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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 May 1922, p. 15

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a a GRAND COUNCIL FIRE A Grand Council Fire for all the Winnetka Camp Fire Girls will be held in the gymnasium of Community House Friday afternoon, May 12 at 4 o'clock. Residents of the village inter- ested in Camp Fire Girls' activities are cordially invited to witness the ceremonies. NOTICE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA BOARD OF APPEALS, Notice is hereby given that in accord- ance with a petition duly filed with the Board of Appeals of the Village of Win- netka, signed by owners of property lo- cated within the territory designated by the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Winnetka as "A--Residence District," a public hearing will be held by the said Board in the Council Chamber -of the Village Hall, Winnetka, Illinois, on Mon- day, May 22nd, A. D. 1922, at eight o'clock P. M., for the consideration of a pro- posed amendment of the said Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Winnetka as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS TWO, THREE AND EIGHTEEN INCLUSIVE, OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1922, AND ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE TO CLASSIFY, REGULATE AND RE- STRICT THE LOCATIONS OF TRADES AND INDUSTRIES AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED FOR SPECIFIED USES, AND TO REGULATE AND LIMIT THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED, TO REGULATE AND LIMIT THE INTENSITY OF THE USE OF LOT AREAS AND TO REGULATE AND DETERMINE THE AREA OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OTHER OPEN SPACES WITHIN AND SURROUND- ING SUCH BUILDINGS, AND TO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS FOR THE SAID PUR- POSES AND PRESCRIBING PENAL- TIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS." THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA DO ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Section Two of an ordinance entitled: '"'An ordinance to classify, regulate and restrict the loca- tions of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for speci- fied uses and to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected, to regulate and limit the inten- sity of the use of lot areas and to regu- Jate and determine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings, and to estab- lish the boundaries of districts for the said purposes and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions, passed and approved on the seventeenth day of January, A. D. 1922, by the Council of the Village of Winnetka, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to the districts created by said section, a new district which shall be known as "A.1" Residence District, and by chang- ing the designation of the number of districts created by said section from "four" to "five" wherever the said word "four" as such designation appears In id section. SA OTION 2. That section 3 of an or- dinance of the Village of Winnetka en- titled and described as set forth in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the ing: follow nf RESIDENCE DISTRICT REGULATIONS 2 USE: No building or premises shall be used and no building shall be here- after erected or altered within the said "A-1" Residence District, unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except for the necessary use to which may be put a single family dwelling, and the usual accessory buildings locat- ed on the same lot, not involving the conduct of a business and including one private garage or one private stable, or both, or a community garage when located on the rear one-third of the jot and not occupying over ten per cent (10%) of the lot and having a set-back of at least thirty (30) feet from any street line, and also including home occupations engaged in by the occupants of a dwelling not involving the conduct of a business on the ises. Pr RIGHT: No building hereafter erected or altered shall exceed thirty- five (35) feet in height, or two and one- 2 stories. TC Bo There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen (15) per cent of the depth of the lot, provided such rear yard be not less than ten (10) feet, and need not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in h. de I -BACK: There shall be a set- back of not less than thirty (30) feet, except that on streets where a uniform set-back has hitherto been maintained by buildings erected on one-half (Ye) or more of the frontage of the block, such uniform set-back shall be con- tinued. Accessory buildings shall not be placed nearer the street line than the building of primary use except on through lots and in such cases the set-back provisions of each street shall bserved. PST m YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of the building having a width of not less than six (6) feet. For lots of separate ownership duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds or in the office of the Regis- trar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois, at the date of the passage of this ordinance, having a width of less than thirty (30) feet, the foregoing require- ments for side yards may be reduced to a minimum width of three (3) feet. OUTER COURT: An outer court shall have a width of not less than five (5) feet, nor be less than two and one-half (2%) inches wide for each foot of height of such court, mor be less than two and one-half (2%) inches wide for each foot of length of such " eourt from the closed end. INNER COURT: An inner court shall have a width of not less than six (6) feet, nor be less than three (3) inches wide for each foot of height of such court, nor shall its area be less than twice the square of its required least mension. EN SITY OF USE OF LOT: No building with its accessory buildings shall occupy in excess of twenty-five per cent (26%) of the area of an inte- rior lot, nor in excess. of thirty-five per cent (35%) of the area of a corner lot. No dwelling or group of dwellings shall hereafter be erected or altered to ac- commodate or make provision for more than one family on any acre of land, except that a_single family dwelling may be erected on any lot having an area of less than one acre, provided that such lot shall be a part of a sub- division of land duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, or duly filed in the office of the Regis- trar of Titles of Cook County, prior to the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That Section 18 of an or- dinance of the Village of 'Winnetka en- titled and described as set forth in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto after the last paragraph describing the real estate situated within the district designated 'D" Industrial District, before the paragraph designated "A" Residence District appearing in said Sec- tion 18, the following: "A-1" RESIDENCE DISTRICT: For the purposes of this ordinance the fol- lowing described real estate situated within the Village of Winnetka, is hereby declared to be included within the district designated by this ordinance as '""A-1" Residence District: All real estate situated within the Village of Winnetka and lying East of the East line of Sheridan Road and between the North and South corporate limits of said Village of Winnetka. SECTION 4. That Section 18 of an ordinance of the Village of Winnetka en- titled and described as set forth in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in the paragraph appearing in said Sec- tion 18 entitled "A" Residence District, after the word "designated" and before the letter "B," the words and figures following: '"'A.1' Residence District" SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after approval and posting. A copy of the said proposed ordinance and a map showing the proposed change in district boundaries, will be accessible for examination by interested parties in the office of the Village Clerk at the Village Hall, Winnetka, Illinois. DATED the 4th day of May, A. D. 1922. ROBERT KINGERY, CHARLES L. BYRON, CORAM T. DAVIS. BOARD OF APPEALS, VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. its passage, VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. IN THE_SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 376568. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, hav- ing ordered the improvement of Foxdale Avenue, from the south line extended of the present pavement in North ®Ave- nue, twenty-two (22) feet north of and parallel with the south line extended of said North Avenue, southerly to a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and par- allel with the northerly line extended of Lot Twenty-nine (29) in Block Six (6) in Winnetka Park Bluffs Subdivision, in- cluding the street returns at Eldorado Street and Summit Street as far back as the street lines extended of said Fox- dale Avenue, by grading and preparing the subgrade for combined curb and gut- ter and walk and pavement approaches, constructing combined curb and gutter, storm water inlets, and new sidewalk and pavement approaches where altered, adjusting present catch basins, present sidewalk approaches and present pave- ments, furnishing and setting catch basin and manhole covers, cleaning present pavement, top dressing the present road- way and the new pavement approaches with Tarvia or its equal, covering said Tarvia top dressing with a layer of grav- el, removing all surplus materials, in- cluding engineering and supervision dur- ing the construction of said improve- ment, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having ap- plied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said proposed improvement ac- cording to the benefits, and an assess- ment therefor having been made and re- turned to said Court, General Number 376568, the final hearing thereon will be held on the fifteenth day of May, A. D 1922, or as spon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All per- sons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may ap- pear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in five an- nual installments with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, April 21, A. D. 1922. HARRY I. ORWIG Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Il1- linois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T7-2tc and' HOLD ANNIVERSARY PARTY Members of the Wilmette Chapter of the Eastern Star gave their annual anniversary dancing and card party Saturday evening at Jones' Willmette hall. The affair is one of the principal events of the season in the order. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING An informal public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals on Thursday, May 11th, 1922, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., at the Village Hall for the purpose of considering the matter of zoning restric- tions on property east of Sheridan Road between the south and north limits of ithe Village of Winnetka. ROBERT KINGERY, Chairman BOARD OF APPEALS Village of Winnetka, Ill. Dated Winnetka, Illinois, May 4th, 1922. T8-1te VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. (N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 376569 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the improvement of Glen- dale Avenue, from the north line ex- tended of Elm Street to the south line extended from the east of Oak: Street, including the east street and alley re- turns as far back as the east line ex- tended of said Glendale Avenue, and the west street return at Elm Street as far back as the west line extended of said Glendale Avenue, and the west street return at Oak Street north of the cen- ter line extended from the east of Oak Street to the west line extended from the north of safild Glendale Avenue; also Elm Street from the west line extended of said Glendale Avenue to a line par- allel with and thirty (30) feet west of the west line extended of said Glendale Avenue, by excavating, grading; draining, preparing subgrade, smoothing parkways, constructing combined curb and gutter, catch basin, manhole catch basins and a manhole, constructing an outlet ditch, and paving with reinforced Portland cement concrete a roadway thirty-six (36) feet wide in said Glendale Avenue between the north line extended of Elm Street and the center line extended from the east of Oak Street, and a roadway eighteen (18) feet wide in said Glendale Avenue from the center line extended from the east of Oak Street to the south line ex- tendéd from the east of Oak Street, and a roadway thirty-one (31) feet wide in said Elm Street from the west line ex- tended of said Glendale Avenue west for a distance of thirty (30) feet, except at curb corners, where said roadways shall be widened along curved lines, by pro- tecting, curbing and cleaning said pro- posed pavement, including trenching, backfilling, the removal of all surplus ex- cavated materials, and engineering and supervision during the construction of said improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same be- ing on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said vil- lage having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assess- ment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Num- ber 376569, the final hearing thereon will be held on the fifteenth day of May, A. D. 1922, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, April 21, A. D. 1922. HARRY I. ORWIG Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Il- linois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T7-2tc Read the Want Ads LLESUTINY Pstiny favors those-- t0ho form the adit of saving their money - ESTINY favors the man who D opens a savings account and at regular intervals adds to his bank balance. Open a savings account today and Destiny will put your name on the right side of the ledger. gc + WINNETRA i VERY & EVINCED CARES WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922 15 "OPEN HOUSE" Saturday, April 29, was "open house" at the Winnetka exchange of the Illi- nois Bell Telephone company. Visi- tors were directed through the place and permitted to make a minute in- spection of the inside workings of a telephone office. CARD AND BUNCO PARTY The Scandinavian Pleasure club is to give a Card and Bunco party at Community House Saturday evening, May 13. LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Judge Samuel W. Greene, C.S., of Louisville, Kentucky, is to deliver a lecture on Christian Science Friday evening, May 12, at the Masonic Hall, Glencoe. The lecture is under auspices of the First Church of Christ, Scien- tist, of Glencoe. GRADUATE MASSEUSE Julia A. Schempp will give scientific massage, medicated baths at your home, obstetrical daily and hourly nursing. Day calls, Glencoe 951. Night calls, Glen- coe 704. Ltg26-1tp NOW Se el ANAL PETERSON OFFICE 30 NORTH LA SALLE ST. IS THE TIME TO PLANT CASH AND CARRY TREES SHRUBS FRUITS PLANTS. Big reduction in price when you come to our nursery for them. All stock hardy--freshly dug--roots not dried out. How to get to our nursery. Peterson Ave. is the north line of Rosehill Cemetery. Go west about 2 miles to nursery, just across the canal. Fine roads. Sixty-six years in this location. We also make estimates and plant the stock when desired. NURSERY TELEPHONE MAIN 3613 PHONE WINNETKA 110 Imm HARRY PORTER Furniture Moving Expressing Shipping and Packing SPECIAL TRIPS TO CITY MOTOR SERVICE i 845 SPRUCE S T., W J INNETKA . Service with a Smile "Service with a Smile" would mean very little if we didn't "deliver the goods." manship with materials. We stand back of our work- confidence be- cause we employ the Best mechanics and use the Best HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 NORTH AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS Phone Winnetka 617

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