WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Politics Replace | Social Occasions This Lenten Season URING these Lenten days, so- cial activities are practical- ly at a standstill and society is devoting all of it time and energy to politics. Winnet- ka and north shore women are taking an active interest in the campaign for their own candidate for County Com- missioner, and on Wednesday a group of twelve, including Mesdames Hey- liger A. de Windt, Ralph Childs, Sam- uel McCaulley, George F. Gonsalves, Arthur Dean, Eugene Rummler, James Prindiville, Lowell Copeland, Morris L. Greeley, Charles Byron, S. T. Burke and Ralph Snyder went to town to attend the luncheon given under the auspices of the Country Town Repub- lican Ticket at the Morrison hotel. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, chairman for the Country Towns, and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, candidate for County Commissioner, both of Win- netka, were also in attendance. LAE RR Of great interest in north shore circles is the marriage of Miss Kath- erine Jacobs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vaughn Jacobs of Glen- coe, to Tom Edwards Hough of Evan- ston, which will take place Thursday evening, March 30, at 8:30 o'clock in the Church of St. Elizabeth, Glencoe. The Rev. Dr. Samuel N. Watson will perform the ceremony, which will be followed by a reception at the Skokie Country club. Miss Dorothy Day of Winnetka will attend Miss Jacobs as maid of honor, cand her bridesmaids will be Miss Dorothy Bradford and Miss Elizabeth Whipple of Evanston, and her cousins, the Misses Mary and Susan Miller of Winnetka. Will M. Hough of New York will serve his brother as best man. Whip- ple Jacobs, the bride's brother, John Coolidge of Winnetka, Charles F. Clarke of Chicago and Charles Stuart of New York will be the ushers. The young couple will make their home in Evanston. --_0-- The Helothi Group of the Winnetka Camp Fire Girls met Friday at the home of the secretary, Amy Macintyre, 822 Humboldt avenue. They iwere shown by Nurse Garretson, the proper way to bathe a small baby. Baby George Sellers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers, 807 Pine street, was kindly loaned for the occasion. Mem- bers of the Helothi Group include Miss Ruth Matz, guardian, Adelaide Bar- bery, Susan Burlingham, Ellen I.ori- mer, Louise Lackner, Olga Mangel, Amy Macintyre, Elizabeth Merrill, Leonie Mills, Margaret Newman, Rli- zabeth Richards, Margaret Ross, Lois Scharf, Margaret Sterrett, Ellen Stew- are, Ethel Thomas, Peggy Waidner, Judith Walsh, Sallie Winds, Vera May Ogan and Hellen Brown. ---- An enjoyable affair was held at Community House on Tuesday of this week, when the fifteenth anniversary of the foundation of the Winnetka Branch of the Royal Neighbors of America was celebrated. Following the regular meeting, at which time there were ten new members initiated, the guests, one hundred in all, par- ticipated in a game of bunco. Re- freshments were served, and the cele- bration was called a decided success. A meeting of the Woman's Society of the Congregational church will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest J. Allsebrooke, 747 Lincoln avenue, on Wednesday, March 22, at 2:30 o'clock. The subject of the program is "The (Gospel and the Plow in India." The guest of honor will be Mrs. Clarence E. Wolsted, wife of the new minister under appointment to India. The women of the church and congregation are cordially urged to come and meet her. Attention is called to the fact that this meeting is to be held on the regular fourth Wednesday of the month, not on March 29, not as an- nounced on the post-cards. : phe "Modern Poetry" will be discussed at the meeting of the Winnetka Woman's Club on next Thursday after- noon, which will be conducted under the auspices of the Art and Litera- ture committee. Mrs. Carl Rodin, formerly of the Chicago Public Libra- ry will be the speaker. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Charles N. Ascheim, Warner H. Robinson, El- mer E. Stults and Fritz Wagner, Jr, The nominating committee, of which Mrs. Eloise W. Wortley is chairman, is eager to have suggestions for can- didates for any and all offices of the club. er : Mrs. Harry Craig entertained the Community Drama Club on Monday afternoon at her home, 592 Provident avenue. Miss Olive Grover of New Trier High school related some of her experiences at the "47 Workshop" of Boston, and demonstrated stage scen- ery and lighting with her miniature stage. Mrs. Dwight Green read some amusing selections from "The Custard Cup," by Florence Bingham Livings- ton. --Q-- The Women's Gymnasium Class at the Community House is always en- joyable, especially so on Wednesday last. Mr. Clark, the director, instructed in a new Spanish dance, and later two baseball nines were chosen for an interesting game, made more in- teresting because no one knew very much about the game. ee (Pe Miss Leila Houghteling, 731 Prospect avenue, left last Saturday to join her mother, Mrs. James L. Houghteling, in Del Monte, Cal. Mrs. and Miss Hough- teling will return to Winnetka early in April. in must be thoroughly Cle dt De Tho ugly Beautifid ~ NY RINELLO Lettuce Cream is the best means of coaxing hidden dirt from the pores and properly preparing the skin for applica- tion of the next cream essential to the individual need. PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm St. Winnetka 822 WINNETKA, ILL. Save Every Phase of Their Childhood The photography of children has been a study with us. All too soon they grow up. Photograph them along the way. STANTON WILHITZ PHOTOGRAPHER 743 ELM ST. Miss Ruth Moulding, 1004 Green- wood avenue, who is traveling through the east as visiting delegate for the Alpha Phi sorority, is at Ann Arbor, Michigan this week. From there she will go to the University of Toronto, Cornell, Syracuse, Boston and Gouch- er. Before her return she will visit York city. --_---- The last two of the series of lectures on "American Fiction" by Professor James Weber Linn of the University of Chicago, at the Woman's club un- der the auspices of the Art and Liter- ature committee will be given on the evening of Wednesday, March 22, and Monday, March 27. --Q-- Mrs. Caswell Alan Sharpe, who re- cently sold her home at 64 Bellevue place, Chicago, has taken a house in Winnetka and will move out May first. With her will go her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Boswell. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Russell Saf- ford of Glencoe have issued invita- tions for the wedding of their daugh- ter, Miss Helen Safford, to Mr. Arte- mus DeLong Watson, Jr., Thursday, April 6. --Q-- Mrs. Anna Scheiner is seriously ill at St. Francis hospital, Evanston. eed ddoddlddd ni dh db ds, dbs, Ab J, A i di A db fl db a i i, A. fle Ain did Crisp and Brown-- --Hot off the fire-- delicious fried chick- en--dressed to your individual order. 00000 Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 0000006000000 0000ilall VIVIPIPITPIPITIIIITIIIIIIIIIVIISOO COs PVP IIIIIIIIVIIIIY edodddddddddddodbdodbdldld PVOPIPIPVIIVIIIIVIIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIOS DRESS-APRONS Excellent spring and summer house dresses Neat, tasty and ser- viceable. A card will bring a sample show- ing to your door. Prices Range From $1.75 to $3.00 Kindly mail your order to S. E/RUSSF1 1, care Florence R. Anthony . BOX 122 Winnetka, Illinois Mr. and Mrs. John Coolidge are giving a dinner party for Miss Kath- erine Jacobs and Mr. Tom Edwards Hough this evening at their home, 757 Foxdale avenue, followed by a theatre party. a The Rosewood Circle will meet Tues- day, March 21, at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Norman S. Quinn, 1059 Chatfield road. Mrs. H. E. Odhner will be the assist- ing hostess. Mrs. Arthur Sawyer will read. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Rush Clark of Locust road, are at the Ritz Carlton in New York. The Oak Street Circle will meet Tuesday, March 21, at 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Hoyt Holden, 959 Ash street. Mrs. Holden will be assisted by Mrs. Anna Bacon. Mrs. C. S. Jewell will give a symposium of Home Economics and Mrs. Ralph L. Cooke will sing. --r-- Mr. Allen Wyman, who has been in- structing in golf in Cleveland during the winter months, is spending a few days at his home, 150 Lake street, before going to Quincey, Ill ---- Mr. and Mrs. John Mills of 694 Center street announce the birth of a son, Arnold Gordon, on March 9. Distinctive Soroductions, inc. presents Groner Aniiss "ho oulings asin' FROM EARL DERR BIGGERS' STORY IN THE SATURDAY EVENING POST] SCENARIO BY FORREST HALSEY-- DIRECTED BY HARMON WEIGHT NO MAN IS INDISPENSABLE Except to his own family, says the Inimitable Arliss in a role full of common sense and chuckles. "A DISTINCTIVE PRODUCTION" COMMUNITY HOUSE FRIDAY, MARCH 24th 7:15 and 8:45 P. M. ADMISSION 25¢ properly fitted. here. SPECIAL CARE PARTICULAR SERVICE Bring your children to a shoe store where you may be sure they will be Young feet are easily spoiled, but they are safe We have full lines of the best makes of children's shoes. Our repair departmen? is run in the same conscientious way---every job that leaves our store is well done--- and the material we use is the best obtainable. Blomdahl and Sundmark 805 Elm Street Winnetka Phone 1108