10, when they announced that they _ ed. That fellow who just called prob- 10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1922. DODGE PAIGE GUT C. M. McDonald Tells of Prep-| aration For Big Trade What is the purchase price? News for the New Trier Taxpayer This slight but. important altera- tion seems to have been made in the famous slogan spread broadcast by Dodge Brothers a few months ago. The change was brought about by the most persistent epidemic of public curiosity since the time when Dodge Brothers first announced that they were about to market a car and then refused to tell what kind of a car it was going to be. That was eight years ago. Dodge Brothers' latest bid for a com- plete and exclusive monopoly on public attention, so far as it pertains to the automotive industry, came on January were about to make a substantial re- duction in the price of their cars and then declined to tell what the prices would be. The mere fact that they will not tell until February 1 makes everyone want to know immediately. C. M. McDonald, the Dodge Brothers' dealer here, was commenting on the subject today, somewhat on the order of the foregoing paragraphs, when a voice on the telephone inquired, "If there wasn't a chance to get a little advance information on those prices." There were good reasons, the voice said, why the "tip" should be given out in this particular case, "and it would be sure to turn out to your advant- age". But the dealer expresses his regrets and the voice reluctantly withdrew. "That it the way it has been going ever since January 11," the dealer said. "I never appreciated what an intense interest there was in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars until this occurr- ably wanted the information for some business reason, or maybe for sheer curiosity. Perhaps he had a bet up with someone. Anyhow, he refused to give his name. The great majority of those who call, however, leave their names and telephone numbers and on | February 1 we are going to have a special staff busy calling all these peo- ple and giving them the real news. | "We prefer this method of making | the new prices known because it avoids the possible confusion resulting from publication of 'F. 0. B. Detroit' pices. There is no disposition on our part to make a mystery of it, once the price becomes known to us. But we have learned that local people are interested in local prices and that is what we are going to give them as soon as we can figure the amounts after we receive! the information from the factory. NOTICE LIST YOUR HOUSES FOR SALE AND rent with A. R. Eddington & Co., 1157 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. LTG13-1te 0YBUR 615 Davis St., MATINEES 2 and 4 vanston Evening 7 and 9 NEXT WEEK MONDAY AND TUESDAY FEBRUARY 6 and 7 "THOMAS MEIGHAN" IN 'A PRINCE THERE WAS' WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8 EVANSTON POST of the AMERICAN LEGION pr=sents The Official Submarine Warfare Pictures Thursday, Friday, Saturday FEB. 9, 10, 11 Charles Ray "Two Minutes To Go" One of the Greatest Pictures This Popular Star Has Made Washington's Birthday AT THE HOYBURN Everywhere in life the true ques. i tion is. not what we gain but what we | bureau drawer--Oh, say, do.--Carlyle. Man finding rusty corkscrew in old EEN TEREST EEE Madge, can | you remember what this was used for? The accompanying rate for 1921 for the villages of New Trier Township provides an interesting study for the prospective taxpayer. The table of figures, for instance, shows that only $1.49 of the total tax is applied out- side the township. The high school and public schools taxes are uniformly the highest in the list in each village. The figures appear as follows: Glencoe Winnetka Kenilworth Wilmette Gross Point State oo civ cvri in cnn ihn .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 County a. ovo ov vs 61 61 61 .61 .61 Sanitary District .. 36 36 .36 .36 .36 Forest Preserve : 07 07 07 07 07 Roads and Bridges. .65 .65 65 .65 .65 Hight <SChOoOl «.... «te siudiens vein 2. 15 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 VANAZO. | d li iWaah rvs idee sheds is 2:00 1.85 1.80 1.85 3.40 Park DIStrict ii. .ccciscinnsinanes 1.50 58 .35 S18 SehOOL had Edis ins esins sani ss 3:00 2.75-(38) 2.75-(39) 75-(40) 1.55 Total: vin diiuies cniii nena 12.39 10.07 9.79 9.94 9.84 ee -- NLLLLL IL LL LLL ELLE LLL LL) I am now in business for myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking estab- ishment in Wilmette: Conscientious service is my motto. 1124 Central Avenue WILMETTE No longer with the Western Phone Wilmette 654 $9.00 Per Ton FOR A FINE GRADE OF POCAHONTAS This should be selling for at least $10.50---we want to close it out completely. Brandl Bros. Dealers in Coal, Wood, Feed Building Material HUBBARD WOODS Office and Yard Opposite N. W. Depot Winnetka 128 Ya 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. ESTABLISHED 1854 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 tr effective January lst, A Block NorthofDepofy A 1 WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA, ILL. DDGE BROTHERS annaunce a substantial reduction in the prices of their cars 1922