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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 May 1922, p. 16

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ES -- WANT ADS WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT OR BUY 5 OR 6- rm. house in Wilmette or Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 121. T8-1tc FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED APT. REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. Unexcelled Service to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate 5-R. stucco bungalow, new, good location in Winnetka, $9,000 easy terms. New 5-R. Kalistone bungalow, H. W. heat, nice neighborhood, convenient to transportation. Best buy in Wilmette for $10,000. 7-R. house, desirable location, sun parlor, breakfast porch, beautiful wooded lot. See it before you buy. Only $13,700. New 6-R. brick and frame, colonial, at- tractive East location, sun parlor, IH. W. heat, very pretty home, $18,000. 6-R. stucco house, extreme east loca- tion, sleeping porch, 2-car garage, lot 50 x192. This is a well built house and hy make you an attractive home. $15, - 000. 10-R. as. sun, breakfast and didep: ing porches, H. W. heat, 2-car gar- age, a good buy for price asked. 50 feet, $19,000.00, 100 feet $23,000. Phones 640-1417-2066 1157 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Ltg26-1te M. L. MOODY & CO. oy BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, 5,800. room stucco bungalow, fine loc. $8,300. room new brick bung., beaut. wooded lot, $10,500. room new stucco, $9,500. 8 room stucco, water heat, 46x300, 2 car garage, east. Bargain, $11,500. For Rent--New 6 room 'house, only $90. Bo last lot in Wilmette for only aS oon > sacrif. cash, $1,000, We suggest you inspect our list of low priced lots, and also the choice ones on the Road, one block to lake, per. ft. $115. 511 4th St. Tel. Wil. 2248 LTG26-1tc HUBBARD WOODS, ALMOST NEW Colonial home in best southwest section, near depot and school, 3 large bedrooms, with space for two more, two baths and lavatory, sun parlor, breakfast porch and two sleeping porches, H. W. heat. No-Kol burner, double heated garage. Price reduced to $23,500. Winnetka, a real bargain in a well built colonial stucco home on Foxdale Ave. FOR RENT--JULY 1ST, ATTRACTIVE 6 room apartment, $100 per mo.; near station and lake. Tel. Evans. 612. LTG26-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--TO RESPONSIBLE PER- son, private garage at $10 per mo. 778 Foxdale Ave. Tel. Winn. 1488. TS8-1tp FOR SALE--LOTS FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W, LTG26-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- FURNISHED ROOM OR rooms, preferably with kitchen privi- leges by young couple who will be on north shore during the summer months. LTG26-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM IN private family for one or two gentle- men. Convenient to trans. Tel. Wil. 442. LTG26-1tc ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Ltl7-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE COMFORTABLE room, private family, bath, two blocks from Lake. Tel. Winn. 1541. Ltg26-1tc FOR RENT--SLEEPING ROOM FOR gentlemen, $5 per week. Phone Win. 775. 1018 Ash St. T8-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WOMAN, WHITE, FOR CLEANING and laundry work at golf club, to go FOR RENT--FURN. home nights. Meals furnished. Tel. Wilmette 1711. LT26-1tc WANTED--A RELIABLE (WHITE) laundress one day a week. Tel. Wil 1484. Ltg26-1tc WANTED--GIRL (WHITE) FOR GEN- eral housework. Tel. Wil. 822-W. Lt26-1tc FOR GEN- 'Wil. 288. Ltg26-1tc 'WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work. Not over 40. Two adults. Tel. Winn. 296. Tg8-1te WANTED--GENERAL MAID, FAMILY of 4; no washing; must be experienced; good home and wages. WANTED--WHITE GIRL eral housework. Tel. with 100 feet frontage, 7 large Joos A¥e. Jubbard Woods: Tel. Wing Jt H. W. heat, fine trees and shrubs. Owner has cut price to $14,500. WANTED -- A GIRL FOR GENL Hubbard Woods, 7 room home with| housework; 6 rms. 3 in family; no breakfast and Sleeping porches, fine lo- washing; good wages. Tel. Winn. 71. cation, nice lot, $10, T8-1te FRANK 10s "REID WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for gen'l housework (protestant 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods preferred). Wages $18. Tel. Winn. Tel. Win. 1300 LTG26-1tc 215. Tgs-1te "LEST YOU FORGET 'M. E. BARKER & CO. Has the most attractive bargains in both vacant and improved propetty on the North Shore. Below we describe two real buys. A BEAUTIFUL STUCCO HOME IN THE best east side location; 3 large bed- rooms, very large living room. Fire place. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 50x185. The biggest --bargain at $14,000. One of the best corners in Wilmette; south east front; wonderfully wooded. For quick sale, $65 a foot. Phone Wil. 407. LTG26-1te FOR SALE--WE CAN ARRANGE FOR you to move into a new 5-room bunga- low for a very modest down payment ,and balance, like rent or about §75 per month. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304. Ltg26-1tc FOR SALE--BY OWNER, %5-ROOM house now paying 13 per cent. interest on $7,000. An excellent investment for some one. Address Box 155, Wilmette, 111. Ltg26-1tc Lower Prices for Real Estate Prevail in Deerfield than along the North Shore. DEER- FIELD, Lake County, is the most at- tractive Suburb on the 'St. Paul" Rail- road. It is situated three miles West of Highland Park on the Waukegan concrete road. For a limited time you can buy a 60x 135 foot lot in Von Linde's Subdivision within three blocks of the depot, school, and shopping district, for as low as $12 per foot. Come to our DEERFIELD office this week-end, for further details. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. 110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. Branch offices: in Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Deerfield. WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'LL HOUSE- work. Go home nights if desired. Tel. Kenil. 429. T8-1tc WANTED--SHERIDAN ROAD HOME, experienced white second maid for family, 3 adults, good wages; references required. Tel. Win. 414. Tg8-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO DO LAUN- Call 860 Burr }) FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WE TELL YOU SO There are no set speeches in our used car department; every car has its own history, its own limitation and its own advantages. We tell you so and even the inexperienced buyer knows at once that he can count on square treatment. A few of this week's offerings: OAKLAND TOURING 1917 production. Has had consider- able mechanical adjustment, paint, top; tires very good. 6-40 HUDSON 1916 model; winter top; a very popular car with Continental motor, a rare value at the price we are asking. OVERLAND TOURING Model 83, 5-passenger, in good me- chanical condition, paint and tires very good; price low FORD TOURING 1919 production, taken in on a new Dodge car; exceptionally good condi- tion throughout. Special bargain. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 165 Ltg26-1tc netka; phone 27. Tg8-1tp FOR SALE--HUDSON SUPER-SIX sedan; mechanically perfect; newly painted; 5 new cords. Call Wilmette 2128 or Evanston 4756 after 6 p. m. and Sunday r T8-1te FOR SALE--OLDSMOBILE 8-CYLIN. Excellent cond. All good cord tires, including spare; has been driven by private party in the city only. Will sell very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 142, Mr. Smith. Tg8-1tc CADILLAC 8-CYL.; MODEL 51; TOUR. re-bored cyl, new pistons and wrist pins, also other new engine parts; 2 new tires; in good condition throughout. A real bargain. Tel. Winn. 165, Tg8-1tc CADILLAC 8 -- TYPE 57, 1918 MODEL | touring car; continuously in hands of present owner and in care of chauf- feur; has seat covers, side curtains, bumper, clock, Royal cord tires- and spare tire; recently refinished and painted; runs smoothly and is in good condition. A great bargain at $1,200; __may be seen at 593 Sheridan Rd., Win- "WANTED TO BUY AUTOMOBILES WANTED--USED FORD SEDAN IN good mechanical condition. Tel. Win. 725. Tg8-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--A 3 PIECE GENUINE wicker sun parlor set, suitable for porch. Dining room set, dark oak. Tel. Winn. 840. Address 491 Fir St. LTG26-1tc FOR SALE--HOOSIER KITCHEN CAB- inet; good condition, $25. 1065 Chatfield dry work or cleaning. Tel. Wil. 914-J. | _Rd., Winn. T8-1tp T8-1tc | FOR SALE -- STRONG SANITARY COLORED WOMAN TO DO LAUNDRY | ¢ouch bed, 2 mattresses to fit, $17. work by day. Apply X Y Z Care Winn. Baby's crib on wheels, $3. Tel. Winn. Weekly Talk. T7-2tp FL saad ecs 479 ane Rd. ES "OR E--TEN- INLAID - WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING z ini 3 and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. Tgb-dtc| rsa dining room set. Lol HELP WANTED MALE FOR SALE--BED, SPRING AND MAT- WANTED--GARDEN HELPER FOR tress. Price $10. Win. 518-R. the summer. Tel. Winn. 11. Address Tg8-1tc 391 Sheridan Rd. T8-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also driv- ways put in; an furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. LTG24- EXPERIENCED GARDENER, WANTS a steady position. Tel. Winn. 1644. Ltg26-1tc WANTED--HOUSE AND GARDEN work; work done reasonable. Tel. Wil. 895-Y-4. T6-tfc COMPANION COMPANION OR TUTOR TO TRAVEL abroad, French instructor, linguist 30 years previous experience. Address Winnetka Talk, B-10. Tg8-1tp PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win, 509-J. Ltgl5-tfe WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. = Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, IIL Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc WANTED TO BUY--2 FLAT OR ROLL top desks; good condition; reasonable. FOR SALE--HOUSE Tel. Wil. 631. Ltg26-1tc FOR ALE INT ETRA ATTRA FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS room cottage, fireplace, ench doors on nice large lot near depot and school. BOR wo LE-BDRN WASHING rs For quick sale, $4,500. Inquire 877 Thor Cleaner He AA Ty wel 8.00 Elm St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 1689. Ltg| pyreka Cleaner ...... 000000000 12.50 FOR SALE--904 VERNON AVE. GLEN- coe, 7-rm. frame house and large barn. Grounds 66x200 ft. Fine shade and fruit trees. $9,000. Ltg26-1te NEW COLONIAL BRICK HOUSE, NINE rooms, three baths, $25,000. Owner, 449 Ida Place, Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 195. Ltg26-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED FOR RENT--FURNISHED, OR SALE, the beautiful house and grounds of 214 acres at 1192 Chatfield Rd., Hubbard Woods. Ideal situation. E. P. May- nard & Co., exclusive agents. Hubbard Woods. Ltg26-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--8-ROOM MODERN RESI- dence. Immediate possession. 700 Lin- den Ave. Ltg26-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE MODERN 8- rm. house, wooded lot. Address 1316 Chestnut Ave., Wil. Tel. Kenil. 66. Litg26-1tc FOR RENT--FOR ONE YEAR FUR- nished, 6-room house on edge of Skokie, Hubbard Woods. Desirable location, garden, flowers. Price $225 a month. References required. Address Winnet- ka Talk B-13. Tg8-1te FOR RENT--6-RM. HOUSE, FUR- nished, June 10 to Sept. 10, very reason- able. Tel. Winn. 806. Tg8-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE HOUSE, PARTLY furnished, garage, garden; $115. In- quire 684 Center St., Winn. T8-1tp FOR RENT--NEAR LAKE, IN WIN- netka, for July and August, English cottage, rooms completely furnished; garage. Near transportation. 341 Woodland Ave. Phone Winnatka, 28% -2tp Stahl rectiflfer'pipé N.......c.0.- All in perfect condition. Tel. Winn. 44. Ltg26-1tc FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD condition, $15. Tel. Glen. 910. Address 100 Crescent drive, Glencoe. LTG26-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE -- CLARINET, B FLAT, good condition. Call Kenilworth 347. LTG26-1te FOR SALE--THOR WASH. MACHINE; porcelain-lined ice box; library table; dining rm. table, etc. McDermott, 226 9th St., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 1718. Ltg26-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY CHINA CAB- inet; also mahogany music cabinet. Tel. Win. 11, add. 391 Sheridan Rd. T8-1tp FOR SALE--COLLIE PUPPIES OUT OF champion registered stock; white col- lars, extra long muzzle. 1627 Walnut Ave., Wil T8-1te JFOR SALE--GAS RANGE (GARLAND) 2 ovens, warming cabinet, four burn- ers, good condition, reasonable. Tel. 'Winn. 1425. T8-1te FOR SALE--ONE GOOD COW; ALSO heifer calf, 9 mo. old. 118 Maple Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 494. Tg8-1tp FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE AND bassinet in good condition. Tel. Winn. 1196. Address 792 Foxdale. T8-1te FOR SALE--EVENING DRESS, SIZE 36; good condition. Tel. Win. 393. T8-1tc FOR SALE--8 PORCH SCREENS, storm door, $5. E. Burns, 444 Drexel Ave. Phone 876. Tg8-1te WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC STENOGRAPH ER, TYPEWRITING, MULTIGRAPHING, mimeographing, addressing, folding and mailing, promptly and accurately done. Evanston Letter Service, 620 Davis St. Tel. Evans. 6145. Ltg25-4tc SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 434. Tel. Wil. 1038 INVESTMENTS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP Ltg25-1tc NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GARD- eners, experienced and competent in caring for and planting flowers, vege- tables and everything in the line of gardening. Tel. Wil. 708-N. Lt26-1tp LOST AND FOUND STRAYED--WHITE FEMALE SETTER dog with black markings; last seen wore old collar with Winnetka 1921 tag. 1030 Hubbard Lane, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Win. 923. T8-1tc LOST--A FUR CHOKER ON FRIDAY evening, April 28, in or near the Wom- an's club. Return to 800 Walden Rd. Reward. Tel. Winn. 1512. T8-1tc FOUND--AT ANNUAL MEETING OF Winnetka Woman's club, a small change purse; was left on the treas- urer's desk. Owner Tel. Winn. 1153. T8-1tc LOST--HAT BOX WITH FINE HATS NOTARY on road between Winnetka and Lake Forest. Reward. Breese, Deerpath Inn, Lake Forest, Ill. Tg8-1tc LOST--ENGLISH SHEEP DOG; VERY shaggy (large); black and gray with white collar. Recently strayed from Glencoe; 481 Grove St. Tel. Glen. 307. (Reward). Tg8-1tc BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO. 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON Ltg26-3tc New Trier Summer School Begins Sessions June 19 Summer school at New Trier High school will open June 19, the Monday following Commencement. According to announcement made this week. This season the courses of instruc- tion will be the same as those offered during the last session, with the ad- dition of general science. This course is offered especially to aid pupils in working off physiology credits. The school library will be open during the summer session. Principal Eston V. charge of the school. Tubbs will be in You'll Be Sorry. "Some o' these days," says a Georgia philosopher, "you' 11 see things so clearly that youll wish you were back where you're located now, and you won't have a return ticket."--Atlanta Constitution. Chinese 'Prof' Also Has " Sobriquet of His Own (Continued from page 1%) else to Lintsing. Either place offers boundless opportunity for work. Lint- sing is in Shantung Province, not far from Techow. Our summer plans de- pend upon the decision as to our sta- tion. Wherever we spend the hot season, we will have a teacher with us and will be working away at the lan- guage. We would like very much to go to Peitaho but living expenses are quite high there so we shall probobly go to the Western Hills near Peking or else go over into Shansi near Fenchow. "Tis a Small World We are having a very pleasant year here in Peking. We constantly be- come acquainted with people who know friends of ours in America or have some other connection. On Tues- days and Fridays I go to the Y. M. gym class and there I meet the men from the Peking Union Medical Col- lege, among them the Meleney brothers and of course the Winnetka Meleney is still another brother. Charlotte has met them also dowm at the P. U. M. C. and we expect to go over to tea some time soon. Just last week we were invited to the Woman's College for dinner one evening and there met Mrs. Murray Frame who has just re- turned from America. She visited Winnetka in the fall and spoke at a meeting or two. While in Chicago she was entertained at Mr. Frank Kimball's in Oak Park and there met Charlotte's mother. And so these de- lightful relationships grow and new ones are found. Dr. Nehemiah Boynton has just come to Peking for three months as guest of the Union church here. The Amer- ican Board folks are having a supper next Tuesday evening in honor of his coming and Mrs. Frame"s return. His daughter Grace teaches here in the Woman's College of Peking University. Appreciate Chinese People This is a wonderful year for us. It is so fine to have time not only for language study but also to begin to get acquainted with the people and to visit some of the places which speak 80 eloquently of the inner life of the Nation. Our knowledge is indeed very small but it is growing and our ap- preciation of this people is mounting daily. No doubt all this will save us from many a blundering mistake. Our very deepest regards to all of you. We would be glad to have any or all of you write to us. Do not feel that we are too busy to enjoy your letters. Nothing would give us greater pleasure than to write individually te you all. Sincerely yours, PAUL R. REYNOLDS. OSE 3 ] HE mmr AE LEE LE EE EE EEE EE If you are partial tosome other make, CASINGS MOUNTED FREE Also a full line of Hydro-Tyron Tires par ally reduced. po Jr in North efDepofy | tes | _ALS Cony Dopee BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue HH Sn, S There are two reasons why you should have KELLY -SPRINGFIELD tires on your car. ---the quality is better than ever ---and the prices have been drastic- You can now buy a high-quality, high-mil- age Kelly for no more than you would have to pay for an ordinary tire. your order for same in the morning will be filled beforeinight Winnetka Pall

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