WINNETKA, WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 WANT ADS Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--SMALL house with lot by the first or fifteenth of May. Family of two adults. Add. Box 11, Winnetka, IIL TG25-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED--HOUSE TO RENT. SMALL house. Winn. to Glencoe; family of 2; willing to pay 6 months advance. Win. 1478. T7-1tc FOR RENT--BUNGALOW GOING FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS Want to rent my new modern large brick bungalow; beautifully furnished; large sun parlor and breakfast port; ex- ceptionally large living and dining rooms. This bungalow can be had very reason- able. It will pay you to investigate. Phone Wilmette 775-7. Lt25-1tc A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. Unexcelled Service to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate 5-R. stucco bungalow, sleeping porch, convenient to Northwestern transporta- tion. $8,000. 7-R. frame, east location, convenient to transportation, nicely wooded lot. Price $13,700 7-R. stucco, 3 porches, very good E. lo- cation, 2 car garage. Owner going West. $15,500. Beautiful new 6-R. brick and stucco, col- onial, centrally located. $18,500. 6-R. stucco, H. W. heat, wonderful E. location, nice lot, house very modern in every respect. $21,000. 8-R. brick and stucco bungalow, 3 porches, (front, sleep. and break.),.lot 82x1641%, arco heat, 3 blocks to "L'" and Lake. 25,000. Wonderful 9-R. white colonial, 3 porches, lot 62x175, exceptionally desirable E. location. $28,000 Real bargain in vacant on Chestnut Ave. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phones: 640-1417-2066 Wilmette, Illinois. Ltg25-1tc M. L. MOODY & CO. 5 oom BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, 5,800. 5 room stucco bungalow, fine loc. $8,300. 5 room new brick bung., beaut. 'wooded lot, $10,500. 6 room new stucco, sacrif. cash, $1,000, $9,500. 8 room stucco, water heat, 46x300, 2 car garage, east. Bargain, $11,500. For Rent--New 6. room house, only 390. BUY Lis last lot in Wilmette fcr only We suggest you inspect our list of low priced lots, and also the choice ones on the Road, one block to lake, per ft. $115. 511 4th St. Tel. Wil. 2218 LTG25-1tc FOR SALE--WILMETTE, NEW 5 RM. bungalow, 2 large bed rooms, paneled dining room, large living and music room. Open front porch, $8,000. E. Z. terms. Sixty-eight feet of wooded vacant three blocks from sta. Improvements all in and paid for: $1,750. 'For Sale--Winnetka, new colonial home, six rooms, sun and slp. pchs., two baths, vapor heat, old ivory trim., wooded lot. A real bargain for $16,500. ($2,500 to turn). Seventy feet of vacant in the most exclu- sive N. E. section of Winn. Wonderful site for a first class home. One of the few lots Lgke in this part of the village. Price $6,300 + HILL-& WHEELER 401 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil 743 Elm St., Winn. 93 and Winn. 142 Litg25-1tc FOR SALE--NEW 7-R. COLONIAL IN very finest location; H. W. heat; sun and sleep. pch.; bath all tile; breakfast nook; hugh colonial liv, r.; firepl.; large wooded lot. The best buy ever at $15,- 500 and on terms. Brand new 7-r. brick in very choicest east section; unusually clever and attractive sun and sleep, pchs.; h. w. heat; 2 tile baths; shower; splendid wooded lot; owner must sell; make offer. Semi-colonial home on huge wooded cor- ner; finest location; 3 baths; 9 large sunny rms.; extra fine living rm. Re- duced now to $25,000. A remarkable bargain. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 407 Linden, Ph. Wilmette 407 Ltg25-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--BEAUTIFUL NEW TUN- furnished suite of rooms, fine bath, light, heat, hot water, light house- keeping; adults. Tel. Wil. 1940. Ltg25-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lt-17-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, 806 Elm St., near restaurant and trans. TT7-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM WITH PRIV- ate bath, 3 blocks from station. Ad- dress Weekly Talk B-1. T6-2tc FOR RENT--FURN. SITTING ROOM and bed room with private bath. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk B-2. T6-2tc FOR SALE--FURNISHED ROOMS FOR couple or gentlemen. Address Winnet- ka Talk B-9. he WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS YOUNG MAN WANTED, ROOM AND bath, near cafeteria; best references. 365 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Win. 36 and ask for Paul. T7-1te COMPANION COMPANION OR TUTOR TO TRAVEL abroad, French instructor, linguist 30 years previous experience. Address Lake Shore News, B-9. LTG25-1tp SIT. WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- MAN AND wife experienced and willing to work as. couple, good ref. Tel. Glen. B18 os HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--PERSON TO CARE FOR child afternoons. Tel. Wil. 1615. Ltg25-1tc WANTED--NURSE GIRL OR WOMAN Monday, Wednesday and Friday after- noons from 1 to 5:30 to care for boy 3 years old. Tel. Kenil. 1007. Lt25-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work. Tel. Mr. Percy Cutler, 1016 Ash- land Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 612. Ltg25-1tc WANTED -- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for gen'l house work (white). Tel. Winn. 1558. Ltg25-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED GENERAL maid, good cook, (white); family of three adults. Good wages. 1015 Forest Ave. Tel. Wil. 1775. T7-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A REAL ESTATE SALES- man. 511 4th St. Tel. Wil. 2248. LTG25-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfe WANTED--ONE VELOCIPEDE, SMALL size. Tel. Mrs. McReynolds, Winn. 1076. T7-1te WANTED--USED VELOCIPEDE FOR 7 year old boy.. Tel. Winn 129. T7-1tc MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, NOTARY PUBLIC TYPEWRITING, MULTIGRAPHING, mimeographing, addressing, folding and mailing, promptly and accurately done. Evanston Letter Service, 620 Davis St. Tel. Evans. 6145. Ltg25-4tc SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 434, Tel. Wil. 1038 INVESTMENTS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP Ltg25-1te AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING DONE IN your own garage; cars washed and polished, simonizing reasonable. Phone 'Win. 528-W. T6-2tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Why Don't You Drive Nearly all your friends do--why not you? Perhaps you never realized how easy it is to get a reliable car. A Few of This Week's Offerings CADILLAC SUBURBAN SEDAN 1919 model in the very best of condi- tion; fully equipped; special bargain. BUICK TOURING 1917 model D45, in very good condition. It will stand a rigid inspection. Tires excellent. A reliable car and a bargain purchase. OAKLAND TOURING 1917 production; re-ground cylinders and new pistons; a rare value at the price. BUICK ROADSTER 1915 model; has had mechanical adjust- ment; tires very good; price low. SAXON SIX 1917; bG-passenger, in very good me- chanical condition. Shows very little wear. Continental motor standard equip- ment. This car has seen very little mileage and is well worth the price we are asking. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue 'Winnetka, Phone Winnetka 165 Ltg25-1tc LAYING HENS, "WHITE LEGHORN", FINE STOCK, $1.50 EACH. "LITTLE QUEEN" BROODER STOVE $5; BONE GRINDER WITH 4-HORSE- POWER MOTOR $25. SMALL METAL CHICKEN HOUSE ON WHEELS $5. 804 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone 1940. Litg25-1tc FOR SALE--4-BURNER GAS STOVE, 'Reliable'. Bargain at $16.00. Inquire A. R. Eddington & Co., Wil. 640. Litg25-1tc FOR SALE--BABY"S WHITE ENAMEL high chair, scale, nursery heater, play fence and combination push cart and rocker. Also one Corona typewriter. Call Wil. 313. Lt25-1te FOR SALE--COLLIE PUPPIES OUT OF champion registered stock; white col- lars, extra long muzzle. 1627 Walnut Ave., Wil Lt25-1tc FOR SALE--TWO 26 IN. SILK LAMP shades, $10 each, 874 Bluff St., Glencoe. Litg25-1tc FOR SALE--3 PAIR HANDSOME SWISS net and lace curtains $30 a pair. Cost $45, used 6 weeks, also one pair heavy net, panel curtains. Tel. Win. 608. Ltg25-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY, GOV- erness cart and saddle. Tel. Winn. 946. Lit25-1tc FOR SALE--PED. BOSTON BULLDOG, 2-years-4-mo. old. Fine watch dog and pet. Sacrifice for $50 for good home. Now at Dr. Widden, Drexel Ave., Glen- coe, or phone owner, Franklin 5129, Monday. TGT7-1tc FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, CHINA closet, wicker porch furniture (cheap). Complete set Shakespeare, perfect con- dition, handsome binding. Tel. Win. 136. T7-1tc FOR SALE--MANURE. PHONE WIL- mette 890-Y-2. T7-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER, GENER- ally useful. Tel. Win. 58. T7-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL girl will assist as mother's helper. Tel Wil. 2522. Lg25-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. Tgh-4te WANTED--SHERIDAN ROAD HOME, experienced white second maid for family, 3 adults, good wages; references required. Tel. Win. 414. TG7-1te WANTED--A SECOND MAID AT DRCE. Tel. Win. 60. TGT-1te WANTED--SALES LADIES FOR STORE in Wilmette; experienced in selling de- sired but not essential. Apply in own hand-writing. Address Winnetka Talk B-10. T7-1te COLORED WOMAN TO DO LAUNDRY work by day. Apply X Y Z Care Winn. Weekly Talk. T7-2tp DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKING AT 903 ASH STREET. Old country dressmaker. T7-1tp WILL SELL OR TRADE EQUITY OF $15,000 in a $35,000 Winnetka home, for small residence in good location. Add. Lake Shore News B-6. Ltg25-1tc FOR SALE--HOME FOR SALE--GENTLEMAN'S UP-TO- date new country home, in the wilds of Northern Wisconsin on the shores of the famous Manitowishi, including 43 acres with approximately 3,000 feet of shore line, 9 acres under cultivation, main lodge, 7 large rooms, furniture, draperies and rugs, new last year, large front and sleeping porches, screened in separate dormitory, away from main lodge, awnings around all porches and dormitory, electric light and water system, large bathroom, cement floored garage, with work shop, ice house, with 50 tons of ice, large barn, sep- arate cottage for care taker; boat house, 3 boats, 2 Evinrude motors, new one and one-half ton Ford truck, one full blooded Jersey cow, chickens, pigeons, pheasants, perfect roads, from Chicago. Best of hunting and fishing. Price $22,- 500 net. T. Norstrom, owner, 1356 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette, IIL Ltg25-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. LTG24- SITUATION WANTED--BY EXPERI- enced gardener, caretaker with rooms. N. Shore preferred. Married and A-1 references. Thos T. Kees. Telephone Lake Forest 68. LTG24-2tp PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfe WANTED--WINDOW-CLEANING AND housework. Phone Winnetka 984. TT7-1tc WANTED--HOUSE AND GARDEN work; work done reasonable. Tel. Wil. 895-Y-4. T6-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- BY FIRST class gardener (married) (no children), by the 15th of May. Add. Gardener, Box 11, Winnetka, TIL TgT7-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--NICE 6-RM. MODERN res.; 3 bedrooms, bath, glazed sleep. and sun porches; large liv. rm. with fireplace; nice dining rm. and kitchen. Garage. $10,000. Owner must sell for business purposes. Lot 40x165. 599 Fir St., Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1492. T7-1te FOR SALE--7 ROOM HOUSE. PRICE $8,500, $5,000 cash, balance terms. Lot 50x18. Tel. Winn. Ny T7-1tc $5,000 DOWN AND $250 PER MONTH, 12 rooms, 4 baths, east of railroad, not far from station. 2 car garage. 826 Lincoln Ave. T7-1tc FOR SALE--BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW, 5 RMS. breakfast room, tile bath, built-in book cases fireplace, 4 closets. Hot water ht., wooded lot 50x145, good neighborhood, convenient North Western R. R. electric, 2 blocks north and 2 west of Hubbard 'Woods station. Owner 381. Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Illinois. T7-1te FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--4-ROOM FLAT, NEW, HOT water heated. Tel. Wil. 1482, between 5 and p.m. Lt25-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 rooms, glazed dining and sleeping prchs. June 15, Sept. 1st. Tel. Wil. 1615. Ltg25-1tc FOR RENT--12 ROOMS, 4 BATHS, east of railroad, not far 'from sta., slp. porch, 2 car garage, $250. 826 Lincoln Ave. Will redecorate. T7-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- AS HOUSE- man, white, age 35 yrs., married, good references. Please address Box 95, Winnetka, Ill. T7-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT piano, brown mahogany finish, fine condition. Must sell; will accept best offer. Tel. Wil. 633. Ltg25-1te FOR SALE--BRASS BED AND BOX springs, Circassian walnut dresser; bar- gain; couch and pack, chairs, baby's crib. 479 Sunset Road. Tel. Winn. 995. Ltg25-1te FOR SALE--2 HEATERS; GAS AND oil; 2 comb. desks, B. walnut and oak; bed. Phone Wil. 1248. Ltg25-1tc FOR SALE--BROWN LEATHER DAV- enport; good condition, reasonable. Tel. Win. 474. Ltg25-1te FOR SALE--COMPLETE FURNISH- ings of a four-roomed bungalow, chance for newly Weds; cheap. Tel. Glen. 332- M. Ltg25-1tp FOR SALE--CHEAP, ONE WHITE EN- amled iron bed, box springs, Ostermoor felt mattress. Tel. Winn. 969 _ -1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET, SUN parlor set, large couch with pad, square table, genuine wicker, suitable for porch, large wicker rocker, sanitary couch with pad and nurmerous other articles. Tel. Winn. 840. TGT7-1te FOR SALE CHEAR SMALL ICEBOX. Phone Win. 518-R TG-1tc FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, BAS- sinet, play pen; good condition. Phone Winnetka. 1196. 792 Foxdale Ave. { -1te FOR and overcoats cheap; also sell your cast off garments on commission. BAUMANN, The Tailor Cleaners and Dyers 513 West Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 1944 TGT7-1te ONE ROLL TOP OAK DESK. A BAR- gain if taken at once. Litg-1tp SALE--SECOND HAND SUITS GARAGE FOR RENT GARAGE FOR RENT, $10 PER MONTH. 787 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka 918. T7-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--BROWN CAMEO BROOCH SUN- day eve. between Sunset Rd. and Elm St. Liberal reward. Mrs. C. H. Clark. Phone Winnetka 1569. T7-1tc LOST--BOY"S SMALL RED LEATHER cap with black band somewhere in Win- netka or Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1473. T7-1te CADILLAC 8 CYL.; MODEL 51; TOUR. re-bored cyl, new pistons and wrist pins, also other new engine parts. 2 new tires; in good condition throughout. A real bargain. Ltg25-1tc BORLAND ELECTRIC, NEW TIRES, good upholstering, battery practically new. This car is in wonderful shape and has been used very little. Can be seen by appointment at the WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 752 Lincoln Tel. Win. 165 TGT7-1te FOR SALE--BUICK 1919 TOURING IN first class condition. Rex winter top. Tel. Win. 1070. May be seen at Hos- tetter"s garage, 806 Oak St., Winn. T7-1te Serbian Children Grateful For Help (Continued from Page 11.) "I heard, dear Madam, that you are interested (in your country and in your school) in the Serbian children. I send you our thanks and I assure you we will not forget yor kindness and that we will be grateful always for your thoughtfulness of Serbia which suffered very much during the occupation--the schools, the culture and all that have been destroyed. "Be assured of my most grateful thanks, "GRETEN DINITCH." It is interesting to note incidentally, that the letter was correctly trans- lated by Maxine Sallinger, a seventh grade pupil, in a French class test. Nevada Gets Beer Offer By Radio Frc : Hawaii FALLON, Nev.--"Ce over to Hawaii and I'll give + . a bottle of beer." This conversation between a Ha- wailan and a Californian came over the wireless of Dale Likes, fifteen vear old Fallon radio enthusiast, in loud, clear tones. Dale bought his instrument and made everything else himself. He is a regularly licensed radio man of the United States Government, and his station is officially known as Radio 6ATM. NORTH SHORE TALKING MACH. CO. Edgar A. Guest Hear Him on Your VICTROLA A aashaadll eo 1] Here are two characteristic numbers. "Ma and the Auto". recites one of those incidents, " between wife and husband, con- cerning matters of auto naviga- tion, which so electrify Flivver- dom. "It Couldn't Be Done" makes an epic, in lyrical form, of the war-time declaration, "It couldn't be done--here it is!" "Pa" is Father's protest against being used as a bugaboo to threaten the boy who has come home with muddy boots. Ask for Victor Record No. 45258 Zama 'North Shore TALKING MACHINE CO. | ~~==7 Phone 4523 -:- 603 Davis St. EVANSTON Winnetka Office On and after May 1st our Winnetka office will be lo- cated in new and larger quarters, at 728 Elm St., in the new Richardson Garage Buildi J HILL & WHEELER ng. Phone Win. 142 M. P. LOUEN Sales Manager Phone Evanston 4884 open meadows. opportunity. Satisfy That Desire. Springtime---the country---the great Out- o-doors is calling you to enjoy the health--- pleasures---and beauties of the Forest and Take advantage of this Cunningham Can Deliver a Ford Touring NOW. Travel where you will---when you please ---most economically. : down payments. Used cars taken in trade. R. D. CUNNINGHAM FORD and LINCOLN 1he Only Complete Service Station Between Chicago and Highland Park THE UNIVERSAL CAR Cars sold on small 810 Church Street EVANSTON Next to Post Office