"those under the menta 12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill oNelephone .......cvduiee Winnetka 388 Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION......... $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday hoon to insure appearance in current ssue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- yaa class, under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 GOVERNMENT BY MORONS? Theoretically the people of the United States believe in the prin- ciples of Democracy. They are convinced of the right of people to govern themselves. They have no doubts that the form of gov- ernment under which we live would be the perfect form, were it only a little more accurate in its workings, reflected more of the opinion of the people who live under it. We are all given more or less to thinking of the American peo- ple as a nation of more than aver- age intelligence. And so it is with something of a shock that one must accept the facts that were disclosed by the intell- igence tests given the white men of the draft when the country was struggling into military form. In terms of mental age the white draft of the United States was found to range from nine years up. In the group which in civil life would class as rorons, .ge of twelve, were placed J.J%per cent +t the mer, fiearly half the whole able bodied manhood of the na- tion between the ages set by the draft. Consideration of the fig- ures of the trying out of the men- tal capacity of the men makes one hesitate in his devotion to the cause of Democracy and hope that miracles may yet happen to bring up the average of intelli- gence before more influence is fallen into the hands of the mass of people. It brings conviction, too, of the essential need of the country to develop leaders, for man is like other animals in his disposition to follow where some one points the way. -------------------------- CLASS LEGISLATION Rural co-operative agencies are to be exempt from the pro- visions of the anti-trust laws. It is lawful for those who are en- gaged in agricultural enterprises to plan together for the better marketing of their products and to secure for themselves better and more equitable conditions in their transactions with the other interests that have a part in the distribution of the commodities of the farm to the general con- suming public. It is beyond all question class legislation, but it is such in the interest of an essen- tial industry upon the prosperity of which the prosperity of the whole nation depends. Farming, old in years as man himself, is yet, to all intends and purposes, so far as economics is concerned an infant and as such demands the protection that will afford conditions under which it can thrive. If only the class which is bene- fited by the exemption from re- strictions that apply to other forms of industry will not abuse its liberty all will be well. But abuse will have to be expected and there must be readiness to stop it before it has grown to be the scandal that the protection of other once infant industries be- came before there could be secur- ed laws to make abuse unprofit- able. The United States has no inten- tion of being a "Shylock" in col- lecting the foreign debts. Neither, however, does it propose to can- cel the debts. No European na- tion, so far as we know, intends to be a Shylock by asking us to donate the $11,000,000,000 we have loaned. There will be no Shylocking here or there--merely a manly and straightforward agreement upon a time and man- ner of payment at the reasonable convenience of all concerned. HONOR CIVIL WAR HEROES A cemetery in Fairmont, W. Va. where Civil War soldiers were buried, had become a thicket of briers. The American Legion cleaned it up to do reverence to the dead heroes. Here Are the New RECORDS FOR MARCH DANCE RECORDS Ty-Tee, Stealing, fox trot, Carl Fenton's Orchestra. By The Pyramids, Right Or Wrong, Fox Trot, Gene Rode- mich's Orchestra. Smilin', Good Bye Pretty Butter- fly, Fox Trot, Selvin's Orches- tra. I've Got My Habits On, School- house Blues, Benny Kruger's Orchestra. New song record. Ka-Lu-A, from "Good Morning Dearie," Say It with Music, from the Music Box Revue. Aloha Oe, Golondrina, sung by Irene Williams. Dear Old Southland, My Hawai- ian Melody, sung by Earnest Hare. Little Town in The Ould Coun- try Down, Lassie O' Mine, sung by Theo Karle. In Bluebird Land, That's How I Believe In You, duets and trios. NEW INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Melody In F, Leopold Godow- sky. Air For G String, violin solo, Bronislaw Huberman. Stradella Overature, Merry Wives of Windsor. Walter B. Rogers and His Band. Italian Airs, Gloria Waltz, Ac- cordian solo and duet. SON PA I TERSOS 828 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phone Evanston 654 ORIENTAL GAS LOG POWDER Changes the flames in the fireplace to an iridescence of red, blue, green and purple. Beautifies the home. Just sprinkle on the log. Comes in 3 sizes: 10c, 25¢ and 50c. Address Box 10, Cicero, Ill, ORIENTAL GAS LOG POWDER CO. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. 0. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue -- i | $577.36 down---balance in 12 monthly payments of $94.00 each---buys a DODGE SEDAN ; This includes Interest and Fire and Theft Insurance im Block mr ro] | EES nL CoS DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka . Street and Dorchester Avenue on the South Side, stopping, in Chicago, at Loop The Smartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT " THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "Made with your own material" . Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash SAFETY SPEED North Shore Line | - --to - - Chicago The advantages of electric locomotion are apparent not only in the smooth, uniform rate of speed so noticeable on the North Shore Line but also in the marvelous ease of control afforded by this modern method of operation. These combined benefits of speed, comfort and safety ex- plain the fast-growing popularity of the Road of Service. Do You Take This Handy Route? COMFORT Limited Trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every hour, from 6:41 a. m. to 1:41 a. m. <i Express Trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every half-hour from 6:34 a. m. to 12:04 a. m. SERVICE TO SOUTH SIDE, CHICAGO--FEB. 15 Commencing February fifteenth, North Shore Trains will run clear through to 63rd stations, Roosevelt Road, 43rd and Calumet, and 63rd and University, en route. For schedule secure new time card at your home station. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street :