WINNETKA, WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 League of Women Voters Hold Final Meeting Tuesday ITH sincere belief in the no- ble purpose which gave birth to our nation and in the lofty principles which have been wrought into its constitution; with ar- dent love for the country which has conferred upon me a priceless herit- age of freedom and opportunity, I gratefully acknowledge my privileges and obligations as an American citi- zen, and promise to vote at all pri- maries and elections so that I may help to give assurance that '"govern- ment of the people, by the people, and for the peaple shall not perish from the earth." The Chicago Association of Com- merce sent out this communication in the form of a Citizen's Pledge to hundreds of citizens in Chicago. This so perfectly expresses the feeling and sentiment of the Winnetka League of Women Voters that it is printed with the sincere hope that every wo- man in Winnetka will read it care- fully and thoughtfully. with the con- viction that this "American Citizen" is herself. The Winnetka League has come into existence in our community for the purpose of augmenting strength through the organization, so that this strength may be used in helping to effectively remove the dis- honest or incompetent office holder, putting into his place the man or Wo- man best fitted for that position. Just how helpful we may be in this di- rection will depend upon how intelli- gent we are in our voting and how persistent we are in our efforts. The League extends a cordial invitation to every woman in Winnetka to at- tend its meetings. The last meeting of the League un- til October, will be on Tuesday after- noon, May 9, at 2:30 o'clock at the Winnetka Woman's Club. Mrs. James W. Morrison, well known in Chicago for the splendid civic work that she is doing will give an address on "Wo- men in the Party." Remember the date and time, invite friends and come. --t ya NORTH SHORE CATHOLIC WOMAN'S LEAGUE At the annual meeting of the North Shore (Catholic Woman's league, held last Wednesday at the Winnetka Woman's club, the following officers were clocted forthe ensuing year: President, Mrs. A. E. Tilroe, of Win- netka; first vice president, Mrs. B..T. ADELPHI THEATRE 7074 N. CLARK at ESTES SAM ATKINSON, Managing Director Friday and Saturday APRIL 28th and 29th Constance Talmadge IN "POLLY OF THE FOLLIES" SUNDAY APRIL 30th "The Spanish Jade" with DAVID POWELL from Louis Vance's Stage Queens MON. TUES. and WED. "FOOLS PARADISE" This THEATRE Has More Parking Accommodation Than Any Theatre On The North Side. I oy The Smartest and Best Dressed Women In Chicago have thelr Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT " THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "Made with your own material' Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash NEWS of the NORTH SHORE CLUBS | McGivern of Winnetka; second vice president, Mrs. J. S. Cook, Wilmette; third vice president, Mrs. H. E. Mills of Highland Park; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Charles Ryan, Hubbard Woods; financial secretary, Mrs. John Fischer, Glencoe; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Lawrence Schramm, Hub- bard Woods; treasurer, Mrs. George B. Walkey, Hubbard Woods. Directors for term of three years: Mrs. V. Muzzik, of Highwood, Mrs. W. H. Burke, Highland Park, Mrs. Fahey and Mrs. N. N. Henrich of Winnetka. Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster was elected to fill a two year term vacancy. The old directors remain- ing on the board are Mrs. F. L. Ma- loney, Mrs. Fred Hubsch, of Winnet- ka, Mrs. William Dooley, Highland Park, Mrs. N. P. Anderson, Evanston, Mrs. H. M. Roberts, Mrs. A. C. Pear- son, Winnetka, and Mrs. Joseph H. Stipe, Ravinia, gr CATHOLIC CLUB LUNCHEON The Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- mette will hold its annual luncheon on Wednesday, May 3, at 12:30 o'clock at the North Shore hotel in Evanston The officers who are to be elected at the meeting of the club today, will be in- stalled, and a delightful program of music has been arranged. Reserva- tions for the luncheon must be made to Mrs. J. D. Pahlman, 230 Gregory avenue, not later than Monday, May 1. ye KAPPA DELTA PARTY The alumnae of the Kappa Delta sorority will hold a May party in the Florentine room of the Congress Hotel Saturday w=evening, May 13, at eight o'clock. The dancing will be un- der the direction of Mrs. Harlow 0YBUR H! Davis St., iN MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 James Next Week Monday and Tuesday May 1 and 2 DOUBLE FEATURE CONSTANCE BINNEY in "Midnight" HAROLD LLOYD in **Never Weaken" Wednesday and Thursday, May 3 and 4 THE EMINENT ARTIST GEORGE ARLISS in "'Disraeli" A Production of Note Friday and Saturday May 5 and 6 A PARAMOUNT PICTURE "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" with Anna Q. Nillson A Delightful Comedy~-Drama COMING MAY 8-9-10 NORMA TALMADGE IN "SMILIN'-- THROUGH" CLEVELAND 6 Cyl., Cord Tires, Step-Plates, Motometer Complete $1195 Earl Coal Motor Co. 1019 Davis Street Phone Evanston 578 Evanston man's Missionary Society of the Glen- coe Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Henry White, 483 Madison ave. Glencoe, on Monday, May 1, at 2 o'clock, The speakers will be Mrs. J. W. Barry," superintendent of Jail Work, and Mrs. Alice Lewis, who PASTOR CHANGES RESIDENCE : : : will talk on "Foreign Missions." Rev. James A. Richards leaves his home at 577 Ash street May 1 and for the next six weeks will be in the Davis cottage, 1090 Private road, Hubbard |. Woods. He will be pleased if instead of calling the old telephone number people will remember his new number 660-R. TO TOUR CONTINENT Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Biefer, of Hubbard Woods are to leave the village May 31 for an extended tour of Europe. They are to visit in Ger- many, Switzerland and Ttaly. Mr. ! Kiefer"s contracting business will be | left in charge of his sons, it. is said. The Kiefer's expect to be on the con- tinent for several months. RADIO SUPPLIES Wireless Telephone Receiving Sets and Supplies W. C. T. U. Meeting The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with the Wo- RADIO SUPPLY SHOP H. B. LINDWALL, Prop. 508 Linden St. WINNETKA, ILL. RUGS CARPETS -- LINOLEUM IMPORTED and DOMESTIC It would be to the interest of the North Shore residents to acquaint themselves with the prices offered on floor covering of every description before ordering else- where. In addition to the pride in deal- ing with a North Shore merchant would be the added interes, of furthering the community spirit and advancement. CLEANING and REPAIRING 'DAVID G. BARRY 514 Davis Street EVANSTON Phone Evanston 5712 Sil F.0.B. Cleveland | Special Selling Sport Oxfords Men and Women A very fortunate purchase of Elkskin sport shoes, from one of our manufac- turers, who was overstocked in these numbers, enables us to make a reduc- tion on our sport shoes. This purchase is from one of our regu- lar lines, and affords a wonderful value at North Shore Bootery 529 Davis St., cor. Chicago Ave. Open Saturday Evenings Phone Evanston 6757 Junior Column a 0s fs PY \ © (N ki die No The Store For Children 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 00066 THE QUESTIONS 'Dear Kiddie Nook: "What to wear," that's the question--Whether 'tis better to buy clothes from you, or have them made at home, the same as mother and grandmother did many years ago, before they had such modern and convenient stores as today--that's another question. When mother wants anything becoming herself, I notice she prefers an up-to-date dress- maker, or else a reliable store, where she can find the best of everything ready to wear, us- ually at lower prices than con- parable with home-made affairs. I guess she knows the style and quality are hard to duplicate in most cases. Now, why should- n't the same logic apply to my- self? I like becoming things for school, parties, or wherever I go. Every time I pass your attrac- tive Store For Children, my questions are answered beyond a doubt. I think it glorious to have an up-to-date store so handy, where we can buy latest styles for young people, at prices so reasonable that we can't com- pete at home. Here's wishing you every encouragement! P. S. I want to make a little confession. One day, we saw an adorable dress in your win- dow. I wanted to come in and price it, but mother said, "No, no. They might expect us to buy. We shall go home and copy #7" Afton Eley degse vin made, I was so disappointed be- cause it didn't look like the original, that we have concluded it don't pay to economize that way. Besides, I wonder whether it is just the right thing to copy your styles? 8% ANSWER Your questions deserve helpful and conscientious attention. Hence, the Junior Column is entirely at your service this week. You seem to know the answer, however. Indeed, most boys and girls in our vicinity would probably answer your questions in about the same words -- Kiddie Nook. . As for copying our styles, we appreciate the compliment of having our selections imitated. There are two reasons, however, why we do not believe it quite fair to copy. The designers and makers of these styles de- serve support, not to for- get the store which offers them to you at lowest possible prices. Then, if styles are copied too much, they cease to be exclusive, and that is the main reason why, for the sake of our customers, we ask you to buy our dresses, if you like them, and not merely copy them. We sell very few garments alike for this reason, that we may as- sure our customers of ex- clusive styles.