Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Mar 1922, p. 15

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£\ Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922 FOR SALE--VACANT RIPARIAN RIGHTS FOR SALE--OWNER DESIRING SHER- idan Road property with private beach facilities in a near suburb, into 70x150 ft. lots at $7,500. Young protestant couples of standing only. Address Lake Shore News A-68. Ltg20-1tc FOR SALE--8 ROOM WHITE CLAP- board and green shingled house, wooded lot, 5 bed rooms, 1 bath, house in perfect condition. White enameled woodwork, . sleeping porch. Price $12,000. Tel. Charged Double Price. Win. 1133 . Northeast of Winn. Station. Tg2-1te REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM stucco bungalow, like new, choice neighborhood, garage, bargain; only $8,600. Easy terms. ot room bungalow, 2 porches, large living room, good neighborhood, modern throughout; price, $8,750. 7 room stucco house, 3 porches, water heat, lot 50x176, east location, splendid value; price $12,000. Modern 7 room stucco house, Nokol heat, garage, lot 100x156, choice neighbor- hood; convenient to trans. $14,000. 7 room white colonial in high class neigh- borhood of Glencoe. Wonderful large living room, breakfast and sleeping porches, large wooded lot with 2 car garage. Price of $20,000 is a bargain and includes living room carpet, stair runner and Kitchen linoleum. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phones 640-1417-2066 Wilmette, Illinois Ltg20-1tc COMFORTABLE 9 ROOM FRAME ON A beautiful deep wooded lot in attractive east location. Only $9,000. Reasonable terms. Attractive 9 room stucco on finely wooded lot in north east section. All rooms canvassed; tile bath; slpg and breakfast porches. Only $16,500. Substantial 8 room stucco between steam and "L". Large light airy rooms; 2 baths and shower; sun and slpg. prchs.; large garage, splendid lot; hot wtr. ht. A bargain at $18,000. Make offer. New 6 room stucco in ideal east location; h. wtr. ht.; tile bath; extra toilet and lav.; sun and slp. prchs; garage. Won- derful value at $18,500. New 8 room stucco nearly finished; 2 baths; h. wtr. ht.; immense liv. rm.; fireplace; mahogany finish; best value ever at $21,500. Riparian right lot at only $257 per foot in choicest northeast section. : M. E. BARKER CO. End of "I.' 407 Linden. Ph. Wil. 407 Ltg20-1tc FOR SALE--WILMETTE, MODERN 7 room stucco, water heat, 4 bed rooms, 1 bath, sun, slpg and brkfst porches, garage, good lot, $12,000. room frame, 3 blocks to "IL", 100 feet of ground; $13,500. Ground alone worth $9,000. Can also be bought with 50 feet. room brick and stucco, vapor heat, 6 bed rooms, 2 baths, billiard rm., sun, slpg and brkfst rooms, 2 car garage. Yard landscaped. Bargain at $23,000. For Sale--Winnetka, modern 7 room brick, E. water heat, 3 inc. prchs, large attic, garage. $13,500. New White colonial, S. E., sun and slpg -3 © porches, attached and heated garage, 60 foot lot, 3 bed rooms, 2 tile baths. Price, $20,500. HILL & WHEELER 743 Elm St. 401 Linden Ave. Tel. Win. 142. Tel. Wil. 93 Ltg20-1tc 7 ROOM STUCCO CANVASS WALLS and ceilings. Fine wooded lot. De- sirable northeast location. Price $16,500. 9 room stucco. Beautiful 60x190 lot. Fine location. Price $18,000. 6 room brick. Finest east location, over- looking lake. Price $20,000. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 Fourth St. Phone Wilmette 1304 Ltg20-1te FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--5 ROOM BUNGALOW; H. w. heat, 1 bath, large attic, reasonable terms. Inquire 706 Foxdale Ave, Winn. Tel. Win. 631-J. Lit20-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--LARGE HOME ON LARGE lot $200 per month, east of tracks. 10 bedrooms, 4 bath rooms, 2 pairs lava- tories and toilets, building is 30 x 50, 4 stories, stucco finish, American Radiator Co. type A. heating boiler and ample radiation. Living room 14x30, garden room 14x30, sleeping prchs, 2 each 8x30, garage for 2 cars. Open for inspection. No. 7 Frost Place, Lake Forest, Ill. Van Wagenen Alling. Tel. Lake Forest 148. For sale for $20,000. Enclosing walls from rear. T2-1te FOR RENT---MAY 1ST TO SEPT. OR Oct 1st, pleasant 8 room fur. house, 4 or 5 bedrooms; newly decorated; large yard and garden. Adults prf. 731 10th St., Wilmette. Lt20-1tp FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, 274 SO. Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. 1 block north of Scott. Tel. Glen. 945 after 7 p. m. Ltgl19-2tc FOR RENT--TEN ROOM HOUSE AND garage. Address 1035 Williow St., vin T2-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--FLAT OR SMALL house 3 to 5 rooms on North Shore, by young married couple, no children, Ad- dress 1163 Green Bay Rd., Glencoe. Tg2-1te WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED house for few months, April 15 or May 1st. 3 adults. References given. Tel. 'Wil. 252, L20-2tp WANTED TO RENT--4 OR 5 ROOM house or apartment in Winnetka, Gross Point or Wilmette. Tel. Win. 941. T2-1tc WANTED TO RENT--A SMALL HOUSE or bungalow on North Shore, $60 per month. Address Lake Shore News A-70. T2-1tp WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1ST, 7 OR 8 room furnished house Winnetka to Highland Park. Tel. Win. 1418. Tg2-1tc WANTED TO RENT--BY MAY 1ST, 5 to 7 room house. Ref. furnished. Tel. 'Wil. 2052 or 537. T1-2tc WANTED TO RENT--BY MAY 1ST, 4 or 5 room house on North Shore. Two adults. Tel. Glen. 805. Ltg20-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENT 'FOR RENT--FURNISHED MODERN 6 apartment and garage for 6 Tel. Winnetka 1657. Ltg20-1te room months or longer. FOR SALE--4 LOTS, mette Ave., Gross Point, 15 minutes' walk to Wilmette depot. $13.50 per front ft. Address Lake Shore News A-69. Ltg20-3tp FOR RENT--COTTAGE FOR RENT--FURNISHED MODERN 6 room house; can be seen evenings and Sundays. 916 Cherry Street, Winnetka. Litg20-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--2 OR 3 ROOMS, BREAK- fast or light housekeeping; garage; Glencoe. Address Winnetka Talk A-73. Tg2-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lt7-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS AMERICAN GENTLEMAN WITH REF- © erences, employed in loop, desires room in private home having very large grounds. Near R. R., elevated. Samuel Cushman, Rm. 525, 327 So. LaSalle, Chicago. Litg20-2tp BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE large or two smaller connecting rooms; has furniture for same. Prefer board also. Address Lake Shore News A-62. Ltg19-2tc I ROOM AND WANTED TO RENT-- bath near schools and trans. Phone Sunday Winn. 1541. T2-1tc WANTED TO RENT--SPACE WANTED TO RENT--SPACE IN A GA- rage near Bryant Ave. and Lloyd Pl, for an electric automobile. Tel. Hamil- ton Daughaday, Winn. 167. T2-1tc HELP WANTED MALE = WANTED--YOUNG MAN WITH TRUCK wagon or Ford touring scar for service twice a week. Tel. Win. 381. T2-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- COOK. ONLY EXPERI- enced need apply. $15. First floor work, no washing. Private room and bath. Address 339 Linden St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 151. Tg2-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL AS MOTH- er"s helper. Will consider party who can give time after school and Satur- days and Sundays. Tel. Wil. 566. o Ltg20-1te WANTED--FROM 2:30 TO 8:00 P. M. each day, reliable girl, white or colored, to help with housework. Good wages to right person. Tel. Winn. 666-J. Tg2-1te WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN (WHITE) for general housework. No washing. Small house; good home $15.. 517 Cum- nor Rd., Kenilworth. ILt20-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. Should have general knowledge of bookkeeping. Opportunity to learn cost accounting. Tel. Winn. 165. Tg2-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry; 3 in family. 'Wages $18. Only experienced white need apply. Tel. Winn. 1133. T2-1tc WANTED -- MAIDS FOR GENERAL housework or for work by the day or half-day. 703 Park Ave. Wilmette. Tel. 'Wil. 2520. Tg2-1tp WANTED--NURSERY GOVERNESS OR nurse (protestant) good sewer. Hamill, tel. Winn. 447. Ltg20-1te WANTED--RELIABLE WOMAN, CARE of children, mother's helper where cook is kept. Tel. Wil. 2334. Ltg20-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR HOUSE- work and care of one child. No cooking. Tel. Win. 105. T2-1te WANTED--NURSE (WHITE) TO TAKE care of one child age 3 and do upstairs work. $15. Tel. Win. 1561. Tg2-1tc WANTED--MAID (WHITE) FOR GEN- eral housework. Must be experienced. Mrs. Breit. Tel. Kenil. 1021. T2-1tc MAID (WHITE) FOR GENERAL housework. Tel. Winn. 1606. T2-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG LADY OR MAN FOR telephone calls in Winnetka. Can also use married or single young lady for telephone work right in her home. Sal- ary and bonus. Tel. Winn. 381 or Rogers Park 8171 in evenings. T2-ltc ALL ZA ZX I IIIXIXIIIIIIIXIXIXAN If you wish to rent your home for the summer months, now is the time to list it with us. O P.W.BRADSTREET Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 520 Linden St. Phone 162-147 PD 000000000000 0000000000000 000 0000000000000 00000000000 0 4 AAAAAAAAAA IZA III 75x300 ON WIL- | I SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 15 WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE SERVICE Attractive values in evergreens and estimates furnished Mail post card now For appointments Route 1, Box 141, Morton Grove, Ill. MARSHALL"* POTTINGER 16 years' nursery landscape experience Plans Ltg20-1tp WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways -put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. Ltg-tfe EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE and garden work. Paul Weiler. Tel. Winn. 832. TH1-4tc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- dener"s job or housework or working around house. Tel. Wil. 1729. Lt20-1tp HOUSEMAN WOULD LIKE POSITION. Capable of taking care of car (colored) Tel. Douglas T7453. Lt20-2tp WSEFUL: T.0 WANTED -- COOKING OR CLEANING by day or hour. Tel. Wil. 494. T2-1tc WANTED--ONE WASHING. TEL. WIN. 138. T2-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WE DO TRADING. HAVE YOU LIBERTY BONDS, OLD PIANOS, SEWING MA- CHINES OR ANVTHING TRADE ON PIANOS, PLAYERS, SEWING MACHINES, TALKING MA- CHINES, VACUUM CLEAN- ERS, MANGLES OR WASH- ING MACHINES. OUR GUAR- ANTEE IS GOOD. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis St., Evans- ton, Phone 654. ltgl7-4tc WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc FIRST MORTGAGE 7% GOLD BONDS ON ROGERS PARK TWO-FLAT apartments. These are investments of the highest class. Incumbrance is only 60% of the total value of the security Matures in two to seven years. Denominations are $1,000, $500, $100. J. H. SCHAEFER Investments Telephone Wilmette 434 P. J. GOLDBACH, Special Representative Telephone Wilmette 1038 Ltgl7-tfe Miss Alma Jones, a piano teacher of many vears' experience, receives pupils in her studio, 422 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, and in her home on Ash St. Adult be- ginners a specialty. Send for circular or telephone Winnetka 662-M. T2-1tp" (More Classified Ads on Page 16) PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Ltgl5-tfc WANTED -- HOUSE AND GARDEN work. Tel. Wil. 895-Y4. T1-tfe WANTED--WINDOW CLEANING AND housework. Tel. Win. 984. T2-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED : BY REFINED, capable governess. Will take care of children at 50 cents per hour, day or night. Phone Winnetka 599-M. T2-1tc EUROPE-- Call mornings. DRESSMAKER FROM dresses, coats, gowns. 903 Ash, Winnetka. Ph. Winn. 1688. Mrs. J. B. Anderson. T2-1te FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING, RE- modeling; also children's clothes. by day. Address Lake Shore News A-61. 5 Tg20-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations; reliable. Phone Winn. 911 before 8 A. M. T48-1tfc WANTED--NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St. Win. Phone 674-W, Litgl7-1tfc SITUATION WANTED--BY A FIRST class colored laundress. References. Tel. Glen. 279. Lt20-1tc EXPERIENCED GIRL WISHES NURSE work or upstairs work. Call Kenil- 726-W. T2-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO TAKE home by experienced launderer. Tel Winn. 456. T2-1te WASHING TAKEN ROUGH dry or wet wash. Glencoe 171. 'White. T33-tfc HOME; Phone Work | Made and and trees--for sale. 804 ELM ST. Look to the Condition Of Your Grounds Call this experienced firm and get estimates on the rejuvenation of your estate. Crushed Stone and Cement Driveways Trees Removed, Grading, Pruning 100 Elm trees, 1 inch to 10 inches in diameter; 50 Blue Spruces, 2 to 5 feet, in height; many other shrubs FRANZ KRENN & CO. WINNETKA, ILL. Refinished Telephone 694-1368 Swift Electric Trains to 1:4) a. m. NORTH SHORE --_-- Limited Trains for Chicago leave Winnetka every hour, from 6:41 a. m. Chicago The trains of the North Shore Line glide through the pleasant Lake-rim district at a smooth, swift pace that makes for perfect riding comfort. Clean- liness is a marked advantage of electric travel. quent service eliminates long delays and schedule complications. to offer assistance. Arrivals are prompt. acquainted with this convenient route ? Trained employes are Fre- always alert Are you Express Trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every half-hour from 6:59 a. m. to 7:59 a. m., then 8:32 a. m., and 'every half-hour to 12:02 a. m. Baggage checked to all points SOUTH SIDE Three fast trains daily from Winnetka to 63rd and Dorchester Ave., Chicago. These trains also stop at Loop Sta- tions, 43rd and Calumet, and 63rd and University. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office, Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963

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