Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Feb 1922, p. 16

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i2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS HELP WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ! INVESTMENTS me line for each SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR A [FOR SALE--ONE MASSIVE 3 PIECE 3 Rates- 10c per. 3 Ii good automobile salesman with branch mahogany and leather upholstered par- FIRST MORTGAGE (1% GOLD insertion. Minimum ines. of one of Chicago's Jargest automobile lor set, 3. Also ash sifter, $L50. BONDS 1 - firms handling a high powered car, an ress 2 entra ve., il. el. N WO-FLAT Copy must be in by Wednes also popular priced light four. Phone Wil. 925-W. Ltl17-1tc A ROGERS Pau TWOrLAT of day at 12 p. m. Rates for the [| Evanston 8975 or call at 1008 Davis St. | FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, | he mals ihese are investmen only dvertisements in The Litgl7-lte carts, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lum-|609% of the total value of the security. same adve € . WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR (WHITE); ber, stoves. Anything bought, sold and | Matures in two to seven years. Lake Shore News, Winnetka must be careful driver and expert me-| exchanged. 808 Oak St., Winnetka. | Denominations are of $100, $500, $1,000. d G1 N 20¢ chanic on high grade car. Small amount Phone 1212. Ltgl-tfc J. H. SCHAEFER Talk an encoe ews, of garden and house work. Refs. Good FOR SALE--SIMMONS IVORY ENADM- SEER per line. Black Face type position. Address 495 Ash St., Winn. |" gjed bed, complete with springs and Telepticae Wits orte 431 h 4 Double Price Tel. Winn. 1417. Lt17-1tc | mattress; almost new. Tel. Wil. 628. P. J. GOLBACH, Charged Double > HELP WANTED--FEMALE ress ony Jon St Biri Ss Special Representative , FOR SALE--] N AND PAR- Telephone Wilmette 103 WANTED (WHITE) WOMAN FOR |" op furniture, 1 comfy leather rocker, al. > Ltgl17-tfe REAL ESTATE Bary un days Baek. Must so small ice chest. Tel. Winn. 526. ling : cess tel7-1tc, WE DO TRADING. HAV POR AL a LE vs erro, [ipgting, Referoness necessnty, Tel yon SALI SSHVENAT --PIICHy ob transportation, $10,000. Only $600 down, $50 month; less than rent. Solid brick house, 12 in. walls, 7 rms, tile bath, 3 porches incl, deep lot, library, splendid value at $17,000. ; 8 room Colonial home, overlooking lake, 2 baths, sun and slpg porches, wooded lot in ideal location, $28,000. A FOR SALE--Winnetka, unusually good 6 room house, frame, in choice Winnetka location; a $20,000 neighborhood. Bar- in at $15,000. 7 ly water ht., 3 inclosed prchs., garage, deep lot, Indian Hill section; $13,500; wouldl cost more to build house alone. HILL & WHEELER 743 Elm St. 401 Linden Ave. in. 142 Phone Wil. 93 Phone Win. 1 Ttgll-1te $14,500 WILL BUY A SUBSTANTIAL 7 room stucco home with garage, large lot, fine east location. Beautiful 7 room stucco home, 2 car ga- rage to match. Fine lot, very desirable east location. We will show this home to qualified buyers only. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. ts Phone Wil. 1304 513 Fourth S Lgi-1te WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF children or to help with housework in exchange for room and board. Phone 'Win. 529-7. t-51-1tc WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. Two adults, one child 4 years. Call 536 South Ave. Glencoe or Tel. Glencoe 949. Ltgl7-tfe WANTED--A RELIABLE GIRL TO DO stenographic work in a North Shore Real Estate office. One living in Win- netka preferred. Tel. Win. 142 or Win. 96 evenings. Ltgl7-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED GENERAL maid, adult family of three; good cook; good wages. Mrs. Saunders, 1015 Forest Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 1775. Litgl7-1te WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSE or governess for two boys 4-and 8 yrs. Refs. Good wages. Call 495 Ash St. Winn. Tel. 1417. Tgbl-1te WANTED--MAID (WHITE) GENERAL housework or mother's helper. Refer- ences required. Good wages. Tel. Win. 521-W, Ltg-17-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT LAUNDRESS (white) for two days a week. Some house cleaning required. Tel. Glen. 532. Lgl7-1te WANTED WOMAN (WHITE) TO clean one day a week. References nec- essary. Tel. Winn. 986. Tgbhl-1te FOR SALE--HOUSE BEST BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE NEW ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOM COLONIAL residence, 510 Maple Ave., Wilmette, near "L'" station. 4 bedrooms, tile bath, extra toilet 1st floor, large living room, dining roem, breakfast room, kitchen. Hot water heat. Price $19,000. Terms. Open Saturday pnd a after 2:30 3 ner, Sheldrake y Pott. OW Litgl7-1tc FOR SALE JUST COMPLETED, beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; h. w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 1935. Ltg4-tfc FIRST OFFERING OF LOT, 100x200 1N northeast Winnetka. Well wooded and attractively located. Price and location upon request. Address Lake Shore News A-146. Ltgl7-1te FOR SALE BY OWNER, 9 ROOM SE a 3_sun. parlors; ~2 baths; hot "wrater heat, convenient to transp. Price $21,500. Terms $2000 to $5000 down. 'Phone avenings, Evans. 6034. TG51-1tp OR SATE NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 paths. Also room and bath in garage. $23,000, Tel. Winn. 1482, T51-1te WANTED TO BUY HOUSE OR LOT VACANT LOT OR HOUSE TO BE bought from private owner. Not over WANTED--NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St. 'Win. Phone 674-W. Ltgl7-tfc WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No experience necessary. Tel. Winn. 1245. t-61-1tc WANTED (WHITE) MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Mrs. Geo. D. White, 1101 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette. tg51-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF- fers ambitious young man or woman chance to learn interesting, clean busi- ness. Permanent position with opportu- nity for advancement. Applcant must have high school education. Address Lake Shore News X Y Z. Ltgl7-1te EXPERIENCED MAN AND WIFE DE- sire to do housework. Can furnish good reference. Phone Calumet 2271. Ltg15-3tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE THE EX-SOLDIER LANDSCAPE GARDENER EXPERT MEN FURNISHED BY HOUR, day or month for private homes. Write for special offer on work done in sum- mer. I save you money. Write P. O. Box 1, Winnetka, III. Tgb0-tfc WANTED--GENERAL WORK IN AND around house; furnace taken care of. Now is the time to get your screens $7000. Send full particulars to Wm.| oto "AN work done reasonable. Singery, 3719 Rokeby St. Chicago, M1 Gop "wii. 592.¥4 T. J. Kelly. -51-1tp : T50-4tp FOR RENT--STORE GARDENER, MARRIED, EXPERI- FOR RENT--IN NORTH EVANSTON, Central St. near Broadway, east of C. & N. W. railroad, double store 50x60, or will divide. Rapidly growing neighbor- hood, suitable for any retail business. Steam heat. Possession May 1st. Tel. Evanston 668. Ltgli-1tc enced in greenhouse flowers and general gardening wants responsible position in private family. Box 384, Highland Park. T50-2tp EXPERIENCED MAN WOULD LIKE general cleaning and gardening. Work by day or hour. Very reasonable. Tel. 'Winn. 456. Ltgl6-3tc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, 274 SO. Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. I block north WANTED--WINDOW CLEANING AND house work; also furnaces taken care of. Tel. Winn 984. T51-1tc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE > . Glen. 945 after 7 p. m. and garden work. Paul Weiler. Tel. of Seott. Teh Ihgll-1te| Winn, $32. T51-4tc FOR RENT--ROOMS USED CARS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LARGE FURNISHED RM. gon. ihm JODEL Exe also heated garage, at 1021 Centra "| tires, Gabriel snubbers, two bumpers, Tel. Wil. 935-W. {imette. Wilms Lit17-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lt7-tfe FOR RENT--ONE OR TWO FUR- nished rooms with or without garage. Tel. Glencoe 706. Litgl7-1tp Johnson curtains; everything in first- class condition. Will sacrifice for quick sale, Phone Evanston 6975. Ltgl7-1tc FOR SALE--STANDARD EIGHT, SEV- en passenger touring car in good con- dition. New top, slip covers, etc. Tel Wil. 205 Tgbhl-1tc FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN private family. Tel. Winn. 1686. T51-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS GENTLEMAN WANTS TO RENT pleasant furnished room, bath. Con- venient to Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, or Glencoe by station. Address Win- netka Talk A 45. tg-bl-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED--HOUSE FURNISHED OR unfurnished summer months or long- er. 8-10 rooms desirable location. Give full particulars. Four in family. Ref- erences. Address Winnetka Talk A-49. T-51-3tc WANTED 8-10 ROOM HOUSE DESIR- able neighborhood only. State full par- ticulars. Best price and terms. Re- sponsible party. References. Adress Winnetka Talk A-48. TH1-3te WANTED TO RENT--FLAT OR SMALL house 3 to 5 rooms, Glencie to Evanston by young married couple, no children. |. Tel. Glencoe 644. Ltgl7-1tc WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1ST, 5, 6, or 7 room house on North Shore. Ref- erence. Small family. Tel. Rogers Park 4837. Litgl6-3te WANTED--MODERN HOUSE, MUST have 4 bedrooms, garage, rental from May 1st. Tel. Win. 1199. Ltgl4-tfc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT LAUNDRESS desires work on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Can furnish references. Address Lake Shore News A-33. Ltgl6-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable. Phone Winn. 911 before 8. A. Ms tt -tfe MADAME GERTRUDE IS FASHIONING up-to-the-minute frocks for spring. 315 Green Bay Rd., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 934. WANTED--WASHING: TO DO AT home. Tel. Wil. 1936. Ask for Mrs. 'Wolff. Lt17-1tc AZZ A I ZA I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIXIXIX™Y A Real Bargain in vacant on Provident Ave. between Elm and Oak $2,000 for quick sale NO ASSESSMENTS P.W.BRADSTREET Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 520 Linden' St. Phone 162-147 I I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIXIXIXX AAAAAAA ZA AARAA RAZR IZ XXX Call Winn. 455 or 873 Oak T51-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc WANTED TO RENT--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT--PIANO. TEL. Winn. 974. T51-1tc MISCELLANEOUS furniture. St. GUARANTEED OVERHAULING AND -- REPAIRING On All Models DODGY CARS C. M. McDONALD DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES North Shore Hotel Building Evanston 307 WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. Ltg-tfc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- YOU LIBERTY BONDS, OLD PIANOS, SEWING MA- CHINES OR. ANYTHING USEFUL TO-4TRADE: ON PIANOS, PLAYERS, SEWING MACHINES, TALKING M A- CHINES, VACUUM CLEAN: ERS, MANGLES OR WASH- ING MACHINES. OUR GUAR- ANTEE IS GOOD. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis St., Evans- ton, Phone 654. Itg-17-4tc NOTICE THE PROPERTY AT 128 LAUREL AVE, 'Wilmette, has been withdrawn from the market until further notice. Owner. Tgbl-1tc The conference will hold its open- ing session at the First Presbyterian Church. The theme of the whole conference will be "Your Life Work," and in this spirit the meeting will be addressed by Dr. Charles E. Gilkey of Chicago on the subject "Principles in Choosing a Life Work." During this first meeting there will also be held a song service under the very able direction of EH. T. Clissold, whose abilities as a song leader are well known to every member of the organ- ization. The conference will be fur- ther addressed by men of ability on the subjects, "Choosing of Life Work," "Hi-Y Clubs and Programs," 'Organ- ezed Sunday Schools," "Service Call- ings," "Business and Its Opportuni- ties," and "The Professional Callings." That evening, in the church, the club will hold a banquet, at which John Timothy Stone will speak on "Your Life Work, and the World's Needs." Sunday's program takes place at the Methodist Episcopal church where the club will hold a period of devotion and will hear an address on "The Investment of Life." Read the Want Ads You can't be an expert on odors and use Blue Devil Cleanser in your home, adv.-Ltg NORTH SHORE HI-Y'S PLAN B16 CONFERENCE New Trier High School Unit to Join Evanston Sessions Tentative plans for the Hi-Y North Shore Older Boys' conference to be held at Evanston on March 25 and 26 have been arranged. This confer- ence will include the Hi-Y clubs of all the north shore, including the club ired; t; best ref : . " Phone Wik, 509-0. © oro 1 tgis tte | at New Trier High school. $ ho Jaxon [ Se--4 ™ % fountain Square & BPVANSTON oe) i classics. KEEP CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE BOOK MARKET You want the books of the day. We pride ourselves on our ability to supply you, for we keep our shelves up-to-date, with new books constantly coming in as soon as they are announced by the publishers. But this up-to-dateness doesn't prevent us from keeping a full supply of the older Buy Your Books at Chandler's Experience! most complete Winnetka. move or be moved. E operate the oldest and ing and moving service in Call us when you want to Phone 232 express- SCULLY TRALEE COL EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA, ILL. Sell Your Home in a Dignified Manner We are reprinting an article that appeared in Sunday's Tribune by Mark Levy, former president Cook County Real Estate Board. Hill & Wheeler have always been advo- cates of owners' listing homes ex- clusively. We agree that if you list exclusively with a Realtor who is lazy and without "pep," or one who does not appreciate the trust given him, you lose, but whether Hill & Wheeler secure your listing or not, you will find it more satis- factory, more dignified and the only high class manner in disposing of your home. Will Sell at Price Offered Can you expect a broker to try to get you the best possible price for your property knowing that a dozen others are offering it also? No; he'll do what you've forced him to do--sell it if he can, at the price the purchaser offers. If he doesn't, ope of the others will, and he knows "If you expect a broker to protect you, you should as a matter of fair- ness and reciprocity be willing to protect him by making him your exclusive agent. List your property with one live, wide-awake firm, who'll only consent to push it if placed with them exclusively. It'll serve you better than ten dead ones who list everything offered but sell little." "The exclusive agency listing is the only way a broker properly can serve his client," said Mr. Levy. 'Would you have ten lawyers rep- resent you in a lawsuit, each work- ing independently of the other? It is better to be represented by one exclusive agent than to be misrep- resented by ten brokers. Says Dozen Is Eleven Too Many "From one agent you have a right to demand proper attention to your property: from a dozen brokers you have no right to ex- pect anything. Why not get the kind of service that is most likely to result in a sale? "Isn't the sale of your propert: f sufficient importance * ta i handled in a systematic and per- sistent manner? An agent working only on exclusives can give each property owner attention, can af- ford to advertise it, and more likely to effect a sale and at a better price. By giving an exclusive agency to a reputable agent you avoid the possibility of being sued for commissions by some one or more brokers you had forgotten you had listed your property with." _-- List your property exclusively with Hill & Wheeler. We have three offices, three live organiza- ions. Last week we sold a lot in Wilmette for $26,000; house in Indian Hill $23,000; another house in Winnetka $24,000. We can sell your home in a high class dignified manner. Phone Winnetka 142, ask for Mr. Smith. We have a large number of § buyers for homes ranging in prices from $18,000 to $30,000 HILL & WHEELER Wilmette Office 401 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 93 Winnetka Office 743 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 142 Chicago Office 536 So. Dearborn St. Phone Harrison 1817

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