| a) WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION 'The Smoking Car' Proves A Delightful Farce by Drama Club N addition to the repertoire of the Community Drama Club, came on Monday even- ing of this week, when the farce, "The Smoking Gar" by William Dean Howells, was pre- sented in the neighborhood room of Community House to a group of in- vited friends. The audience was kept in continual laughter by the predicament of Mr. Roberts, socially and professionally known as Dr. Delbert Poff. who, soon after boarding his train, is asked by a lady passenger to watch over her her small child for a few moments, while she succeeds in gathering to- gether her many packages and grips. A fairly reasonable time has elapsed before Mr. Roberts is joined by an old friend, characterized by Mr. Mer- ritt Lum, who smiles as he sees the child, and infers that the mother has intentionally abandoned her infant, leaving it in his friend's care. - 'Naturally, and not without reason, Roberts rushes off the train with the child, hoping to locate the mother in time; but to no avail. They are joined by their wives, and after ex- plaining the situation as hurriedly as possible, Mr. Lum starts off on a search, with no better results, and spying a "Check parcels" window in the distance, quickly makes up his mind to check the baby. Upon his return to the train, the women folks, having learned that the youngster had been thus disposed of, demanded that he return for it at once, and de- cided that the proper procedure was for one or the other of the couples to adopt it. And then--there is a great ar- gument, for, quite as suddenly as the whole thing has occurred, each couple came to the conclusion that it was their particular duty to care for that baby. It is just two minutes before train-time, and the argument is far from being settled, when in rushes the Mother, offering profuse apologies and thanks, to claim her babe, and to explain that she has decided not to take that particular train any- way. Other members of the cast, sup- porting Dr. Poff and Mr. Lum were Mrs. Joseph Winterbotham, Mrs. Delbert Poff and' Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Foliister. Most realistic was the smoking car setting, adapted from materials at hand at Community House, by Mrs. Walter Johnson, who directed the per- formance. Preceding the farce, Mrs. Asa Cooley delighted the audience with a group of songs, "Jean," "My Little House," "Chinese Lullaby," and "In the Limelight." Mrs. Robert Smith was her accompanist. Mrs. Vernon Welsh sketched briefly the life of William D. Howells. The hostess for the evening were Mrs. John Marshall, Mrs. H. P. Clarke and Mrs. Alfred Freeman. HE The January meeting of the Mac- Dowell Musical club was held at the home of Mrs. Warner Robinson, 924 Euclid avenue. The following pro- gram was presented by the members; Current Musical Events by Mrs. C. L. Byron. She Never Her Love........ Hayden LRDY bc iis sion sis vaio soien™'s Mozart In thé Times of Roses...... Reichardt Miss Kathryn Greene Concerto for Violins... uv. ves « Bach Mrs. Robert Kingery and Mrs. Harry L. Street. Second BOUITeR.iiviresnas.sirindes Bach (arranged by Saint-Saens) Mrs. W. D. McAdams In Inesta Lomba: .......... Beethoven My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair ee SR a Hayden Er King ne. vii mtneite Schubert Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr. The assisting guest, Miss Ruff, was heard in numbers from Schumann, Romance, Arabesque, Soaring, Spring Night. A social hour followed, during which refreshments were served. --Q-- At the meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, which was held Monday in the Wilmette Methodist church, Prof. John R. Harp- er, superintendent of scools, gave an address on the subject of the day, "Scientific Temperance Instruction". Mrs. F. A. Schumacher of Evanston, county suerintendent of this depart- ment, spoke on "Law Observance," an another address on "Law Enforce- ment," was given by Elizabeth Gor- don. Rev. Gilbert Stansell, pastor of the church, and honorary member of the Union, gave a cheering message on past accomplishments and future pros- pects. He said, "The Eighteenth Amendment Will Stand." Mrs. Karl D. King, president of the Parents and Teachers' association, led devotions. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Vest Murray Watkins and Mrs. F. Larsen, acompaned by Mrs. F. A. Grambling. Ten new members were taken into the Union on this oc- casion. ---- The East Willow Street Circle will meet with Mrs. L. M. Hamburger, 502 Willow street, on next Tuesday for an all-day meeting with box luncheon. There will be sewing for the Child Welfare and Protestant Orphan Chil- dren's Home at 6323 Vale avenue, Chi- cago. Party worn =arments for chil- dren in this home are solicited. (Abjectionable 2 Hair growth may be without discom- fort or remotes: danger of injuri ous after effects with one applica- removed An announcement of interest is the tion of marriage of Miss Clara Meissner of ir Ravenswood to Mr. James T. Watson, \ = son of Mr. and Mrs. James Watson LLO ; of Wilmette, which took place on Sat- I utrday evening, February 4. After . a short trip south, Mr. and Mrs. Wat- Depilatory son will make their home at 903 Michigan avenue, Evanston. Complete direc- ; ==C~ Hong with each . The Board of Directors of the North FR BaD apsures ; Shore Catholic Woman's League voted Its FO | NDA 10 to give $50 to the Armenian Near Suis. - East Relief society, at its meeting last Thursday, and also $50.00 to St. PHOEBE JANE Katherine's Home for. Dependent | 747 Elm St. Winnetka 222 This fund of a million dollars or more is being raised by nation-wide popular subscription, Girls, which is connected with the WINNETKA, ILL : 7 re ART i sil : Juvenile Court. ) : in honor of Woodrow Wilson and his distinguished service to his country. Nee : ath Its income will be used to provide awards to individuals or groups that have rendered un- Ml usual service to the public welfare. . COMMUNITY HOUSE : : | i THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Friday, February 17th T in NO SOLICITATION TO BE MADE hl If you believe in this endeavor help make it a success by mailing this coupon with your | OM MIX " contribution (from $1 up). --also-- . : CUT OFF HERE fl Winnetka Committee : €¢ ee eo ° 9 I 1 Mrs. Horace K. Tenney, 640 Pine Street, Winnetka nN : rairie | rails I Mrs. Horace K. Tenney, S. Bowles King I 'enclose a contribution of $550.00 nia bil: oe Chairman i ] Jloepfer i Mrs. Wm. G. Hibbard oe i toward The Woodrow Wilson Foundation. LATEST NEWS REEL J ind Mars grreison Wm. .B.° McIlvaine Send Certificate Aol ses dr ines tants akan hs e's I Paul D. Blake Rev. J. A. Richards Names], vi dol a A I ea PRA Le x William C. Boyden John Stewart be Two S'hows--7:15 and 9:00 i's I. K. Friedman Robert H. Wallace Streetiand Number. i... Sia, J Lib . Henry R. Hale Guilford Windes , . B.. Oceisiis isco Sin demi miadoes saith © £4 1s ' Sirs nx wx ap = x = | I -- A CE ------------a-- Mr. James Weber Lynn of the Uni- | versity of Chicago, will give three lectures on "Modern American Fic- tion" at the Winnetka Woman's club on the evenings of March 16, March 22 and March 27, the titles of which will be: "What is Bad Fiction?"; The Novel of the Economic Struggle"; and "The Novel of Spiritual Con- flict." --_---- The Oak Street Circle will hold a special work meeting at the home of Mrs. W. M. Morse, 433 Provident ave- nue, on Tuesday, February 14 at 2:30 o'clock. At the regular February meeting, wihch occurs on the follow- ing Tuesday, February 21. Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch of Ev- anston, will be the speaker. -- Mrs. John Coolidge, who was re- cently operated upon for appendicitis at the Evanston Hospital, will re- turn to her home, at 757 Foxdale ave- nue, on Sunday. Aer, The Scott Avenue Circle will, meet next Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Charles T. Moon, 1386 Asbury avenue. Mrs. Charles S. Sweet will be the assisting hostess. C0000 00000000000800000d VIVVIVIVIvIPIvIVIIoTIIoVIIFTIIPIISFIIOIO Ice Cream-- Of the finest-- Made for you--for your din- ners or parties. Birthday cakes, too. 00000 Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka OO0000000000000000ltdts CO 0000t todas VIVIVITIPTIPIPTPIIPIIOPIOPOIOIOIOISIS POOLE LLLL VIVVIVIIVIIPTIIIIQPIIIIIOIOIOSS VIVPTPITITPIPIIIIIIIIIIIIOIOIOIS The list of boxholders for the Cab- aret Ball which is being given next Friday evening by the Winnetka Post of the American Legion, at the Win- netka Woman's club, includes Mr. and Mrs. Archibald W. Shaw, Mrs. John Staurt, Mrs. Mancel T. Clark and Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr. The Andrew MacLeishes of Glen- coe are leaving .next Tuesday for Asheville, N. C., where they will re- side at 'The Manor" until spring. Miss Isabel MacLeish, who is visit- ing friends in Boston at present, ex- pects to join the family in the south sometime in March. [ Save Every Phase of Their Childhood All too soon they grow up---from ba- bies to grown ups. Photograph them along the way. The photography of children has been a No care is too great for study with us. us to lake to make satisfactory nega- tives. STANTON WILHITE PHOTOGRAPHER 743 ELM ST. Banking Hours daily, except Saturday. and 7. P.M. START THAT THE WINNETKA STATE BANK ESTABLISHED 1909 ACCOUNT TODAY We want to have at least five hundred new acconnts by the time our new bank building is completed. OPEN AN ACCOUNT--either in our Savings of Checking Department. This Bank is open for the transaction of, business from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M.._ Saturday hours 8 A. M. to 12:30 7, to 8 P. i»: WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Elm Street at Lincoln Ave. VAULT FOR STORAGE ar