Ta g : | Te UL on SEEK NEW DEL FO COOK COUMTY Winnetka leaders Endorse Lieber; State Platform A moral clean-up of Cook county road houses: promotion of good roads; further development and effi- cient management of the Forest Pre- serve; extension of Civil Service to county offices; opposition to the City Hall's influence in county affairs; de- termination to put a woman on the county board. These comprise, es- sentially, the campaign platform of the leaders endorsing the candidacy of Charles F. Peterson for president of the Cook County board: and Ger- trude C. Lieber, James R. Harper, George F. Hand, Michael 'Schiessle and Howard P. Roe, for county com- missioners. Leaders Endorse Letter The above definite campaign pro- gram is contained in a letter ad- dressed to Winnetka citizens this week by Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, and bearing the endorsement of the fol- lowing prominent Winnetkans: Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, Mr. Horace K. Tenney, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mehlhope, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ira Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weis- senberg, Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, Mr. Frank L. Maloney, Mrs. Arthur W. Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Long- worthy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mordock. The letter contained, ag well, a brief but comprehensive record of the histories and civic achievements of the various candidates, and the definite statement that the candidates stand as unalterably opposed to the Lundin- Thompson political faction and de- finitely committed to the purpose of securing "a new deal in Cook County." Scouts Show Off Wares At Annual Public Night Annual Boy Scouts Public Night for Winnetka Scout Troop No. 1 was held at Community House Thursday of this week. The evening's program various exhibitions and demonstra- tions of Scouteraft including knot- tying contests, bridge building, sig- nal work and many other interesting features. A packed auditorium greeted the Scouts. Proceeds were directed into the Troop treasury. included FIGHT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Winnetka's grade school basketball championship was to be the point of contention between teams represent- ing the Horace Mann school and the North Shore Country Day school, Thursday afternoon of this week. The game was to be staged at the Com- munity House gym. The Horace Mann Orioles and the Country Day Wild Cats met at Community House What's One to Do When Thomas Feels That Way About It? Joseph I. Thomas, landscape gar-| dener, was highly flattered Saturday | afternoon when a Winnetka police magistrate nicked him to the rounde- lay of $5 and costs on a charge of propelling his demon flivver at the | dizzy pace of 31 miles an hour. Thomas is still dazed over it all. Last Frday he was "picked up" in a high wind by one of Winnetka's motorcycle terrors and informed that his otherwise pokey machine had ac- tually achieved the previously men- tioned excessive rate of speed. "When do I pay for all this?" Thomas shouted in sheer glee. "Gee, you're not anxious to pay, are you?" the copper encountered in amazement. "Anxious to pay?" Thomas queried. "Well 1 guess yes. If that bus can make 31 I've a right to pay plenty. It must have been the wind that did it. The old car hasn't keyed up to more than 15 on her own power since so long ago I can't seem to remem- ber." The motorcycle terror is slowly re- covering, "No pleasure pinchin' a guy like that," he says. 'PENROD' TO ATTRACT LOCAL FILM PATRONS Every detail of Booth Tarkington's laughable characterization of Ameri- can boyhood has been faithfully re- tained for the screen in Marshall Neil- an's production "Penrod," which will be shown at Winnetka Community House next Friday evening. The cast, embodying as it does all the episodes of the stories, is a large one composed mostly of juveniles who are exceptionally adept at their art. In addition to Freckles Barry who stars in the title role, there will be Herman and Verman, the two darkies who featured in the stories, Rupe Col- lins, the town's tough guuy, Georgie Bassett, Maurice Levy and Penrod's sister and suitor. The role of the sister is played by Marjorie Daw who appeared in "The River's End," and "Bob Hampton ot Placer." . With Booth Tarkington's book as a foundation Mr. Neilan has taken the various episodes and moulded them into a coherent picture full of comedy situations and indicative of American boyhood. Among the various incidents said to figure prominently in Penrod's screen career are: the formation of the American Boys' Protective Association, the day at the circus, the dancing class, the amateur theatricals known as "The! Children's Pageant of the Table Rqund," and the capture of two no-| torious bandits by the boys. Winnetka State Bank Capital, Surplus--Undivided Profits $44,000.00 THE Story of the secret of a man's success 1s often the story of what he did with his first dollar. Teach your chil- dren to learn arithmetic out of a bank book. Banking Hours This Bank is open for the transaction of business from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily except Saturday. Saturday hours 8 am. 10 12:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Winnetka, Illinois VAULT FOR STORAGE Elm Street at Lincoln Avenue | Hot Water All Summer Without Coal or Gas And automatically regulated heat and hot water the year round---at one-third the cost of gas. No coal worries--no dirty bins in the cellar----no shoveling---no building of fires. Examine the Breese Engineering Automatic Hot Water and Heating System Write for Engineers' Report to Breese Engineering, Inc., 112 W. Adams St., Chicago. Or telephone Randolph 4140. Bn 55 20 AA QA NX SSN == oN -- ~~ More Life-Saving Stations for the North Shore Your two hospitals are overcrowded--- Every day people are denied admittance St. Francis Hospital Maternity Wing Will have 100 more beds. Will you help? One of your neighbors will call on you shortly. Or, if you prefer, you may send your contribution to John Westreicher, treasurer of St. Francis Hospital Maternity Wing Fund, care of Chamber of Commerce, 608 Davis St., Evanston.