ee a | x == ic ac Te es WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1922, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Carolyn Wilson Back From Orient | To Talk of Problems ISS CAROLYN WILSON, a graduate of Wellesley college, and a former | Tribune correspondent in Chicago and abroad, is to be the speaker at the meeting to be held in the Glencoe Union Church next Fri- day evening, February 10, under the auspices of the Glencoe Men's club. Since Miss Wilson's return from Paris, she hag been touring the Ori- ent, making a special study of eco- nomic and social conditions. Three weeks ago she arrived in San Fran- cisco, and since then has been de- livering a number of lectures on "The Asiatic Problem" before vari- ous of the Business Men's clubs. Through the recommendation of Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, who has heard Miss Wilson speak, she was persuaded to give her lecture on "Japanese and Chinese Commerce in Relation to Mrs. Virginia Noe, who recently closed her shop in the Prouty build- ing, with the expectation of joining her son, Paul Noe, in the west, has re-opened her headquarters, in her own home at 989 Ash street. -------- The annual play and dance given by the teachers of the Public schools un- der the auspices of the Parent-Teach- er's association will be given Tuesday evening, February 28, at the Winnetka Woman's club. --_-- Miss Frances Thompson of Hubbard Woods entertained at Incheon on Sat- urday last. Miss Thompson's engage- bent to Mr. ReQua Bryant, was a re- cent announcement. - LAST Miss Beatrice Fenton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Fenton, 818 Bryant avenue, accompanied by Miss Jane Wright of Chicago, left Wednes- day for Dayton, Fla. to join Miss Wright's grandmother, Mrs. J. V. D. Wright. They expect to remain there six weeks. ------ Mrs. John Marshall of Louisville, American Industries" in Glencoe next ',;riveq in town early this week for a week. At this time, Miss Wilson will be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. de Beers, 814 Grove street. Another attractive program will be offered by the Drama Study class of the Winnetka Woman's club, Monday, February 6, at three o'clock. Mr. Dud- ley Digges and Miss Laura Hope Crews, now playing "Mr. Pim Passes By," will address the club, and a tea and reception will be given them after the meeting. Mrs. Jerome Frank will have charge of the program. There will be a business meeting at 2:30 p. m. at which a full attendance is desired. The meeting is open to all club members. Non-Members will be admitted upon payment of the usual guest fee. --(Q-- The Woman's Guild and Auxiliary of Christ church will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Febru- ary 6. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 by the members of Zone Six, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Frank E. Plowman. The speaker of the day will be Mrs. Herman Butler. There is a gretat deal of work on hand to be taken care of, and a good atten- dance is desired. ---- Mr, and Mrs. George Clipper of St. Paul, have been vistiing Mr. and Mrs. James Clipper of Cherry street. Miss Adelaide Clipper, who has been de- tained at her home by illness, dur- ing the pats month, is reported to be improving. Rl Mrs. Paul Smith, 847 Ash street, has gone to Hollywood, Cal., for an extended visit with her mother. Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber opened a new class in Parliamentary law at the Waukegan Woman's club on Mon- day afternoon of this week. --C-- The Music committee of the Win- netka Woman's club wil present an- other interesting program on Thurs- day afternoon, February 23, at the clubhouse, when Mrs. Orval Simpson of Winnetka, soprano, and Miss Rose Lyons, pianist, who will make her mu- sical debut under the management of ! Mr. Dwight Neumann in Chicago this year, will appear in recital. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Lorraine Hayes of Wilmette, announce the marriage of their sister, Miss Abbie Louise Brow- nell to Mr. Robert Russell Manley on Wednesday, February 1. --_---- Word comes from Honolulu announc- ing the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward L. Glaser of Glencoe, whose mar- riage took place last month. After six weeks at the Isand of Hawaii the couple will return to California for a sojourn before return to Glencoe early in May. Mrs. Morris M. Townley of Chicago, formerly of Glencoe, accompanied by Miss Lydia Coonley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coonley, sailed this week, for three months of travel in Europe. --(-- Of great interest in North Shore circles is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Grace Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown of 612 Lake avenue, Wilmette, to Erwin Risley Brigham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Brig- ham of 520 Greenleaf avenue, Glen- coe. ---- The Forty Club will given another dancing party next Friday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club. REAL HELPFUL SERVICE ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS PAINT All Size Cans, Tubes, Special Colors You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE Winnetka 344 Painting, Decorating, Floor Work, Signs visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway Watson, 224 Sunset road. Mrs. Wat- son entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening for her guest. --(-- Mrs. Charles Lewis Day, 454 Sheri- dan road, has gone to Santa Barbara, Cal., to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. G. Bilings. --Q-- Miss Elizabeth Greeley, 655 Maple avenue, is taking one of the parts in the play "Daddy Long-Legs" which was presented at the Evanston Wom- an's club on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, for the bene- fit of the Vassar Endowment fund. . --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Case, of 35 E. Schiller street, Chicago, who have spent their summers in Winnetka for many years, are sailing on March 21, abroad the Steamship Patria, for a three months vacation in Italy, and other Mediterranean cquntries. ---- For the benefit of the Vassar Endow- ment fund, G. L. Zick and Company, is seling a small consignment of artistic, hand-decorated leather novelties, suit- able for gifts and prizes. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Durham entertained at dinner on Friday even- ing of last week at their home, 808 Auburn road, for Mrs. Durham's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Sweetzer of Geneva, Switzerland, preceding the dancing party at the Indian Hill club. --_0-- Mr. Sweetzer arrived in town early last week for a short visit. Mr. Swetzer and their children, are the guests of Mrs. William G. Hibbard for the present. --_--O-- The second meeting of the Cur- rent Events club which was recent- ly organized in the village, will be held on Tuesday, February 7, at the home of Mrs. W. M. Morse, 433 Provi- dent avenue. Ra OE The North Shore Catholic Woman's League gave a card party last even- ing at the home of Mrs. H. N. Rob- erts, 722 Elm street. ----0-- Mrs. Edgar F. Alden, who has been spending several weeks with her sister in Washington, D. C., has gone to Norfolk, Va., to visit other relatives. Miss Edith Light of Leaf River, 111, a former teacher in the Winnet- ka public schools, is the guest of Ridge avenue. ka Woman's club this evening. OWN-MADE GARMENTS Girls in the Home Economics de- interesting exhibit of the products of their skill in the department rooms on Friday of last week. Girls in the Food classes served punch and wafers to the visitors. nery. The advanced sewing classes NEW STORE SITE Building permits issued this week by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 468 |the | ) works include a $6,500 store build- 0 ing at 730 Center street for Paul Kreu- Kippy Orchestra will give an in-|8er; an $8,000 frame residence at 860 formal dancing party at the Winnet-|Ash street for John Olling; $6,000 frame stucco residence at 1062 Ash street for David Johnson; $5,000 stuc- co garage at 609 Sheridan road, for N. T. GIRLS DISPLAY cart russack TEACHES FIRE-FIGHTNG Robert L. F. Biesemeier, director Training at New Trier High school, has advisea other facul- ty members at the secondary school relative to the latest and most ap- proved methods of fire-fighting via chemical extinguishers. In the exhibit were a dozen hats|demonstration for their benefit after made by the senior classes in milli-| class hours Monday of this week. partment at New Trier presented an | of Manual He gave a BAN THE PULMOTOR Winnetka police in the future will not rely upon the pulmotor in resusci- tation work, but will follow an order by the Village council requesting the department to employ the Shafer method of resuscitation in drowning and asphyxiation cases. Every police- man will be required to learn the { Shafer artificial respiration system. LECTURE ON ROBERT BURNS An illustrated lecture on Robert Burns was given the Junior English classes at New Trier High school Monday by Prof. H. HE. Hildebrand, of the faculty. Lantern slides of view of Burns' native heath, taken by Professor Hildebrand on a recent trip through Scotland, provided a realistic background for the lecture. Your hands deserve to get that grease really off once in a while--use Blue Devil. adv 1tgl3-l1tc did work with woolen and silk ma- Those in the elementary groups fur- nished wash dresses, aprons, under- garments and attractive smocks for the exhibit. More than 100 garments were on display. Teachers in charge, the Misses Van Horn, Bertram and Moschel, plan to give similar exhibits at the close of each semester. They expressed themselves as well pleased with the attendance at the initial exhibit. During the coming semester the department is offering Beginners' classes in elementary sewing and elementary cooking. GOLF LANE--LATEST STREET Golf lane will be the appellation ap- plied to a private road extending from Ridge avenue and Hill road south to the Indian Hill road. Owners of the property adjoining the thoroughfare have selected the name. STARTS INVESTMENT BUSINESS J. H. Schaefer, well-known north shore resident, has established a bond investment, insurance and real estate business with offices in Gross Point. Peter J. Golbach will be affiliated with the concern in the capacity of special representative. C. D. OF A. DANCE Newman Court, No. 511, Catholic Daughters of America, announce a dance to be given at the Evanston Woman's club Thursday evening, Feb- ruary 16. Music is to be furnished by Arrangements are in charge of Miss Madeline Boller, chairman of the terials, making dresses and blouses. [© ) Save Every Phase of Their Childhood All too soon they grow up---from ba- bies to grown ups. Photograph them along the lway. The photography of children has been a study with us. No are too great lo take to make satisfactory negatibns. STANTON WILHITE PHOTOGRAPHER Husk O'Hare's celebrated orchestra. | Dance committee. The Newman court comprises members in all the towns and villages between Evanston and Highland Park, inclusive. The one thing we don't recommend Blue Devil for is cleaning teeth, yet some say they like it. adv ltgl3-1te O000000080000008000000 VIVIVTPIVIIIIIIIVIIVIIIVIIVIIIFTIIVIIIVIIOE Dainty Ice Cream Desserts For Parties---- Birthday Cakes, too. Mrs. Smith. 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 0088000 0000000000 VOPPPIIIIIIIVIIIVIIIIVIIIIT 0080000000000 00 VIVVIPIVIIvITIFIIPIIITITIVIIISE 00000000 000000080000000 VIVVIVVIVIVIVIVIIVIIYIIoPIoVPIFIVPIIPIIVIIIGIO 2000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000660 4 FRUITS AND Lemons... ira String Beans ...... >. Cabbage .........:s .." 801 Elm St. 2900090000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000066¢$ FREE Delivery 4 times dailyjby " Merchants Delivery Plus High Grade Fruits and Vegetables and a Full Line of Groceries at very reasonable prices Oranges. .'.......1..5. Cooking Apples ....... a reds 20c to 40c a hd. Head Lettuce ©... Spinach ..... a sine BEES NEW. ..coiveb ins. Carrots ........... 5 Sees eins «iene 30C a qt, ian aes 8c a Ib., 2 for 15¢ CeO hot rismvgessssrivivamc asta Potatoes. svete WINNETKA FRUIT STORE POULOPLOS BROS., Proprietors WINNETKA * pd ® pd be pd pq : VEGETABLES Se ean kh Low price JE. hu vrs vase 250 8 1D, SA eh 10c to 20c a hd. seis nnn oes oo 80C 3 peck ..10c a bunch, 3 for 25¢ RE SE 10c a bunch A RRO REA Cparamounl! A J.M.Barries play THE LITTLE : MINISTER" HE story of a town that was all upset till a gypsy girl came and-- upset it some more! Bedev- illed the bigwigs, minister and all! Then she showed them what a bit of love can do and set the whole thing right. Maude Adams" greatest stage success, made into a greater photoplay. With hundreds in the cast and a star who was horn for the role of gypsy Babbie. Bit wsRsvens ce elute 25c a bunch Phone 1371 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000060060066) COMMUNITY HOUSE Friday, February 10th, Matinee, 4:00 Evening, 7:15 and 9:00 ADMISSION 25 CENTS