another party given by the Forty club next Friday evening at the Woman's club. =O Mrs. A. C. Johnson of Forest avenue, is leaving early in February to sbend two months in Louisiana. 6 60600006006000000000000800 VIII IIIIIIIFIIIIVIIIIIO "resh Poultry, freshly dressed to your indi- vidual order, and every fowl a prime bird. Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 60600006000000000000000000 VIVFVITITVITPIPIIvPIIVIIFIPITIPIPIPOIQE 0 4 4 L 4 L 4 & JUV VV VVIV VV IT POPPPIPIPIVIIVOIIIIOIOIOSE 0000000000000 0000a VPP PIPIPIPIIPIIIIIIIOOOS 937 Gordon Terrace Phone Winnetka 972. effective American Citizenship. A monologue, "The Americanization of a Kentuckian," will be given by Mrs. D. B. Brummitt, a speaker of national reputation. The music is to be especially appropriate to the theme of the meeting and will be furnished by Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, and Mrs. C. E. Karstrom. ---- The annual meeting of the Woman's Guild of Christ church will be held on Monday at the parish house. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock, followed by the annual elec- tion of officers and reports of the work accomplished during the past! year. I Interior Decorating, Paper Hanging, and General Painting Estimates Cheerfully Given. Oscar A. Anderson 1015 Oak St. Winnetka, Ill. Phone 1472. Qour Best to {00K Your Dest always be sure to use 3 NELLO Phantom Powder The charming im- provement in com- plexion beauty lasts all day and the skin is pro- vided with proper protection, as this powder does not wash off. PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm Street Winnetka Phone Win. 822 Every day a change-- and they don't stay just babies long. Have them photograped soon--and often. Record forever the changes that come so quickly. Keep their babyhood with you. Photograph: the children Phone Winnetka 210 for appointment. i > Stanton Wilhite PHOTOGRAPHER 743 Elm Street [1% ¥ i Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Ickes of Hubbard Woods, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Frances Thompson, to Mr. Willis ReQua Bry- ant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Bryant, who live at the Shore Crest. The engagement was announced at an informal luncheon given Saturday by Mrs. Ickes at their home. --Q-- Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority held its annual mid-winter dance at the Evanston Country club last Saturday evening. Miss Virginia Bull of Wil- mette, was chairman of the entertain- ment committee, --= A meeting of the Lincoln Avenue Circle was held Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. John R. Montgomery in Hubbard Woods. --Q-- Miss Louise Tennis, who just re- cently returned from Europe, is the guest of Mrs. Arthur G. Cable on Sheridan road. Col. and Mrs. William V. Jacobs of Glencoe, announce the engagement of their daughter, Katharine, to Mr, Thomas Edward Hough, son of Mrs. Walter M. Hough of Evanston. The marriage will take place in the early spring. ---- The August C. Magnus family of Sheridan road, have gone to Cali- fornia, for an extended sojourn. --_--O-- Mrs. John Metcalfe, gave a tea on Wednesday afternoon at her home, 266 Linden avenue, in honor of Mr. Metcalfe's sister. --Q-- The Surburban Neighborly club will entertain at the Winnetka Woman's club next Saturday evening, Janu- ary 28. ye The Four Corner Dancing club will meet this evening at Community House. Paper Febr Sa Adams P Watch This Next Week For Our uary le harmacy The Rexall Store Phone Winnetka 2 Randolph 3900 209 N. Michigan Blvd. and 30 W. Madison Street Is Your Problem Cleaning Rugs and Carpets? We Minister to the Greatest Business in the World--- Housekeeping! Is Your Problem Washing? The "EASY" is a Vacuum Elec- tric Washer (with or without a device for heating the water). The 2 Copper Cups, as they plunge into the water are filled with air, this air opens up the mass of elothes so that the scalding water is forced through them. Is Your Problem Ironing? The "Horton" open end, foot control Ironer does not only "flat work" but children's ruffled dresses, boy's blouses, curtains, shirts, and women's blouses. The "Hamilton Beach" with a soft brush to loosen all the imbedded, cling- ing dirt, like sand, threads, hair and lint, and a powerful suction to absorb all foreign matter and carry it into the attached bag, solving your rug cleaning problem. Is Your Problem A Cook Stove ard Electric Stoves and Ranges. We urge an investigation of our Stand- We welcome competitive tests with any and all of our machines, which are always on demonstration at our distributing center, 209 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Ill M. A. ANDREWS, Resident Representative, Phone Winnetka 546-R. ] TR er Er i TTI

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