Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Feb 1922, p. 12

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: | Glencoe--Attractive, . " oh a. ga tia ARO POSSE, dig. Yater has just been réduced. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS | Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE. BEST BARGAIN IN WILMETE--NEAR new stucco home on deep, beautifully wooded lot. 8 large rms, 3 porches, ex- ceptional construction and decorations; garage; $15,500. Colonial home in very choicest section; hot water heat; 7 large rooms, fireplace, sun porch, tile bath, extra deep wooded lot. Great bargain at $16,500. Brand new 6 room stucco home; extra well built; convenient to 'L" and C. & N. W. Splendid finish and decorations; hot water heat. Fine wooded lot. Re- duced to $16,500. New 6 room stucco in ideal East location; h. w. heat, tile bath, extra toilet and lavatory, sun and sleeping porches, ga- rage; wonderful value. $18,500. New 8 room stucco nearly finished; 2 baths, h. w. heat; immense living room; fireplace; mahogany finish; best value ever at $21,500. Solid brick 9 room home in finest north- east location; h. w. heat, 3 baths, im- mense wooded lot, double garage. Go- ing west; must sell at once. Make offer. M. E. BAKER & CO. End of "L'" 407 Linden Tel. Wil. 407 Ltgld-1tc FOR SALE--WINNETKA AND GLEN- coe, several attractive small houses. On beautiful large lots, $4,600, $5,000, $6,000, $7,500 and $8,000, inquire 877 Elm St., Win., Tel. Winn. 1689. TG48-1te FOR SALE--Wilmette, practically new 6 room stucco near "L'; attractive layout; good sized living room; $11,000. Terms reasonable. Solid brk 7 rooms, double sleeping porch, water heat, deep lot, 2 sun porches, steel beam construction; actually the best value in Wilmette at $17,500. Winnetka, very fine 6 room stucco home, 3 bedrooms, 3 screened porches, large 75 ft. lot and garage. Specially priced at $15,500. Beautiful Sheridan road corner, Glencoe. 100x200 high wooded ground. Terms at special price of $85 foot. HILL & WHEELER 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St., Winn. Tel. Wil. 93 Tel. Winn. 142 ltgl4-1te FOR SALE -- HUBBARD WOODS, beautiful white colonial home; 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, 2 large enclosed porches, arage. Lot beautifully landscaped. ine section; $26,000. well built home, stucco on hollow: tile; 4 bed rooms, 3 Fred heat. Del -iACe FRANK A. REID - 933 Linden Ave. Tel. Winn. 1300 Hubbard Woods, Ill Ltgl4-1te ABOUT $13,500 WILL BUY A. SUB- stantial home; 4 chambers, 2 baths, breakfast room, sleeping porch, heated garage attached to house; on fine wooded lot in desirable east location. Terms to responsible party; quick action required. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. 513 4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG14-1te FOR SALE--2 APARTMENT, NORTH- east corner of Park and Linden, Wil- mette, 2 blocks from transportation. Immediate possession. 1st apartment. Terms on payment = plan. Address Lake Shore News A-21. LT14-1tc FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; h. w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 1935. LTG4-tfc WANTED TO BUY----MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND_ HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004-6 Xmerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG19-tfc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE. HOUSEjWANTED By Old Resident of Winnetka 10 pt Lt .. Wanted to rent 8 or 9 room house in 'Winnetka, Hubbard Woods or Glencoe. Must be ready for occupancy May 1st. Phone Winn. 164. LG48-1tc WANTED--MODERN HOUSE; MUST have 4 bedrooms, garage. Rental from May 1st. Tel. Win. 1119. LTG14-tfc WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house, 6 to. 8 rooms and garage. From Winnetka to Glencoe, from May 1st to Nov. 1st; 3 adults. Write Mrs. M. J. Freiler, 1380 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. Phone Kenwood 4300. T48-1tc WANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6 ROOM house. Phone Winn. 471 between 5:30 and 6:30 P. M. J. F. Salmen. T47-4tc WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED--TO RENT MONTHS JUNE, July and August, six to eight room furnished house with garage. -Evans- ton or North. Adults. Most careful care assured. Address Weekly Talk A 22, y T48-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS. FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LT7-tfc FOR RENT--A FURNISHED: ROOM near transportation and restaurant, 806 Elm St., Winnetka. T48-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM NEAR transportation. 474 Chestnut St. Ph. Winn. 478. T48-1tc FOR RENT -- THREE COMPLETELY furnished light housekeeping rooms with bath, gas, heat, electric light, hot water furnished. Near transportation. Tel. Wil. 706-R. T48-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE . Stuart one-ton truck, HELP WANTED--FEMALE. WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no washing. Fleshan, 1380 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel. Win. 1574. Litgl4-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework, good cook. Tel. 344-R. Address 803 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe. Tg48-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; $18 a week without wash- ing. Reference required. Tel. Kenil 1007. Tg48-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--TWO SALESMEN TO SELL Jordan cars. Gage Motor Sales Co., Evanston 5700. Tg48-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GARDEN- er by the month. Address Winnetka Talk A-17. T48-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE. WINNETKA LANDSCAPE «CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LTGY-tfe EXPERIENCED MAN IN CONCRETE and cement work, desires to make con- nections with a contractor. Am ex- perienced in handling men. References can be furnished. J. Shortridge, 544 Maple avenue, Kenilworth, Ill LTG12-3tp LETTER WRITER -- EXCELLENT; social, business, friendship, good cheer, advice, help, etc. William Price, 1157 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Phone Superior T097-J. LTG14-2tp EXPERIENCED WHITE -MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around houses. Oliver Hertzberger. Phone 'Wil. 906-M. T14-tfc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfc SINGLE MAN, 36, DESIRES LAWN, garden and automobile work. Reason- able. T48-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- HOUSEMAN; general work in and around house; furnace taken care of, day or hour. Paul Weiler. Phone Winn. 832. T47-2tp WORK IN AND WANTED--GENERAL around house. T. J. Kelly. Phone Win. 1069. T46-4tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK or washing on Tuesdays and Wednes- days. Can furnish references. Tel. Evanston 3440-R. T47-3tc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfe EXPERIENCED DESIRES cooking and do other housework. 1055. T48-1tc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable. Phone Winn. 911 before 8 A. M. T48-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- BY EXPERI- enced seamstress; work by day. Phone Winnetka 207. T48-2tc WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO TAKE WOMAN serving. Will Phone Winn. home, or go out by the day. Tel. Win. 456. T48-1tc WANTED--HOUSEKEEPING POSITION in small Protestant home by young woman with 5 year old well behaved boy. City or country. Address Win- netka Talk A-24. T48-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SALE--FURNITURE, INCLUDING piano, oriental rug 8x10; Saxony 11.3x14.6; also small rugs, draperies, sun parlor furniture, chairs, brass bed, gas range, refrigerator, cut glass, lamps, etc. 726 Laurel avenue, Wil- mette. Phone Wilmette 1253. LT14-1te FOR SALE--35 INCH OAK BUFFET IN very good condition, $10. Phone Winn. 698-W. T48-1tc FOR SALE -- SECOND-HAND GAS range for sale cheap. Also small gas heater. Tel. Win. 1652. Address 267 Ridge Ave. T48-1tc FOR SALE -- SINGER DROP-HEAD sewing machine, in perfect condition, one year old. Motor attachment. Tel. 'Winn. 913. Tg48-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Ponycarts) 808 . Oak Street. Phone "Win. 1212. LTG1-tfe FOR SALE -- EARLY VICTORIAN sterling silver tea and coffee service with Sheffield tray. Heirloom. If in- terested phone Glencoe 690 for appoint- ment to see. Litgl4-1tc FOR SALE--FRANZ-PREMIER VAC- uum cleaner. Tel. Kenilworth 2653. 72 Warwick avenue, Winnetka. LG14-1te FOR SALE--3 PIECES OVERSTUFFED taupe furniture. I.oose cushions. $95. Tel. Kenil. 1942. : LT14-1tc FOR SALE--FOUR NAVAJO RUGS and one large leopard skin rug. Prices reasonable. Call Glencoe 99. Ltgl4-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES. 3 BARGAINS 1917 6 CYLINDER GRANT ROADSTER in very good condition throughout. This car had excellent care by private owner. A very inexpensive car in opera- tion. Just the roadster for a business man. Make an offer. 1 year old, just overhauled and painted. It is in the very best condition and has been care- fully used by former owner. Its equip- ment consists of electric starter and lights, - cab, a platform body with re- movable sides. Will gladly give any kind of a test demonstration. Ford, standard, 1-ton truck 3 years old, the best of shape; overhauled and painted; cab and an open express body. A better used truck cannot be found anywhere for the price we are asking. Come and see these trucks for yourself or give us a ring. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Win. 165 Ltgl4-1te FOR SALE -- SEVEN PASSENGER Packard touring car, 1917-2nd series, in excellent condition. Arthur A. Zipf. Phone Winnetka 526, 596 Arbor Vitae Road, Winnetka. Tg48-1tp FOR RENT--3 CAR STEAM HEATED garage in rear of 916 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette. Apply A. H. Miller, 637 Bel- mont Ave. Phone Lakeview 1531. T48-1tp FOR SALE--OVERLAND 5 PASSEN- ger touring, new side curtains and top. New paint job last fall. Car in ex- cellent condition; a real buy for quick sale. Call Winnetka 246. T48-1tc MICKIE SAYS [2 ' WITH NER KIND PERMISSION, | WILL NOW RECITE SHAKESPEARE'S FAMOUS PLAM ERYLTULLED, "\F NER SUBSCRIPTIONS NEARLY EX- PIRED, PLEASE RENEW WITHOUY WANTING LL "TH PAPER STOPS COMING CHARLED RGHROE 58 TRAINING PLACES TO AID WAR VICTIMS Washington,--With their objective "the complete 'social recovery" of the neuropsychiatric cases and recovery of health in tubercular cases," fifty-eight training centres, outside of hospitals under the United States Veterans' Bureau, have been established through- out the land by the Veterans' Bureau. A comprehensive study of the best types of vocations to be taught neu- ropsychiatric cases has been made by the Rehabilitation Division of the Veterans' Bureau, and they confidently predict that every such case, through the proper type of training, will make a complete "social recovery." The newly created training centres are being brought up to the maximum grade of efficency for the care of dis- |] abled veterans who fell victims to the dread tuberculosis. - B VETERANS COLLAPSE Boston--Veterans of the world war, weak from lack of nourishment, eol- lapsed as they stood in line at the State House today where they sought employment. ans appeared in the vain hope that they might be included in the 10 to whom work cards weer assigned for employment in park systems. The cards had been exhausted Saturday.| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood Gil- more, 2126 Lincoln Park West Chica- go, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth Gilmore, to Mr. Herbert Lloyd Zipf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Zipf, 596 Arbor Vitae road. : LOST AND FOUND LOST--ON FRIDAY, FEB. 3, A WHITE poodle puppy, strayed on Church road near Indian Hill. Please return to 110 Church Rd. or tel. Winn. 197. T48-1tc LOST--ON SUNDAY, FEB. 5, AT 5 P.M. at or near the electric depot, a black leather traveling bag containing articles of clothing. Reward for return. Tele- phone Winn. 1007 or notify 1161 Pine St. Winn. T48-1te More than 600 veter-|f| WIRELESS FOUND AID IN RECOVERING AUTOS Detroit,--Folliowing the plan of Chi- cago, every policeman in Detroit will carry with him a miniature wireless telephone when experiments now be- ing conducted by the signal bureau of the police department are com- pleted. "We have been unable yet to find a pocket set that would fill require- ments and weigh little enough to be carried easily by the individual," de- clared Inspector W. J. Potts, super- intendent of the signal bureau. "But within a few months we expect to develop just what we need." "I consider wireless the greatest innovation in police work today," de- clares Police Commissioner Inches. "Our new wireless enables us to keep in constant touch with cities in a wide zone. This is proving a great factor in locating stolen automobiles." Use for Clocks. The small, worn-out clock can be useful in the sickroom if the face is still intact. After a dose of medicine is given the hands should be turned to denote the time when the next one is due. FOR YEARS WHILE THE NET EARN- ings for the stock were much less than they are now Puget Sound Power and Light Co. common stock sold about 90. Present market around 35. This stock will again sell around 90 this year. Van Wageman Alling Profitable Investments, Lake Forest, 11 Telephone 148 NOTICE. MAY CONCERN: had cars TO WHOM IT Parties who Garage fire are hereby notified that cars must be removed within 10 days or same will be disposed of. Wilmette, IIL. Feb. 10, 1922. KUTTEN BROS. Adv. Ll4-1te BY PW. BRADSTREET i Fore § ON'T put it off. You i have in mind a piece of property that you would like to own and you fondly imagine that if you play a waiting game you'll save money. Take a tip-- buy now. PHONE WINNETKA 162 PW.BRA | li" : | HEADQUARTERS WINNETKA REAL ESTATE | aL TT WINNETKA, ILLINOIS gw in W. & S.|} U. OF I. DROPS 21 , Urbana, Ill.,--Five men were dropped from the state university and 21 placed on probation for over-cutting, according to action taken by the coun- cil of administration at their meeting this week. Gambling and refusal to attend the course in military science caused the dismissal of one man from 'the University. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanst ORIENTAL GAS LOG POWDER Changes the flames in the fireplace to an iridescence of red, blue, green and purple. Beautifies the home. Just sprinkle on the log. Comes in 3 sizes: 10c, 25¢ and 50c. Address Box 10, Cicero, Ill., ORIENTAL GAS LOG POWDER CO. Buy Your EDISON for EASTER Wonderful Tone February Records Just Out D ; »; Jallerdon Sod 828 Davis Street Evanston 654 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE --- PEDIGREED COLLIE pups, rough coated. Sable and white; price, $20 to $50. Phone Wil. 1370. LTG14-1te $5.00 TAKES WATERPOWER WASH- ing machine and ringer. Both in good condition. Phone Winnetka 630. T48-1tc FOR SALE -- LADY'S COAT, FULL length, dark, light weight cloth, size 38. Very reasonable. Phone Winn. 1585. © T48-1tc FOR SALE--DARK BLUE BROAD- cloth coat, -size 38, Opossum collar. Brand new, never been worn; was $57.50, will sell for $20; latest model Tgld FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL COAT, size 38, marten trim, latest model, very reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2266. Tg-1tc FOR 'SALE--2 FULL BRED BARRED rock cockerels. Phone Wilmette 1726. Tg48-1tc MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX RETURNS--THIS IS THE time of year when many a smart man gets himself into inextricable mixups. Let us show you our simple system of personal bookkeeping.. It will save you many dollars on your income tax alone, and keep. your. affairs straight through the year. GEO. E. "WEST AND SON Certified Public Accountants, 814 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Ran- dolph 2037. Can be reached in the evening at Wilmette 2270. Ltgl4-1te KEEP US IN MIND We do not only clean ladies' and gents' garments, but we also clean rugs, and draperies, furniture and seat covers and automobile upholstering. We call for and deliver or clean at your home. LAKE SHORE CLEANERS 1030 Maple Ave., Evanston. Tel. Evans. LT13-4tc WESTERN UNDERTAKING (CO. FUNERAL WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Our constant desire when called is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERV|CE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. LADY ATTENDANT No charge for distance H.T MANAGER 1022 Davis St: Evanston, Ill. DIRECTORS NEELY Phone Evanston 98 Phone Wilmette 280

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