COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR WEEK OF JANUARY 30, 1922 Monday, January 30 Afternoon--In the gymnasium, three classes for boys. A games class for small boys at 3:45; basket- ball for boys at 4:30; and basket- ball for older boys at 5:10. Camp Fire group meeting--Mrs. Lynne --at 4 o'clock. Blue-Bird Meet- ing--Miss Harriett o'clock. Evening--In the gymnasium--two classes for men, at 7:30 and 8:30. Meeting of Modern Woodmen, Rooms 6 and 7 at 8 o'clock. Com- munity Drama Club meeting in the Neighborhood Room at 8 o'clock. Triangle Club--in New Room at 8 o'clock. Tuesday, January 31 All-Day Meeting of the Community House Sewing Club, Rooms 9, 10, 11. Afternoon--In the gymnasium--two classes in Fancy and Aesthetic Dancing, at 4 o'clock, and at 4:45. Evening--In the gymnasium--Young ladies' class at 7:30; and "Friend- ship" Circle class at 8:30. "Friendship Circle" Club in the Neighborhood Room at 8:30 Childs, 4| WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 Masonic Club meeting in Rooms 9, 10, 11 at 8 o'clock. Thursday, February 2 Afternoon--Three classes in Social Dancing in the gymnasium; at 4:00, 4:35, and 5:15. Meeting of the Horse Shoe Club in Room 5 at 4 o'cloek. Meeting of Four Leaf Clover Club in Room 9 at 4 o'clock. Evening---Special Gym Class at 8 o'clock. Scandinavian Pleasure club meet- ing in Rooms 9, 10, 11 at 8 o'clock. Boy Scout Meeting in Assembly at 7:30: New Trier Horticultural Society Meeting, Room 2. Friday, February 3 Afternoon--Basketball League game 4:00 to 6:00. Camp Fire Meetings at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Marshall's group in Room 4; Miss Matz' group in Room 5; Mrs. Clingen's group in Room 2. Evening--Motion pictures in the gym- nasium, 7:15 and 8:45. Wallace Reid in "Rent Free." Saturday, February 4 Morning--Basketball for Boys at 10:00 o'clock. Afternoon--In the gymnasium--Boys, 2:00 to 4:00; Young Men--4:00 to 5:00; Volley Ball for Men from 5:00 to 6:00." Evening--Four Corner Dancing Club in the gymnasium at 8 o'clock. - Parents' Day at Schools Next Tuesday Afternoon On Tuesday, January 31, there will be a meeting of all grades at the Greeley school. Parents are invited to come at 1:30 o'clock and visit the 2:30 until 3 o'clock each teacher will be in her room to discuss her work and problems with the parents of the pupils. At 3 o'clock there will be a joint meeting of all grades in the Assembly room when Mrs. Laura Young, presi- dent of the Illinois Council, Parent- Teacher association will speak, and Mrs. Von Ammon will sing. The faculty of the public schools is planning to present some plays, followed by dancing, as has been the custom for several years. Our Mistake, Masquerade's Booked For This Evening Did you waltz over to Community House last Saturday evening, all masqued, and everything, and, then, discover that the annual Fireman's ball wasn't? No, it wasn't a practical joke. Fact was, the ambitious newshound got his dates mixed and announced the dance for last Saturday evening when in truth, it was scheduled for January 28. orchastra will provide the teasing syncopation. is also at the Maryland. various grades until 2:30 o'clock. From | sLLLLLLLLL LIL LLL ITT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT] $9.00 Per Ton FOR A FINE GRADE OF POCAHONTAS This should be selling for at least $10.50---we want to close it out completely. Brandl Bros. Dealers in Coal, Wood, Feed Building Material HUBBARD WOODS Office and Yard Opposite N. W. Depot Mr. and Mrs. Jack White left Thurs- day last for Pasadena, where they will Prizes will be awarded for the "best |be at the Maryland. Mrs. Charles dressed lady," the "best dressed gent," | Whitney, formerly Beatrice Lackner, and the "most comical couple." That's this evening! No mistake Classes in English for Foreigners Scandinavian Pleasure Club in |ahout it this time. You are asked to at 8 o'clock. Men in Rooms 2 and the Assembly Room at 8 o'clock. | pg 'there. all masqued u ' : \ : p an' every- 5 Women in Rooms, 4, 5, 9, 10, thing, promptly at 8 o'clock. Kippy Wednesday, February 1 LR Morning--Gymnasium class for ore] January White Sales | Afternoon--Basketball for boys in| Osevpatkis Phydicien Only One More Week of this Sale the gymnasium at 4 o'clock, Box- | fog 220 Wrestling for small DOYS IL prone WIL2032. 1150 Wilmette Aves RESIDENCE PHONE 537 This is the second and last week of this money saving event. Unusually low prices are in effect here. Winnetka 128 AENEEEENEEENEEEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EER ANS NR TW ¥, in the Scout Room at 4:15. Evening--Indoor Baseball in the gym- | nasium. i ---- KEEP YOUR INSURANCE CHECK. If You Have One Coming From the Recent Garage FIRE Until You SEE THE EPOCH MAKING | ww CHANDLER sx and the DURANT "4" "Just a Real Good Car" Earl Coal Motor Co. 1019 Davis Street EVANSTON Phone Evanston 578-579 Below are only a few:--- Percales Standard 36" percales in a great variety of light and dark patterns. This is a strong cloth, well finished and sells reg- ularly for 25¢; sale price, per yard 10c¢ - ny : I 1) £4 Longcloth | An unusually good value in 36" Longcloth. Well finished and closely e2Sell larl for 196; 10 yard bolt... 9 1.00 Nainsook A well finished finely woven Nain- sook, 36" width, ideal for undergar- ments, etc. 2 2; c : 29c value, special Gingham A variety of good patterns in 27" gingham. These include the new Il checks, plain colors and plaids. Sale price per yard. . 5 lc Table Damask A 72" mercerized table Damask in a number of popular patterns. This cloth is a good quality and fine finish. The regular price is $1.50 a yard; sale price per yard... 85¢ Corsets Household Specials | Only a limited quantity of these specials to be sold at these prices. Come in early, Wax Polish A quart size bottle, liquid wax furniture polish, absolutely greaseless, special . .. 50c | Floor Mats { Guard Your Auto Starting this winter with "Ex Kitchen mats of heavy weight Duroleum. Size 18" by 36", felt base. Will not curl. Special ".....;. aA ale iy ' 25¢ Hardwater Soap Kirk's hard water soap, large size cake, special price perdozen.. ....... 0... $1.00 ON'T be burdened with many unnecessary cold weather bat- tery troubles. Avoid them. Equip your car right now with an A special lot of broken sizes in **JEX10¢" Battery and use "EXide" Service regularly. Bring your car to Redfern corsets. All good styles obs . and in clean condition. Some of "Exide" Service Station these sold for as much as $5.00. This We'll test your battery, fill it with lot 3 15 T 1 h 588 water and give you expert advice free ricedrat a . e ep one . of charge. If the battery Ress fe P PRE EO airs we're at your service. uic ¢ < J snd satisfactory work at a fair price is £ If unable to come to Wilmette and take advantage of this sale, use our 'phone : our method of handling the job. ; . . > And don't forget that cold weather service. We give all orders prompt attention and deliver anywhere, free of means harder work for your battery. Come in and arrange for "EXide" charge. Battery Service to-day, | WINNETKA EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE 2 & 3 Prouty Ct., Winnetka, Il], Telephone 1387 The McAllister - Worthen Co. | 1148 Wilmette Ave. - - - Wilmette