Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Jan 1922, p. 14

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 15 (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS) Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE REAL VALUES BARGAIN; 5 RM. STUCCO BUNGALOW; enclosed sleeping porch; hot water heat; near transportation; easy terms at only $8,000.00. Near "L" station; 5 room ste. bungalow; 2 bed rooms; sun porch; good lot; $3,000 cash at $10,500.00 Excellent solid brick home, built by owner; 6 large rooms; sun parlor; breakfast porch; 2 sleeping porches; large attic and high light basement; wooded lot 50x210 to alley; easy terms; $17,000.00. Semi-bungalow; stucco; large screened porch; 4 bed rooms; 2 baths; deep wooded lot; near "L" and lake; terms. $17,500.00 New White Colonial; four bed rooms, two baths; hot water heat; all dec- orated and ready for occupancy. $17,- 500.00. Lot Bargains Highland avenue; only few lots left at special price $25.00 foot. Fine wooded corner 50x140; 3 blocks to station. $40.00 foot. Also fine inside lot 67 ft. front; only $30.00 ft. Winnetka Colonial home; almost new; five rooms; hot water heat; deep wooded corner lot; garage; easy terms; price .only $10,500.00. Practically new 6 room stucco; 3 bed rooms; sleeping porch; tile bath with pedestal fixtures; large living room; hot water heat; garage; 4 blocks to transportation and 5 blocks to lake; 50 ft. east front lot; price $12,500.00. Glencoe Very fine high wooded Sheridan road corner lot, 100 x 200 feet; in excellent location where surroundings are the very best. Owner desirous of selling; will make attractive proposition. HILL AND WHEELER "Homes for Particular People" 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Wilmette 93 & 364 Winnetka 142 LTG12-1te OFFER: ALMOST NEW 5 ROOM STUCCO BUN- galow; slp. peh; h. w he; tile bath; fire place; 50 ft lot; three blocks from steam station. HB. Z. Terms. Only $8,000. New 6 room Frame Colonial between Steam and ""L"; tile bath; vapor heat; extra toilet and lavatory first floor; breakfast nook and den; fireplace. A bargain at $15,000. E. Z. Terms. Attractive, new 6 rm. solid brick bun- galow near lake and "L"; glazed sun and slp. pchs; 2 baths; h. w. ht; large wooded lot; $16,000. Owner leaving. Make quick offer. Spacious 8 rm. ste; glazed sun and slp. pch; h. w. ht; large garage; deep wood- ed lot; a homey home with 2 fireplaces and 2 baths; $18,000. Reasonable terms. In choicest N. E. section--Unique 10 rm. ste; glazed sun and slp. pchs; 2 baths; double garage; h. w. ht. Lot 756x176 ft. $25,000. $45 per ft. buys 80x92 ft. east side lot; convenient to Steam and "L'. $82 per ft. for beautifully wooded lot in best north east section. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L". 407 Linden Ave. Tel 'Wil. 407 LTG12-1tc THINKING OF A HOME? EXPERIENCE + EFFICIENCY = SERVICE -- "THATS US" WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Mgr. 513-4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG12-1tc WINNETKA COLONIAL; FIVE BED rooms; 3 baths; 2 porches; garage; 100 foot lot; fine location in Southwest Win- netka. Price $2500.00 Hubbard Woods; 6 rooms; 2 porches; nice lot near school. $10,000.00. Glencoe; splendid location; 8 room house; 4 bed rooms; 3 large proches; extra lavatory; den; built-in ice box; hot water heat; construction stucco on hollow tile; lot 66x210 ft; with beauti- ful trees. Best buy in Glencoe. Price $15,500.00. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300. LTG12-1te SIX ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE--TO SETTLE ESTATE, BE- fore May 1st. Price $5,500.00 to $11,- 500.00; terms or exceptional bargains for cash; by heirs. Phone Evanston 1232. LTG12-1te FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; h. w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 935. LTG4-tfc FOR SALE--$750 CASH, $40 MONTH, $4,000; new 5 room home; 2 glazed porches; garage; (fine) well; close in; trade in diamonds, lot equity or R. E. contract. Box 302, Kenilworth, Ill. LTG12-1tp FOR SALE--GREEN BAY ROAD, HUB- bard Woods, 8 room stucco house; 2 baths, sleeping porch; heated sun porch; garage. Phone Superior 5184. T46-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSE WILL SHARE OUR MODERN 6 ROOM home in Winnetka; good location; with congenial couple; all housekeeping privileges; $50.00 a month. Address 'Winnetka Talk, A-9. T46-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENT FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED FOUR room apartment; private bath; kitchen- ette; heat; electricity; gas; hot water included; rent $65.00; occupancy Feb- ruary 1st. Also furnished rooms for rent. Wilmette Inn, 726-11th street. LTG12-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE { FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WANTED--7 OR 3 ROOM FURNISHED | house; Wilmette to Highland Park; large grounds; garage; best references; June 15 to September 15. Phone Lake View 8702. T46-1tc WANTED. TO RENT--6 OR 7 ROOM house with garage; unfurnished; two adults; best references. TG46-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS; FURNISH-~ ed or unfurnished; for ladies to share rest of bungalow with owners. Phone Win. 529-R. T46-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED XKITCHEN- ette apartment; 2 rooms; private bath and porch. Phone Wil. 980-W, LTG12-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LTGT7-tfc FOR RENT -- A FURNISHED ROOM; near transportation and restaurant. 806 Elm street, Winnetka. T46-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN private family. Phone Wines 1186. 46-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--ONE OR MORE UNFURN- ished or partly furnished rooms with kitchenet or kitchen privileges. Address Winnetka Talk, A-S8. T46-1tc WANTED--2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; or small flat in Win- netka. Phone Win. 555-W. T46-1tp WANTED--ROOM; OR ROOM AND board; for two. 552 Center street. Phone 'Win. 572. T46-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED, CAP- able woman to direct the Junior section of a boys' camp. Apply Chas. A. Kin- ney, telephone Win. 990. T46-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE LET MISS CARLSTON DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable. Phone Win. 911 before 8 A. M. T44-tfc SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENCED woman wishes cooking, serving or cleaning; by day or hour. Phone Win. 533-R. T46-1tc SITUATION WANTED--BY YOUNG woman, as bookkeeper, cashier or clerk. Address Winnetka Talk, A-4. T46-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfe WANTED--GENERAL WORK IN AND around house. T. J. Kelly. Phone Win. 1069. T46-4tp WOMAN DESIRES TO TAKE IN washing at home; either rough dry, or ironed. Phone Wil. 790. LTG12-1te ____SITUATION WZANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET U& submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man, experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- can, Mgr. 882 Pine street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LTGI-tfe EXPERIENCED MAN IN CONCRETE and cement work, desires to make con- nections with- a -contractor. Am -ex- perienced in handling men. References can be furnished. J. Shortridge, 544 Maple avenue, Kenilworth, Ill. LTG12-3tp PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-7. LTG50-tfe SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FE. MALE WANTED BY RELIABLE (SCOTCH couple) position as caretaker, in private home. Phone Glencoe 628. T46-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACHINES White $15.00; Rotary White $22.00; Domestic $8.00; New, Home $15.00; i $18.00; Singer $22.00; Singer $25.00; Standard $18.00; Wilcox and Gibbs $18.00; Wilcox and Gibbs $25.00; Electric sewing machines portable, $38.00 to $50.00. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans- ton 654, LTG10-3tc SALE ON USED TALKING MACHINES, taken in trade on our Brunswick, Edison and Sonora machines. We al- ways have good bargains on talking machines. We carry most all the good makes. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3te FOR SALE USED PIANOS, OVER- hauled. Decker $90.00; Cable $110.00; Smith and Sons 125.00; Doll and Son $130.00; Wellington $175.00; Bauer $195.00. Come in and see our new Cable-Nelson pianos. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3te FOR_SALE--REASONABLE 3% COUCH- bed with spring and mattress; four radiator humidifiers; charcoal automo- bile heater; four burner electric heater with alternating heat control; several odd picture frames; all good condition. Phone Win. 1052. LTG12-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DAY BED, $12.00; fumed oak library table, $15.00; three fumed rockers, $10.00 each. Call Sundays before 11 o'clock or during week, Winnetka 159. Address 1376 As- bury avenue. TG46-1te USED WASHING MACHINES, REBUILD Molo $55.00; Thor $65.00; Thor $75.00; Thor $80.00; Thor $45.00; Eden $70.00; Judd $60.00. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St. Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3te FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves (anything bought sold and exchanged. Pony-carts.) 808 Oak street. Phone 'Win.1212. LTG1-tfe FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- port, chairs, fire basket, screen, velvet portieres, etc. Cheap. 850 Linden ayve- nue, Hubbard Woods. T46-1tc FOR SALE--$90.00 HOOSIER WHITE enamel Kitchen Cabinet; latest de- sign; perfect order; for $50.00. LTGI12-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--WELL-BRED AIRDALE puppies, make sure burglar-proof watch-dogs; males, $25; females, $10. Address Lake Shore News, Airdale. TG44-3tc FOR SALE--GENTLEMAN'S FUR-LIN- ed overcoat; fine condition; reasonable for cash. Phone Winnetka 320. TG46-1te FOR SALE--LADY"S BICYCLE; ALSO fireless cooker. Phone after 6 P. M. Win. 264 LTG12-1tc THREE BARGAINS 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN JUST past the 7,000 mile mark. This car has never left the streets of Winnetka. It is in exceptionally fine condition through- out. Equipped with cord tires. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1,500. 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT 7 passenger touring; in the very best mechanical condition; a good set of tires; this car is just out of our paint shop and is finished in beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gears. It is honestly represented and is good for thousands of miles. Price $750.00. 1916 5 PASSENGER CASE TOURING in very good condition throughout. This car is finished in a wonderful sea grass green with black running gears. It is equipped with a good set of tires; a 3Y sconomical and reHable car. Price WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165. LTG12-1te MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE YOU QUALIFIED TO DO JUSTICE to yourself in making out your own schedule. Our simple system of per- sonal bookkeeping is systematizing many a north shore man's affairs. May we not explain it to you. A telephone call will bring this explanation. Prices are rated from the amount of work done. GEO. E. WEST AND SON Certified Public Accountants, 814 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Ran- MICKIE SAYS STOP! THINK! LISSEN! MANNS TH MAN WHO'LL RIGHT AT TH DROP O' "TH' HAT BER HIS OLE HOME TOWNww AN VET WONY TAKE HIS HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER! ARE YOU "THA dolph 2037. Can be reached in the WIND OF A GUN? evening at Wilmette 2270. LTG12-1tc nou UPHOLSTERING, LACE SHADES, draperies, slip covers. Formerly with Mandel Bros. 1922 Maple avenue, Ev- anston. Phone Evanston 3352-W. JAMES B. MACFARLANE Interior Decorator LTGY-4tc WANTED TO RENT--A PIANO, COL- umbia School of Music. Phone Win. 974. LT12-1tc ATTENTION OWNERS OF OIL BURNING HEATING PLANTS, We have a number of steel tanks, suitable for storage and supply of oil-burning heating plants in 1000-2000 and 3000 gal. sizes. These tanks are complete with fittings for installation. We will install same at a minimum cost; a large tank will simplify your fuel problems and enable you to buy in larger quan- tities" which means a saving in the price of fuel. If several parties inter- ested could arrange for purchase and installation at the same time they would effect a considerable saving in the cost of installation. Continental Tank Works 105 Monroe Street Chicago, III. Phone Dearborn 1388 Mr. Nichols. LTG10-3te JUNK DEALERS NOTICE 30 CENTS, 50 CENTS, $1.00 ON THE pound. Tel Wil. 1351. T45-3tp SEEPAGE OF OIL STARTS BIG' BOOM' AT AUGUSTA, GA. Augusta, Ga.--This section of Geor- gia is in the throes of an oil "boom" or something closely akin, following the discovery of oil seepage on the site of a mew ¥. M. C. A. building. Experts of various kinds have been summoned to the city and investiga- tions are being made at the rate of several a day. S. W. McCallie, State geologist, has been given a sample of the oil and is now making an analysis of it, but he has rather dampered the ardor of land owners by declaring it to be extremely unlikely that oil in commercial quan- tities will be found. The oil at first appeared to be very clear for crude oil, and one expert even was so mean as to say he be- lieved it to be seeping from a tank somewhere in the vicinity. The oil, however, gave him the laugh shortly afterward by changing its color to pure crude and steaming up a little on production. Another expert ex- pressed the opinion that the -clear- ness of the oil was due to the fact that it was filtering through some layers of Fuller's earth. The most recent visitor of expert persuasion declares it to be not at all unlikely that an oil pool of some dimensions is underneath Augusta and a thorough investigation is about to be undertaken. Drilling is expected to start on nearby property soon. Daily Thought. The things which must be mus be for the best.--Owen Meredith. Mil LET You KWow Will you list your property with us now for sale or rent? By PW. BRADSTREET ap ; Il DSI] i ET | HEADQUARTERSTIWINNETKA REAL ESTATE | WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG19-tfe afl IIBNETHA, ILLINOIS ail] ) WINGEREE 102 PW.BRADSTRE LOST AND FOUND LOST--$5.00 REWARD; FOR FINDING and returning large collie dog; bearing Glencoe license tag 193; and answering to name of Bruce. Ravenscroft, 6677 Valley road, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 127. TG46-1tc LOST--MAN'S BLACK AND BLUE SILK muffler Wednesday evening between Horace Mann school and Willow and Myrtle streets. Phone Win. 725. T46-1tc LOST--ONE PAIR HORN-RIMMED Spectacles January 20th. Reward. 428 Willow street. Phone Win. 939. T46-1tc LOST--LADY'S GOLD BOSTON FOUN- tain pen in Village of Winnetka, two weeks ago. Phone Win. 1679. T46-1tc LOST--BLACK AND WHITE PERSIAN kitten in Hubbard Woods. Reward. Phone Win. 1434. T46-1tc | Unusual Opportunity for Progressive Business Man € Large automobile manufacturer wants live wire merchant in this territory. € The line comprises two cars favorably known all vver the world. One, the most comfort- able, econymical, low-priced car in the coun- try; the other a car that offers Juxurious motoring at a medium price. se v ." The sales of both these cars show marked increase from month to month. Cars are right for a record year of business. The right type of business man, with organ- izing ability and moderate capital will find this an unusual opportunity to establish a profitable business. Address Box 90, Winnetka Talk, 1222 Central ave., Wilmette. fore the risk begins. Often a good overhauling will save you a great deal of money, In repairs that you will not need later. Bring your car in and let us estimate on the job, be- LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO = GASOLINE -- EXPERT REPAIRING RELIABLE SUPPLIES-DEPENDABLE ACCESSORIES ' FOR AUBURN ILS re BEAUTY SIX TRIANGLE 557 CHESTNUT GARGEMOORCO-H | PHONE 1446 tN

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