i ER RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRESSS=Smessssmmme 6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 Local Leaders Organize Woman Voters' League (Continued from Page 1) are the great common interests which may be served best by common action. Challenge to Women "The fact that Illinois stands twen- ty-fourth in the rank of its public school system, is a challenge to women. Its 12,000 school aistricts with the correspondingly large num- ber of one-room schols shows how far behind we are in the march of school organization. "The League of Women Voters stands ready to work with all organ- izations of similar purposes, whether of men or women or both. 1it urges its members to enroll in the political parties which their judgment ap- proves and in every other way to ac- tively participate as citizens in the management of our government." Following Miss Rockwood's talk a vote was taken, which proved to be unanimous, in favor of starting a local branch League of Women Voters, which sheould function through the State committee, which in turn funec- tions through the National committee. Miss Gemmell, President A Constitution and By-Laws were read by Miss Gremmell, and were adopted by the meeting. The follow- ing officers were elected: President. ...Miss Elizabeth Gemmell dstevice.president. ......ccoviivinnnn ialhiny v «sia Mrs. William G. Hibbard 2nd vice-president FATE QL in Mrs. B. F. Langworthy Corresponding secretary FER) Mrs. Wallace D. Rumsey Recording secretary FOIA IRR Mrs. George E. Frazer Treasurer ....Mrs. Morris L. Greeley Directors: Miss Ruth Matz, of the 3rd precinct. Mrs. Wallace W. Chickering, of the 4th precinct. Mrs. Arthur 5th precinct. Mrs. Theodore E. Brown, of the 6th precinct. Mrs. George Stanley Park, of the 7th precinct. Mrs. S. T. Burke, of the 8th precinct. W. Cushman, of the Mrs. Delbert W. Poff, of the 9th precinct. Directors at large, representing Women's Societies: Mrs. George W. Gordon, Winnetka Woman's club. Mrs. Albert Women's League. Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, Women's So- ciety Congregational church. Mrs. Edward P.. Bailey, Church Guild & Auxiliary. Mrs. Isadore M. Portis, North Shore Branch Sinai Congregation. Mrs. Hoyt N. McClain, Chairman of Circles. Mrs. Allan Ira Welff, Parents-Teach- ers. Association. Chairmen of Committees: Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Publicity and Organization. Mrs. Roswell B. Mason, Membership. Mrs. Charles T. Mordock, Finance. Mrs. Allan Ira Wolff, Citizenship and Elections, E. Tiiroe, Catholic Christ Mrs. James F. Porter, State and National Problems. The first meeting of the League will take place in the Winnetka Woman's club March 14, at 11 o'clock. Royal Arch Masons Present Attractive Entertainment Wilmette Chapter, No. 253, Royal Arch Masons, has planned an unusual attractive entertainment for Tuesday evening, February 28, at Jones hall, when Miss Ingrid Arnesen, soprano; Miss Eloise Bedlan, pianist; Miss Nina Winans, reader; and Mr. Louis Kunstman, baritone, will appear in a special program, that promises to be one of the outstanding features of the north shore social season. Following the program there will be dancing until 12 o'clock, the music to be provided by F. A. Bedlan. All members of the Masonic order and William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 their families are invited to attend the entertainment. VIE FOR SOCCER CUP The North Shore and Canadian Soccer clubs will meet at Foster Field, Evanston, Sunday afternoon, February 26, at 2:30 -o'clock to play the Peel Cup game. A strenuous game is an- ticipated as both teams have their eyes on the coveted prize. CHOOSING LIFE WORK--TOPIC Sunday morning the problem of choosing a life work will be discussed in many churches throughout the country. At that time the sermon at the Winnetka Congregational church will bear upon that subject and will be of particular interest to the younger people as well as to all interested in the youth. 913 Oak Street. MAGAZINE AGENCY. specials: Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman and Ladies' Home Journal. WILLIAM A. HADLEY WINNETKA Renewals and new Subscriptions to all Magazines solicited Our Phone Winnetka 323 748 Center St. near Fig Fancy Primroses in Bud and Bloom also bargains in Fancy Ferns Must Sell as I Need the Room Chas. Svanderlik Cash Florist Winnetka, Ill. Winnetka, Illinois, February 20, 1922. Notice to Contractors Proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Education in the Horace Mann School, Winnetka, up to 2 P. M. of March 11th for the various branches of work required in the erection of an addition to the Greeley School in Winneika, Illinois. Plans can be had at the offices of the Archi- tects, J. C. Llewellyn Company, Room 1525, 38 South Dearborn St., Chicago. wise to do so. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 2% oft' the face of the proposal, drawn to the order of Laird Bell, Pres. Education reserves the right to reject any one or all of the proposals filed for the work if deemed (Signed) LAIRD BELL, Pres., Board of Education School Dist. No. The Board of 36, Winnetka, Illinois. faction. == GASOLINE -- TRIANGLE = 557 CHESTNUT Knowing, when you drive your car out of this shop, after a job has been done, and done well on it, that you can be sure of its per- formance and knowing that the job is guaran- teed, is an example of 1009, service and satis- : LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRING RELIABLE SUPPLIES-DEPENDABLE ACCESSORIES FOR AUBURN BEAUTY SIX GARAGEMOTOR( wil Sy § PHONE 1446 FABRIC CASINGS Phone Wilmette 1631 Sale Red Tube SIZE Price Price 30x3 8.40 1.68 30x37% Extra-Ply 10.32 2.00 31x4 13.60 2.40 CORD CASINGS Sale Red Tube SIZE Price Price 30x31; 12.50 2.00 32x31; 18.40 2.08 32x4 21.60 2.48 33x4 22.40 2.56 34x4 23.20 2.64 32x41 26.00 3.20 33x45 26.80 3.32 34x45 27.60 3.44 35x41 28.80 3.60 FULL 36x44 30.40 3.72 33x5 32.00 4.00 \ 35x5 33.60 4.20 3vxd . 35.20 4.48 SKOKIE TIRE ab 621 West Railroad Ave. Opposite Northwestern R. R. Station --After Six P. M. Wilmette 710J, Wilmette 1959 A NON-SKID Tread That Has No Equal Tread Almost One Inch Thick | | They Wear and Wear and Wear FACTORY GUARANTEE All New Goods WNot Over 40 Days Old | VULCANIZING CO. WILMETTE, ILL. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT - ALL DAY SUNDAY SPECIAL SALE 19'DAYS ONLY 561 Lincoln Ave. - South Water Fruit Market WINNETKA, ILL. - Phone Winnetka 392 Our prices are never high - - Buy here and save money BLUE GOOSE 4 Special Sale Indian River Grapefruit, per crate $4.25, doz. 75¢ and..... Roman Beauty Apples, box............ $3.95 Bananas; "doz. 80c and... i000 LL. 40c Fresh Strawberries ....low price SPINACAAPI. .. covet sired o sss va sini sinh 39c ; I : Blue Goose Tomatoes, 1b. ............. 0. a0 23c Fresh Artichokes...... owe price Head Lettuce, per bunch........... 10c, 15¢, 20c Fresh Asparagus. ..... low price Fresh Carrots, 2 bunches for. ..........%. 0... 15¢ Beets i per: bunch. co eih, . oh. ones aainie ce aaie 10c Green Onions ........ low price Cooking Apples, 3 lbs. 25c, pk. .............. 90c DELIVERY MADE ON ORDERS OF $2.00 AND UP