Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Mar 1922, p. 15

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RR RR RRR EEEEEEEEEEEE---------------------------------- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922 15 Ht ------ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS : Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE, large sun porch, h." w. heat, garage, 100 ft. $15,000. East of tracks. Best buy in Winnetka. Tel. Win. 994. Ltg19-1te FOR SALE--6 RM. HOUSE; 4 YRS OLD; 2 glazed porches; garage. Lot 165x40. East side; good location. Owner must sell cheap for business reasons. Win. 1492. FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE. LOT 50x187, good loc. $10,000.00. Half cash, bal. terms. Tel. owner, Winn. 1362. Poss. May 1st. T1-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE REAL ESTATE THESE ARE BARGAINS COLONIAL HOME IN VERY CHOICEST section; hot water ht., 7 large rooms, fireplace, sun porch, tile bath, extra deep wooded lot. Great bargain at $16,500. Owner must s€ll. Make offer. Substantial 8 room stucco bet. steam: and "L". Large, light, airy rooms; 2 baths and shower; sun and slp. prchs,, Ige. garage; splendid lot; hot water heat. A bargain at $18,000. New 6 room stucco in ideal East location; h. w. ht, tile bath, extra toilet and lavatory, sun and slp. prchs, garage. 'Wonderful value. $18,500. New 8 room stucco nearly finished; 2 baths, h. w. ht, immense living room, fireplace, mahogany finish, best value ever at $21,500. Beautiful 8 room brick near lake and "IL; heated sun and sleeping porches, 2 baths, billiard room, h. w. ht., deep wooded lot, double garage. $22,00. Make offer. M. E. BARKER CO. End "L" 407 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 Ltgl9-lte WE DO TRADING. HAVE YOU. LIBERTY BONDS, OLD PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES OR. ANYTHING USEFUL TO TRADE ON PIANOS, PLAY- ERS, SEWING MACHINES, TALKING MACHINES, VAC- UUM CLEANERS, MANGLES OR WASHING MACHINES. ONR GUARANTEE IS GOOD. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis St., Evanston, Phone 654. Itg-17-4tc UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE UNUSUALLY GOOD 5 ROOM FRAME house, in choice neighborhood, wooded lot. Snap. $7,250.00. Most attractive 5 room stucco bungalow, substantially constructed, 1 car garage, wooded lot, for sale at a bargain. Only $8,500. Modern 7 room brick house, convenient to transportation, sun and sleeping porches, beautiful lot, watter heat, ideal location. Price $16,000. 7 room stucco like new, east location; --~-Jlarge bright and sunny rooms, strictly modern in every way; splendid value at $16,000.00. 7 room frame, most desirable section of 'Wilmette, 2 porches, lot 61%x176, 1 car garage. very attractive sun parlor, 17,500. A. R. EDDINGTON 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phones 640, 1417, 2066 T1-1te FOR SALE--WILMETTE, NEW 5-RM. solid brick bungalow; water heat, near lake and "L". $13,500 7 room brick; 3 enclosed porches, library, water heat, central location, deep lot, $17,000. 9 room brick stucco, 6 bed rooms, 2 baths, 2 heated porches, living room 17x30, 2 car garage, $23,000. Winnetka modern 7 room stucco; sun, sleeping and breakfast porches, htd., corner lot near transportation; 2 baths. $13,500. HILL & WHEELER 743 Eim St. 401 Linden Ave. Phone Win. 142 Phone Wil, 93 Ltgl9-1te 8-ROOM BRICK AND STUCCO ON hollow tile. Tot 82x165. Preferred northeast location, near Sheridan Road. A genuine value at $20,000. Quick action required. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. Phone Wilmette 1304 513 Fourth St. Litgl9-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--SIX OR SEVEN room house or bungalow in North Shore WANTED TO BUY--5 OR 6 ROOM home in Wilmette. Must be bargain from owner; not over $6,000. Give full details in letter. N. C. Campbell, Park Ave. Highland Park, Ill. Lt19-1te IN WILMETTE, 293 WANTED -- HOME Have Cadillac coupe, value $600 and $5,000. What have you? Address Lake Shore News A-63. Lt 19-Uie WANTED--A MODERN HOUSE. 6, 7 or 8 rooms; must have at least three master bedrooms, Convenient to trans- portation and desirable location is im- portant. Phone Wilmette 1920. Ltgl19-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE = = FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, 274 SO. Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. 1 block north of Scott. Tel. Glen. 945 after 7 p. m. Ltgl19-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 6 ROOM house; 3 porches. Tel. Winn. 1657. dan Tol-Te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN private family. Tel. Winn. 1686.7T51-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. GEN- tleman preferred. Tel. Winn. 1470. T1-1te FOR RENT--FURN, ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lit7-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOM _ BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE large or two smaller connecting rooms, has furniture for same. Prefer board also. Address Lake Shore News A-62. Ltg 19-2tc WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM BY young lady in Winnetka. Address Win- netka Talk A-66. T1-1tc WANTED -- UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping. Tel. Winnetka 1142. Tgl-1te MAY 1ST, 82 breakfast. Tel. TGl-1te WANTED TO furnished RENT, rooms with 1 CHAUFFEUR, 2 HELPERS FOR FUR- niture Moving van. Must be exper- ienced. Apply IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 560 Center Street, Winnetka. T1-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED GIRL. FOR GENERAL housework, (white). 3 in family. Cook- ing and dewnstairs -work only. No laundry. Own room and bath. $1a. Tel. Winn. 1561. Tgl-1te WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. Two adults, one child 4 years. Call 536 South Ave. Glencoe or Tel. Glencoe 949, Ltgl7-tfc WANTED--GIRL (WHITE) FOR COOK- ing and general housework. Ref. re- quired. Wages $18.00, no washing. Tel. Kenil. 82. Ltgl9-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework. No washing. 4 in family. Tel. Win. 1070. Lt19-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Small family; $15 846 Greenwood Ave, Glencoe. THREE BARGAINS 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT passenger touring; in the very best mechanical condition; a good set of tires; this car is just out of our paint shop and is finished in beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gear. It is honestly represented and is good for thousands of miles, Price $750. 1918--5 passenger Commonwealth touring car. Electric lights and starter. Has the very lines of a modern car. In good mechanical condition. Price $175. Stuart one-ton truck, 1 year old, just overhauled and painted. It is in the very best condition and has been care- fully used by former owner. Its equip- ment consists of electric starter and lights, cab, a platform body with re- movable sides. Will gladly give any kind of a test demonstration. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 Ltb19-1te OAKLAND 5 PASSENGER TOURING car in very good mechanical condition; four good tires and spare, body fenders and top excellent. An economical little car for a business man at a bargain. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 Ltgl9-1tc FOR SALE--1918 USED FORD SEDAN, 562 accessories, exellent mechanical con- dition. Reasonable price. SKOKIE MOTOR CO. Winnetka, Ill. Ltgl9-1te FOR SALE--LATE 20 DODGE TOURING car and extras in excellent condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reason- able, Tel. Glen. 891. 472 Woodlawn Ave, Glencoe. Ltgl9-1tc BIG BARGAIN -- FRANKLIN SEDAN in fine condition. Tires like new. Will take late model Ford Sedan as part payment. Tel. Winn. 690. Lt19-1tc FOR SALE--A FORD TOURING IN good mechanical condition. Tel. Win. 556-R. T1-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, ber, stoves. Anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St, Winnetka. Phone 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE--ONE FRENCH WILTON rug 9x12, $70.00, One Royal Wilton 8'6"'x 10'6", $565, Both Small patterns, prac- tically new. Iredale Warehouse, 560 Center St., Winnetka. Ltgl9-1tc FOR SALE--AN ELECTRIC SEWING machine, Foot-power can also be used, like new, all attachments, Singer head, $25.00. Tel. Kenil 1160. Litgl9-1tp FOR SALE--TWO VACUUM CLEANERS (cheap) in A-1 condition. If. you want a cleaner at a bargain, here is your chance. Address Weekly Talk A-64. T1-1tp FOR SALE--FULL SIZE BRASS BED with box spring and mattress. Complete. Also two Navajo rugs. Call Glencoe 99. Litgl9-1tc FOR SALE--54 IN. OAK DINING TABLE 1 mahogany folding bed. Tel. Glen. 763. Ltgl9-1ty] FOR SALFE--SOLID BROWN MAHOG- any serving or Console table, almost __new, $256 cash. Tel. 1296. Ltgl9-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc WANTED TO BUY--SCREENED IN, portable children's summer house in good condition. Tel. Winn. 1253. LITTLE FOR SALE--CHEAP, OLD a week, frame house. Good lumber in it. Tel. Glen. 442. Litgly-1te Sunitable for building garage, chicken WANTED--A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF house or other out buildings. 1078 3 year old boy, 4 or 5 afternoons a Elm St. Tel. Winn. 666-J. T1-1te week. Tel. Kenil. 1007. Ltgl9-1tc FOR SALE--ONE SIMPLEX IRONER, WANTED--COMPETENT DRESSMAK- fine condition. Reasonable; Terms if er by the day. Mrs. Holden, Tel. Kenil. wanted, R. I. Adams, Tel. Wil. 2345. 1007. Ltgl19-1tc Ltgl9-1tc WANTED WHITE GIRL PROTES-|FOR SALE--100 FINE WHITE LEG- tant for general housework. No heavy horn hens single comb. 265-300 egg work. 4 in family. Good references. strain, best foundation stock possible. Tel. Win. 1486. T1-1tc Tel. Wil. 1940. Litgl9-1te WANTED--SOMEONE TO HELP MAKE | FOR 'SALE--BABY BUGGY (CHEAP). curtains. Tel. Winn. 969. ~~ -lte Tel. Winn. 686. T1-1tc WANTED--MAID (WHITE) FOR GEN-| FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP eral housework. Tel. Win. 1606. __for cash. Tel Winn. 519-M. _T1-1te Ti-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man suburb. Three adults. For one year experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- or longer. Option to buy. Address 5011 van, Mgr, 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Blackstone Ave. 1st Apt. Ltgl18-3te Phone Win. 1549. Ltg-tfc WANTED--HOUSE FURNISHED OR|WANTED--GENERAL WORK IN AND unfurnished, summer months or longer, around house; furnace taken care of. 8-10 rooms desirable location. Give full Now is the time to get your screens particulars. Four in family. Refer- painted. All work done reasonable. ences. Address Winnetka Talk A-49. Call Wil. 892-Y4. T. J. Kelly. T-51-3tc T50-4tp WANTED--S8-10 ROOM HOUSE DESIR- able neighborhood only. State full par- ticulars. Best price and terms. Re- sponsible party. References. Address 'Winnetka Talk A-48. T51-3te WANTED TO RENT--FLAT OR SMALL house 3 to 5 rooms on North Shore, by young married couple, no children. Ad- dress 1163 Green Bay Rd., Glencoe, Ltg 19-1tc WANTED--GARDENER, 13 YRS. EXPE- rience in greenhouse flowers, vegetables and shrubs, married, 2 small children. Address Winnetka Talk A-55. 1.tg19-1tp PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Litgls-tfc WANTED--WINDOW CLEANING AND house work; also furnaces taken care of. Tel. Win. 984, Lt19-1tp WANTED, IN A LOCALITY THAT IS convenient to transportation, a house, modern with at least three bed rooms. 6 or 7 rooms preferred. Phone Wilmette 1020. Ltgl19-1tc SMALL HOUSE OR APARTMENT UN- furnished, May 1st or sooner. Rent reasonable. Tel. Gardener, Winnetka 1064, Ltgl19-1tp FOR RENT IN WINNETKA, § ROOM house, 3 baths; after May Ist $100.00. 'West of track. Address Winnetka Talk A-67. T1-1te WANTED TO RENT--BY MAY 1ST, 5 to 7 room house. Ref. furnished. Tel. 'Wil. 2052 or 537. T1-2tc FOR SALE--LOT FOR SALE--1%Y% ACRES CLEAR, BLACK ground one mile west of own, on Win- netka ave. Suitable for home and gar- den. Further information, address Mrs. A. Lenernier, Shermerville, I1l., Box 155. Lt19-1te FOR RENT--COTTAGE FOR RENT--COTTAGE AT PELICAN lake furnished complete for 8. Refs. required. Tel. Winn. 533-7. Tgl-1te EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE and garden work. Paul Weiler. Tel. 'Winn. 832, T51-4tc WANTED -- HOUSE AND GARDEN work. Tel. Wil. 895-Y4. T1-tfe SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING, RE- modeling, also children's clothes. Work by day. Address Lake Shore News A-61 Litgl19-1tp WANTED--NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St, Win. Phone 674-W. Ltgl7-1tfc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable 911 before 8 A. M. T48-tfc EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS work. Address 903 Ash St. vin 4 -1tp Phone Winn. Patronize Merchants Who Advertise MISCELLANEOUS VIOLIN LESSONS BY GRADUATE OF Leipzig and Vienna Musical colleges at your or her home in Winnetka. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk A-65. TG1-1te LET ME PUT TIRES ON YOUR BABY carriage by machine, 15 cents and 20 cents per ft. Umbrellas, carpet sweep- ers, lawn mowers and any article that needs repairing. Will repair at rea- sonable price. Tel. Winn. 126, 24 Prouty Annex. Goo Pi-1tp INVESTMENTS _ FIRST MORTGAGE 7% GOLD BONDS ON ROGERS PARK TWO-FLAT apartments. These are investments of the highest class. Incumbrance is only 60% of the total value of the security. Matures in two to seven years. Denominations are $1,000, $500, $100. J. H. SCHAEFER Investments Telephone Wilmette 43 P. J... GOLDBACH, Special Representative Telephone Wilmette 1038 Litgli-tfe NOTICE Miss Alma Jones, a piano teacher of manys years' experience, receives pupils in her studio, 422, 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, and in her home on Ash St. Adult beginners a specialty. Send for circular or telephone Winn. 662-M. T1-1tp ADOPT NEW BY-LAWS The Revised Constitution and By- laws of the North Shore Real Estate board were read and adopted at the regular meeting of the board Monday of this week at the C. T. Northrop offices, 556 Center street, Winnetka. ---- An all-day meeting of the Lincoln Avenue Circle will be held in the home of the Misses Gemmell, 814 Lincoln avenue, on Tuesday, March 21. 1871 FIRE LOSS BECEST IN HISTORY Total Loss Expected to Exceed Half Billion Dollars (A Statement by National Fire Pro- tection Association) The fire loss for 1921 exceeded that of any previous year in the history of the United States. While final figures are not available the total will be well over half a billion dollars. In spite of the steady development of fire fight- ing science and equipment and fire protection engineering there has been a steadily increasing fire loss year after year. The figures are now. reaching such tremendous proportions that the Na- tional Fire Association believes that it is justified in making an appeal to all persons in a position to inform the public, to make a sustained effort dur- ing the present year to spread the gospel of fire prevention. It seems clear that fire prevention education is is the most important factor at the present time toward a reduction of fire losses. It is safe to say that over seventy-five per cent of this waste is preventable. Carelessness Worst Enemy Public indifference, carelessness, or ignorance is responsible for most of our fires. Consider the chief cause of fires--Matches--Smoking. This one item costs us in the neighborhood of eighteen million dollars yearly. This hazard can only be reduced through a widespread campaign conducted by the press with the co-operation of the various national associations, fire marshals, and other bodies and indi- viduals of influence. Any of the other main fire hazards, sufh as electricity or defective chimneys could be re- duced by a similar campaign. All Should Help Those who recognize this needless waste, and support the fight against it are performing a valuable public serv- ice. The National Fire Protection as- sociation is at all times ready and willing to supply information or as- sistance to anyone interested in pre- | venting .fire losses. This year can be made the turning point. A stand must be made against this disastrous rising tide of fire. There is no better time than now. Your support is ear- nestly requested. Address for bulletins, statistics and other information, Na- tional Fire Protection Association, 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. AMERICAN "MAZON NOT FANCIFUL DREAM American Women Becoming Physically Perfect Chicago -- Women stronger physically. "And is it not reasonable to -sup- pose," asked a delegate to the Nation- al' Fraternal Congress here, 'that America may develop a race of Ama- zons physically superior to the lunch- bolting city man?" "Yes," was the emphatic some women delegates. "No; absolutely no," retorted men delegates. " We admit that men are steeped in nicotine, a condition preva- lent in all countries. And we deplore food-bolting, distinctly a trait of the American business man. But we insist that woman will always be the weaker sex." are becoming reply of Mortality Rate Decreasing Nevertheless reports of the various organizations showed that the mortal- ity rate among women is decreasing to a most gratifying extent. This was particularly true in the case of the Supreme Forest, Woodmen Circle whose 150,000 members are mostly women. Widespread criticism of the debutantes' late hours and the aver- age woman's indiscreet diet are there- fore to be greatly discQunted. "Women are in fact on the road to physical perfection," said one dele- gate. "There are far more perfect thirty-sixes today than five years ago. Women generally are observing rules of diet, exercise and rest, which is more than can be said for city men. Not only are women observing these common sense laws, but they are preaching them to their husbands and forcing them upon their children. New health campaigns are found everywhere. Junior circles are now being organized by Woodmen Circle women in every state to teach children health, thrift and patrotism." Statistical reports show that tuber- culosis still claims a greater number of women than any other disease. Canada's Vets Add To Land Holdings Ottawa, Ont.--While various Ameri- can business and political groups are locked in a dramatic struggle over the proposed soldiers' bonus, Canadian ex- service men are rapidly extending their land holdings under supervision of the Soldier Settlement Board. Pre- liminary estimates for 1922 indicate the early cultivation of thousands of additional acres. Not only the Dominion and provin- cial governments, but all commercial and agricultural organizations as well are helping lead the soldier-farmers to prosperity. Keenest pride in the proj- ect is reflected throughout the nation. Latest reports of the Board show that over 27,000 men have taken up land; that the sum of $86,504,857 has been loaned to 21,039 of them; that $47,798,144 has been used for land purchases, $26,662,909 for stock and equipment, $10,014,531 for permanent improvements and $2,029,273 to re- move encumbrances. Of 61,824 men who applied for land 44,320 have quali- fied as to their fitness for farm work. To qualify, a man must have worked at least a year with a practical farmer, during which time his progress is closely observed. Canada's experiment is being watched by agricultural nations of the world. It has developed--and solved --many new problems. The experiment has proved that young men will re- main on the farms and be contented if the community spirit is properly developed. This community spirit has also brought contentment to the hundred of immigrants in the newly settled regions of the west. The west- ern provinces now boast that a good school is in easy distance of every farm, and that good schools, churches, good roads and a rousing community spirit are largely responsible for the prosperity of the farmer-soldiers, as well as of the west generally. PUBLIC SCHOOL VIOLIN CLASSES Glen Halleck, well-known violin in- structor, has opened classes in the Winnetka public schools. Class ses- sions are held at Horace Mann, Greeley and Hubbard Woods schools. Mr. Halleck has taught privately in north shore hotels for some time and is. favoraly known to many Win- netkans. DEDICATE NEW CHURCH ORGAN that the new organ recently installed in Trinity Lutheran church, Glencoe, is to be dedicated Sunday, March 26, cial programs of music are being ar- ranged for the occasion. No Trouble At All You can step into either of the below stores and find them fully equipped to handle your CLASSIFIED ADS Adams Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Pharmacy or telephone it to WINNETKA 388 POV 00000000000000060004 FOR SALE 2 Vacant Lots on Provident Ave. for $1500 and $2000 A 7-room House on Pine St., over~ looking Blackthorne Rd. $10,000 or better CALL US UP! P.W.BRADSTREET Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 520 Linden' St. Phone 162-147 IRR III III ERI III II III II ILI I II III XX $0000 0000000000006 0000060006664 1909000000900 00000060000060004 PO VVC CP0000 0900000006604 Announcement is made this week at morning and evening services. Spe- 1

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