14 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 Wi should cancel Great Britain's war About Pictures. Sundial Really of Little Use. Not in Real Life. innetka Weekly Talk debt to us, they should make some | Nearly all houses have too many The sundial is nothing like so ef Jug Tunkins says you can't expect ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK | mention of the vast and yet un- pictures. And yet, paradoxical as it | cient as a watch. It never was very | regular sleuth to stay awake all by measured benefits accruing to Great | may seem, the introduction of a new | much of an aid to man as a time in. night following clues the same as a LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY Britain from the war picture now and then is an excellent | dicator. It never professed to do more man does when he is reading a detec- 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, IIL rr plan. What is needed is a drastic | than tell the 'ime of day, because it tive story. pruning in most homes, in which pic- | could not tell the time of night, and tures that have no real merit are sent | on old sundials, as well as on many New York City is about to be re-| to the limbo of the attic, while new | new ones, is this sentence, often in SUBSCRIPTION. ........$2.00 A YEAR |sumed after an interruption of sev-| and worth while studies in color or | Latin: "I mark none but sunny hours." FRANKLIN ms eralyears. Itwillberemembered that | black and white are hung on the wails | So that on for _y days, or on days of eo ommunications Sst iS ace Mr. Burleson took the remarkable | to give a new interest and a new | gléom and cloudy skies, the "gnomon, Telephone: ..... ......s. Winnetka 388 Pneumatic mail tube service in Telephone ....... . +...» Wilmette 1920 Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own the writer. Articles for publication : : SOR beauty. which is that triangular piece whose should reach the editor by Wednesday bid that it was Chenper in di shadow points out the time on the dial, Gage Motor Sales Co. poo to insure appearance in current efficient to transport first class mai casia np shadoty. Phone 5700: 1629 Orrington Ave., Evansion in New York's crowded streets by : | Resolutions of condolence, cards or |truck than it was to shoot it through E as at. 2 da i on EE En WESTERN UNDERTAKING C0. | entertainments or other affairs where , mail tubes beneath the surface. He | FUNERAL DIRECTORS an admittance charge will be made or : 'a : a collection taken, will be charged for even went so far in his campaign at regular advertising rates. against the tubes as to prevail upon ; ; former President Wilson to veto kar Hiren he Bostoffice at Winnet- | 3 post office appropriation bill be- guy class, under the act of March 3, |cause it contained an item for their ETE iy == operation. The joint post office : JANUARY 28, 1922. |committee of the Senate and House > has made a thorough investigation THE SOLDIERS BONUS of the situation in New York and Juggling with the proposition of | has authorized Postmaster General the soldiers' bonus has broken out | Hays to enter into a ten-year con- once more in the federal congress, [tract for the operation of the tubes. a harbinger of the approaching elec- | It 13 Houai lat action 3 be tion season with the need for cam- gly 2 a urs WTI paign talking material and the de- To. and St iy 7h on ¢ sire for a supply of attractive look- |=" : ons WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Our constant desire when called is to render the LONG DISTANCE MOVING rey re. most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERV|CE WATCH FOR VAN'S MOVES ! redo yap of em AE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at ing bait with which to secure votes ; ; ae . LOWEST COST. when the ballotting is done in the RE Pike yo. Gare: "am Long Distance the very 4, Ie Summer d th : much like mushrooms. De right kind Hauling LADY ATTENDANT ios are ard Bnd : he 18 pi am fine, but you has to be on de look- Ww " d itl unemployment, a state of affairs | gut fon toadstools." Ne are equipped with : which the service men are being | Packards and other trucks : No charge for distance : . to take care of anything called upon to endure quite with- within 500 "oilea Our out consideration of any service that h b 0 warehouse has more light they may have rendered their coun- and ventilation than other try, or may have rendered. It KIPPY warehouses. No elevators . ys is like the rain, falling upon the DANCE to injure furniture. MANA SER Just al the unjust oe Spang " "VU =1= 1022 Davis St. Phone Evanston 98 none, favoring none, determine es Se : : by the natural fitness of the indi- 0 a hw jas ! Evanston, Ill. - Phone Wilmette 280 vidual rather than by any external Dr. Watson's Alco P . Yimelle~ : | condition. It is as logical result of Evanston 7312 the war, the reaping of the whirl- Artists wind that we should have known ; would follow the sowing of the {8 pisces) wind. Self pity is one of the commonest || This is the colored orchestra of weaknesses. It is as natural for || that has started ~veryone the human being to feel unappre-! talking -- ciated, to think that others are be ing treated more kindly_ar- | BE WARNED ] generously, as it ic t¢ "breathe. It Saturday Night, -- is the rare ind? jdual who can keep February 4th 2 his persepctive when his own per- Lal sonal affairs are concerned. It is = not at all remarkable that the body INNETK A | of the service men should have re- sponded so readily to the appeal OM AN'S CLUB made to their self pity, their dis- Last week there was a fire on the North Shore that totally oin ha illenniun s " . 7 133 ging ii Fn Ts destroyed 96 automobiles. Every car owner lost something tress in the cases of those who Tickets by it | have not been able to find employ- ; ment. Indeed it would have been 75¢ most remarkable had there been any other result. It is natural enough, % J too, that politicians should take Our garage is of fireproof construction, concrete and brick. It is advantage of the opportunity to : D 5 gain votes for themselves by an Majestic heated by hot water heat and there are numerous Pyrene and chem- | appearance of concern for the ; 3 : . : | financial well being of the service Underground ical extinguishers accessibly located. Floors are clean--3 exits-- men, but that doesn't make it ex- " . : : ) | SP tn Sind % Sy Garbage Receiver and we strictly conform to insurance underwriters' rules. Whether | who cheerfully accepted their call to ; : \ ay ee s i 1a snte. | duty, CHR the danger and the i Strom for storage or repairs when your car 1s here it iss hardships of war. It cheapens plished with the Majestic Un- their service, suggests that they derground Garbage Receiver. : would have been in the slacker DO nse hb as sy : class had they been able to find rvs ily Flies anny Cheap storage is always We sell automobile excuse, deprives them of the right min cannot get to it. It is the most expensive -- insurance at very to expect to be looked upon as the sanitary and odor proof. attractive rates material from which heroes are This under- when fire comes. ? made under stress. ground re- | >> ceiver is . The greatest undeveloped portion | more con- % | of the globe today is Africa--great venient, too. : | in soil, minerals, water power and Stepping on varied climate. As a result of the a handy trip L war, Great Britain came into con- opens the trol of a sufficient area of Africa can. It is to give her practically absolute con- economic a1 8 trol of the future industrial and because it commercial development of that will outlast ie vast continent. While there are the orfiina-] H { some portions of the continent not ry can. i ron a i under British control, these por- A MAJESTIC UNDER- 2 | i tions are so small and disconnected GROUND GARBAGE | i as to be dependent upon the British RECEIVER - areas for their prosperity. All the Is Sanitary | important railroad transportation Convenient and practically all tht ocean trans- Odor ik | portation in and out of Africa will eh Proof pay tribute to Great Britain. This and Saves Money. ! may be a good thing for Africa, as LET US SHOW YOU WM T WEHRSTEDT, Prop. well as for Great Britain. We are . (Sa i not complaining of the action of Angert Wire and 562 Lincoln Avenue i the Versailles treaty makers and Iron Works 8 i the League of Nations in giving Phone Englewood 7498 WINNETKA, ILL. | | Great Britain control of Africa, but | 6024-32 Grove Avenue a i we do insist that when otherwise CHICAGO we] Hi good Americans argue that ot