LS A SS a pr Ch RA i = aL - PE TORY ss ie WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922 21 | . i EASTER SALE with f Easter plants, 4 -- | NEW TRIER STAR 1S Cocaine Smugglers In : The on of Christ church Guild children's frocks, Saturday, April 15, re i | HIGHEST SCORER OF : France Become Adroit will hold 'a sale of home-made cakes, at the Parish House on Oak street. By Paris--Despite the strictest lookout candies, cookies and pies, together Children will sell Easter favors at the HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE exercised by the police force, inland | --__" _ ~ ~ sale. and on the frontiers, trafficking in co- 0 caine goes on as ever in France. Now | = . a > Oficial figures from the suburban |that it is not safe to smuggle the |= There will be no E 3 high school basketball teams through- drug in aeroplanes other means had = = Well Equipped for Import- out the country show that Leffing-|to be found, and some of those em- = ant Post--Murray well, the giant New Trier center, led | ployed are most ingenious and have MO | ION PI( | URES E . oF the league as high point scorer with |so far escaped police notice. Mixing = Prominent citizens along the North 154 markers to his credit. Hansen, | cocaine with ordinary face powder is £ gle rE ont x om Bloor, i Bi to the North fone form, Other means used are hol- = AT e te SarEInger, br : Shore boy wit or low heels in shoes and boots, hollow | = ° = h ke C iB a: of R , . : . A ¥ Eg = now making a strong race for fonom: || FICCOIOL of Evanston, val U6 canes and umbrella handles. Cheap |S Community House 2 ination. Corporation Counse rank. ® ' : 3 J wnite | plaster dolls are also used. E = : Mnrey of Yransion is Nm SeomE A Dons an Re These articles, filled with cocaine | = : ON 2 ocal men indorsing Mr. Li ia, = 3h i nd oft jum, t out of the |= = gandidacy. Vv intervi Mr. Murra San ot oh ers EE em Ph S ik E G d F id A 1 14th = nal interview, og. 5 3 initi ir [E - E toe Mr rs has been an ex olgeine wh iii Dreseiler oly fhose Juiisisd Xow Jponi fear = oo rit ay pri E y he Board of -| and Robinson, the clever pair of for- BE hal Baia 0 1 : : = selient a ey remarkably Pi wards from the champion Oak Park erg to buy them. SWANS AS NO NGO SAASAAIAAIND2 a aC a won | uae emmentvens. or A any Evanston property owner has ob-| The figures in the ten highest point : BE jected to an assessment before the|g.orers in the suburban heavyweight Board of Herion, ar Jase as league follow: chairman and member of the boar B. F. T.P. G. h i tigated th tuat with un- . «usual thoroughness and has done ov. | Leffingwell (N. T.)....50 54154 10 . SrYihing ndeeswery to Teach 2 JUSt Qe fp ter (OP). a. 47 24 T1210 Ee "Mr. Litsinger is a lawyer and busi-| Robinson (0. P.).......40 31 111 10 : ness executive of exceptional ability | Carr (Morton) * rials sie eiers 36 38 110 10 Unni EERE COERCED and character, and I recommend him Kenyon (Wauk.) ....... 38 9 8 10 strongly and sincerely." Fleetwood (Bv.) ........ 25 35 85 11 Other men of Mr. Murray's standing | Anderson (N. T.) ...... 36 0 72 10 in the community are also coming out | Seymour (Deer.) ...... 17 32 66 9 strongly for Mr. Litsinger. Gray (Ev.) i... vaeiv 30 0:60 © 8 The Forty club held another of its ) series of dancing parties on Thursday evening at the Winnetka Woman's . Social Happenings |[ cw. a Continued cool weather has so held back the LL __ ---- Mrs. 14a Caswell of Milwaukee, and budding of your trees that it is still possible to Miss Helen Doty of 33 Crescent | Miss Deema Franklin of Leeds, S. D. 1 . place, Wilmette, Is on of tho chair. ure Kicels of Mr. Edgar F. Alden, 352 spray them safely. The first warm spell will men for a - . , x 2 C f IRE Xe make it risky. Have your trees sprayed before an i om- evening, Apel 16 under a euapis | munity House. this change occurs. of the Illini club. a ity Chi Mr. and Mrs. F k Fa 11 F F a a SE a erry Once the Tussock Moth, Cottony Maple, San C a loc of a son, Francis F. Ferry, Jr. . theater as hi 1a tho nial spponrance mer Jose or Oyster Shell scale gets a good grip on utside the Univ js Ps . Horace K. Tenney, Pir a a your trees they are hard to blast loose. was written by pudenis who Ph = mes, S . . . 22 figs ana sloomient oftects. & mu || Take Your Choice, Take care of them now. This experienced b f Chicago boys are in the cast, which is composed entirely of men | They 're All Good firm of tree surgeons possesses the knowledge students. , 2 h k d k : E . Lee -- Voters' League that makes good work a certainty. Estir..._s yn The marriage of Miss Virginia B 1 dl f - kh 4 Pg S , daughter o rs. Maude V. fa 8 3% ey Fiz 0g Frank B. Parker of| In so far as the Legislative Voters g a y urnisncd. Y Rh Rogers Park was quietly solemnized | League of the State of Illinois is con- : place Wednesday evening, included a = linen shower given Monday at the|land, a fourth candidate in the pri- |g ® home of Miss Katherine Calhoun of | maries, also received favorable men- |g i Glencoe and a tea and miscellaneous | tion by the league. | shower Sunday, when Miss Virginia North Shore leaders of the Legisla- | mg o Thompson of Wilmette was hostess. |tive Voters League are Shelby M.|m - --O-- Singleton of Wilmette, Executive Sec- | I Mrs. Fred F. Cain and her daughter, | retary; George E. Cole of Wilmette, |H 6 " Mrs. Addison Burbank of Hubbard | Henry P. Crowell of Winnetka, Harold | BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY A Woods, former Wilmette residents, 1. Ickes of Winnetka, members of the | HM o . bave recently returned from an ex-| Executive committee. The league has | 561 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Phone Win. 392 a tended visit in California. advisory councils in every senatorial | =~ yO district. 5 ] . . = Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gary opened NE GAL m Qur prices are never high - - Buy here and save money = their residence in Hubbard Woods this UNCLE SAM SCHOOLS = n week. During the winter they have . B ks been occupying the Lewis Cochran INCOME TAX EXPERTS ™] apartment on Astor street, Chicago. » - T x 5 " BLUE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuttle have| Washington, D. C.--Uncle Sam con- R BLU . bd purchased the house occupied by Mr. | ducts a school at Washington in which = @ 1 1 un and Mrs. Edwin P. Price, at 699 Wal- | he trains auditors and inspectors for n" 3 (9) N pecia a e | | den road, and will take up occupancy | the express purpose of checking up ~ | about May first. meme tax returns. 1 195 | H Extra Fancy Roman Beauties, 3 lbs...... 35¢ - 0 Each mops a new Ho 25 = u Mrs. W. S. Sergeant and daughter, | "20s to school." They must first Dass im Indian River Oranges, doz., ...... 50c and 60c u Miss Juliette Sergeant, who have been certain civil service requirements of = Hu the guests of Mrs. Edgar F. Alden, |bookkeeping knowledge and experi- |g New Potatoes, 3 Ibs. ici. vevnnion 25¢ " 352 Linden stret, lave returned io un school they receive six weeks' u - their home in Washington, v.C ie ceri I ee ate n Lemons, doz. .i don. smd iv SR 35¢ * : : of the income tax law, by means of | | v uy Seok Ament Nits AH Liss: Toohires aod deal Isractin by - Russet 1daho Potatoes, pk.i.............. 49c pi Withom Aver Melinney, 1200 Cunt, | S2poris, They Bre paid full seiary ig Sweet Potatoes, 3088. .................s 35¢ . field road. Positions are Open. = u : --_0-- AT cu f od : : The Clvil Service Commission has H Mrs. William B. ReQua of Chicago : : aL : z = is giving a luncheon at the Chicago |2hnounced that a To ag on i - Fresh Strawberries, pt. box. .30c Cauliflower, hea 200 40 .......... 5s inuemens 40c gp Woman's Aietie 29 Follows? by a | United States to test the qualifications |@ Bananas. doz 0c and b Spinach, ple nio . i i ee SES 30c =m LSyNes aty for Miss Frances Thomp-| o¢ applicants for positions of auditor |g Ae ERE a p Blue Geoose-Tomatoes, Ib. . .......0 ovine: 25¢ = : -- ang Sespeetony ia fhetianie 23 H Fresh Cocoanuts, each ....... 10c Yead Lettuce, per bunch....... 00, 10c, 15¢c, 20c g Miss Kathryne Greene, 776 Prospect | enye, The entrance salaries offered |g Sfor ow La 25¢ Fresh Carrots, bunch 10c, 3 for ............... 5c H i avenue, returned Monday from a ten | rage from $1,800 to $3,000 a year. ™] 3 Green and-Wax Beans, qt... ...000L LL 08 ov 25¢ = days' stay at French Lick Springs,| Full information and application ig Fresh Mushrooms..... low price Celery, 3 bunches for 25c, and 2 bunches for. ...25c - Ind. blanks may be obtained from the (pg n i 8 =--0-- : United States Civil Service Commis- |p = Les Mr. and Mrs. James L. Houghteling, | sion, Washington, D. C., or from the |p DELIVERY MADE ON ORDERS OF $2.00 AND UP .e 22 Jr., have taken a house in Winnetka | Civil Service Board at the post office |g = for the summer. or customhouse in any city. 7.4 0 A on Wednesday evening at the family home, 920 Main street, Evanston. Rev. Horace Greeley Smith, pastor of the Hemenway Methodist church read the service at eight o'clock in the pres- ence of the immediate family and few intimate friends. Miss Esther Fritzenshaf and Mr. Kirby Leh- man, both of Chicago, were the only attendants. Among the out-of- town guests were Mrs. Smurr's sister and brother, Mrs. Harry Palmer of Cleveland, O., and Dr. Payson Hoyt of Hoopston, 111. Until a few years ago, the Smurr family were residents of this village. --Q-- Prenuptial affairs for Miss Evelyn Lucy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wells Smith, whose mar- riage to Raymond Briggs LaSelle took cerned all Seventh district Republi- can candidates for the General As- sembly at the April 11 primaries are estimable men and worthy of con- sideration by the voting public. Howard P. Castle of Barrington, who is ending his second term, is credited by the Legislative Voters league with "a record which entitles him to be renominated." He is called "one of the most useful and inde- pendent members of the House." Roy M. McKerchar and Lewis B. Springer, both of Wilmette, the for- mer an attorney and an officer in the late war, the latter a real estate and investment broker, are characterized by the league as "well qualified for service in the General Assembly and entitled to favorable consideration at the hands of the voters. Charles S. Waterman of South Hol- THOMAS J. LYNCH TREE SPECIALIST Phone Win. 1294 OFFICE--2 Prouty Building NURSERY--1131 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka Phone Glencoe 514 Glencoe 3 ses J LE _m----hhmnim= Soy NN ON OM