WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922 NEW HOSPITAL WING The proposed new wing of St. Francis Hospital, shown herewith, is to be calied 'Maternity Wing,' and a generous portion of the space devoted to maternity cases. It will accommodate 100 beds, and the rooms are to be moderately priced. Expectant moth: :rs may come to St. Francis with the knowledge that their cases will be cared for as economically as possible. The vacating of the present maternity up a number of inexpensive rooms for section of the hospital will also open general cases. A TO MOTHERHOOD JOSPTL SL0GH St. Francis Workers Stress Need of New Wing Aid to Motherhood is the dominant theme, that workers in the campaign for the wing to St. Francis Hospital are striking, according to sentiments expressed at the various worker's meetings. A letter sent out yesterday to prospective contributors to the cause stresses this point. It asked: "Suppose the stork hovered over your home. You've no assurance that vour wife would be taken care of, un- der present conditions, in any North Shore hospital! For in a territory of 200 square miles--centering in Evans- ton--hospital facilities for bringing babies into the world are greatly be- low the needs. Expectant mothers are being turned away, daily, from the only two hospitals in this whole region. "But the doctors of the staff are helpless in this situation. Every day their patients and patients of many other doctors, are being turned away. What shall we do? We think it wise to build a 'Maternity Wing' at St. Francis. This wing cannot be built without the support of the people we wish to serve. Whether or not your own doctor is a member of the staff-- he is perfectly welcome there--and will be accorded every courtesy. And you are welcome--whatever your creed or race. "When you have read a little more of the work of St. Francis,--on the next pages, you may be moved to sign the enclosed card. That would great- ly hearten us in our work. "It's all very well to talk of 'going to the hospital'--if you've plenty of money to pay all the bills--or if you know some one else is going to pay for you. But for the great number of people who compose our population, it becomes imperative to provide hos- pital quarters that are in keeping with income. And that is what is proposed in the new 'Maternity Wing' at St. Francis--to provide many rooms at a nominal charge. "This four-page letter contains pic- tures of a number of babies who have cause to thank St. Francis and tells about little Robert Francis under the caption 'From a Foundling to one of the Staff'." The story of little Robert Francis is told thus: = "Oh, yes--it's all very well to be held in nurse's arms--and to be the pet Special 3 Days Each Week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday XXX] ~~ Shampooing . . . 50c Manicuring ... 50c Marcelling . . . . 75c Facials .. ..%.,, 1.25 XXXX3 PHOEBE JANE Beauty Parlors 747 Elm St. Winnetka 822 of the hospital for six weeks, after you've been left on an Evanston back- door step. And it's lovely to become 'one of the staff', instead of nobody's baby. "For that is what happened to Robert Francis. The cast-off, the foundling, became the hospital pet, and after six weeks, found a happy home. "Robert Francis is one of thousands of charity patients that have been taken care of since St. Francis was founded." WELLESLEY HONORS NEW TRIER ALUMNAE Two New Trier High school gradu- ates, Dorothea Schmedtgen and Joy Schidenhelm, both of Wilmette, have been given special recognition by Wellesley for excellence in scholar- ship. Principal Eston V. Tubbs of New Trier recently received the fol- lowing significant letter from the sec- retary of the Board of Admission at Wellesley: Mr. Eston V. Tubbs, Principal, New Trier Township High School, Wilmette, Ill. My dear Mr. Tubbs: You will be interested to know that Misses Dorothea Schmedtgen and Joy Scheidenhelm, who completed their preparation in the New Trier High School in 1920, have received Honor- able Mention for the excellence of their work in their freshman year at Wellesley college. We believe that a student's work in her freshman year is an indica- tion of the quality of her preparation, and we are very glad of the oppor- tunity to congratulate your school up- on the records of these students. Very truly yours, Frances L. Knapp, Secretary to the Board of Admission. MASONS AT CHURCH SERVICE Members of the Winnetka Masonic organization are to attend in a body the services at the Winnetka Congre- gational church tomorrow morning. The pastor, Rev. James Austin Rich- ards, will have as his sermon subject on this occasion, "The Full Grown Man." LOSE INFANT SON Richard B. Webster, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Webster, 466 Provident avenue, died suddenly Saturday, March 18, after an illness of but one day. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. James Austin Richards, were held at the home Mon- day at 1:30 o'clock. Burial was at Waldheim. Mrs. George B. Ogan, 845 Linden avenue, left Tuesday for Boston to visit her daughter, Virginia, who is ottending college there. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. George Bisset, 514 Linden avenue, are leaving next week for, a six months' visit at their old homes in Scotland. po SN TN NM" prices. Spring Styles Have Arrived Among them are the Famous Red Cross shoes for Women, Smoked Elk Shoes for Children, and many other stylish comfortable shoes and oxfords for the whole family, and are selling at the most reasonable Come in and let us show you. We do First Class Repairing - Phone Winnetka 694 WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. LUENSMAN, Prop. 804 Elm Street - EEE EEE EE EEE EEN POPP 000 00000000000 000000000 0000000000000 00000000 0 4 FRE Oranges, doz, ..... 2; Pe Cooking Apples, pk. ........ Tomatoes, 15... i. wii: Strawberries ......... are Head Lettuce, head....... re Carrots, bunch... oe... Gow Celery, . bunch. iv. 500 one Potatoes, pk. ...::.... Hey Sweet Potatoes, 3 ibs. for.... 801 Elm St. Delivery 4 times daily by Merchants Delivery Plus High Grade Fruits and Vegetables and a Full Line of Groceries at very reasonable prices FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Asparagus, bunch ......... 0, Sa 90c to $1.05 «fring os sini vin sire SOC NA. BC Mixed Nuts, I. ......--.... Cauliflower, a head. ......... : Spinach, ipl. five iin oo Beets, new, bunch, 10c; 3 for. . String Beans, qt. +..........- Cabbage, 1b. 8c: 2 for... .. ... lei, rE hele mc O0C Rhubarb Ib. .......od. sevice WINNETKA FRUIT STORE POULOPLOS BROS., Proprietors WINNETKA OTL 30c to 60c a A RE 20c Phone 1371 0 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000630045000000¢ 4 N00 0000000000000 00000900000000000000000000000000000000006 4 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 gommunity Fouse Friday, March 31st MARSHALL NEILAN PRESENTS BOOTH TARKINGTON'S "PENROD?" WITH FRECKLES BARRY N\ LA-AADIES AN GEN MEN - ' HeXT WE HAVE EDDIE. THE WOOF FAT Boy'. His UNCLE ug WOOF Admission 25 cents 7:15 and 8:45 Service with a Smile Bring yours troubles here---if they have to do with an automobile. Nothing is so cheering to an owner as to have a quick and accurate diagnosis of the trouble-- and a quick and effi- cient repair job done. We Do It HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 NORTH AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS Phone Winnetka 617 Sasinnnlat--