WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 2%, 1922 Alton-Coolidge Nuptials Open June Season Here HE marriage of Miss Jean Al- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B." Alton, to Wellington Coolidge, will be solemnized on Saturday evening of next week, June 3, in the Congregational Church, at eight thirty o'clock. Rev. James Austin Richards will perform the ceremony, which is to be followed by a reception at the Alton home, 577 Cherry street. Miss Alton will have as her attend- ants, Mrs. John Coolidge of Winnetka, as matron of honor, Miss Virginia Bu- chanan, as maid of honor, and the Misses Maude Hinman and Kathryn McKinney, of Winnetka, Gladys Jones of Glencoe, and Dorothy Killen of Cali- fornia, as bridesmaids. Mr. John Cool- idge will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers will be Frank Coolidge, of Detroit, another brother, Robert Alton, brother of the bride, Francis Allen, Richmond Kenyon and Ogden Cook of Kenilworth, and John Bellows of Evanston. Among the parties being given in honor of Miss Alton, is a tea given next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Maude Hinman, 576 Oak street, and a bridge tea at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brooks, 439 Walnut street, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alton will give the bridal dinner on next Friday evening at In- dian Hill club. --(-- With the month of May, the Wom- an's Society of the Congregational church closes its work for the year. The annual business meeting and luncheon on May 3 called out a large attendance. Reports of the year's ac- tivities were unusually interesting and well presented. The audience was almost thrilled when the chairman of the sewing committee announced the number of thousands of button- holes made during the year. The election of officers resulted as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Edwin E. Brown; first vice-president, Mrs. Wal- Jace Rumsay; second vice-president, Mrs. William D. Truesdale; corre- sponding secretary, Mrs. Roy Eng- strom; recording secretary, Mrs. Ver- non Welsh; treasurer, Mrs. Edward P. Farwell: Chairman Work commit tee, Mrs. Montague Ferry; Luncheons, Mrs. Charles Thomson; Missions, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty; Flowers, Mrs. Merritt Lum; Circles, Mrs. Hoyt Mc- Clain: House, Mrs. Theodore Coyne; Social, Mrs. Arthur Sterrett; mem- bers-at-large, Mrs. Charles Moon, Mrs. Guy Watson, and Mrs. Wiley J. Hud- dle. The afternoon closed with some greatly enjoyed musical numbers giv- en by Mrs. Anning and Mrs. Robert Kingery. On the following Wednes- day, May 10, occurred the last of the missionary programs and social gath- erings in the homes. This was the annual spring festival and thank of- fering which was held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Smith. An interesting address was given by Dr. Jenkins, president of the Union Theological Seminary, Miss Harsh gave some piano numbers in her always delight- ful manner and Mrs. Brewer, with Miss Pratt accompanying, some violin solos which were equally pleasing. The hostess made the social hour so attractive that those present ad- journed with regret from this last gathering of the season. CTIVITIES | The first meeting of the new year | comes on Wednesday, October 4, in | Community House--an enlarged Com- munity House it is hoped. =g The Girl's Hi-Y club at New Trier high school held its annual banquet on Monday evening last, with an at- tendance of seventy five, including a few members of the faculty and offi- cial sponsor. Members of the old cabinet introduced the new members who are to fill their places in the fall. The old cabinet included the follow- ing chairmen and officers: Service, Jane Nystrom; Social, Rebecca Wheelock; Program, Eleanor Elliott; Membership, Marion Boice; Publicity, Luella Burroughs; Treasurer, Phyl- lis Barry; Secretary, Catherine Gran- quist; Vice-president, Margaret Wil- liams; President, Florence Wheelock. New members of the cabinet will be: Service, Bernice Bulley; Social, Frances Devere; Program, Eleanor Elliott; Membership, Jane Nystrom; Publicity, Edwina Vosberg; Treasurer, Catherine Granquist; Secretary, Helena Bradford; Vice-president, Jane Nystrom; President, Marion Boice. Miss Kahler gave a toast to the ser- vice girls, which was answered by Dorothy Gray. This was followed by a talk on "Japan and Its Customs" by Miss Nakaniski, a Japanese, who is taking up graduate work at North- western. --Q-- A delightful program was presented yesterday afternoon by the pupils of Kathleen Air, Katherine Hedglin and Florence Breyfogle of the Winnetka Branch of the Columbia School of Music, at the Winnetka 'Woman's Club. Those participating included Frances and Marion Alschuler, Helene Younkers, Charlotte Bach, Elizabeth Sanford, Margot Atkin, Katherine Roach, Ruth Marion Adams, Helen MacMorran, Helen Bell, Vera Mae Ogan, Emma Rummler, Mary Miller, Barbara Burlingham Ruth Hamburg- er, Margaret Whipple, Barbara Bar- rett, Helen Olsen, Joseph Serpico, Gladys Marquette, Hazel Cooley, Jes- sie Lind2n, Mary Marhle, Frances Ranney, Bernice Abrahamson, Eleanor Sherman, Jean Markley, Mary Lloyd, Betty Craig, Janet Olmsted, Lucy Ruby, Susan Burlingham, Evelyn Ol- sen, Gertrude Rosenfeld and Dorothy Dickinson. ---- The following are amongst the box- holders for the Choir Concert and Tableaux, to be given Friday evening, June second, at the Winnetka Wom- an's Club, for the benefit of the Boy's Camp of Christ Church: Mr. and Mrs. Rush Butler, Mr. George Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, Mrs. James Houghteling, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forman and Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kellogg. Dr. and Mrs. Blatchford are sharing a box with the Victor Eltings, Mr. and Mrs. Mancel Clark and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mordock have a box together as also have Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Daughaday and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bailey. A "dutch-treat" box party includes Mr. and Mrs. Buck- ingham Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wal- ter Strong and the Towner Websters. --_--O-- On Thursday evening of last week, the teachers of the Horace Mann school entertained the teachers from the other schools informally at the school house, and last Monday evening all of the teachers were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Washburne, at a hay seed party given at their home, 467 Chestnut street. The guests wore the costumes of farmers and farmer- | ] Save Every Phase of Their Childhood The photography of children has been a study with us. All too soon they grow up. Photograph them along the way. STANTON WILHITE PHOTOGRAPHER 3 | ettes, and in place of the chairs and soft sofas, to sit on, there were hay- stacks and all that goes with them. | The affair was pronounced one of the most successful of the year. The Hub- bard Woods school teachers enter- tained on Thursday evening with a masquerade with the other teachers as their guests. -- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Leonard, 861 Bryant avenue, are leaving June 11 for the east, where they will meet their children, who have been study- ing in eastern schools, and all will go directly to their summer home in the Adirondack mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Mandel of Chicago, will occupy the Leonard home during the sum- mer, taking up their occupancy about the middle of June. --Q-- Seventy-seven clubwomen have con- tributed, in sums of from one to twenty-five dollars, for the Lieber Campaign fund, making a total to date of $336.00. The quota was $500, and since the subscriptions for the fund have not as yet been closed, an oppor- tunity is given the women to con- tribute. Checks may be sent to Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, 655 Maple avenue. ---- Mr. M. L. Greeley, Jr. 655 Maple avenue, has returned from New York city where he has been a guest at the home of his fiancee, Miss Elizabeth Townsend, for a fortnight. Mr. Sid- ney F. Greeley, who is with the Den- nison Manufacturing company in Framingham, Mass., is expected home or June 24, to spend his vacation with his parents. --O-- Mr. Joseph Greeley, who recently won the running high jump, five feet, eight inches, at the Harvard-Yale Freshman meet, is expected to re- turn home from Harvard the middle of June, to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, 655 Maple avenue. --Q-- Mrs. Mary Dennick of 572 Center street, has as her guest, her nephew, Mr. A. L. Chandler of Glendale, Cal, who is spending several weeks here en route from the Knight Templar convention at New Orleans, to the (ADELPHI 7074 N. CLARK at ESTES SAM ATKINSON, Managing Director SATURDAY - - - MAY 27 BETTY COMPSON "The Green Temptation" Special Vocal Selections il ll The women's golf committee of the Indian Hill club held its first meeting on Wednesday. Mrs. Howard V. O'Brien is chairman of the committee, and other members include Mrs, Wil- loughby Walling, Mrs. Frederick Marsh, Miss Margaret Knapp and Mrs. M. P. Noyes. ---- Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson of Sheridan road, will return on June 1, from her winter home at Santa Barbara, Cal, and will sail shortly thereafter, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal and family, to spend some time with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, in Ber- lin. or Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Marble, 844 Lincoln avenue, returned from the South, Wednesday morning. 0800800000000080008000060 PITTI ITIIIIIITIIIITIIVIITIIVYY Special Cakes and Ice Creams For all occasions. So good that they melt in your mouth. Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka 0000000000 0080000btl VOIP TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVC PPV VV VV VV VVIVVIVIVVVVYUN POPP PPIPIIVIIIVIIVIIIIIIY POV VP IVI VVVVVVVVYVYOS POPP PPPPIPIIIIIIIIIIOIO Miss Caroline de Windt, returned early this week from a visit in Cin- cinnati. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Frank Taylor Andrews of Chicago will have a shower in compliment to Miss de Windt whose marriage to Albert S. Gardner will take place on June 10. fA you don't want-a Skin like t tect 7 Fon Sather and ruinous effects of exposure with a most delightful application of [ARINELLO Motor Cream before venturing out of doors at any time. Phoebe Jane 747 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill, Phone Winnetka 822 P. W. BRADSTREET HEADQUARTERS-- WINNETKA REAL ESTATE 520 Linden St. Phone 162 $2,500.00 or $3,000.00 | to loan on a first mortgage @ 6 1-29, 2 1-29, commission SUNDAY - - - - MAY 28 AGNES AYRES "THE ORDEAL" Special Vocal Selections fe a MONDAY and TUESDAY Rudolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson "Beyond the Rocks" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ZANE GREY'S "When Romance Ends" ST 7:15 and 8:45 COMMUNITY HOUSE FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd Admission 25¢ VIOLA DANA: in ""Glass Houses" Her gayest comedy of adventure and hilarious complications COMING!!! "STRONGHEART," the Belgian Police Dog in the wonder picture of the year "THE SHENT CALL" 561 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS South Water Fruit Market "BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY" Phone Win. 392 Our prices are never high - Buy hereand save money Fresh Pineapples . . . . 15¢ and 30c¢ Rhubarb, 31bs. . .... . 0" ha 28c Strawberries, low price. Mushrooms, low price. Lettuce ...... .. a0 000 00.00. 10e, 15¢, 20¢ Fancy Asparagus, bunch . . . . 15¢ Radishes, 3 bunches .. ..... 10c¢ Fresh String Beans, qt. . . . . . . . 15¢ New Potatoes, Peck. . .......70¢ ENED EEE I EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE NEE EEE EEE EEE til: