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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Feb 1922, p. 9

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D'Aix enter- tained informally at tea Sunday last. Mrs. Charles Whitney, formerly Miss Beatrice Lackner, is spending the winter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lackner in Pasadena, Cal. en Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, who have been east for the past month, ex- pect to return to Kenilworth soon. Mr. Foresman has been ill for the past fortnight, but is improving. Mrs. Morrow Krum, formerly Miss Carol Sanborn, who has been confin- ed at the Henrotin hospital for the past three weeks, is reported to be convalescing. en The Book Review club, conducted by Mrs. Robert McClintock, met at the home of Mrs. James Prentiss, Wednesday afternoon. 0a The Current Events class met Wed- nesday morning at the Kenilworth club, the subject under discussion be- ing "South American Problems". : SY The Young People's Bridge club met with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett in Evanston. ---- Mrs. Arthur Durham, who has been in the Presbyterian hospital, is get- ting along nicely. --()-- Mrs. Bently McCloud entertained at tea Tuesday last in honor of Mrs. Charles Meyer. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart have issued invitations for a tea Sunday next in honor of Mr. Leopold Seyffert. --_--0-- The Young People's Bridge club was entertained at luncheon Tuesday last by Mrs. Rufus Stolp. : ---- Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Hypes are spending a few weeks in Evanston with Mr. Hype's parents. Or Mr. W. Irving Woodward left Satur- day last for Richmond, Va. to be gone ten days., -- en Mrs. Frank Avery Gerould, for- merly Mary Taylor, spent last week- end at Atlantic City, N. J. ye Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Groman enter- tained their bridge club at dinner Sat- urday last. --_-- Miss Louisa Sanborn of the Virginia hotel entertained at bridge Monday last. : ---- Mrs. Walter Shattuck entertained at luncheon Friday last. --)-- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith are now at the Isle of Pines. ---- Mrs. Backus entertained at lunch- eon and bridge Thursday last. Winnetka Woman's Club Thursday, February 9 In the absence of the President, the meeting was called to order by Mrs. Willoughby Walling, first vice-presi- dent. It was announced that on Feb- ruary 25, the Music committee would have charge of the program with a recital of Scandinavian Music and that Mrs. Campbell, president of the Tenth District Federation of Woman's clubs, would speak preceding the program; also that on March 4, at 8 p. m. Mr. Norman Angell would give a lecture on "American Foreign Policy and Daily Life." Hrs. Stephen A. Foster announced that on Tuesday, February 21, at 11 a. m., following Mrs. Lieber's classes there would be a meeting to organize a branch of the "League of Woman Voters." Miss Rockwood, secretary of the League, will speak. The league is absolutely non-partisan and it is desired that all women interested will come. The league is open to any woman in the village, whether a mem- ber of the club or not. Mrs. Walling then introduced Mr. Henry Chandler, speaker of the after- noon, who gave a clear and instructing talk on the "Constitutional Conven- tion at Springfield." He reviewed the history from the year 1818 when the first Constitution was adopted, to the present time, showing how we had outgrown the present Constitution framed in 1870. The new plan will provide a different and better system of taxing in tangible property. Aboli- tion of Minority Representation which it is hoped will improve legislation, and many much needed changes to bring us up to the present time. After the program the usual de- lightful social hour was enjoyed. The hostesses of the afternoon were Mrs. Ernest Allesbrooke, Mrs. John R. Dickinson, Mrs. James Fentress and Mrs. Marc Newman. NEW SAW--BENCH DRILL The Manual Training department at the Horace Mann school has re- ceived additional equipment in the installation recently of a band saw and power bench drill. The equipment of the department is modern throughout. | STORE HOURS--8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. PHONE WILMETTE 588. WE DELIVER. For Two Days Only--Feb. 21st and 22nd. Tuesday and Wednesday, February 21st and 22nd, will be two real value giving days at this store. The merchandise on sale has been selected from the best manufacturers in the country. Prices are unusually low because of the buying power of our twenty-three stores. offerings on sale, these two day only. Two Big Specials-- _ These two values are unusual. Come in and see them. Aprons-- Cover-all aprons in sizes, small, medium and large; made from both $1 percale and gingham, special...... Corsets-- Warner's guaranteed rust proof cor- sets, a well-made, boned corset in an ideal summer weight; $ yy) Beane I SSIS IRI Cs SA Gowns-- Ladies' muslin gowns, an assortment of regular sizes, values up to $1.35, choice these two days for on ha i $ 1 Bloomers-- Ladies' full length sateen bloomers in many dark or bright colors; $ an excellent value at ........... 1 Muslinwear-- An assortment of discontinued num- bers in muslin wear, all in good con- dition, worth up to $2.00. $ Your chojeetean. Jia l. . Sods, iv, vik 1 Towels-- A heavy weight large size bath towel, size 23"x48", regular 75c value; Dollar Day Sale $ price; S.for... 2h... 08... ats 1 Huck Towels-- A fine quality smooth finish huck towel. These sell regularly for 25c each, these two days, RTE ee ed Re a a Silk Gloves-- A large assortment Kayser silk gloves in snap or strap wrist, all col- ors, and all sizes, Dollar Sale $ price dper pair. iL... oan ad 1 Rubber Aprons-- Full - size rubberized household aprons in a variety of pretty percale patterns, a necessity around the home, Dollar Sale price, $ OD 1 In addition to the above, many other items will be on sale throughout the store. Gingham-- Good quality dress ginghams, a large variety of colors, mostly check pat- terns, Dollar Day Sale price, $ B.1-2 vards for... int winning 1 Percales-- 36" width percales in both light and dark patterns in a big variety of colors, Dollar Sale price, $ 6yardfor .....o...... ana ai 1 Tissue Gingham-- A timely offering of new spring col- ors in tissue gingham. These ging- hams sell ordinarily for 65c per yard. These two days, $ Byardsfori~va yr voi | Marquisette-- A good quality marquisette, 36" width, either ivory or white, a money saving item at the price of $ BD yardsiior............. ais uh 1 Cretonne-- Beautiful cretonnes in a good range of spring patterns, 36" wide. This cloth can be used for many purposes. Special, § $ 1 rt Muslin-- A good quality unbleached muslin, nice smooth weave, sells regularly for 21c; special, 6 $ NardSAlor. . of. oh hae ae cate 1 Hope Muslin-- Well known Hope bleached muslin, 36" wide, soft finish, 21c value. $ These two days, 6 yards for...... 1 Millinery Specials-- Don't judge these hats by their price. Come and see $1 Shelr value: spe, «ile so eisin. seid we Lot 1-- This lot includes an attractive line of winter hats, $ 1 specially. priced at i... «vs oe ode ie ons Lot 2-- A special lot of children's hats, real values at the $1 price' oben A dla nn G RE Lot 3-- Our entire stock of school tams in- cluded in this lot $1 tothe Soldat rill ites SERENA It will pay you to take advantage of the Notion Section-- Special lot of toilet soaps, 10c sellers, fifteen bars $1 FOL. vi vrie seis ss tna sir pain re TR, A $1.25 size floor mop with a 50c bot- tle of oil, $1 both for! cis ie pal Riana ddim: for $1.50 a box; $1 these two: days, choice........ J... Another big value in stationery, spe- cially priced, $ 1 2 for hg... ea, Justrite cap shaped hair nets, extra strong, double strand, $ per dozen AF... en ea 1 Hose-- An excellent quality ladies' black silk hose, smooth and even knit, $1.50 quality for these two days $ only, per pair, all sizes... ii... 1 Union Suits-- Ladies' summer weight union suits both tight and loose knee, either bodice or regular styles, all sizes, 2 for Vests-- Ladies' shoulder strap vests, either bodice or tape top, all sizes, $ white only; Sori... i. ..... ioe 1 Children's Hose-- An, excellent weight children's hose either black or white, all sizes up to size nine, special these two $ days, d pairsfor.. 0.08. LL 0 1 Men's Shirts-- Men's percale shirts in a large as- sortment of patterns; all sizes are rep- resented in this lot, made without col- lars; $1.50 value, these $ two days forts... a. aes 1 Boys' Blouses-- A special lot of boy's blouses in- cluding such well-known makes as "Tom Sawyer," "Avondale," etc, nearly all sizes in this $ lot special. £. ... 5.5.2... 00. SEN... 1 Boys' Ties-- A new lot of boys' ties bought es- pecially for this sale includes both knits and silks which sell regularly at 75c, Sale price, Ho RR Se er Be Ri $1 Come in Tuesday and Wednesday prepared to take advantage of the many big savings you can make and also to look over the large and varied stock of new spring merchandise now on display. It will pay you well. Make Your Dollars Do Double Duty The McAllister - Worthen Co. 1148 Wilmette Ave. - Wilmette

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