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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Feb 1922, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 a SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Community Drama Club Repeats 'Smoking Car' For Out-of-Town Guests A tion, this being a part of the Better Community Move- ment of the University of Illinois, were the guests of an equal number of Win- netka citizens, at a dinner at Com- munity House on Thursday evening of this week. Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, presided, and acted as toastmistress. The .program included the following short addresses: GROUP of some sixty dele- gates attending the Art Ex- tension Committee conven- --Q-- Community Drama--Mrs. Sherman Goble, followed by "The Smoking Car." A Address of Welcome--Mr. J. D. Pierce, ~ member Village Council. --Q-- Address of Welcome--Rev. J. W. F. Davies, host at Community House. -- Response--Dr. Hieronymus, Commun- ity Adviser of University of Illinois. --Q-- Playfield Ass'n and Work of Park Board--Mr. A. W. Converse. ---- Village Plan Commission--Mr. Ray- mond E. Durham, member Village . Council. --O-- The MacDowell Musical Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Roland Whitman, 640 Hill road, on Monday afternoon February 13. The afternoon was devoted to the study of German Music, dating from Schubert. Mrs. C. L. Byron read a very interesting paper and the follow- ing numbers were given: ; Fantasie, stuck ...... Novellette § Schumann Adagio movement from F. Minor Sonata Mrs. Whitman Das Kraut Vergessenheit ....Hildach Ich trage meine Minne vor Wonne Stumm: .. ieee nsdn ae Strauss Ich Liebe Dich .......... Mildenberg Mrs. Schmid Concerto op. 64 ......% Mendelssohn Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer Strange Lands and People : Happy Enough .......... Playing Tag Gavotte--Gluck-arranged by Brahms Mrs. Smith Mrs. Dean was the accompanist. The visiting guest, Mrs. Fraser, was very well received in the follopivg groups: AM MOBY 2 sdiaioinsin sve vivian Soh Eintraubein Roselein | Schubert Verborgenheit ..... oo ufss Hugo Wolff She was accompanied by Mrs. William McAdams. The afternoon concluded with a social hour and re- freshments. Schumann ----- Two delightful artists, Mabel Lyons, pianist, and Mrs. Orval Simpson, so- prano, will present a most delightful program, by Scandinavian composers on Thursday afternoon next, at the Winnetka Woman's club under the auspices of the Music committee. Miss Lyons is one of the most popu- lar young pianists of Chicago, where she has been heard frequently in re- citals and has had two appearances with orchestras. She is engaged for a recital at the Playhouse, March 12, under F. Wight Neuman's manage- ment, and has been a student of How- ard Wells for the past seven years. Mrs. Simpson, whose home is in Winnetka, and who is very active in all musical circles, is a delightful art- ist from the studio of Mary Peck Indian Legends, Mrs. Frederick Dick- inson; two groups of Indian Songs. The women of the community are cor- dially invited. Ar NI The East Willow Street Circle, which met with Mrs. L. M. Hambur- ger on Tuesday, wishes to thank the friends who so generously sent in gar- ments for the Orphans' Home for which the circle is working. This first all-day meeting held by the Cir- cle proved to be most enjoyable and the members were able to accomplish a great amount of work. They were entertained in the afternoon by selec- tions from Charlotte Perkins Gilman, read by Mrs. S. G. Levy. Mrs. BE. BE. in gis Stultz, president, invited the Circle to meet with her in March. lly The Oak Street circle will meet in the Neighborhood room, Community house, Tuesday, February 21, at 2:30 Pp. m. A very enjoyable afternoon is planned. Mrs. Catherine Waugh Mec- Culloch of Evanston, will be the speaker, Mrs. Burton Atwood will sing a group of songs and also lead in com- munity singing. The hostesses will be Mesdames Osten, Baugh, Sauer, Easterberg, MacQueene, and Van Der Hoogt. Spe On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber spoke before the Edison Park Woman's club on "Schools of Today and Tomorrow," and yesterday afternoon she delivered an address on "Citizenship for Women" at the West Pulman Woman's Club. Mrs. Lieber will repeat her address on "Citizen- ship for Women" again, next Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the High- land Park Woman's club. --_--Q Two of Hugo Von Hofsten's paint- ings of the Skokie Valley have been purchased by the directors of the Skokie Preservation Society to be pre- sented to the Skokie Valley Preserve commissioners in appreciation of their interests in the Skokie Valley Forest Preserve. --_--Q-- The Bethseda Day Nursery, 1902 West Monroe street, Chicago, invites all who are interested in this work to come to their annual Open House and Pound Party, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 22, from two to five o'clock. Gifts of cereals, canned goods and oth- er food stuffs will be appreciated. --_--(-- The Hast Elm Street Cirele will hold an all-day meeting with Mrs. A. M. Belfield, 548 Maple avenue, on next Tuesday, February 21. Box Luncheon. A previous announcement stated that the meeting was to be held in the home of Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt. --_---- The last of the series of Winnetka Assembly Dances will be held on Washington's Birthday Eve, February 21. The ballroom wil be decorated in red, white and blue in honor of Wash- ington and a favor cotillion has been planned. ---- Mrs. Frunk R. Fuller of Indian Hill and her daughter, Miss Phoebe, who spent a month with relatives in the Tennessee mountains, and later stayed some time at Palm Beach, are now at the Hotel Sevilla in Havana, Cuba. ---- Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wildman of 648 Cherry street announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Jane May, to John Huntington Dilgs of Chicago on Saturday morning, February 11, at the Church of the Ascension. ---- Mrs. Harry Cyrus Holloway has issued invitations for a reception to be given at her home, 589 Sheridan road, Glencoe, on Tuesday, February 21, between the hours of three and six o'clock. Thomson, one of the leading vocal teachers in Chicago. #4 Jes . 23 A meeting of the Woman's Society Hearty Dinners-- * of the Congregational Church, at . > which some little-known and interest- --Qur freshly dressed ¢ ing facts about the status of the £ 1h th ® American Indian will be discussed, is poultry furnishes the 3 to be held at the home of Mrs. Arlan most important course ¢ W. Converse, 396 Hawthorne lane, at 3 two-thirty on the afternoon of Friday, o ¢ February 25, a change in date from Mr 4 98 Smith 2 the usual Wednesday. The program is as follows: "The Americanization of | § 819 Oak Phone 112 3 the First American"; "Impressions i k 4 from Zitkala Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) Winnetka 3: by Mrs. Edwin BE. Brown; Reading, ¢464646060006066660600040¢ & & Fancy Primroses in Bud and Bloom also bargains in Fancy Ferns Must Sell as I Need the Room h li Chas. Svanderlik Cash Florist 748 Center St. near Fig Winnetka, Ill. The Ridge Avenue Circle will be en- tertained on Monday, February 20, by Mrs. Horace G. Newhall, 654 Garland avenue. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. Samuel Thomson Burke. ---- There will be an all-day meeting of the Lincoln Avenue Circle Tuesday February 21, at the home of Mrs. F. M. Case, 160 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. pe Mr. Fred M. Bowes, 648 Elder Lane, is suffering a broken wrist, due to a fall. Eau Mrs. Andrew M. Ritchie of Brookline, Mass., is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. John Ritche, 565 Arbor Vitae road, for several weeks. ---- The Rosewood Circle will meet with Mrs. George B. Ogan; 845 Linden ave- nue, Tuesday, February 21, at 2:30 P-1. On Next Wednesday evening, Wash- ington's Birthday, the Village Danc- ing club will entertain with another of their series of dancing parties. --Q-- (At the time of our going to press, it was expected that Mr. Lorado Taft, Miss Pauline Palmer and Mrs. A. Starr Best would be among the guests.) ---- Mrs. C. E. Karstrom will entertain a few friends informally on Thursday of the National Week of Song. There will be a musical program. ~--O0-- Members of the Forty Club will en- joy another dancing party given at the Winnetka Woman's club next Fri- day evening, February 24. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom have closed their home in Hubbard Woods and will be at the Drake for the remainder of the winter. ---- The North Shore Dancing club will meet at the Winnetka Woman's club on Thursday evening of next week. may be removed without discom- fort or remotest danger of injuri- ous after effects with one applica- tion of Depilatory Complete direc- tions with each package assures the desired re- sults. PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm St. Winnetka 822 WINNETKA, ILL. On Saturday evening of next week, the Suburban Neighborly club will entertain at the Winnetka Woman's club. --(-- Mrs. Herbert Anning left early this week for an extended visit with her sister in St. Augustine, Fla. RY. The Incorporated Bowling club will meet on Monday evening next at the Winnetka Woman's club. --O0-- Mrs. Ayres Boal, 678 Sheridan road, is wintering at Palm Beach, Fla. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. David Remer, 644 Spruce street, are moving to New York. Betty Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Barber, 278 Linden ave- nue, is convalescing from an opera- tion for appendicitis at the Evanston Hospital. --_--Q-- Community Spirit and Education-- Mr. C. W. Washburne. --_---- Community Music--Mrs. Kohlsaat and A Capella Choir. For Lower Michigan: Fair tonight and Friday; continued cold tonight; rising temperature Friday. That sour smelly sink will lose power quickly--if you use Blue Devil Cleanser. Adv. Ltglb-1tc H. B. Watson, 55 W. South Water St., Chicago, Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable dealer is now prepared to deliver direct to your home at strictly wholesale prices, any- thing in the fruit or vegetable line. Nothing but the very finest qu ality will be handled. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Delivery will be made on Monday and Tuesday of each week. up to Saturday night those days. Any orders received will be delivered on Can deliver Jonathans or Roman Beauty apples in bushel baskets at $3.75 per bushel. The very finest Idaho baking or boiling po- tatoes at $2.00 per bushel. Pure sweet apple cider in 5 gallon kegs made fresh in our cold storage plant at $3.50 per keg. Terms are cash on delivery. Phone Winnetka 381 for leaving orders or for procuring information, or can be reached in the evenings at my home, phone Kenilworth 1522. Wi Il make a specialty of oranges or grapefruits in box lots. This is not a peddling proposition, but a strictly legitimate effort to deliver direct from wholesaler to consumer. THE WOODROW WILSON "FOUNDATION This fund of a million dollars or more is being raised by nation-wide popular subscription, in honor of Woodrow Wilson and his distinguished service to his country. Its income will be used to provide awards to individuals or groups that have rendered un- usual service to the public welfare. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE NOs SQLICITATION TO BE MADE If you believe in this endeavor help make it a success by mailing this coupon with your contribution (from $1 up). Mrs. Horace K. Tenney, Chairman Mrs. Wm. G. Hibbard Miss Mary Garretson Laird Bell Paul D. Blake William C. Boyden I. K. Friedman Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard Henry R. Hale Winnetka Committee S. Bowles King Arthur M. Kloepfer Roswell B. Mason Wm. B. Rev. J. A. Richards John Stewart Robert H. Wallace Guilford Windes Edward Yeomans Mrs. Horace K. Te McIlvaine Send Certificate to I enclose a contribution of $...... FRE NT, N CUT OFF HERE nney, 640 Pine Street, Winnetka toward The Woodrow Wilson Foundation. MIL I 5 NE, hs A PET Sy

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