WIN DIVISION ME Second Place Clinched by Ev- anston High i] Standing of North Section Teams Heavyweight Class Team Won Lost Pct. » New Trier 5 1 .833 Evanston 3 2 .600 Waukegan 2 4 .333 Deerfield 1 4 .200 Lightweight Class New Trier 5 i .833 Deerfield 3 2 .600 Waukegan 2 4 .333 Evanston 0 5 .000 BY MERRILL MANNING New Trier High school grabbed the basketball championship of the North Division of the Suburban league Tues- day when she defeated Waukegan twice, the heavies winning, 34 to 29, and the lights registering a 25-to-12 victory. These victories give New Trier the championship in both the light and heavyweight classes. The heavyweight game was closely contested from start to finish, and poor basket shooting by the Wauke- gan quintet was all that saved New Trier from losing. Leffingwell, New Trier center, and Kenyon, Waukegan center, were the individual stars of the encounter. The tally at the end } of the half was to 12 in favor of New Trier. The lightweight battle was never in doubt, the champion New Trier lights Jeading all the time. The score at the end of the half was 20 to 8 in favor of New Trier. . OPEN BRANCH REALTY OFFICE Gilbert Johnson and Brother, north shore realtors, announce the opening of a branch office in Winnetka located directly east of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad station at WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, --_-- RA RAR 41022 NFW TRIER MIUNTETC [HOLMES TRAVELOGUES grees emer TRAVELOGUES BEGIN FEBRUARY 17 The Burton Holmes Photo-Stories of Travel begin here February 17. His five Travelogues will be given, one subject each week, in. the following Lt order: "Mexico," "Classic Japan," i= "Going "Inspecting the Philippines," Burton Holmes Abroad at Home"'--devoted to the beauty spots and wonderlands of the United States and Canada--and "Around the World," which is a most comprehensive moving-picture journey around the globe by a novel route, showing the "high-spots" of interest and pictorial beauty. A more than usually beautiful series of colored still pictures will be shown during the intermissions between the moving pictures, in this last '"wonder-journey." There will be two courses, exactly alike, on Friday evenings and Satur- . Brown, with Raymond Orwig as assis- day afternoons, beginning respectively No. 2 Prouty Annex, The offices will February 17 and 18, at Orchestra Hall. be under the management of Tom tant. The branch office will conduct FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR TOURING. =~... 50%, 5. 3348.00 ROADSTER. . ....« . . 319/00 CHASSIS ©. . "SY -agnny SEDAN, oon. 648.00 COUPELET "= , .". "2 530.00 (Prices F. O. B. Detroit) Starter and demountable rims standard equipment on Sedan and Coupelet. Other types $25.00 for de- mountable rims and $70.00 for starter. Skokie Motor Co. 554_LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA, ILL. Phone Winnetka 288 transactions in properties in Hubbard Woods, Winnetka and Indian Hill. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue "Hear the Edison New Recreation Records Just Out The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League was held on February 2, at the Win- netka Woman's club. $167.50 $200.00 Prices | $295.00 and up JSatlerson Bod 828 Davis Street Evanston 654 DON'T BUY THAT NEW CAR Until you have seen 1 THE 1922 SERIES OF THE NEW GOOD MAXWELL ALL OPEN AND CLOSED MODELS ON DISPLAY AT JANS-LAMKE MOTOR CO., Inc. 1013-15-17 Davis Street, Evanston HAYNES--MAXWELL Phone Evanston 4250 PRICES--DELIVERED Eh $965.00 heist 965.00 Peter N. Jans Earl L. Lamke Touring Roadster Coupe Sedan NORTH SHORE CHICAGO on the North Shore Line The speed, the comfort, and the reliability of the North Shore Line render it the logical route for all who demand the best in trans- portation service. The large, smooth-running electrics and the alert, attentive employes offer you the ultimate in comfortable travel. You can be sure of a prompt arrival. Acquaint yourself with this convenient route. Limited trains for Chicago leave Winnetka every hour from 6:41 a. m. to 1:41 a. m. Express trains for Chicago leave Winnetka every half-hour from 6:34 a. m. to 12:04 a. m. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office, Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963